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Игра Майнкрафт 1.11 APK
Minecraft – современная версия старой детскойигры – строительство из кубиков.Весь игровой мир и все персонажи состоят из неприлично большихцветных кубов. Для логических и двухмерных мини игр это нормально,но в Minecraft’е вид от первого лица! На фоне графическихвозможностей современных компьютеров выглядит это как какое-тонедоразумение. Использование кубов в качестве основных объектоввиртуального мира обезображивает графическую часть игры, но затозначительно улучшает геймплей, давая игрокам безграничную свободупо преобразованию уровней игры. Вообще «Minecraft» переводится нарусский язык как «шахтёрское ремесло». Это название подходит толькок основной версии игры, где нужно заниматься добычей ресурсов.Существует так же и бесплатная версия игры, выходящая за рамкиназвания. Minecraft Classic – бесплатная версия игры, любойпользователь интернета может зайти на официальный сайт игры,выбрать существующий или создать новый сервер, и начать играть.Minecraft Classic – бесконечно большое и бесплатное место длятворчества, где можно и на других посмотреть, и себя показать.Minecraft Survival (Beta) – платная версия игры, стоимостью 14,95евро. В отличие от классической версии, здесь всё гораздо сложнее иинтереснее: нужно добывать ресурсы, создавать орудия труда,оборонятся от монстров, разводить домашних животных; герой можетумереть от ударов врагов, утонуть или разбиться. Этот режимпостоянно дорабатывается и улучшается. Игра подкупает своейнеобычностью и простотой. Максимальная свобода и возможностьстроительства от первого лица в компании с другими игроками –такого ещё нигде не было.Minecraft - a modernversion of the old children's game - the construction ofblocks.The entire game world and all the characters are composed ofindecently large colored cubes. For logic and two-dimensionalmini-games that's fine, but Minecraft'e first-person view! Againstthe background of the graphics capabilities of modern computers itlooks like some kind of misunderstanding. Using the cube as themain objects of the virtual world disfiguring graphical part of thegame, but it greatly improves the gameplay, giving playersunlimited freedom to transform the levels of the game. Actually«Minecraft» translated into Russian as "Miner craft." This title isonly suitable for the basic version of the game where you have todeal with resource extraction. There is also a free version of thegame that goes beyond the name. Minecraft Classic - free version ofthe game, any Internet user can go to the official site of thegame, select an existing or create a new server and start playing.Minecraft Classic - infinite and free space for creativity, wherepossible and on the other to see and be seen. Minecraft Survival(Beta) - Paid version of the game, costing 14.95 euros. In contrastto the classic version, here everything is much more complex andinteresting: it is necessary to extract resources, build tools,defense against monsters, breeding of domestic animals; charactercan die from enemy attack, drowning or break. This mode isconstantly reviewed and improved. The game impresses with itsuniqueness and simplicity. Maximum freedom and the possibility ofbuilding the first person in the company of other players - suchstill nowhere to be found.
Страшные Истории, Страшилки 1.12 APK
XIX век стал временем расцвета страшнойлитературы. Редко встретишь по-настоящему страшную историю илистрашилку, леденящую душу и невольно заставляющую замирать сердце.В приложении отобраны самые лучшие страшные истории и страшилки наразные темы. Страшные истории, страшилки для детей и страшилки длявзрослых вы найдете в приложении - " Страшные Истории, Страшилки".Земная жизнь порой таинственна и загадочна, а иногда случаютсятакие необъяснимые чудеса или происходят столь ужасные истории, чтосамый убежденный скептик начинает яро верить и утверждать, чтопотусторонние силы, сверхъестественные явления не шутки - этодействительно существует. Вещие сны, полтергейст, контакт спришельцами, прекрасные девушки с рыбьими хвостами – русалки, какиз старой детской сказки, кикиморы, встречи с домовыми. У людей вовсе времена и эпохи это вызывало неистребимый интерес. Несомненно,с каждым человеком рано или поздно случаются страшные, непознанные,мистические истории. В нашем приложении собраны очень увлекательныестрашные истории из реальной жизни. В приложении - "СтрашныеИстории, Страшилки" вы имеете возможность прочитать для себя оченьстрашные, таинственные и мистические истории.XIX century was theheyday of the terrible literature. Rare to find a really terriblestory or horror stories, chilling and heart-stoppingunintentionally. The application selected for the best horrorstories and the horror stories on various topics. Scary stories,horror stories for children and adults horror stories you will findin the annex - "Scary Stories, Horrors." Earthly Life sometimesmysterious and enigmatic, and sometimes there are miracles orinexplicable horror stories occur so that the most convincedskeptic starts vehemently believe and argue that otherworldlyforces, supernatural phenomena is not a joke - it really exists.Prophetic dreams, poltergeist, contact with aliens, beautiful girlwith fish tails - a mermaid, both from the old fairy tale, frights,meeting houses. The people in all times and epochs it causedindestructible interest. Sure, every man sooner or later happenscary, paranormal, mystical stories. In our application, weassembled a very exciting horror stories from real life. Annex -"Scary Stories, Horrors," you have the opportunity to read veryscary, mysterious and mystical stories.
Легкие прическми шаг за шагом 1.09 APK
Красивая легкая прическа – это важнаясоставляющая часть образа любой девушки. В арсенале каждой девушкидолжны быть прически, которые можно сделать за несколько минут.Каждая девушка ежедневно хочет видеть разные прически на своихволосах. Но посещать так часто салон красоты очень сложно, поэтомунеобходимо научиться создавать красивые и разнообразные прически наскорую руку в домашних условиях. Поэтому учимся делать легкиепрически вместе с приложением "Легкие прически шаг за шагом" - этобыстро и красиво! Главное при выборе повседневной легкой прически -простота в исполнении, изысканность и элегантность. Ну и, конечноже комфорт, ведь любая девушка должна себя чувствовать отлично напротяжении всего дня. В нашем приложении представлены методыпростых и модных укладок на каждый день, в которые не возможно невлюбиться. Для вас собран большой выбор легких причёсок на всеслучаи жизни. Вы узнаете, как делать причёски своими руками,которые до этого видели на моделях фэшн показов или светскихльвицах. Обычные косички могут стать основой для превосходныхвечерних причёсок. Если вы до этого не знали, как мделать красивыепрически быстро своими руками, то с простыми и доступными урокаминашего приложения вы освоите такие причёски своими руками заминимальное количество времени.Pretty easy hairstyle -is an important part of the image of any girl. In the arsenal ofevery girl must have hairstyles that can be done in a few minutes.Every girl wants to see daily different hairstyles for your hair.But so often to visit a beauty salon is very difficult, so you needto learn how to create beautiful and varied hairstyles whip up athome. Therefore, learning how to make easy hairstyles with theapplication "Easy hairstyles step by step" - it's fast andbeautiful! Main when choosing hairstyles everyday easy - easyperformance, refinement and elegance. And, of course, comfort,because every girl should feel great throughout the day. In ourapplication, presented method is simple and trendy hair styling foreach day, which is impossible not to fall in love. For you tocollect a large selection of light hairstyle for all occasions. Youlearn how to do hairstyles her hands, which were previously seen onthe models fashion shows or socialite. Conventional pigtails couldbe the basis for excellent evening hairstyles. If you previouslydid not know how beautiful hairstyles mdelat quick with his hands,with the simple and affordable application of our lessons you learnthese hairstyles with their hands in the shortest amount oftime.
Макияж 2015. Видео уроки 0.13 APK
C нашим приложением вы научитесь всемпремудростям макияжа. У нас представлено множество видео уроков омакияже, и о том, как его правильно делать...Макияж, сделанный безупречно, придает особенное очарованиеженскому образу. А если он еще и соответствует современной моде,красота женщины выигрывает вдвойне. Рекомендуем вашему вниманиювидео урок «Модный макияж в 2015 году», в котором визажист СветланаГрибенькова раскроет секреты модного мейк-апа. Если вы внимательноследите за модой, то успели заметить, что сейчас модно всеестественное. Даже если вы настолько привыкли очень ярко и броскокрасить глаза и не мыслите себе выйти на улицу ненакрашенной, вамвсе же придется в этом сезоне с этим смириться.В холодное время года ведущие дизайнеры предлагают особое вниманиеуделять глазам, а делать это можно с помощью блеска перламутровыхтеней, которые снова в моде. Особое внимание нужно отдать тенямтакого тона, как синие, голубые, сиреневые, темные дымчатые,светло-коричневые, серебристо-серые. Кроме того, есть еще одинметод сделать ваши глаза более выразительными – это подводка. Цветподводки должен быть либо черным, либо в тон теням, а линия тонкойи четкой. Если вы любительница делать стрелки, делайте, ноаккуратно, и не выходите за границу века. Что касается нанесениятуши, но новшеством сезона является окрашивание не только верхних,но и нижних ресничек.В моду снова возвращается яркая алая помада, что не дает поводазабыть о естественном цвете. Но некоторые дизайнеры предлагаютпридерживаться эффекта полного отсутствия помады на ваших губах.Если говорить о чистой и безупречной коже, то она всегда была ибудет оставаться в моде, а вот модный бронзовый загар покинулпьедестал, уступив должное и почетное место легкому румянцу иприродному цвету лица. Таким образом, у наших девушек появиласьвозможность всем показать свою естественную красоту, молодость издоровый цвет лица.Качайте приложение "Макияж 2015. Видео уроки", и будьте всегдакрасивы с его помощью!C our app, you will learnall the tricks of makeup. We are a lot of video tutorials on makeupand how to do it correctly ...Makeup made perfectly, gives a special charm of the female form.And if it also corresponds to modern fashion, beauty woman winstwice. We recommend to your attention the video tutorial "Fashionmakeover in 2015," in which a makeup artist Svetlana Gribenkovareveal the secrets of the fashion make-apa. If you carefully followfashion, you have noticed that it is now fashionable all natural.Even if you are so accustomed to very clearly and brightly paintedeyes and could not imagine not made up to go out, you still havethis season to live with it. In the cold season leading designers offer specialattention to the eyes, but it can be done using light shades ofpearl, which is back in fashion. Particular attention should begiven to the shadows of the shades like blue, blue, purple, dark,smoky, light brown, silver gray. In addition, there is another wayto make your eyes more expressive - this eyeliner. Color eyelinershould be either black or matching shadows and fine lines andclear. If you are fond of making arrows do, but carefully, and donot go abroad century. With regard to the application of mascara,but innovation is the painting of the season, not only the upperbut also lower cilia. In fashion returns bright scarlet lipstick that doesnot give reason to forget about the natural color. But somedesigners offer to adhere to the effect of the total absence oflipstick on your lips. If we talk about a clean and flawless skin,it has always been and will continue to be in fashion, but fashionbronze tan left the podium, giving tribute to a place of honor anda slight blush and natural complexion. Thus, our girls have theopportunity to show all its natural beauty, youth and a healthycomplexion.Swing application "Makeup Video Tutorials 2015", and always bebeautiful with it!
Дата смерти 1.04 APK
Вопросы жизни и смерти издавна волновалилюдей.Не задумывались ли вы, что находится за гранью того мира,правдивырассказы, вернувшихся с того света. Кому сколько отмеренои каковжизненный путь? Не интересно ли узнать дату смерти заранее?Иливопрос, когда вы умрете, вызывает у вас легкий трепет?Мы помогаем получить ответ на этот вопрос.Questions of lifeanddeath has long been worried about people. Do you wonder whatisbeyond that world, true stories, returning from the dead. Whometedout how and what way of life? I do not know in advance thedate ofdeath is interesting? Or the question, when you die, makesyou aneasy thrill?We help to answer this question.
Рецепты выпечки. Выпечка 2015 1.41 APK
Именно аромат домашней выпечки (пирожков,булочек, домашней пиццы, печенья) делает наш дом по-настоящемууютным. В приложении "Рецепты выпечки. Выпечка 2015" каждый, даженачинающий кулинар, найдёт не только простые и доступные рецептывыпечки с фото, мы поделимся рецептами вкуснейших пирогов, тортов,пирожных, кексов, печенья, словом, самой разнообразной выпечки,которая уж точно никого не сможет оставить равнодушным, но и незабудем про рецепты теста, которые помогут снова и снова создаватьна кухне просто восхитительные лакомства. Как уютно становится,когда чтобы отведать пирога, пирожков или домашнего торта за столомсобирается вся семья! Любая выпечка – это как маленький праздник. Вэтой рубрике собрана самая разнообразная сладкая и несладкаявыпечка на любой вкус: от пирожков до манника, от хлеба до кексов,от пиццы до лаваша. Ароматная сладкая выпечка никого не оставляетравнодушным. Мы научим вас готовить вкусно и поможем убедиться, чтоиспечь торт, приготовить безе, рулет или пудинг – очень просто. Внашем приложении вы найдете не только оригинальные и простыерецепты, но также пошаговое описание, как приготовить то или иноеблюдо, а также их фото. Если вам срочно нужен вкусный и простойрецепт, то вы пришли по адресу. Мы расскажем во всех подробностях,как из самых простых продуктов можно быстро и просто приготовитьсамые разнообразные сладости. Для особых случаев найдетсяоригинальная сладкая выпечка, приготовление которой также невызовет никаких сложностей. Пусть ваша выпечка всегда получается«на отлично» вместе с приложением "Рецепты выпечки. Выпечка2015"!That aroma of homemadecakes (cakes, biscuits, homemade pizza, cookies) makes our housereally cozy. The application "Recipes baking. Bake 2015" everyone,even a beginner cook, will find it easy and affordable bakingrecipes with photos, we will share recipes for delicious pies,cakes, muffins, cookies, in short, a wide range of pastries, whichcertainly nobody It can not remain indifferent, but do not forgetabout dough recipe to help again and again to create the kitchensimply delicious goodies. How comfortable it becomes when to tastethe pie, pies and homemade cake at the table the whole family! Anybaking - it's like a little holiday. In this section we collectedthe most diverse sweet and savory baked goods for every taste, fromcakes to Manica, from bread to cakes, from pizza to pita. Fragrantsweet pastries leaves no one indifferent. We will teach you to cookdelicious and help make sure to bake a cake, cook meringue rouladeor pudding - very simple. In our application you can find not onlyoriginal and simple recipes, but also a step by step description ofhow to cook a particular dish, as well as their photos. If youurgently need a delicious and easy recipe, then you have come tothe right place. We will tell you in detail how the most simpleproducts can be quickly and easily cook a variety of sweets. Forspecial occasions there original sweet pastries, cooking which alsodoes not cause any difficulties. Let your cakes always work"perfectly" with the application "Recipes baking. Bake 2015"!
Браслеты из резинок 1.12 APK
Хотите узнать, как сплести красивый браслетизрезинок даже новичку? Приложение - "Браслеты из резинок" длятех,кто хочет узнать о том, как сделать браслет из резинок инаучитьсясоздавать красивые радужные композиции. В нашем приложениисобраныподробные инструкции с фото объяснениями. Перед тем, каквыприступите к изготовлению сложных изделий, естественно,необходимобудет начать с азов и научиться пользоваться самымипростымисхемами плетения. Браслеты из обычных цветных резиночек -этосовременный аксессуар, завоевавший небывалую популярностьсредидетей и подростков со всего мира. Благодаря своемуоригинальномудизайну и небывалой доступности он завоевалпопулярность и на нашихпросторах. Тысячи девушек и юношей судовольствием украшают своируки Яркими разноцветными радужками ижелают поскорее научитьсяплести браслеты из резинок в домашнихусловиях. Кроме того вприложении подробно описаны методы, как можнопридавать разныестили браслетам, а также плести разнообразныезамысловатыеузоры.Want to learn how toweavea beautiful bracelet gum, even a novice? Appendix -"Bracelets gum"for those who want to learn about how to make abracelet out of gumand learn how to create beautiful iridescentcomposition. In ourapplication contains detailed instructions withphotos explanations.Before you begin the manufacturing of complexproducts, of course,you will need to start with the basics andlearn how to use the mostsimple weaving patterns. Braceletsrezinochek usual color - a modernaccessory, won enormouspopularity among children and teenagers fromall over the world.Thanks to its original design and unprecedentedaffordability, hewon popularity and our open spaces. Thousands ofboys and girlshaving fun decorate their hands bright colored irisesand want toquickly learn how to weave bracelets gum at home. Inaddition tothe application described in detail methods of how togivedifferent styles of bracelets, as well as a variety ofweaveintricate patterns.
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Simple hairstyles. APK
Find out with this simple app, how to make thebest hairstyles step by step.We teach you the steps for you to get the best looks with braids,with reocogidos, high bows, low bows, semi-collected, ponytails,braids root, African braid, braid ear, Dutch braid, braid waterfallbraids Girls, African braids, side braids, braids hippies,semirecogidos braids, headband braid, braid 5 caps, weddinghairstyles, prom hairstyles, hairstyles for everyday, to goHairstyles, hairstyles bohemian chic hairstyles, hairstyles glamor,Girls hairstyles, hairstyles for school, hairstyles for work ...etc, and even her hair looks, thanks to this collection of the besttutorials hairstyles images.We show different styles of easy hairstyles step by step, and thatwill look great in any event, whether wedding, party, communion,Quinceañera or a simple dinner with friends, and best of all itextremely easy to do.Characteristics:- Five tutorials photo galleries, divided according collectedhairstyles, hairstyles semi-collected, ponytail hairstyles,hairstyles with braids, loose hair styles,- Simple and intuitive interface.If you like the app, please give us some stars, and if you have anysuggestions, leave us a comment.Thank you!
Quick hairstyles 1.0 APK
All ingenious is simple! You do not need todoevery morning, folding and curling irons to straighten thehair.Now, every morning you can easily do hair for a quickhand!We present a selection of photos of hairstyles lessons simplestepswith your hands for long and medium hair every day.You will learn how to make such hairstyle:- Contrary tail- Stylish surround beam- Hairstyle - shell- Beam bunand others
Best Sexy Women Hairstyle 1.0 APK
When a woman wants radical changes in appearance, it makes a newhaircut. But here's the rub - the hair does not grow fast enough tooften be cut and changed again and again. And to be unique andoriginal feel like every day! Only one thing - to learn how tosimulate the different installation on the basis of his haircut.Benefit from our application is not so difficult. With it, evenbeginners can make the hair with your hands even on long hair,though short. It is worth a little dream, and the most simple ofthem - ordinary tail - can be elegant and unusual.We are presenting a selection of simple and quick hairstyles forlong and medium hair every day.- The application contains the best types of hairstyles for alloccasions;- Step by step instructions to help you quickly master thetechnique of execution;- Connects to process their imagination and mesmerized everyonearound you.
Hairstyles steps 1.0 APK
The "step by step Hair" is a collectionofphotos with step by step examples of women's hairstyles.In our application, every girl and woman will find a hairstyleeveryday, evening hairstyles, children hairstyles for girlsandhairstyles for all of life's occasions.If you have wavy hair or straight hair, you'll find anoptimalbeautiful hairdo from our collection and be able to do herhairwith his hands.Also, if you want to stand out in any event and surprise guests,youcan choose the unusual hairstyles, which are also available inourapplication.Beautiful casual hairstyle - a mandatory attribute of anyladies,take care of their appearance.Bonus in our program you will find trendy haircuts 2016hairstylesand 2016.Download our free app and give yourself anunforgettableappearance.
Hairstyles 2.1.49 APK
Following the step-by-step instructions with illustrationsanddescriptions, you can create a hairstyle of any complexity. Atthemoment, in the application you will find more than 300photolessons of hairstyles of various complexity, from the basicsto themaster class for creating complex hairstyles. In the future,theappendix will be supplemented with various tips andrecommendationson how to properly care for the hair. Theapplication "Step bystep" is regularly filled with new photolessons on creatingfashionable hairstyles. The application contains6 categories: -Casual hairstyles - Evening hairstyles - Stylishhairstyles -Hairstyles with weaving braids - Wedding hairstyles -Babyhairstyles By installing this application you will not regretyourchoice.
Beautiful Hair for sexy girl 1.0 APK
The main weapon" in any way representative of the weaker sex -is, of course, hairstyles, and we are ready to prove that it is notnecessary to spend time and money on the services of professionalstylists and hairdressers in the salon. Our tips and tricks canhelp you, dear women, "to create" smart hairstyle hands. Havingmastered slowly several hairstyles that you can every morning tocreate a new image and amaze others. Moreover, these hairstyles isquite simple in design. A step by step instructions make thisapplication even more useful and convenient.Just download the app and start to amaze everyone with hisamazing hairstyles:- Use your hair and imagination in the right direction;- Simplicity and elegance of the hair can not conquer you;- A successful haircut - the key to good mood.
Little Girls Hairstyles 1.0 APK
Best for woman, girl or anyone who want tomake hairstyle by yourself, do it by yourself (diy).Little Girls Hairstyles is a cool tool that will help girls andwomen to do their own hairstyle fast and easy without spendingmoney using a hair stylist just by following simple step by stephairstyles tutorials. You will have access to photo tutorials ofbeautiful and easy hairstyles for girls, so that you learn to dothem yourself, and you can access a gallery of nice hairstyles tofind the one you like you and your daughter. Little girlshairstyles tips and tutorials, each one easy to follow and wellselected to help your hair take only few minutes to do to get readyfor work. Stylish hairstyle for babies and older girls. Thisapplication provides a wonderful opportunity for girls and womenlearn to do magic with your hands at home hairstyles. Download thiswonderful application and very easily learn easy and simplehairstyles for your day to day or special events - matinee, toschool, to kindergarten, graduation and holiday. The app containsadvice on creating hairstyles for all hair types: curly, straight,long, short, summer, spring, autumn, winter, day, night, etc.Little girls hairstyles's like a new beautiful outfit. You willmake yourself look amazing & will be just like a princess! Getinspiration for your next hairstyle, ideas! Check it now!Feature:The Twisted Fishtail HairstyleLittle Girl Hairstyles For WeddingsBraids To Inspire Back To SchoolSimple Step By Step HairstylesHairstyles Pom Pom PonytailFrench Roll HairstylesKids HairstylesTwist Braided HairPeekaboo BraidTossy Tail Twisted UpdoTop Bun Girls HairstylesLong Hairstyles IdeasLow Bun Girls HairstylesEasy Hairstyles For GirlsStylish Braid Girls HairstylesCrown Of Braids TutorialThe Bow BunCeltic KnotBantu Knot CurlsHeart Shaped Locks Of LovePull Through Braid HairstyleThe Sleek Wrapped PonytailFour Braid Bun UpdosStep By Step Hair TutorialMessy Low Bun With Double BraidHairstyles To SchoolBraid Tie BackHeart Hairstyle TutorialStep By Step Hair UpdosWeave HairLetter HairdosAverage BunHair With A RibbonLittle PonytailsBraided Bun Updos IdeasSimple Braid With Microbraid Accentsand More.
Easy Hairstyles 2017 APK
Find out with this simple app, how to make thebest step by step hairstyles.We teach you the steps for you to get the best looks with braidsstyles with reocogidos, hairstyles with high buns, styles low bows,semi-collected hairstyles, ponytail, braids root, African braid,braid ear, Dutch braid , waterfall braid, braids for girls, afrobraids, side braids, hippies braids, braids semirecogidos, headbandbraid, braid 5 caps, wedding hairstyles, prom hairstyles,hairstyles for everyday, hairstyles to go, bohemian hairstyles,hairstyles chic, glamorous hairstyles, hairstyles for girls,hairstyles for school, hairstyles for work ... etc, and even herhair looks, thanks to this collection of the best tutorialshairstyles images.We show different styles of easy hairstyles step by step, and thatwill look great in any event, whether wedding, party, communion,Quinceañera or a simple dinner with friends, and best of all, easyto makeFeatures:- 5 tutorials photo galleries, divided according collectedhairstyles, hairstyles semi-collected, ponytail hairstyles,hairstyles with braids, loose hair styles,- Simple and intuitive interface.If you like the app, please puntúanos, and if you have anysuggestions, leave us a comment.Thank You!
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mCent - Free Mobile Recharge 2.0 APK
Use mCent and get free recharge to top-updata, talktime, and SMS.How it works: Discover. Earn. Recharge.1. Discover new apps we picked just for you2. Earn credit for each of the free apps you try3. Use the credit to recharge your phone for free!Earn free recharge money on mCent your first day and everyday afterthat. You can use your free data recharges anyway you want. Visitwhatever website you want, download any app, or give your rechargeto friends.Never worry about data charges again.Mobile recharges are supported on all major operators.
Cool Browser - Fast Download 3.1 APK
Download the best mobile browser -Cool Browser for android. Cool Browser provides you Breaking News,in-built HD video player, share center, multi tab browsing,incognito browsing and amazing speed to watch and download yourfavorite movies.Unique Features✓ Lightweight Browser✓ Personalized Search✓ Download & Share Videos✓ Download Manager✓ Inbuilt HD Video Player✓ Multi Tab Browsing✓ Suggestive Search✓ Image off mode✓ Incognito Browsing✓ Zoom In/Out✓ Offline Videos------------------------------------------------------------❖ Lightweight Browser- Very lightweight application provides you great browsingexperience. Enjoy superfast speed for watching your favorite movies& TV shows online❖ Personalized Search- Provides search suggestions based on intuitive algorithm. Selectyour preferred search engines conveniently for best result.❖ Download & Share Video- Now you can download & share videos to your Whatsapp &Facebook with a single click.❖ Download Manager- Now download your favorite files, videos with a single click.In-built download manager helps to enhance the download speed forany desired file.❖ Inbuilt HD Video Player- Enjoy HD viewing experience for your favorite movies within-built HD video player.❖ Multi Tab Browsing- It is allowing you to open multiple tabs while browsing. You canswipe & switch desired page according to your need.❖ Suggestive Search- Provides search suggestions based on intuitive algorithm.❖ Image off mode- Filters out photos for a faster browsing experience. Also savesdata cost for downloading photos & images.❖ Incognito Browsing- Surf your favorite websites in private browsing (incognito) modeand secure your privacy.❖ Zoom In/Out- Watch screening with zoom mode to enjoy enhanced visualexperience.❖ Password Protection- Password protection for your personal login information.❖ Offline Videos- Plays videos offline without internet. Get your favorite videosoffline.❖ Customizable Skin- Make your browser more personal with customizable features andattractive skins.❖ Share Center- Share your favorite videos with your friends and groupseasily.❖ Breaking News- Get top trending results daily with easy navigation. Watch &download them quickly.youtube is not supported due to their terms of service.facebook: https://www.facebook.com/2015coolbrowsertwitter: https://twitter.com/coolbrowser2015google+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/b/107453770544433747317/107453770544433747317
Discover 1.0 APK
“Discover App” is a concept for global servicein which people can make friends and provide communication servicewhich enables smooth photo sharing and communication with globalfriends. Share your photo’s to enjoy and get new Inspirations fromothers by looking through photos. Also share your profile to newfriends and see others profile. Share your interesting photos andstories with global friends.Features• To meet new surrounding friends.• Sharing Photos with Global Friends.• Share interesting stories with global friends.• Like, share and comment in friend’s posts.• To communicate with new friends.
Double Tap: Screen Wake Up 1.2 APK
Stop the traditional way of waking up you mobile screen. This appwill enhance your mobile screen and double tapping on the screenwill wake up your mobile screen.Forget patterns, pin codes, or sliders to unlock your screen. Forthose who uses their mobile a lot, to them even a second counts.Using patten or pin passwords are time consuming. Using this lockscreen makes it easy for your to unlock your mobile. You need todouble tap on the customized lock screen of this app and the mobilewill unlock. Speed and security are integral part of thisapp.Lock Features :- Double Tap to unlock anywhere on your lock screen to openit.- Customize your lock screen page.- Add name, photo, date and time to your lock screen- Customize fonts, size and color of name, date and time.This feature is provided in all the latest phones of LG G serieslike the LG G3.So download this app and upgrade your mobile with the latestfeature of double tap.
Gigato: Free Data Recharge 3.14 APK
With Gigato, you’ll never have to wait forWiFi again! Gigato provides free unrestricted Internet data foryour Android.Use the apps you love and get megabytes recharged to your prepaidaccount, or store in your Gigato Data Wallet and give yourself aneasy recharge whenever you need one. No need to try for an onlinerecharge, we store them right on your mobile!Gigato users, please upgrade to v2.05 or newer to keep earningdata packs.Step 1: After you download and register with Gigato, all theapps that partner with us are able to refund you for the dataconsumed on their apps with unrestricted mobile recharge credit on2G/3G/4G.Step 2: Use apps you already have installed or install newones, either way you start earning data credits instantly!Share Gigato with your friends and you each earn bonus data!Step 3: Once you reach 150MB you can receive a recharge foruse on anything anywhere!We believe in giving users options when it comes to paying for dataand using their apps whenever and wherever they please. Our freerecharge offers are always changing too!Download Gigato Today! Visit our website at http://www.gigato.co tolearn more.Please note:Gigato only works on prepaid accounts. Postpaid accounts will notwork.We support all mobile recharges across alll operators in Indiaincluding but not limited to:• Aircel mobile data packs• Airtel mobile data packs• Idea mobile data packs• MTNL mobile data packs• Reliance CDMA mobile data packs• Reliance GSM mobile data packs• UNINOR mobile data packs• Vodafone mobile data packsWe are always here to help you. If you have any issuesinstalling or receiving your data recharge, please email us:support@gigato.coGigato allows users to access online connected computer,electronic, and mobile networks
Playboy For Android (Old App) 1.1.1 APK
The Playboy App brings Playboy’s reverence oftruth, beauty and a better life into readers’ lives through theirmobile devices. Get instant access to photos of sexy Playmates andother world-class beauties, high-quality photo galleries andinsightful articles. Playmates, models and gorgeous amateurs arefeatured in our free, Safe for Work (SFW), NON-NUDE Playmate Redux,God Given Gorgeous, Miss Social and Exclusives galleries. Galleriesalso are available for purchase.Yes, some people do actually download the app for the articles.The Playboy App offers select reporting from the world-renownedprint edition of Playboy as well as original writing on Sex andCulture and The Good Life. You can rely on Playboy writers to serveup thoughtful journalism and opinion on sex, politics, travel,culture, music, style, cars, gear, food and drink.Added bonus: The World of Playboy feature gives users abehind-the-scenes look at Playboy’s Playmates, parties, events andpersonalities.The Playboy App is the purveyor of the bespoke Playboy lifestylefor the ultimate urbane guy, a must-have for the moderngentleman.For complete access choose between two subscription models: a30-day subscription and a 1-year subscription, which will save youmore than 40 percent compared to the monthly subscription.Free sample galleries and articles are available available whenyou download the app.
Kris+ by Singapore Airlines 5.0.0 APK
Meet Kris+, your lifestyle rewards app that lets you enjoyexclusive deals and privileges every day at over 1,000 dining andretail partner outlets in Singapore. Enjoy up to 6% rebates and getthe BEST miles rate in town of up to 9 miles per SGD spent, bysimply making payments through the app as you shop and dine! WithKris+, everything adds up: DEALS, PRIVILEGES, REWARDS & REBATES- Privileges with minimum of 10% off, 1-for-1 deals andcomplimentary treats. - Exclusive birthday privileges during yourbirthday month. - Earn rebates in miles for every payment madethrough the app, with no minimum spend or cap in the maximum numberof miles you can get. As good as cashback! - Your spend on Kris+lets you earn both rewards from Kris+ and your credit card, easilydoubling your rewards! - Convert reward points from your Citibank,CapitaStar, DBS or UOB account to miles. - Redeem your earned milesto offset your future purchases or transfer them to your KrisFlyeraccount to accumulate for your next Singapore Airlines flight.PARTNER MERCHANTS - In Singapore, there are 300+ partnering brandsand over 1,000 outlets across dining, retail, wellness, leisureactivities and services categories. - Local partners include –award winning restaurants like Braci, Amò, atout and Alma by JuanAmador; casual dining restaurants like Aburi-EN, Enjoy EatingHouse, Mrs Pho, The Coffee Academics and Nuodle; cafes and bistroslike Paris Baguette, Gong Cha, Cedele, Mellower Coffee and 25Degrees Burger; retail brands like Harvey Norman, Challenger,Simmons, In Good Company, PUMA, Bottles&Bottles and FairPriceFinest; services like Esso, Shunji Matsuo and PHS HAIRSCIENCE;attractions like Holey Moley Golf Club, Ola Beach Club and iFly;wellness salons like House of Traditional Javanese Massage LifeSpa,and Kenko Wellness. - Use Kris+ and enjoy privileges at countrieswith partnering merchants, including South Korea, India, Australia,Indonesia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and more.FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS - Monthly flash deals for vouchers and promocodes. - Complete in-app challenges and get rewarded instantly. -Frequent bonus miles and miles-back promotions. - Transfer miles toand from your KrisFlyer account to your Kris+ app. - Discoverpartner outlets nearby where you can use Kris+. - Shop directly onKrisShop and earn miles for every transaction made. - Personalisedpush notification and recommendations. - Retrieve your SingaporeAirlines pass within 24 hours. before arriving in Singapore, orduring your stay in Singapore. SEAMLESS PAYMENT - Set up Google Payon your mobile phone with your desired debit / credit card; Kris+will automatically detect this as a payment option - Simply scanthe QR code at our partner outlets with your Kris+ app and proceedwith payment using Kris+. REFERRAL REWARDS - Earn SGD 5 worth ofmiles for both you and your friend for every successful Kris+referral. For more information, visit https://krisplus.com