1.0.4 / March 18, 2013
(3.0/5) (7)





1. 精准定位,方便浏览身边优惠!
2. 汇集上百热门品牌,优惠也要有品质!
3. 银行活动早知道,积分、礼品一个都不能少!
4. 还有还款提醒等贴心小功能哦



اطلاعات برنامه اندروید 团800信用卡优惠

  • نام برنامه
  • نام بسته
  • تاریخ بروزرسانی
    March 18, 2013
  • حجم فایل
  • حداقل نسخه اندروید
    Android 2.1 and up
  • نسخه
  • توسعه دهنده
  • تعداد نصب
    1,000 - 5,000
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  • دسته بندی
  • توسعه دهنده
  • Google Play Link

团800 نمایش ادامه...

全国电影票优惠大全(团800电影票) 2.3.0 APK
【应用介绍】新支持选座购票,可以通过手机购买全国2-7折优惠电影票,由国内最大独立团购导航网站团800网推出,让您足不出户订票、支付一气呵成,省去排队烦恼, LBS定位让身边影院一目了然!【软件功能】1.全国近200家院线,2-7折电影票手机购买;2.LBS定位,去哪儿看电影一目了然;3.支持活动票、选座票、通兑票、团购票三种类型电影票,独此一家;4.提供影讯和电影介绍等内容,方便选择感兴趣的电影。【联系我们】团800电影票团队将会不断更新和完善客户端,敬请广大用户继续关注和支持!欢迎大家提出宝贵意见和建议!意见反馈:app@tuan800.com客服电话:4001599800Introduction】【ApplicationThe new support ticket seat selection can be purchased by phonenationwide 2-7% discount movie tickets, the nation's largestindependent group buy navigation site 800 network launched,allowing you to stay at home ticketing, payment at one go, avoidqueuing trouble, LBS positioned so close to the theater at aglance![Software Features]1 nearly 200 theaters, 2-7 fold phone to buy movie tickets;2.LBS positioning, where to watch movies at a glance;(3) support activities votes, the election seat tickets, Tongduivotes, three types of movie tickets buy tickets, alone in thisone;4. Provide telecine and film presentation, etc., for easy selectionof interest to the movie.[Contact Us]Mission 800 movie tickets the team will continue to update andimprove the client, please continue to focus on customers andsupport!We welcome comments and suggestions!Feedback: app@tuan800.comCustomer Service Tel: 4001599800
惠800(生活优惠大全) 1.1.2 APK
你知道吗?用广发卡买星巴克可以买一赠一你知道吗?商场特卖会149元就能买到NIKE鞋你知道吗?用团购券5折吃小肥羊,锅底还免费你知道吗?手机买票看5场电影,能省一个月早餐钱惠生活,惠800!惠800是国内最大的独立团购导航团800推出的全新品牌,专注本地生活消费中的优惠信息挖掘,致力为消费者提供有效全面的优惠信息聚合。收录了来自全国34个城市、超过45万个商家的优惠信息,涵盖团购、电话订餐、信用卡折扣等多种优惠类型,可满足消费者日常餐饮消费、逛街购物的优惠需求。【应用特色】1. 随时随地享优惠:汇聚全国45万家商户的优惠信息,支持34个城市;2. 自动定位:一键查找附近5公里优惠信息,支持地图模式;3. 不怕忽悠:丰富的店铺信息、辛辣的点评、精细的分类;4. 轻松关联银行,畅享信用卡优惠;5. 精选本地优质团购,尽享超低折扣;6. 独家北京商场折扣,让您购物更加放心;7. 全国超过200家连锁品牌优惠券展示;8. 本地收藏商户,轻松搜到附近优惠;惠800将会不断更新和完善惠800客户端,敬请广大用户继续关注和支持!欢迎大家提出宝贵意见和建议!官方网址:www.hui800.com意见反馈:app@hui800.comDid you know? Buy one getone widely issuing buy StarbucksDid you know? The mall sale will be 149 yuan can buy NIKEshoesDid you know? Little Sheep, the bottom of the pot is also free buyvouchers 5 fold to eatDid you know? Mobile phones to buy tickets to see the movie, youcould save a month breakfast moneyLife benefits, benefits 800!Wai 800 is the largest independent buy navigation group 800launch of the new brand, offers mining focus in the local cost ofliving, is committed to providing consumers with effective andcomprehensive offers polymerization. Indexed offers from 34 citiesacross the country, more than 450,000 businesses, covering buytelephone ordering, credit card discounts and other promotionstypes to meet consumers' daily food consumption, shoppingpromotions demand.[Application Features1. Anywhere Benefits: convergence 450,000 merchants nationwideoffers support in 34 cities;Automatic positioning: a 5 km near key lookup offers support mapmode;3. Afraid Fudge: rich store information and reviews of spicy fineclassification;4. Easily associated with the bank, enjoying the credit cardoffers;5 selection of local quality buy, enjoy low discount;6. Exclusive mall discounts, shopping more at ease;7. Country more than 200 chain brand coupons show;8. Local Favorite merchant, easily search nearby promotions;800 benefits will continue to update and improve benefits 800clients, please the majority of users continue to pay attention toand support!Valuable comments and suggestions!Official Website: www.hui800.comFeedback: app@hui800.com
团800信用卡优惠 1.0.4 APK
【应用简介】团800信用卡优惠由团800网出品,为您网罗全国各大银行的信用卡优惠信息。在这里,有商家刷卡优惠,也有银行精彩活动,帮你玩转信用卡!马上下载团800信用卡优惠,关注自己拥有的卡,就可以随时享受信用卡带来的优惠和便利。【应用特色】1. 精准定位,方便浏览身边优惠!2. 汇集上百热门品牌,优惠也要有品质!3. 银行活动早知道,积分、礼品一个都不能少!4. 还有还款提醒等贴心小功能哦【V1.0.4更新内容】1.优化了产品性能,更省流量。2.优化了定位功能3.修复了一些bug团800将会不断更新和完善团购大全客户端,敬请广大用户继续关注和支持!欢迎大家提出宝贵意见和建议!官方网址:www.tuan800.com意见反馈:app@tuan800.com
团800团购大全-美食餐饮酒店旅游,电影票温泉,美团大众点评 6.1.1 APK
【产品简介】每次…都停不下来这次…我想给自己一个交代行动起来,关注身边爱你的人和朋友聚聚餐!和爱人看场电影!带着父母出去来次旅行!为爱变身,做爱的行动派!聚餐娱乐,想知道哪家商户口碑最好?什么菜品物美价廉?吃喝玩乐,高端大气、简约时尚还可以不浪费?旅游出行,定位实惠酒店,锁定特色小店?不用再发愁,小8教你精明消费,不做冤大头!——赶快释放你的爱,团购先上团800——【产品说明】团800客户端是团800为手机用户推出的免费团购导航应用,汇集了大众点评、美团网、拉手网、窝窝团、糯米团、高朋网、满座网、携程、艺龙等全国上千家团购站的团购信息。每日为您精选生活、美食、娱乐、旅游、酒店等各种特色商家,并保持实时更新,为您提供最全、最准确的团购信息。用无敌折扣价,享受高品质的本地生活服务,同时帮您发现最好玩、最新鲜的生活方式。【产品特色】1、快捷购买—— 一个团800账号,一站购买所有团购站的团购2、下单返利—— 下单送积分、送优惠券、送神秘礼包,优惠送不停3、限量大促—— 团购价基础上再降价,每天数十款商品等您抢,先到先得,售完为止4、玩赚积分—— 签到、做任务,轻松赚取积分5、巧赢豪礼—— 积分抽大奖,还能买券券;0元下单、幸运大转盘、砸金蛋、刮刮卡……更多精彩等着您!【联系我们】我们每一次的进步,都离不开您的关注和支持,非常期待您向我们说出使用中的任何不爽和建议 !官方网址:www.tuan800.com意见反馈:app@tuan800.com官方微博:http://weibo.com/tuan800客户端使用问题咨询QQ群:151914957客服电话:4001599800[Introduction]Every time ... have not stopThis time ... I want to give yourself an accountAction, concerned people who love youAnd friends gather dinner! And love to see a movie! Go to tripswith their parents! For the love of transfiguration, sexactivist!Dinner and entertainment, want to know which businesses the bestreputation? What dishes inexpensive?Eat, drink, high-end atmosphere, you can not waste a simplefashion?Tourism travel, locate affordable hotel, locked specialtyshops?Do not have to worry about the small 8 to teach you a smartconsumer, not taken for a ride! - Quickly release your love, buy the first group 800 -[Description]Group 800 800 for the client is the group launched a free mobilephone users buy navigation application, a collection of publiccomments, the U.S. Mission Network, handles network, Wowo group onthe country, rice group, friends network, sold-out network, Ctrip,eLong, etc. Thousands buy buy information station. Daily life foryour selection, food, entertainment, travel, hotel and otherspecialty businesses, and keep updated in real time to provide youwith the most complete and most accurate buy information. Withinvincible discount price, enjoy high quality of life of localservices, to help you find the most fun, fresh way of life.[Features]1, fast purchase - a group 800 account, a station stop buy buy buyall2, single rebate - single bonus points, send coupons, send mysterygifts, preferential send non-stop3, limited edition big promotion - groupe purchase price based onthe then, dozens of daily commodities, etc. You grab, first-servedbasis, while supplies last4, playing to earn points - attendance, do the task, easily earnpoints5, How to win Hao Li - Points never want, but also to buy a ticketvoucher; 0 yuan next single, wheel of fortune, smashing the goldeneggs, scratch ...... more exciting more![Contact Us]Every time we progress, without your attention and support, you arevery much looking forward to tell us what to use any of the unhappyand suggestions!Official Website: www.tuan800.comFeedback: app@tuan800.comOfficial microblogging: http://weibo.com/tuan800The client uses the Advisory QQ: 151914957Customer Service Tel: 4001599800
折800-真便宜 3.6.2 APK
年终大促哪家强,折800上逛一逛折800天天双十一,每天万余款9.9元包邮商品更新推荐!每日特价,天天包邮,亿万用户网购的共同选择!女装、母婴、郊游必备、化妆品、鞋包、数码、创意配饰、家居等……与折800一起“惠享生活”.【应用特色】1.“折800商城”精选商品,支持多种支付方式2“职业砍价师”心黑手狠帮您砍价低至1折3.“职业验货师”9大工序帮您验货,经得起千锤百炼4.“职业选款师”帮您从万千商品中精挑细选5“开卖提醒”让你不再错过开卖时机6.“轻松赚积分”签到、下单、推荐好友购买均可获得积分7.“积分当钱花”免费兑换上百种商品,抽奖、拍卖玩不停【联系我们】我们每一次的进步,都离不开您的关注和支持,非常期待您向我们说出使用中的任何不爽和建议 !客户端使用问题?请咨询“手机折800”QQ群:104335957在抢购购物中遇到问题?请咨询客服QQ:277035554,第一时间帮您解决问题想每天参与更多的折扣精品抢购?请加“折800秒杀”QQ群:239189288淘宝商家合作QQ:800001276意见反馈:app@tuan800.com折800官方网址:www.zhe800.com团800官方网址:www.tuan800.com折800官方微博:weibo.com/tao800ju团800官方微博:weibo.com/tuan800Whichstrong year-end big promotion, the discount stroll around 800800 two-eleven day off, every day 10,000 balance 9.9 yuan shippingcommodities update is recommended!Daily specials, free shipping every day, millions of users a commonchoice for online shopping!Women, mother, picnic essential, cosmetics, shoes, bags, digital,creative accessories, home and so on ...... 800 and fold together"benefits to enjoy life."[Application Features]1. "discount 800 Mall" selection of goods, supporting multiplepayment methods2 "occupation bargain division" heart Blackhand ruthless help youbargain down to a discount3. "occupation inspection division," nine inspection process tohelp you withstand tempered4. "occupation selected paragraph" to help you from thousands ofcarefully selected merchandise5 "on sale reminder" so you will not miss the opportunity to be onsale6. "easily earn Points" sign, single, recommend friends to buy canearn points7. "integrator when the money" free exchange of hundreds of goods,raffle and auction to play non-stopContact usEvery time we progress, are inseparable from your concern andsupport, we are very much looking forward to tell you to use any ofthe unhappy and suggestions!The client uses the problem? Please consult the "mobile phone off800" QQ group: 104 335 957Problems encountered in buying shopping? Please contact customerservice QQ: 277035554, the first time to help you solve theproblemWant to participate in a day more discount boutique snapped? Pleaseadd "800 fold spike" QQ group: 239 189 288Taobao business cooperation QQ: 800001276Feedback: app@tuan800.comFold 800 Official Website: www.zhe800.comMission 800 official website: www.tuan800.comFold 800 official microblogging: weibo.com/tao800juMission 800 official microblogging: weibo.com/tuan800
自助餐团购 1.0.0 APK
全国连锁优惠大全(团800优惠券) 1.2.3 APK
【产品说明】团800优惠券【牛仔风情版】*************************************我虽然是个牛仔,优惠都装进口袋每次吃饭掏出来,省钱可不止八百!***********************************团800优惠券客户端是团800(www.tuan800.com)为手机用户推出的优惠折扣应用,是省钱必备利器!全国著名连锁品牌优惠券一网打尽!一键查找身边优惠,随时随地享受折扣带来的乐趣!【应用简介】. 众多全国知名连锁品牌优惠券,类型涵盖电子优惠券,纸质打印优惠券等;. 根据真实地理位置查询品牌和优惠券信息,支持地图展示;. 用户可通过口袋功能保存自己订阅的优惠券;. 支持展示知名连锁品牌团购;. 支持邮件和短信分享优惠券。