Top 24 Apps Similar to Dynamic TKD

Taekwondo Forms
couch dev
This app contains animated videos ofTaekwondopatterns (also called Hyong, Poomse, hyeong, pumsae,orteul):• 25 WTF patterns (Taegeuk, Palgwae and Black Belt patterns)• 24 ITF patterns• Each form can be viewed from 4 differentdirections(left/right/front/back)• Brief description of each form• Description of each move for every form• Android M: The playback speed of the video can be changed• Select one or more motions to play them in a loop• Switch between english and korean terms in themotiondescriptions• Dictionary with english/korean term translations (with210translations)For news about this app follow us onTwitter: use our Google+Community notes: The app comes bundled with Taegeuk IlJang,all other forms can be downloaded for free from within theapp. Tochange the video perspective just tap on theleft/right/top/bottomedge area of the video. By tapping the middleof the video you canshow/hide the video controls.Compared to the free version this version providesadditionalfeatures:• No advertisements• Videos for all patterns from four sides• The video controls can be set to always visible• The video can be set to stop automatically after eachmotion• Tap the camera icons on the Motions tab to jump to themotion'sposition in the video• Android M: Playback speed can be changed for all forms• Loop playback for all patterns• Korean terms for all patterns• Full dictionary with english/korean term translations (with210translations)
BJJ Core Concepts 1.2
BJJ CORE CONCEPTS: A STEP BY STEP FORMULA FOR HACKINGBRAZILIANJIU-JITSU In BJJ Core Concepts you’ll learn how to hackBrazilianJiu-Jitsu and become an effective grappler much faster.The ‘hacks’you’ll be getting are actually the underlying conceptsandprinciples of jiu-jitsu, the keys to the BJJ kingdom. You'llstartlearning BJJ faster, retaining techniques better, movingmoreefficiently, and start beating bigger and more experiencedpeople.Jiu-jitsu isn’t some sort of magic and doesn’t requireextremestrength, speed, or athleticism. Instead it’s a strugglebetweentwo people using positioning, leverage and momentum. Theperson whouses them best has a HUGE edge over his opponent. Nomatter whatposition or situation you’re in on the ground, alltechniques relyon concepts like base, posture, structure, leverage,framing, andcontrol of momentum. In BJJ Core Concepts you’ll learnhow to applythese concepts directly to your grappling, with manyconcreteexamples to shortcut your way to the top. 1 CONCEPT ISWORTH 1000TECHNIQUES Jiu-jitsu can be complicated at first becausethere arethousands of different techniques including armlocks,chokes,sweeps, escapes, guard retention movements, guard passes,etc. It’scertainly possible to learn BJJ by memorising more andmoretechniques - many people have done exactly that - but it’s aslowand inefficient process that takes years. You’ll get bettermuchfaster if you start with an understanding of theunderlyingconcepts and principles of grappling. Once you know themyou’llstart looking at BJJ techniques in a whole new way. No longerwillthe techniques be a long series of steps you need tomemorise;instead they’ll become applications of the same fewconcepts againand again. Take a look at what high level grapplersare doing: mostof what makes them so good is that they make minuteadjustments totheir body positioning on the fly, often withoutconscious thought.Usually these grapplers have achieved thisunderstanding throughyears of training and competing with the eliteof the sport. BJJCore Concepts gives you the formula for decodingand replicatingexactly what’s happening with these elite levelgrapplers. Once youunderstand what’s going on in their ’hidden’jiu-jitsu you’llautomatically start making the same adjustments inyour owntraining. WHAT’S IN THE BJJ CORE CONCEPTS APP? The appcontains onehour and 33 minutes of filler-free video-basedinstruction. 2 BJJblack belts will go through all the mostimportant BJJ conceptswith you, breaking things down intobite-sized pieces with fullmenus to make it easier to learn andretain the material. It’s notsome theoretical physics PhD thesiseither. You’ll get lots ofconcrete examples of these principles inaction, so you’llimmediately be able to start using this materialon the mats. BJJCore Concepts will help you no matter if you’retraining in BJJ, nogi submission grappling, MMA or for self defensepurposes. ABOUTROB AND STEPHAN Rob Biernacki is a BJJ black beltwho has travelledextensively to compete and train with many ofthe topjiu-jitsu instructors active today.   Rob’s otherBJJinstructional apps have been very popular and include * BJJBackAttacks Formula * BJJ Top and Guard Passing Formula * BJJBottomand Guard Game Formula His ability to identify and teachtheunderlying principles of jiu-jitsu has made him a verypopularseminar instructor, and many competitors have creditedhim fortheir critical competition breakthroughs. Stephan Kesting isa BJJblack belt, a Combat Submission Wrestling instructor andthefounder of He has been training in thestriking,grappling, and weapons-oriented martial arts for over 30years.  Stephan has helped thousands of grapplers improvetheirskills through his clear and easy-to-use instructional apps,DVDs,and online videos.
Aikido Weapons - ALL 2.0
Barakkuda Co. Ltd
“Aikido Weapons ALL” includes all Aikido Weapons apps fromAikidoWeapons 1 to 6
Christian Tissier Aikido 2.0
Barakkuda Co. Ltd
"Aikido Christian Tissier" - A wide variety of Aikido techniques.
OneJitsu 2.0.0
Find the BJJ gyms and training partners around you and all overtheglobe.
Taekwon-Do ITF Theory 2.5.7
Jan Laš
This Taekwon-Do app contains selected chapters of theory ofthismartial arts.
BJJ Roadmap by Stephan Kesting 1.0
THE FASTEST WAY TO LEARN BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU! Do youwantlearnBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu the right way? Then grab the BJJRoadmapappand let the pieces of the puzzle immediately startcomingtogetherfor you. BJJ is the most effective grappling systemin theworld,but it can be very confusing for your first couple ofyearsoftraining. But BJJ can, and should, make sense! The BJJRoadmapappis the perfect tool for getting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsuright,rightfrom the start. - Master the sense of overwhelm soyoucanconfidently navigate your way among the differenttechniquesandsubmissions in BJJ - Learn exactly how thedifferentgroundpositions fit together so that you never feel loston the matagain- Find out what exactly you should do next to getbetteratgrappling - Discover the missing components you need togetyourtechniques to work in a real life sparring situationUsinghighquality video instruction this app will give youthestrategies,tactics, techniques and training methods you need togetgood atBJJ as fast as possible. WHAT YOU'LL GET IN THE FREESECTIONOF THEAPP - A complete overview of the major BJJ positionsand howtheyfit together - A detailed breakdown of the Closed Guard,OpenGuardand Half Guard positions - Guard sweeps that take youfromthebottom to the top - Guard passes you can use to cutyourwaythrough your opponent's defences - How to avoid themostcommonmistakes made on the top and the bottom WHAT YOU'LL GETINTHE PAIDSECTION OF THE APP - Four more positions to round outyourBJJgame, including Side Mount, Knee Mount, Rear Mount andtheTurtlePosition - Advanced details to take your game to thenextlevelquickly and easily. - The best transitions to improveyourpositionso you can keep your opponent continually on thedefensive.-Effective escapes you can use even if your opponent isbiggerthanyou - Overviews of the most common, most effectivesubmissionsfromeach position - How to avoid the mistakes that canlead toinjuryor months of wasted time and effort as you do thewrong thingagainand again. This app covers a complete system forlearning BJJ.Itstarts with the Roadmap concept so that you get thecompletebigpicture of the art of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (along withtheconcepts,techniques and strategies used by almost everyadvancedplayer). Iwant you to know the ‘why, where, when, who andwhat’ ofeverythingyou learn in BJJ, which is why in this app wecover: -Why certaintechniques work better than others. - Where yourarmsand legs MUSTbe to avoid giving your opponent an easysubmission!f- When is thebest time for trying specific moves? - Whois bestsuited forcertain positions and submissions? - What thecriticaltake-homedetails are, without which your technique justwon’t work!Many BJJstudents never end up learning the fundamentalsof the artproperlybecause these basics are so ‘obvious’ to theirinstructorsthatthey don’t bother to pass them on to their students.But iftheconcepts, strategies and tactics of BJJ get laid out foryou inaclear, concise and interesting manner (instead of youhavingtofigure it all out through trial and error) then yourskillswillliterally jump to a new level overnight. ABOUTSTEPHANKESTINGStephan Kesting is a BJJ black belt and an instructorinCombatSubmission Wrestling. In addition to hisgrapplingcertificationshe also has a Black Belt in Kajukenbo Karateand is acertifiedInstructor in Dan Inosanto’s Filipino MartialArts,Majaphait Silatand Jun Fan JKD. With his series ofbest-sellingapps, DVDs, andinstructional programs he has helpedtens ofthousands of martialartists lift the level of theirgrappling game.
Street Gymnastic PRO 32-pro
PMP Sport Software
Calisthenics (also called bodyweight fitness) is back in vogueallacross the world. We are proud to bring you an applicationthatwill be by your side throughout your calisthenicstrainingexperience. Can't do a pull-up? Don't worry! We will guideyou frombeginner-level exercises all the way through to thechallengingones. Want to learn how to do muscle-ups? Our programwill prepareyou for this complex move step by step. On the way, youwill learnmany variations of push ups, leg and ABS exercises. Firstof all,calisthenics will help you to increase endurance, strength,bodyshape and general health. With our app, anyone can achievetheirworkout goals safely and using correct form. - three levels-instructional video for every exercise - 90 workouts inbaseversion - 379 bodyweight workouts in PRO version! - trainingtips,progress statistics. You can test the application byinstalling thebase version at first. Street workout!
Aikido Guide 1.0
Bjørn Eirik Olsen
A unique Aikido learning tool with 400 basic, flowing andadvancedvariations.
Megathlon : triathlon training 4.4
Megathlon provides triathlon, duathlon and aquathlontrainingprograms.
BlackBelt Coaching 1.03
Black Belt Project
Ultimate Taekwon-Do resource. Exercises, techniques, stances,sportpsychology.
Great Grappling Jiu-Jitsu 1.4
Great Grappling
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques from Gordo black belt Jeremy"TheGerbil" Arel
BJJ Master App by Grapplearts 7.0.22
BJJLINK Social 1.3.4
The one-stop-shop for ALL things Jiu Jitsu
BJJ Guard Game Formula 1.1
DEVELOP A DEADLY GUARD USING BJJ PRINCIPLES The BJJ Guard andBottomGame Formula contains more than 2 hours of in-depth BJJinstructionthat’ll give you a huge advantage on the mat. You’llget a complete,scientific and systematic guide to the guardposition. You’ll learnhow to control your opponent from the guard,how to prevent hisguard passes, and proven attack formulas tosweep or tap out youropponent. The guard is the most complexposition in BrazilianJiu-Jitsu. There are many different guardpositions and variations,and each position has hundreds oftechniques available to you.Trying to memorise each of thesetechniques is a losing battle. It'sall too much to remember, andit's too slow to access all thatinformation in the heat of thebattle. But by showing you theunderlying principles and conceptsof the bottom position it makeslearning the guard MUCH easier. Soyou'll learn techniques fasterand remember them easier if youstart with the principles andconcepts that underly all ofjiu-jitsu. Mechanical principles likeleverage, framing andmovement don’t change from position toposition, they’re the sameeverywhere, and once you know them youcan apply them all over theplace. Every technique, everytransition, and every strategy inthis app is based on thosefundamental principles. We'll show youexactly how those principlesapply and how to use them so you canthen apply them in othersituations. In the BJJ Guard and BottomGame Formula Brazilianjiu-jitsu black belts Rob Biernacki andStephan Kesting take youthrough their entire guard formula,starting with how how to controlyour opponent so he can’t easilypass your guard or disengage andrun away. Next you’ll learn themovements and principles of guardretention: these techniques willmake your guard virtuallyimpassable no matter what kind of guardpass your opponent uses.Then you’ll learn how to sweep and submityour opponent, even if healready knows the techniques you areusing. The most important thingto realise is that against aquality opponent you rarely just catchhim with ‘a technique’.Instead you have to first set it up so thathe’s off balance andout of position. We’ll show you how tosystematically dismantle hisbody alignment before launching yoursweep and submission attacks.Finally you’ll also learn therevolutionary new drills that’ll haveyou moving on the mat andattacking your opponent like an advancedplayer after just a fewsessions. ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTORS; ROB ANDSTEPHAN Rob Biernacki isthe creator of the renowned BJJ BackAttacks Formula and BJJ TopGame Formula. He's a BJJ black belt andtravels extensively tocompete and train with many of the topjiu-jitsuinstructors active today. Rob's ability to identifyand teachthe underlying principles of jiu-jitsu has made hima verypopular seminar instructor, and many competitors havecreditedhim for their critical competition breakthroughs. StephanKesting isa BJJ black belt, a Combat Submission Wrestlinginstructor and thefounder of He has been trainingin the striking,grappling, and weapons-oriented martial arts forover 30 years.  A master teacher, Stephan has helpedthousands of grapplersimprove their skills through his clear andeasy-to-use instructionalapps, DVDs, and online videos.
Movement Athlete
The Movement Athlete
Get strong, lean and mobile with adaptive calisthenics.
Taekwon-Do ITF Patterns With M 1.12
Black Belt Project
Taekwon-Do ITF patterns w/ Jaroslaw Suska, multiple WorldandEuropean Champion.
Boxing Timer Pro - Round Timer 1.3
SimpleTouch LLC
A professional grade, fullyconfigureableboxing timer for the Android. Designed for trainingany roundinterval or circuit sport such as boxing, martial arts,wrestling,Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Muay Thai, or any other roundtimer needssuch as crossfit HIIT or circuit training.FEATURES:* Fully configurable sounds and times* Beautiful interface with large time display* Set times and sounds for preparation, round, warningandrest* Color indication of phase* Blinking to alert warning* Screen stays on automatically* Works with screen on or off* Portrait and landscape support* Set sound volume and vibration* Pause and resume sessionADVANCED FEATURES:* Round repeat mode* Scales for larger phones and tablets* Multitasking support* 6 programmable presets* 9 Authentic boxing sounds/bellsUSES FOR THIS ANDROID APP:Boxing TimerRound TimerInterval TimerCountdown ClockMixed Martial Arts (MMA)Muay ThaiKickboxingWrestlingPersonal Boxing Training TimerGym Timer
Wudao Taiji
Wudao Digital
Train with master Serrato in the art of the Wudang taiji (Wudangtaichi )
100 Office Workouts Champion 1.3
No-equipment illustrated easy-to-follow fitness routines fortheoffice.
Timer BJJ - Interval Timer Phoenix 42
Timer focused on Jiu-Jitsu practice.
CalisFit 0.2.53
Adriá Pozo García
Application for make calisthenics workouts with bodyweight.Morethan 250 different exercises for each body part. More than200workouts included, which can be edited to suit your level.Alsocreate your own workouts with the exercises that you like. Ithassocial section to share the workouts made with yourfriends,comment them and copy them if you like. New Challengessectionwhere to measure your speed!
My Coach Rugby 1.2.6
MyCoach ®
The application for rugby coaches
Study Guide Pro 5.0.6
Do you need to improve your studies? Start here