
App in Spanish

It examines the purpose of each book, who was the author,whenand to whom it was written. It identifies the message of eachbookand how it relates to others.

The Old Testament is divided into five sections: thePentateuch(from Genesis to Deuteronomy), the Historical books (fromJoshua toEsther), the Poetic books (from Job to Cantares), theMajorProphets (from Isaiah to Daniel), and the Minor Prophets(fromHosea to Malachi).

The Old Testament was written roughly from 1400 BC. Up to 400 BCTheOld Testament was initially written in Hebrew, with a fewsectionswritten in Aramaic (which is essentially a variationofHebrew).

Biblical studies on the basic Christian doctrine that everybelievershould know. These principles must be incorporated in usto knowmore and more this wonderful God that we have.

Enjoy all the content of this application and complete yourlearningabout the Bible.

The Old Testament itself claims to be more than thehistoricalaccount of the Jewish nation.

For both Jews and Christians, it is the Sacred Historythatdiscovers the Revelation that God makes of Himself to man andin itrecords not only what God has done in the past but also thedivineplan for the future of mankind .

The Old Testament deals primarily with the relationship betweenGodand the nation of Israel. The Pentateuch deals with the creationofIsrael and God establishing a covenant relationship withIsrael.Historical books record the history of Israel, its victoriesandsuccesses along with its defeats and failures.

Poetic books give us a more intimate insight into God'srelationshipwith Israel and His passion for Israel worshiping andobeying Him.The prophetic books are the call of God to Israel torepent of theiridolatry and infidelity and return to arelationship of obedienceand spiritual fidelity.

Pastors such as leaders or seminary students can take advantageofthese resources that will be of blessing, when preparingsermons,teachings or for the purpose of enriching one'sknowledge.

We offer you for free more interesting theme applications inthesection "More Apps" such as:

- Spurgeon Sermons
- Biblical studies
- Biblical Themes to Preach
- Biblical Dictionary
- Hebrew Dictionary
- Greek Dictionary
- Gospel of the day
- Biblical Theology
- Theological Dictionary
- Study Bible
- Catholic Bible in English
- Psalms
- Christian Marriage
- Liturgy of the hours

Do not hesitate and download Bible study of at, you will haveinyour hand a great tool to pray daily and feel closer toourLord.

To comply with the regulations of the data protection authoritieswecommunicate:
On this site, device identifiers are used to customize thecontentand advertisements, to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealso share those identifiers and other deviceinformation withsocial media advertising and web analyticspartners. More detailsin:

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    AT Bible Study
  • نام بسته
  • تاریخ بروزرسانی
    March 12, 2017
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    Android 2.3.3 and up
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    Estudios Bíblicos Temas para Predicar AcarenApps
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    Books & Reference
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Estudios Bíblicos Temas para Predicar AcarenApps نمایش ادامه...

Christian Bible Studies 1.2 APK
App in SpanishStudy the Bible taking into account the steps ofcarefulobservation of the text , then its interpretation,application andcorrelation, plus a light look at other methods thatthe studentcan use in Self-study of the Word of God.Historical research has often dominated modern Bible study.Biblicalscholars have habitually attempted to interpret particulartextswithin their original historical context and to use all sortsofavailable information to reconstruct that environment.Christian Biblical StudiesHigh criticism or historical criticism seeks to determinetheorigin, authorship, and process by which ancient textswerecomposed. Among the most famous theories of historicalcriticismare the documentary hypothesis which suggests that thePentateuchwas compiled from four different written sources anddifferentreconstructions of the "historical Jesus" based mainly onthedifferences between the different Canonical Gospels.The idea is to share biblical interpretation that will help youinyour spiritual growth.It is a great opportunity to overcome us and find that strengthandspirit that only the Bible knows how to convey to us.We always live difficult situations and these issues will help ustobetter understand things and overcome all adversities.☛ It is advisable to use this tool daily because it will allow usabetter communication with God and fill us with a blessing.Biblical studies are the academic study of the Judeo-ChristianBibleand related texts. Other texts frequently examined bybiblicalscholars include the Jewish apocryphal, the Jewishpseudepigraphs,the Christian apocrypha, the different varieties ofante-Niceneliterature of early Christianity, and ancientJewishliterature.Biblical sciences or biblical studies are the application of asetof diverse disciplines to the study of the Jewish andChristianBible.For his theory and methods, this area of ​​knowledge is basedondisciplines ranging from archeology to literary criticism,history,philology and social sciences.Pastors as well as leaders or seminary students can takeadvantageof these resources that will be of blessing, whenpreparingsermons, teachings or the reason to enrich theirownknowledge.We offer you for free more interesting theme applications inthesection "More Apps" such as:- Spurgeon Sermons- Biblical studies- Biblical Themes to Preach- Biblical Dictionary- Hebrew Dictionary- Greek Dictionary- Gospel of the day- Biblical Theology- Theological Dictionary- Study Bible- How to Interpret the BibleTo comply with the regulations of the data protection authoritieswecommunicate:On this site, device identifiers are used to customize thecontentand advertisements, to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealso share those identifiers and other deviceinformation withsocial media advertising and web analyticspartners. More detailsin:Http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners
Inductive Bible Study 1.0 APK
App in SpanishBiblical sciences or biblical studies are the application ofaset of diverse disciplines to the study of the Jewish andChristianBible.The inductive method to study the Bible taking into accountthesteps of careful observation of the text, then itsinterpretation,application and correlation, plus a light look atother methodsthat the student can use in self-study of the Word ofGod.The purpose of inductive reasoning or inductive logic is thestudyof the tests that allow to measure the probability ofthearguments, as well as the rules to construct stronginductivearguments.Unlike deductive reasoning, in inductive reasoning there isnoagreement as to when to consider an argument as valid. In thisway,the notion of "inductive force" is used, which refers to thedegreeof probability that a conclusion is true when its premisesaretrue.Thus, an inductive argument is strong when it is highlyunlikelythat its conclusion is false if the premises are trueChristians all over the world, under any current anddenomination,have a single book, all use the Bible. There arereligions that usethe same Christian Bible, but they have anotherbook that altersand contradicts what the Bible says; The"Christians" usually donot have another book, but we give allauthority to the Bibleitself.For his theory and methods, this area of ​​knowledge is basedondisciplines ranging from archeology to literary criticism,history,philology and social sciences"The Inductive Bible Study, uses the same Bible as a sourceofinformation about the Bible"Characteristics of the Inductive Study- The Bible is read; Not a book about the bible. The Bible textisscrutinized without outside help such as a commentary, anexpert'sopinion or last week's sermon.- The Bible is read in context. It is not read in isolatedpiecesbut in the form in which the author (human or divine) wouldhavewanted to be read. Hence inductive study generally encompassesawhole book.- The Bible is read without subjective prejudices. As faraspossible, preconceived ideas are put aside so that the Biblecanspeak for itself.- The Bible is read with the eye on God. The Holy Spirit istheteacher and a reverent and humble attitude is necessary if weareto understand his word.- Read, read and reread the Bible. It is not a casual reading butadisciplined study that requires serious diligence in observingthebiblical text. (What does the Bible say?)- You do not reach the Bible with conclusions, but drawconclusionsfrom the Bible itself based on the evidence.- The Bible is the authority and not our own opinion.We offer you for free more interesting theme applications inthesection "More Apps" such as:- Spurgeon Sermons- Biblical studies- Biblical Themes to Preach- Biblical Dictionary- Hebrew Dictionary- Greek Dictionary- Gospel of the day- Biblical Theology- Theological Dictionary- Study BibleTo comply with the regulations of the data protection authoritieswecommunicate:On this site, device identifiers are used to customize thecontentand advertisements, to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealso share those identifiers and other deviceinformation withsocial media advertising and web analyticspartners. More detailsin:Http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners
AT Bible Study 1.0 APK
App in SpanishIt examines the purpose of each book, who was the author,whenand to whom it was written. It identifies the message of eachbookand how it relates to others.The Old Testament is divided into five sections: thePentateuch(from Genesis to Deuteronomy), the Historical books (fromJoshua toEsther), the Poetic books (from Job to Cantares), theMajorProphets (from Isaiah to Daniel), and the Minor Prophets(fromHosea to Malachi).The Old Testament was written roughly from 1400 BC. Up to 400 BCTheOld Testament was initially written in Hebrew, with a fewsectionswritten in Aramaic (which is essentially a variationofHebrew).Biblical studies on the basic Christian doctrine that everybelievershould know. These principles must be incorporated in usto knowmore and more this wonderful God that we have.Enjoy all the content of this application and complete yourlearningabout the Bible.The Old Testament itself claims to be more than thehistoricalaccount of the Jewish nation.For both Jews and Christians, it is the Sacred Historythatdiscovers the Revelation that God makes of Himself to man andin itrecords not only what God has done in the past but also thedivineplan for the future of mankind .The Old Testament deals primarily with the relationship betweenGodand the nation of Israel. The Pentateuch deals with the creationofIsrael and God establishing a covenant relationship withIsrael.Historical books record the history of Israel, its victoriesandsuccesses along with its defeats and failures.Poetic books give us a more intimate insight into God'srelationshipwith Israel and His passion for Israel worshiping andobeying Him.The prophetic books are the call of God to Israel torepent of theiridolatry and infidelity and return to arelationship of obedienceand spiritual fidelity.Pastors such as leaders or seminary students can take advantageofthese resources that will be of blessing, when preparingsermons,teachings or for the purpose of enriching one'sknowledge.We offer you for free more interesting theme applications inthesection "More Apps" such as:- Spurgeon Sermons- Biblical studies- Biblical Themes to Preach- Biblical Dictionary- Hebrew Dictionary- Greek Dictionary- Gospel of the day- Biblical Theology- Theological Dictionary- Study Bible- Catholic Bible in English- Psalms- Christian Marriage- Liturgy of the hoursDo not hesitate and download Bible study of at, you will haveinyour hand a great tool to pray daily and feel closer toourLord.To comply with the regulations of the data protection authoritieswecommunicate:On this site, device identifiers are used to customize thecontentand advertisements, to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealso share those identifiers and other deviceinformation withsocial media advertising and web analyticspartners. More detailsin:Http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners
Devotionals for Women 1.1 APK
App in SpanishWith Christian devotions for women you will have abiblicaldevotion to the women of today. They are words ofencouragement andstrength for all mothers, wives, sisters anddaughters to starttheir day in the best way.Devotion is the total surrender to an experience, usually ofamystical nature. It is also the irresistible attraction to anidea,a person, a king, a saint, a god, a loved person or alivingbeing.Hundreds of resources and Biblical Themes for women. Specialthemesto discover the women of the Bible and to be a womanaccording tothe heart of GodIt allows you to navigate through all the wisdom of the Word ofGodin simple and clear language with just a few clicks.A devotional is a special moment of the day dedicatedtocommunication with God and the discovery of his word.We must return to live in the presence of God and depend onhispromises and his provision. Only then can we distinguishbetweentruth and lies. Only then will our lives be characterized byfaithand not by fear.Beloved God, help me to discern between false fears andtrueconcerns. As I memorize your Word, make your truth alive inmyheart so that I can fight against fear and live by faith. Inthename of Jesus. Amen.Through meditation and prayer it is possible to enter intodirectcontact with God and harmonize our lives in many ways.With Christian devotions for women you will strengthen yourselftohave a good life and you will gain power to love others.We offer you for free more interesting theme applications inthesection "More Apps" such as:- Spurgeon Sermons- Biblical studies- Biblical Themes to Preach- Biblical Dictionary- Hebrew Dictionary- Greek Dictionary- Gospel of the day- Biblical Theology- Theological Dictionary- Study Bible- Catholic Bible in English- Psalms- Christian Marriage- Liturgy of the hoursTo comply with the regulations of the data protection authoritieswecommunicate:On this site, device identifiers are used to customize thecontentand advertisements, to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealso share those identifiers and other deviceinformation withsocial media advertising and web analyticspartners. More detailsin:Http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners
Course of the Bible 1.0 APK
App in SpanishWould you like to learn more about the Bible?Christian Biblical Studies, to learn more every day of thewordof God, lower this application and you will see beautifulstudiesand the Power of GodBible Course is a simple tool for learning and acquiring a wealthofbiblical information.Biblical studies are the academic study of the Judeo-ChristianBibleand related texts. Other texts frequently examined bybiblicalscholars include the Jewish apocryphal, the Jewishpseudepigraphs,the Christian apocrypha, the different varieties ofante-Niceneliterature of early Christianity, and ancientJewishliterature.The research of biblical scholars is often calledbiblicalcriticism. It does not presuppose, but does not deny, thebelief inthe supernatural origin of the scriptures. Instead, itapplies tothe Bible methods of textual analysis used in otherdisciplines ofthe social and humanistic sciences. Numerous biblicalscholars alsointeract with traditional Jewish and Christianinterpreters andmethods of interpretation, which may be termedbiblical orhermeneutical exegesis and history of interpretation orhistoryreceived.This Bible Course is an introduction to studying the Bibletakinginto account the steps of careful observation of the text,then itsinterpretation, application, and correlation, plus a lightlook atother methods that the student can use in Self-study of theWord ofGod. Also consider the benefits of reading the scripturesandexplain how to prepare, organize and lead Bible studies in ordertoevangelize and disciple.We must read and study the Bible because it is totally reliableandwithout error. The Bible is unique among manyself-appointed"sacred" books because it not only offers moralteachings and says"trust me," rather offers us the opportunity totest it,corroborating hundreds of detailed prophecies itcontains,verifying historical events that Relates, and checkingthescientific facts he describes.We offer you for free more interesting theme applications inthesection "More Apps" such as:- Spurgeon Sermons- Biblical studies- Biblical Themes to Preach- Biblical Dictionary- Hebrew Dictionary- Greek Dictionary- Gospel of the day- Biblical Theology- Theological Dictionary- Study Bible- Catholic Bible in English- Psalms- Christian Marriage- Liturgy of the hoursTo comply with the regulations of the data protection authoritieswecommunicate:On this site, device identifiers are used to customize thecontentand advertisements, to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealso share those identifiers and other deviceinformation withsocial media advertising and web analyticspartners. More detailsin:Http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners
Liturgy of the hours 2.0.0 APK
App in SpanishLiturgy of the Hours is an application that allows tovisualizeon mobile devices with Android operating system theliturgy of thehours of the whole month for freeThe Liturgy of the Hours, the universal prayer of theCatholicChurch, covering all the canonical hours. The service isonline. Italso contains an explanation of what the Liturgy of theHours is,as well as an explanation of how to pray.The Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours) is the set ofprayers(psalms, antiphons, hymns, prayers, biblical readings andothers)that the Church has organized to be prayed at certain timeseachday.The divine office is part of the liturgy and, as such,constitutes,with the Holy Mass, the public and official prayer oftheChurch.Its purpose is to consecrate the hours to the Lord, extendingthecommunion with Christ effected in the Sacrifice of the Mass.Whoprays the office makes a stop in the work to pray with theChurcheven if he is physically alone. Although private prayerisundoubtedly necessary, we also need to pray formally united asaChurch.This prayer is mandated specifically for priests and religiousofall kinds. They are observed with special attention and care bythemonastic communities. However, being the official prayer oftheChurch, it is a proper prayer of all baptized, also ofthelaity.We offer you for free more interesting theme applications inthesection "More Apps" such as:- Spurgeon Sermons- Biblical studies- Biblical Themes to Preach- Biblical Dictionary- Hebrew Dictionary- Greek Dictionary- Gospel of the day- Biblical Theology- Theological Dictionary- Study Bible- Catholic Bible in English- Psalms- Christian Marriage- Liturgy of the hoursDo not hesitate and download the liturgy of the hours, you willhavein your hand a great tool to pray daily and feel closer toourLord.To comply with the regulations of the data protection authoritieswecommunicate:On this site, device identifiers are used to customize thecontentand advertisements, to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealso share those identifiers and other deviceinformation withsocial media advertising and web analyticspartners. More detailsin:Http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners
Bible Dictionary 1.0 APK
App in SpanishFull Christian Bible DictionaryYou can find more than 2000 Biblical meanings, as wellasconcordances of words that you can not find.We offer you the possibility to consult the Biblical dictionaryinan offline or online way, depending on whether or not youhaveinternet connection, so that you can always use theapplicationwherever you are.Great Bible Study Tool on your smartphone. Here you willfindthousands of definitions about biblical names, events, placesandother useful information about Holy Bible.Main Features:• This application works mostly offline - you do not needanInternet connection. Perfect for your travels or when there isnodata connection available.• Thousands of words and biblical terms• The application is completely free, you do not have topayanything!• Alphabetical Listing• A search tool• A learning toolOne of the best and most complete Bible dictionaries available.Madefor you who want to learn more about the word of theLord!For all those who want to study the Bible better. With anintuitiveand easy-to-read interface, even on devices withsmallscreens.We offer you for free more interesting theme applications inthesection "More Apps" such as:- Spurgeon Sermons- Biblical studies- Biblical Themes to Preach- Biblical Dictionary- Hebrew Dictionary- Greek Dictionary- Gospel of the day- Biblical Theology- Theological Dictionary- Study Bible- Catholic Bible in English- Psalms- Christian Marriage- Liturgy of the hoursTo comply with the regulations of the data protection authoritieswecommunicate:On this site, device identifiers are used to customize thecontentand advertisements, to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealso share those identifiers and other deviceinformation withsocial media advertising and web analyticspartners. More detailsin:Http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners
The Catholic Bible in Spanish 4.0.0 APK
Catholic Bible or Jerusalem. Old TestamentandNew Testament.App en españolTake with you on your Android device the Catholic BibleIt is not necessary to have internet, once installed, you can useitregardless of whether or not you have a connection. (Audioifconnection required)Part 1 (Old Testament):Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua,Judges,Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, II Kings, I Chronicles,IIChronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobiah, Judith, Esther, Job, Psalms,IMaccabees , II Maccabees, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song,Wisdom,Ecclesiastic, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch,Ezekiel,Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amoz, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahun,Habakkuk,Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, MalachiPart 2 (New Testament):Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, I Corinthians,IICorinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians,IThessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, II Timothy,Titus,Philemon, Hebrews, James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John,IIIJohn, Judas, Apocalypse.The Bible (from the Greek τα βιβλία, ta bible, 'books') is thesetof canonical books of Judaism and Christianity. The canonicityofeach book varies depending on the tradition adopted. Accordingtothe Jewish and Christian religions, it transmits the word ofGod.The Bible has been translated into 2303 languagesThe Bible is a compilation of texts that were originallyseparatedocuments (called "books"), written first in Hebrew,Aramaic, andGreek for a very long period and then assembled to formthe Tanach(Old Testament for Christians) The New Testament.Both wills form the Christian Bible. In itself, the texts thatmakeup the Bible were written over approximately 1000 years(between900 BC and 100 AD). The earliest texts are found in theBook ofJudges ("Canto de Deborah") and in the so-called "E"(Elohishtradition) and "J" (Yahweh tradition) Torah sources (calledthePentateuch by Christians) Which are dated at the time of thetwokingdoms (10th to 8th centuries BC).The oldest complete book, Hosea is also from the same period.TheJewish people identify the Bible with the Tanakh, by nomeansconsenting to the term Old Testament and does not acceptthevalidity of the so-called New Testament, recognizing as sacredtextonly the Tanach.The canon of the Bible that we know today was sanctioned bytheCatholic Church, under the pontificate of St. Damasus I, attheSynod of Rome in 382, ​​and this version is the one that JeromeofEstridon translated into Latin. This canon consists of 73 books:46constituents of the so-called Old Testament, including 7bookscurrently called Deuterocanónicos (Tobit, Judith, I Maccabees,IIMaccabees, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus and Baruch) - which havebeenchallenged by Jews and Protestants - and 27 New Testament. Itwasconfirmed at the Council of Hippo in 393 and ratified atCouncilsIII of Carthage in 397 and IV of Carthage in 419.We offer you for free more interesting theme applications inthesection "More Apps" such as:- Spurgeon Sermons- Biblical studies- Biblical Themes to Preach- Biblical Dictionary- Hebrew Dictionary- Greek Dictionary- Gospel of the day- Biblical Theology- Theological Dictionary- Study Bible- Catholic Bible in English- Psalms- Christian Marriage- Liturgy of the hoursTo comply with the regulations of the data protection authoritieswecommunicate:On this site, device identifiers are used to customize thecontentand advertisements, to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealso share those identifiers and other deviceinformation withsocial media advertising and web analyticspartners. More detailsin:Http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners