1.0 / December 24, 2015
(2.3/5) (3)


This game called 360 degrees, you only needtouse one finger to play this game, swipe right or left to rotatethecircle so that the black ball that bounced in the middle donotknow the black triangle.

score you can compete with your friends, the game is abletoeliminate the time you get bored.

Have a nice play.

اطلاعات برنامه اندروید 360 Degree

  • نام برنامه
    360 Degree
  • نام بسته
  • تاریخ بروزرسانی
    December 24, 2015
  • حجم فایل
  • حداقل نسخه اندروید
    Android 2.3 and up
  • نسخه
  • توسعه دهنده
    Arz Media
  • تعداد نصب
    100 - 500
  • قیمت
  • دسته بندی
  • توسعه دهنده
    Email aris.wan@yahoo.co.id
    Boyolali Jawa Tengah
  • Google Play Link

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Tebak Pertanyaan 0.0.4 APK
Arz Media
Game ini merupakan game tebak-tebakan sepertimenebak gambar, menebak kata, menebak lagu dan game teba-tebakanlainya. Namun ada yang berbeda dengan game tebakan ini, game inimenebak pertanyaanya dan juga jawabanya. ada lebih dari 150Pertanyaan, yang akan diupdate setiap minggunya. Tinggal Klik MenuUpdate soal untuk mendapatkan update soal terbaru.Dalam Permainan tebakan ini Kamu harus menebak pertayaan yang belumlengkap dengan klu yang telah disediakan.Misal :Pertanyaan : .... x 2 : 5 =?Klu : Jari TanganPertanyaan diatas belum lengkap. dengan klu "jari tangan"berarti dilogika jumlah jari tangan ada 10, berarti isi titik-titkadalah angka 10 ... Jadi pertanyaan lengkapnya " 10x2:5=?" sudahtau kan jawabanya apa?jawabanya adalah 4 ..Penasaraa??? Cobain game nya :DThis game is a guessinggame as to guess the picture, guess the word, guess the song andgame teba-guess others. But there was something different with thisguess game, the game guess the question and the answer. there aremore than 150 questions, which will be updated every week. LiveClick Menu Update matter to get the latest updates about.In this game you have to guess guess pertayaan incomplete with kluprovided.For example:Question: .... x 2: 5 =?Klu: A FingerThe question above is not exhaustive. with klu "fingers" meansthe number of fingers dilogika No 10, means the contents of pointsis number 10 ... So the question the complete "10x2: 5 =?" alreadyknow what the right answer?the answer is 4 ..Penasaraa ??? Cobain of his game: D
Fappy 2 Birds 1.2 APK
Arz Media
Fapping birds with a new thing, with the twobirds must be flown using two fingers !!, train your left and rightbrain working together. This game trains go round game right andleft brain.Features:1. Flaying two birds with two fingers2. Best Graphic3. Cute Sound4. Train your brainLet's play Fappy 2 Bird and enjoy it. Thank you!
360 Degree 1.0 APK
Arz Media
This game called 360 degrees, you only needtouse one finger to play this game, swipe right or left to rotatethecircle so that the black ball that bounced in the middle donotknow the black triangle.score you can compete with your friends, the game is abletoeliminate the time you get bored.Have a nice play.
Swipe Dot 2.01 APK
Arz Media
Swipe the dot and leave your boring activity.Feature this game:1. Awesome Design2. Leaderboard3. Remove your boring time
Clash Of Solo 1.0 APK
Arz Media
Pertempuran jagat angkasa SOLO "The SkyOfBengawan" telah dimulai! Kali ini clan alien jahatpenggerogotketentraman planet AD ...... SUNGGUH mengancam!Situasi darurat sudah dicanangkan. PERUBAHAN harus dilakukanuntukMENGHADANG dan MELUMPUHKAN KEJAHATAN!!Saatnya KITA bergabung bersama kami di "Clan of Solo" forAFI.Koalisi Solo Bersama untuk Babak Baru Solo melawanKEANGKAMURKAARDAN KESERAKAHANSolobagi kita adalah cinta, Solo bagi kitaadalahidentitas.Tempat kita dilahirkan,tempat dibesarkan, tempatbertemupasangan jiwa, tempat membina keluarga, tempatberkarya,mengabdikan ilmu, tempat memupuk harapan hidup yang lebihbaik.Kami, Anung-Fajri, memahami bahwa kami hanyalahperpanjangantangan, lidah dan harapan panjengan semua terhadapSolo. MemimpinSolo kemudian menjadi pilihan paling realistis untukmewujudkanmimpi-mimpi kemajuan kota yang kitacintai. Solo di masadepan harusmenjadi Solo yang maju tidak hanya dilevel nasional,tetapi juga dilevel dunia, Solo yang Kuncoro. Dan kemajuan Solojuga haruslahmenjadi milik bersama, bukan sekedar milik segelintir.Kemajuanharus menjadi milikrakyat, Rakyat yang Mulyo. Solo Kuncoro,RakyatMulyo!Dalam perjuangan mewujudkan Solo Kuncoro, Rakyat Mulyoini,telahkami susun strategi-strategi khusus untuk menularkanmimpi-mimpimengenaikota Solo dimasa depan pada sedulur-sedulurlainnya diSolo.Battle of theuniversespace SOLO "The Sky Of Bengawan" has begun! This time theevilaliens castrator clan tranquility planet threatens AD......REALLY!Emergency situation has been declared. CHANGES must be made forandDISABLE FACING EVIL !!KITA's time to join us at the "Clan of Solo" for AFI.SoloCoalition Together for New Round of Solo against KEANGKAMURKAARANDGREED  Solobagi we are in love, Solo for usisidentitas.Tempat we were born, where grew up, met a soul mate,afoster family, a place to work, devoting science, fosteringabetter life expectancy.  We, Anung-Fajri, understand that we are justanextension of the hand, tongue and hope panjengan all againstSolo.Leading Solo went on to become the most realistic choice tomakethe dreams of progress kitacintai city. Solo in the futureshouldbe advanced Solo not only the national level, but also at theworldlevel, Solo Kuncoro. Solo and progress must also belongtogether,not just belong to a handful. Progress must bemilikrakyat, PeopleMulyo. Solo Kuncoro, People Mulyo!  Solo Kuncoro in the struggle, the PeopleMulyoini,we've compiled specific strategies to transmit dreamsSolomengenaikota future on-sedulur sedulur other Solo.
Solo Peduli Mobile 0.0.1 APK
Arz Media
Solo Peduli Mobile Versi 0.0.1 adalahaplikasiversi perdana dari solopeduli.org yang membantu paradonatur untukdapat mengakses informasi dari Solo Peduli. Adapunfitur dari SoloPeduli Mobile adalah:1. Pendaftaran Donatur Baru dan Login Donatur2. Promo Program dari Solo Peduli3. Konfirmasi Transaksi, Upload Bukti Transfer dan Kwitansi4. History Transaksi yang Pernah Dilakukan oleh Donatur5. Akses Berita dari solopeduli.org6. Hitung Zakat7. Mengirim dan Menerima Pesan8. Akun Donatur meliputi : Update Profil, Ganti Password danGantiFoto9. Informasi Kontak, Alamat dan Peta Kantor pusat Solo PeduliSolo Care MobileVersion0.0.1 is the prime version of solopeduli.org applicationthat helpsdonors to be able to access information from Solo Care.As for thefeatures of Solo Care Mobile are:1. Registration and Login New Donors Donors2. Promotion of Solo Care Program3. Confirmation Transaction, Transfer and ReceiptEvidenceUpload4. Transaction History Ever Conducted by Donors5. Access News from solopeduli.org6. Calculate Zakat7. Sending and Receiving Messages8. Accounts Donors include: Update Profile, Change PasswordandChange Photos9. Information Contacts, Address and Map The headquartersSoloCare
Buku Praktikum Flash CS6 1.0 APK
Arz Media
Multimedia adalah penggabungan beberapabuahmedia yang berlainan dalam sebuah program interaktif.ModulPraktikum ini memberi pengenalan tentang berbagai jenismedia(teks, gambar, audio, dan video).Dengan menggunakan modul praktikum ini, diharapkan pembacamampumengkombinasikan penggunaan berbagai media untukmenyampaikaninformasi secara efektif, dan memiliki pengetahuandasar mengenaitools perangkat lunak, maupun bahasa pemrograman yangdapatdigunakan untuk merancang aplikasi multimedia yang efektifdaninteraktifModul Praktikum Multimedia ini dibuat mulai dariBab I sampaidenganBab XV dengan setiaptugas di setiap Babnya.Di dalamnyadilengkapidengan screenshot gambar dan narasi dariperintah-perintah yangharus dilakukan..beriku tjudul masing-masingbab:BAB I. PENGOLAHAN GAMBAR VECTOR 1BAB II. PENGOLAHAN GAMBAR VECTOR 2BAB III. PENGOLAHAN GAMBAR BITMAPBAB IV. MEMBUAT SYMBOL FLASHBAB V. DASAR ANIMASI FLASHBAB VI. MEMBUAT ANIMASI LINIERBAB VII. EVENT HANDLING BUTTONBAB VIII. NAVIGASI TIMELINEBAB IX. NAVIGASI KEYBOARD DAN MOUSEBAB X. MEMBUAT GAME 1BAB XI.MEMBUAT GAME 2BAB XII. TRANSITION MANAGER DAN TWEENBAB XIII. VIDEO PLAYERBAB XIV. MANIPULASI DATABASE MYSQLBAB XV. DISTRIBUSI MULTIMEDIAPenyusun berharap semoga modulpraktikum ini bisa membantusemuaorang yang ingi nbelajar multimedia menggunakan AdobeFlashcs6.Dalam kesempatan ini penyusun harapkan segala macam kritikyangbersifat membangun demi perbaikan modulpraktikum ini dimasamendatang.Multimedia istheincorporation of several different pieces of media inaninteractive program. Practical module gives an introduction tothevarious types of media (text, images, audio, and video).By using this experimental module, the reader is able to combinetheuse of various media to convey information effectively, andhave abasic knowledge of software tools, as well as a programminglanguagethat can be used to design effective multimediaapplications andinteractiveMultimedia Practicum module is made start dariBab I to ChapterXVwith setiaptugas in every Babnya.Di it dilengkap idenganscreenshotimages and narratives of the commands that mustdilakukan..berikutjudul each chapter:CHAPTER I. PROCESSING OF FIGURES VECTOR 1CHAPTER II. PROCESSING DRAWING VECTOR 2CHAPTER III. BITMAP IMAGES PROCESSINGCHAPTER IV. MAKE FLASH SYMBOLCHAPTER V. BASIC FLASH ANIMATIONCHAPTER VI. MAKE ANIMATED LINEARCHAPTER VII. EVENT HANDLING BUTTONCHAPTER VIII. NAVIGATION TIMELINECHAPTER IX. NAVIGATION KEYBOARD AND MOUSECHAPTER X. MAKE A GAME 1CHAPTER XI.MEMBUAT GAME 2CHAPTER XII. TRANSITION MANAGER AND TWEENChapter XIII. VIDEO PLAYERChapter XIV. MYSQL DATABASE MANIPULATIONCHAPTER XV. MULTIMEDIA DISTRIBUTIONModulpraktikum constituent hope this helps everyone intending touseAdobe Flash multimedia nbelajar cs6.Dalam thisopportunityconstituent expect all sorts of criticism that will helpimprovethis modulpraktikum in the future.
Tips for Temple Run 5.0 APK
Arz Media
Tips for Temple Run 2, Temple Run 3 andChatRoom in this app. You can find easy article who will help youtoget best score or ask someone in Chat room. We hope you likethisapp. You can chatting with anonymous nickname. Tips for TempleRunis easy apps to use.DISCLAIMER:This application is not authorized or created or tested bythecreator of the game. All the game name, images, characters,logoand other details are not created by us but by theirrespectiveowners. This application collects guides, cheats, hintsfrominternet and organize them in an easy way for users to useorread.