اطلاعات برنامه اندروید Belajar Membaca dan Menulis
- نام برنامهBelajar Membaca dan Menulis
- نام بستهcom.hary.bacatulisid
- تاریخ بروزرسانیMarch 12, 2017
- حجم فایلUndefined
- حداقل نسخه اندرویدAndroid 2.3 and up
- نسخه5.0.7
- توسعه دهندهHaryTri
- تعداد نصب100,000 - 500,000
- قیمترایگان
- دسته بندیEducation
- توسعه دهنده
- Google Play Link
HaryTri نمایش ادامه...
Belajar Membaca dan Menulis 5.0.7 APK
Belajar Membaca dan Menulis adalah aplikasiandroid bengenre pendidikan/educationBelajar Membaca dan Menulis berisi tentang cara belajar membaca danmenulis yang interaktifBelajar Membaca dan Menulis diperuntukkan untuk anak sekolah dasaratau pra sekolahBelajar Membaca dan Menulis dikhususkan terutama untuk anak sebelumsekolahBelajar Membaca dan Menulis berisi tiga menu tama, yaitu belajarmembaca, belajar menulis huruf, dan menebakBelajar Membaca dan Menulis huruf A sampai ZBelajar Membaca dan Menulis mengenal binatang dengan menuliskanhurufBelajar Membaca dan Menulis disertai gambar dan suara
Belajar Mengenal Warna 5.0.6 APK
Belajar Mengenal warna (Belajar warna) adalahaplikasi game pembelajaran yang bertujuan untuk mengenalkan warnakepada anak secara diniBelajar Mengenal warna (Belajar warna) terdiri atas 13 menu utama.Bermacam metoda digunakan untuk mengenalkan warna pada anak,misalnya dengan memilih warna, menebak warna, menempatkan warna.Game pembelajaran ini pada menu pertama mengenalkan anak padadengan cara memilih warna dan suara. Belajar Mengenal warna inimengenalkan warna merah, putih, hitam, jingga, kuning, nila, danungu.Aplikasi ini umumnya digunakan untuk anak usia pra sekolah sampaianak tingkat sekolah dasar.Belajar Mengenal warna (Belajar warna) disusun untuk belajar sambilbermain sehingga anak sambil bermain juga sambil beajar. demikiangame pembelajaran mengenal warna atau belajar warna atau mengenalwarnauntuk anak.
Abc (ninja heli puzzle match) 3.0.3 APK
Abc ninja Abc Heli is game for learningalfabetAbc ninja like soup ninja or fruit ninjaAbc ninja fun game for learning alfabetalfabet gameMatch 3 game mencocokkan angka dan hurufAbc ninja Abc Heli Abc Puzzle adalah game pembelajaran untukmengenal huruf dengan cara bermain game.ABC ninja seperti halnya fruit ninja atau fruit slice yaitu pemainmemotong huruf yang diperintahkan, misalnya terdapat huruf A, B, Cmaka pemain harus memotong huruf-huruf tersebut. Jika berhasilmemotong dengan nilai dan waktu yang ditentukan maka pemain akanmenang. \jika pemain memotong bukan huruf yang diperintahkan selama3 kali maka pemain akan kalah. Terdapat 20 level dalam permainanini.Pada Abc Heli pemain bertugas mengangkut huruf-huruf yang ada dalamtruk untuk dipindahkan ke kotak yang sudah disediakan dengan carameengubah posisi / akselerator pada perangkat. Batas waktu sudahditentukan, jika berhasil maka akan menuju level selanjutnya.Abc Puzzle adalah game pemelajaran mengenal huruf dan angka dengancara bermain game, dimana anak dapat menyusunepingan puzzle yangberbentuk huruf dan angka. Terdapat tiga level yaitu mudah, sedangdan sulit. Diharapkan setelah bermain game puzzle abc ni anak dapatmengenal huruf dan angka.Abc Match adaah game pembelajaran untuk mencocokkan huruf atauangka dengan cara menggeser huruf atau angka. Permainan ini sepertigame populer match3game, tetapi dengan konten huruf atau angka.pada versi ini hanya satu level atau satu jenis game saja yaituangka.Diharapkan dengan mempelajari pelajaran mengenal huruf inisiswa/peserta didik khususnya siswa pra sekolah dan sekolah dasarkelas dapat mengenal dan menyenangi beajar huruf.
PlatformerSpace 1.0.4 APK
[English]Platformer Space is game education for Learning AlfabetandNumberPlatformer Space have 10 levelPlatformer Space Learning Alfabet to know alfabet for kidsPlatformer Space Learning Number to know number for kidsPlatformer Space duty is catch 10 number or 10 alfabet withlimitedtimePlatformer Space if true number or true alfabet is get coin if3wrong the life is lossPlatformer Space if coin is 1000 get a Cup WinerPlatformer Space[Indonesia]Platformer Space / Game pembelajaran Angka dan Huruf adalahaplikasiandroid untuk mempelajari angka dan huruf untuk anakPlatformer Space / Game pembelajaran Angka dan Huruf memiliki10level dan tiap level memiliki tingkat kesulitan sendiriPlatformer Space / Game pembelajaran Angka dan Huruf pemainbertugasmengambil angka atau huruf yang diperintahkan dengan waktuyangterbatasPlatformer Space / Game pembelajaran Angka dan Huruf, angkaatauhuruf mempunyai nilai atau bernilai 100Platformer Space / Game pembelajaran Angka dan Hurufjikamendapatkan nilai 1000 akan mendapatkan pialaPlatformer Space / Game pembelajaran Angka dan Huruf memili 3kalikesempatan, jika nyawa 0, maka akan kalahPlatformer Space / Game pembelajaran Angka dan Huruf diharapkananakdapat mengenal angka dan huruf dengan cara bermain gamePlatformer Space / Game pembelajaran Angka dan Huruf
Belajar Angka dan Berhitung 4.1.1 APK
Aplikasi Belajar mengenal angka dan berhitungmerupakan game pembelajaran yang dirancang untuk anak khususnyaanak usia pra sekolah dan dapat digunakan sampai dengan anaksekolah dasar kelas 4.Belajar mengenal angka dan berhitung (game pembelajaran) inibertujuan untuk mengenalkan angka 1 sampai 20 dan mengenalkan anakcara berhitung dengan susun ke bawahAplikasi Belajar mengenal angka dan berhitung memiliki tiga menuutama yaitu belajar mengenal angka dan berhitung, berhitung susunke bawah, dan game mengambil angka.Aplikasi Belajar mengenal angka dan berhitung pada menu pertamaterdiri dari bebrapa submenu. Submenu itu berisi mengenalkan angkapada anak berupa tulisan angka dan suara, mengenalkan angka dengancara menekan tombol dan akan keluar angka yang dapat digerakkan,menebak angka dengan menekan angka yag benar, mengenalkan angkadengan menebak angka pada balon, mengenalkan jumlah dan angkabeserta gambar.Aplikasi Belajar mengenal angka dan berhitung (game pembelajaran)pada menu kedua berisi penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, danpembagian dengan cara susun ke bawah. Setiap menu terdapat tutorialuntuk menggunakan aplikasi tersebut. Penambahan dua angka dengansusun ke bawah ini dapat melatih anak cara menjumlahan, begitu uladengan pengurangan. Dapat juga aplikasi ini digunakan sebagaikalkulator dengan angka tiga digitAplikasi Belajar mengenal angka dan berhitung (game pembelajaran)pada menu ketiga berupa game menangkap angka. Game menangkap angkaini dapat melatih anak mengenal angka dengan cara bermain.Pada versi ini anak dapat bermain dengan mencocokkan gambar ataumatch puzzle game, atau permainan mencocokkan angka.Akhir kata mudah-mudahan aplikasi pembelajaran mengenal angka danberhitung, atau belajar angka dan berhitung, atau belajar angka danberhitung buat anak ini dapat bermanfaat bagi anak didikkita.Learning Number and Count (game education)Learning Number and Count is game education for children especiallyfor kids under 10 years. This game education have purpose to knownumber and basic count. Learning Number and Count (game education)have three main menu. first is learning a number text and sound,play with number, quest number with balloon, drag and drop number,match number.Second is basic addition (for this version), subtraction,multiplication, and divison with tutorial.Third is catch game for learning number. This game have somelevels. Player must catch the number to get point with limitedtime.
Cerita Anak - Domba Kecil 2.0.1 APK
Cerita anak dongeng Si Domba Kecilmenceritakan tentang perjalanan si domba kecilCerita anak dongeng Si Domba Kecil yang ingin memekan sebuahapelCerita anak dongeng Si Domba Kecil tetapi apel tersebut berada diatas pohon yang tinggi sekaliCerita anak dongeng Si Domba Kecil melihat burung mengambil apeltersebutCerita anak dongeng Si Domba Kecil melihat kanguru melompatmengambil apelCerita anak dongeng Si Domba Kecil jerapah dengan leherpanjangnyaCerita anak dongeng Si Domba Kecil monyet yang memanjat pohonapelCerita anak dongeng Si Domba Kecil bagaimana akhir cerita si dombakecil?
Abc Dodge 1.0 APK
Abc Dodge is a education game for learnalphabet and number with play the game. Children more difficult tolearn, they want to play the game. Abc Dodge is education game forchildren to know and learn alphabet and number.The game is simple, just touch Image player, catch the alphabet ornumber, avoid a bomb. The player get score and high score. Thisversion have two level.EnjoyAbc Dodge adalah game pembelajaran mengenal huruf dan angkadengan bermain game. Pada saat ini, anak-anak cenderung lebih sulituntuk belajar, mereka lebih suka bermain game. Abc Dodge adalahgame pembelajaran untuk anak-anak untuk mengenal huruf dan angkadengan cara bermain game.Game pembelajaran, atau Permainan ini sederhana, hanya menyentuhdan menggerakkan Gambar player, menangkap huruf atau angka,menghindari jebakan berupa bom. Pemain atau player akan mendapatkannilai setiap kali mendapatkan huruf atau angka dan akan kalah jikalebih dari tiga kali menyentuh bom. Pemain akan bersaing memperolehnilai atau skor tertinggi. Versi ini memiliki dua tingkat atu leveldan akan di perbaharui terus.Terima kasih.Selamat belajar sambil bermain.
برنامههای مشابه نمایش ادامه...
Paket Belajar Lengkap TK & PAUD 5.6.2 APK
Paket aplikasi yang terdiri dari modul membaca, berhitung, menulis,mengaji, bahasa inggris, serta dilengkapi dengan game yangmendidik. Fitur: ★ Belajar Angka, Menulis Angka & BelajarBerhitung ★ Belajar Huruf, Menulis Huruf & Belajar Membaca ★Belajar Hijaiyah, Menulis Hijaiyah & Belajar Iqra Dasar ★Belajar Bahasa Inggris ★ Belajar Menggambar & Mewarnai ★Kumpulan Lagu Anak Terbaik ★ Permainan Edukasi ★ Aplikasi mudahdigunakan ★ Bisa digunakan secara offline/tanpa internet
ABC Belajar Membaca APK
Ayo kita belajar membaca dengan Aplikasi "ABCBelajar Membaca".Fitur yang terdapat di aplikasi ini diantaranya:1. Dilengkapi suara pada tiap hurufnya2. Dilengkapi suara pada tiap gambar3. Belajar mengenal huruf vokal dan konsonan4. Belajar membaca tiap suku kata5. Mengenal dan mengeja nama hewan6. Mengenal dan mengeja nama buah buahan7. Mengenal dan mengeja nama silisalah keluarga (Ayah, Ibu, Adik,Kakak)8. Terdapat gambar-gambar yang lucu dan menarik9. Belajar menulis huruf lengkap10. Belajar menulis angka lengkapDengan aplikasi ini, belajar membaca menjadi lebih seru danmenyenangkan!Let us learn to read withApplications "ABC Learn to Read".Features included in this app include:1. Equipped vote on each letter2. Equipped vote on each image3. Learn to recognize vowels and consonants4. Learning to read each syllable5. Identify and spell the names of animals6. Identify and spell the names of fruits7. Identify and spell the name silisalah family (father, mother,sister, brother)8. There are pictures of funny and interesting9. Learn to write a complete letter10. Learn to write the numbers completeWith this application, learning to read becomes more exciting andfun!
Marbel Learns Quran for Kids 6.2.7 APK
Marbel Learns Qur'an is educationalapplication for kids aged 3-8 years old. This application help kidslearning Hijaiyah letters such as A Ba Ta, reading hijaiyah withits harokat (fathah, dummah, kasroh), and also reading hijaiyahwith harokat tanwin (Fathah Tanwin, Dummah Tanwin, KasrohTanwin).Through marbel Learns Qur'an, kids are able to learn qur'an in funway. This app are equipped with narration which is beneficial forthose who haven't been able to read. Each material is completedwith narration, so that kids can learn by just listening to thevoice. After learning, there are fun games for them. Throughoutthis game, parents could know how far kids' understanding aboutqur'an.Marbel combines learn and play concept in order to make learningmore fun. Materials are presented with interesting pictures, voiceand narration, and cool animation to attract kids in learning.Later on, kids are able to test their understanding about thematerials through games. It would be easier to use this app if kidshave already learn about iqra and tajweed.LEARNING- Learning hijaiyah letters- Learning Harokat- Learning Tanwin- Learning in auto modeEDUCATIONAL GAME- Hijaiyah Pop Quiz- Hijaiyah Puzzle- Writing Hijaiyah- Guess Harokat and Tanwin- Fishing Hijaiyah LettersFEATURES- Support two languages- Cool pictures and animations- Interactive and innovative- Dress Up: Collect stars to get hijab and moslem suit- Equipped with narration, help kids whose haven't able toread.This application is categorized kids learning application,education application, educational game, books, interactivelearning, puzzle game, drawing book, coloring book, learn coloring,educational book.ABOUT MARBELMarbel is an educational application for kids aged 2- 12 years old.With Marbel, kids will learn a lot of things, such as letters,alphabets, numbers, fruits, animals, transportation, vehicles,colors, and many more. The most interesting thing is funeducational game. There are a lot of fun games to check theirintelligence. The games consist of pop quiz, quick respond game,memory game, logic game, and many more. Marbel is equipped withcool pictures and animation, original music, and also narration forthose haven't been able to read.SUPPORT THE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENTWe appreciate your suggestion, so don't be hesitate to send itto:# Email: support@educastudio.comMore Information about Marbel Learns Qur'an:# Website: https://www.educastudio.com# Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/educastudio# Twitter: @educastudio# Instagram: Educa StudioFor moms who love playing with kids, give a try to play Marbel.Besides happines, kids will also get knowledge. Learn whileplaying? Why not? Let's accompany our kids studying withMarbel.
Marbel Belajar Menulis 5.3.4 APK
Marbel Belajar Menulis merupakan aplikasipendidikan untuk anak usia 5-8 tahun. Aplikasi ini membantuanak-anak belajar cara menulis huruf a - z (huruf kecil) dan A - Z(huruf besar). Selain belajar menulis huruf, tersedia juga belajarmenulis angka 0 - 9. Mari bunda, kita kenalkan anak-anak padaasyiknya belajar menulis sedini mungkin. Kita awali dengan belajarmenulis huruf dan angka. Dukung kreatifitas anak bersama MarbelBelajar Menulis.Marbel menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadi satusehingga melahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Materiakan disajikan dalam bentuk yang menarik dilengkapi dengan Gambar,Suara Narasi dan Animasi untuk menarik minat anak-anak dalambelajar. Selanjutnya, mereka bisa mengasah kemampuan melaluipermainan edukasi yang disediakan.PAKET BELAJAR DAN BERMAIN# Belajar menulis huruf kecil (a - z)# Belajar menulis huruf besar (A - Z)# Belajar menulis angka (0 - 9)# Belajar menulis berbagai macam warna# Belajar menulis nama-nama hewan# Belajar menulis nama-nama buah# Simulasi Handphone untuk anak# Gambar dan animasi yang menarik.# Narasi untuk membantu anak yang belum lancar membaca.Aplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi belajar anak,aplikasi pendidikan, permainan edukasi, buku belajar, belajarinteraktif, Permainan Puzzle, Permainan anak, Buku gambar, bukumewarnai, belajar mewarnai, game edukasi anakTENTANG MARBELMarbel adalah aplikasi pendidikan untuk anak-anak usia 2 s/d 8tahun. Bersama Marbel, anak-anak bisa belajar banyak hal dengancara yang menyenangkan. Tersedia materi pembelajaran yang akanmembantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal sesuatu misalnya sajahuruf, angka, buah, sayur, hewat, alat-alat transportasi, warna,dan masih banyak lainnya. Yang paling menarik dari marbel adalah :Permainan edukasi yang menyenangkan. Ada berbagai macam permainanyang akan menguji kemampuan mereka. Permainan itu terdiri dari :tepat cepat, ketangkasan, daya ingat, kecerdikan, asah otak danmasih banyak lainnya. Marbel dilengkapi dengan gambar dan animasiyang menarik, musik orisinil, serta narasi panduan yang bergunabagi anak-anak yang belum lancar membaca.BERPARTISIPASI MENGEMBANGKAN APP INIKami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan ragu untukmengirimkannya ke :# Email: support@educastudio.comInformasi lebih lanjut mengenai Marbel:# Website: http://www.educastudio.com# Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/educastudio# Twitter: @educastudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain, tak ada salahnyamencoba aplikasi Marbel. Anak-anak tak hanya mendapatkan kesenangandalam bermain, namun juga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Belajar sambilbermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayoo kita temani anak-anak belajar,bersama Marbel tentunya.. :)Marbel Learning Writingan educational application for children aged 5-8 years. Thisapplication helps children learn how to write letters a - z (lowercase) and A - Z (uppercase). In addition to learning to writeletters, are also learning to write numbers 0 - 9. Let the mother,we introduce children to the fun of learning to write as early aspossible. We begin by learning to write letters and numbers.Encourage creativity together Marbel Learning Writing.Marbel combines the concept of learning and playing into one thatgave birth to a way of learning more enjoyable. The material willbe presented in an attractive form comes with a Picture, Voicenarration and animation to attract children's interest in learning.Furthermore, they can hone skills through educational gamesprovided.PACKAGE TO LEARN AND PLAY# Learn to write lowercase letters (a - z)# Learn to write uppercase letters (A - Z)# Learn to write the numbers (0-9)# Learn to write a variety of colors# Learn to write the names of animals# Learn to write the names of fruit# Simulation Mobile for children# Image and an interesting animation.# Narration to help children who are not fluent in reading.These applications can be classified into children's learning apps,educational apps, educational games, book learning, interactivelearning, Puzzle Games, Games for girls, picture books, coloringbooks, learn coloring, educational games childrenON MarbelMarbel is educational apps for children ages 2 s / d 8 years.Together Marbel, children can learn a lot of things in a fun way.There are teaching materials that will help children to learn aboutsomething for example letters, numbers, fruits, vegetables, Hewat,transportation equipment, colors, and many more. The mostinteresting of marble is: a fun educational game. There is a widevariety of games that will test their skills. The game consists of:right quick, dexterity, memory, ingenuity, brain teasers and manymore. Marbel equipped with interesting pictures and animations,original music, and narration useful guide for children who do notyet know how to read.PARTICIPATE TO DEVELOP THIS APPWe expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitate to send it to:# Email: support@educastudio.comFurther information about Marbel:# Website: http://www.educastudio.com# Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/educastudio# Twitter: @educastudioFor mothers who like to accompany the children to play, there is noharm in trying the app Marbel. Children not only have fun in theplay, but also useful knowledge. Learning while playing .. ?? Whynot..?? Pligg we accompany children to learn, along Marbel course.. :)
برترین های آموزشی نمایش ادامه...
Hello English: Learn English 1158 APK
"Learn spoken English and Grammar from Hindi,Indonesian, Thai, Arabic, Malay, Urdu, Malay, Bangladeshi Bengali,Bengali, Punjabi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Oriya,Assamese, Malayalam, Chinese, Portuguese, Turkish and Nepali. Afree English learning course used by over 24 Million learners forspoken English, grammar, and vocabulary building.Hello English by CultureAlley is the number 1 ranked freeEducational App, and the best free App to learn English.Featured as "GOOGLE'S BEST OF 2016 APPS" and "MOST INNOVATIVE APPOF 2016" By IAMAI.Features:★ 475 Interactive Lessons: 100% free interactive lessons withconversational English, grammar topics, vocabulary and more. Alllessons work offline as well.★ Interactive Games: On reading, translation, spellings, grammar,vocabulary. With immediate results and grammar tips.★ Have discussions with teachers: Ask questions on grammar andtranslations to teachers.★ Practice using daily news: Learn with latest news, articles,audio-video clips, and e-books.★ Conversation practice game: Hold daily-use conversations byspeaking into the App - improve your spoken English skills.★ 10,000 words Dictionary: Learn new words, and hear theirpronunciation.★ Know Your Rank: Know your global and city rank.Download the free App right away to help with your dream jobinterview, or with an exam, or to impress your friends! ImproveEnglish speaking, writing, reading and comprehension, and listeningskills. Speak English with confidence!"
BYJU'S – The Learning App APK
Fall in Love with learning!Stay on top in every subject with classes from India’s bestteachers including Byju Raveendran, using state of the arttechnology for visualization. Understand and master all conceptsright from High School Foundation Class 6-12 Math & Science toCompetitive Exam Prep like JEE, AIPMT, CAT & IAS.Features:- Engaging Video Lessons: Designed by India’s Best Teachers, theseunique video class modules will give you complete understanding ofeven the most complicated concepts in such a simple way that youwill fall in love with learning. Special Modules on ICSE, CBSESample Papers for Class 7-10 students and AIPMT & IITJEEcoaching for Class 11-12 students.- For CAT Aspirants, video lectures directly from Byju and Santoshthemselves and complete test series (over 200 chapterwise tests)and 20 Full Length Mocks.-Complete syllabus coverage: The modules are planned in a way as toprovide complete coverage of all state-level Boards, ICSE and CBSEsyllabus for class 10, 9, 8 and 7. Complete IIT JEE Preparation andAIPMT Preparation for Class 11-12.- Chapter wise Tests for Class 7-12: Large collection of fulllength and topic based tests including IITJEE and AIPMT Mock Tests& ICSE and CBSE sample papers for class 10 to 7. Also practicetest based on Class 10th Question Papers for CBSE, ICSE & StateBoards.- Detailed Analysis: View detailed analysis of your progress andperformance which will help you plan even better and improve yourperformance.- Personal Mentors & Guides: Get your doubts cleared by ourmentors who are from top institutions like IIT/IIM – lay solidfoundation for IIT JEE preparation.- Adaptive Learning: Learn in a way that works best for you throughour adaptive learning modules which are designed to cater to eachstudent’s personal learning needs.With 6.5 Lakh+ likes on Facebook, we are the most liked EducationCompany on Facebook!Proven Results: Thousands of Our students have been using themobile learning and tablet training modules for CAT, IAS &IIT-JEE coaching successfully and have consistently secured topranks in all competitive exams. With a total of 87 Civil Servicesselections, 4 rank-holders in IIT top 100, a success ratio of 1 outof every 7 student getting an IIM Call and thousands of happystudents & parents, all in the launch year of this new mode oflearning itself, we have proven beyond doubt that a love forlearning can and does produce great results!!Awards that came our way- Although we don’t consider this of primeimportance, it makes us feel extremely proud that our work has beenrecognized by almost every major media house. A few notablementions are -1. CNBC TV18 Crisil Emerging India Award for Education2. Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India and Fast 500 Asia Award3. NDTV Profit Business Service Excellence Award4. ET Now Education Excellence AwardOur vision is to make learning such an enjoyable process thatstudents begin to learn not just for exams, but for life!!
CppDroid - C/C++ IDE APK
CppDroid is simple C/C++ IDE focused onlearning programming languages and libraries.Features:* code complete ** real-time diagnostics (warnings and errors) and fixes ** file and tutorial navigator (variables, methods, etc)* static analysis ** smart syntax highlighting* portrait/landscape UI* auto indentation and auto pairing (configurable)* configurable code syntax highlighting (themes) ** compile C/C++ code (no root required)* works offline (built-in compiler, no internet connectionrequired)* great C/C++ code examples included ** detailed C++ tutorial and learn guide included ** add-ons manager and auto updates* Dropbox support ** Google Drive support *On first launch CppDroid extracts SDK (about 150Mb) anddownloads and extracts examples and tutorials, so about 215Mb of internal storage space is required. It can't be moved tosd card because of android security.Start learning C and C++ by examples (menu / Project /Examples) or tutorials (menu / Project /Tutorials).App blog:http://www.cppdroid.infoAdvanced paid features (marked with *) review:http://www.cppdroid.info/p/advanced-features.htmlSee also ArduinoDroid app:http://www.arduinodroid.info
Memrise: Learn New Languages, Grammar & Vocabulary 2023.2.6.0 APK
Google Play I/O Award Winner for Best App of2017Learn how to speak like a native and unlock your foreign languagelearning superpowers with Memrise! Speak fluent Spanish, French,Japanese or Chinese and improve your grammar with easy beginner andintermediate language lessons using a fun, innovative approach fromthe free language learning app.Study new words, vocabulary and grammar with easy beginner andintermediate reading and writing lessons alongside over 15 millionpeople worldwide.Reading, writing and speaking fluent Spanish, Japanese, Chinese,Italian, French, German, Korean and other languages is easy withMemrise! Learn languages the fun way with next-generation mobilelearning, a rich variety of vocabulary and memory games, over30,000 easy-to-understand native speaker videos and interactivechatbots.Reading, writing and engaging in fluent, daily conversation is outof this world fun with Memrise!Foreign Language Learning: Top 5 Reasons to Download MemriseBeginner and intermediate Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese,Italian and many other speaking, reading and writing foreignlanguage courses expertly created by a dedicated team oflinguistsStudy French, Spanish, Japanese (full and no script), and othervocabulary with content designed to push the boundaries of learningtechnologyStudy and learn languages with chatbots – hone a natural flow forfluent, daily conversationLearn a foreign language with native speaker videos – no actors,just real people!Vocabulary, memory and other fun language games help you learn andpractice your skills, including Difficult Words, Speed Review,Listening Skills and Classic ReviewStudy new words, beginner, intermediate and advanced vocabulary,pronunciation and practical grammar for daily conversation in yourfavorite languages including Japanese, Chinese, Korean andItalian!Study beginner Italian vocabulary for free before you fly to Romeand eat a pistachio gelato. Is Korean BBQ your favorite meal? Learnhow to order like a native speaker the next time you’re in Seoul.Check out our intermediate reading lessons and learn how to speakfluent German before donning the lederhosen for Oktoberfest.Working your way through an official Memrise course? Record andcompare your pronunciation to that of a native speaker.Memrise, the award-winning free language learning app:Google Play I/O Award Winner for Best App of 2017Editor’s ChoiceTop DeveloperBest of 2016 - Self ImprovementBest AppsFlirt in a foreign language with perfect pronunciation from memory,or impress locals with your advanced Chinese grammar knowledge thenext time you're on vacation. Got a free minute? Why not setyourself a challenge and learn two new words a day - you'll beamazed by how quickly you can pick it up! Whether it's reading inSpanish, challenging your memory skills with German articles orsimply being curious about Japanese, Memrise offers a unique andinteractive approach to the world of language learning.Learn useful, real-life foreign language skills on the go. Withpronunciation guides, beginner and intermediate courses, grammarskills and rich content, Memrise offers everything you need to havea compelling conversation in any foreign language! Download todayand start a conversation with the world around you.
Current Affairs GK - SSC IAS IBPS Exam Prep Tests 16.4.6 APK
OnlineTyari app is India's No.1 TestPreparation App for Hindi, English and Marathi medium. We providedaily updates on current affairs 2017 and GK. It contains latestonline study material for SSC (CGL, CHSL, 10+2), IBPS (Bank PO,Clerk, RRB, SBI & Associates Bank), GATE , UPSC (IAS, IPS,IES), Railways RRB, Insurance LIC AAO and state level governmentexams.Hindi and Marathi Medium SupportContent is available in Hindi (हिंदी), English and Marathi mediums.Get access to daily GK current affairs in Hindi. Improve yourGeneral Knowledge (GK) in Hindi. Get essential topics and studymaterial for GK and Current Affairs 2017, NCERT questions andsolutions, Maths (Reasoning and Aptitude), English Learning andComputer Knowledge.Daily Study and PracticeLatest daily GK current affairs notes for 2017 sent in morning withquiz. Read current affairs Weekly and Month wise. Questions andnotes provided on topics like Banking,Environment, Foreign Policyand International news. Get Job Alerts, Employment News, NewsDigest and Articles about the current happenings around theworld.Mock Tests and E-BooksSection wise and Full Length Online Mock tests are provided forexam preparation. Targeted Test series with guidance are availablefor exams like IAS, SSC, Bank PO. Solve previous years exam paperson app.OnlineTyari AIT (All India Test) allow one to check India levelrank before real exams. Detailed analysis and comparison isprovided in All India Tests.Recommended Books available in E-Book (PDF, E-pub) format. ReadBooks offline after downloading. Competition exam mock papers andE-books are available from best coaching classes of India.SSCOne app for all SSC 2016 Exams preparation. Prepare for SSC CGL,CHSL , GD Constable, Stenographer, CPO exams. Prepare for SSC inHindi Medium here. Topics for SSC like English Learning, Quant,Reasoning in app.Banking Exams (IBPS, Bank PO, SBI PO & Clerk)Single place to clear your bank exams. Daily notes, practice papersand e-books provided for Banking exams. We cover SBI PO, SBI Clerk,RBI, NABARD, SEBI, SIDBI and other bank exams. Bank specific topicslike Economy, English Tests and Banking Awareness covered.IAS (UPSC Civil Services ) 2017Crack your IAS Pre and Mains exam with help from OnlineTyari.Targeted study capsules from leading coaching like Chronicle,Vision IAS etc available. Cover your syllabus with guidance fromexperts. IAS specific topics like Ethics & Governance, Optionalpapers, Case studies available. Chapter wise Notes from NCERT forHistory, Geography, Polity subjects.GATE , IES & PSUStudy material (Mock test & E-Books) available for Engineeringbranches like Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, CivilEngineering and Mechanical. Solved previous year papers availablefor GATE & IES.Other Exams- Railways RRB and Loco pilot , insurance LIC AAO : Mock tests, MCQquestions and E-books available for Railways RRB and LIC AAOExams.- Teacher Exam: CTET, UGC NET, state level like UPTET, MPTET, REETand B.Ed exams.- Defence and police exams like CDS, NDA, IB and CRPF.- State level exams: -i) For north india we cover exams like RAS and REET (Rajasthan),UPPSC and UPTET (Uttar Pradesh), Bihar SSC and BPSC (Bihar),Haryana PSC, MPPSC (Madhya Pradesh), Maharashtra (TET, B.Ed.,Police and MPSC).ii) For south india we cover exams like Tamil Nadu PSC, Kerala PSC,Andhra PSC and Telangana PSC exams.OnlineTyari have largest network of students. Student communityallow students to ask an answer questions, seek test prepguidance.Study Material from publishers like Arihant, Jagran Josh, Chronicleand Pratiyogita Darpan available.Updates related to Application form and dates, exam pattern,syllabus , Admit cards regularly sent. Know about Examnotifications , result dates within app.Visit: https://onlinetyari.com
CBSE Class 8, 9, 10, 11 Course 2.56 APK
★★★FREE NCERT Solutions & RevisionQuestions★★★Complete CBSE classes 8th ,9th 10th and 11th study coursepowered by Everonn is available on your mobile & tab. Thisguide will help you ace your schools exams and have fun whilelearning.A very well researched course, this course contains learningcontent, animations, questions & answers, study notes, NCERTsolutions etc to help you with your school curriculum. The courseis based on the NCERT books and closely follows the syllabus forCBSE Class 8 ,9 and10 books.Each NCERT textbook chapter is explained in detail along withpractice questions and important questions that are likely to comein school exams. The course also provides detailed solutions to allthe questions present in NCERT books and has these solutionsavailable for free !The course contains detailed chapters for Class 8th, 9th, 10thand 11th -Class 8 - Science, Maths, Geography, History, Social &Political Life and English.Class 9 - Science, Maths, Geography, History, Economics, DemocraticPolicies and EnglishClass 10 - Science, Maths, Geography, History, DemocraticPolicies, Economics, Disaster Management and EnglishClass 11 - Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology and CommerceFor each class the course contains 2 sample chapters for eachsubject for free and the course (with access available on web also)start from INR 595For each NCERT book, all the chapters are covered in full detailalong with solutions to all NCERT questions.Also these solutions are completely FREE. So you don't need to buyextra guides for NCERT questions and answers.The content is developed by Everonn's research team inconsultation with some of the top CBSE schools in thecountry.It is a cross platform course that works across your Mobile,Tablets and Web.Visit us at http://gradestack.com/cbse to check out thecomplete course on the web.
Marbel Panduan Ramadhan + Suara APK
Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang dinantikanoleh semua umat muslim di dunia. Syukur Alhamdulillah kita tinggaldi negara dengan mayoritas muslim sehingga bulan Ramadhan terasabegitu meriah dan menyenangkan. Apakah bulan Ramadhan hanya milikorang dewasa saja. Tentu saja tidak. Anak-anak pun sangat antusiasmenyambut bulan Ramadhan.Nah, bagaimana dengan buah hati anda yang masih balita?Bagaimanakah cara anda menjelaskan apa itu Bulan Ramadhan dankeutamaannya kepada sang buah hati? Mengenalkan bulan Ramadhankepada buah hati dengan cara yang menyenangkan sangatlah penting.Hal ini untuk menanamkan kepada anak-anak bahwa bulan Ramadhan itumenyenangkan.Kini telah hadir MARBEL PANDUAN PUASA RAMADHAN khusus untukanak-anak. Aplikasi ini mengajak anak-anak untuk belajar :1. Apa itu puasa?2. Apa saja keutamaan bulan Ramadhan?3. Apa saja rukun puasa?4. Apa saja amalan yang bisa dilakuakn di bulan Ramadhan?Marbel menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadi satusehingga melahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Materiakan disajikan dalam bentuk yang menarik dilengkapi dengan Gambar +Sound Narasi + Animasi untuk menarik minat anak-anak dalam belajar.Selanjutnya, mereka bisa mengasah kemampuan melalui permainanedukasi yang disediakan.Kelebihan :------------------Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan gambar dan ilustrasi serta animasiyang menarik, sehingga anak-anak akan merasa tertarik untukbelajar. Setiap materi dilengkapi dengan narasi pendukung. Aplikasiini dilengkapi juga dengan doa berbuka puasa, niat berpuasa sertaniat shalat tarawih lengkap dengan voice narasi, tulisan dalamhuruf arab dan latin, serta artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia.TENTANG MARBEL--------------------------------------------------Marbel adalah aplikasi pendidkan khusus untuk anak-anak usia 2 s/d8 tahun. Bersama Marbel, anak-anak bisa belajar banyak hal dengancara yang menyenangkan. Tersedia materi pembelajaran yang akanmembantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal sesuatu misalnya sajahuruf, angka, buah, sayur, hewat, alat-alat transpotasi, warna, danmasih banyak lainnya. Yang paling menarik dari marbel adalah :Permainan edukasi yang menyenangkan. Ada berbagai macam permainanyang akan menguji kemampuan mereka. Permainan itu terdiri dari :tepat cepat, ketangkasan, daya ingat, kecerdikan, asah otak danmasih banyak lainnya. Marbel dilengkapi dengan gambar dan animasiyang menarik, musik orisinil, serta narasi panduan yang bergunabagi anak-anak yang belum lancar membaca.Kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan ragu untukmengirimkannya ke :support@educastudio.comInformasi lebih lanjut mengenai Marbel:Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: www.facebook.com/educastudioTwitter: @educastudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain, tak ada salahnyamencoba aplikasi Marbel. Anak-anak tak hanya mendapatkan kesenangandalam bermain, namun juga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Belajar sambilbermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayoo kita temani anak-anak belajar,bersama Marbel tentunya.. :)The month of Ramadan is amonth that is eagerly anticipated by all Muslims in the world.Praise to God we live in a country with a Muslim majority thatRamadan was so festive and fun. Is Ramadan belong only to adultsonly. Of course not. The children were very excited to welcome themonth of Ramadan.Well, what about your baby are still toddlers? How can you explainwhat it was the month of Ramadan and its primacy to the baby?Introduce the month of Ramadan to the baby in a fun way is veryimportant. It is to instill in children that Ramadan was fun.Now has come Marbel RAMADAN FAST GUIDE specifically for children.This application invites children to learn:1. What is fasting?2. What are the virtues of Ramadan?3. What are the pillars of fasting?4. What can dilakuakn deeds in Ramadan?Marbel combines the concept of learning and playing into one thatgave birth to a way of learning more enjoyable. The material willbe presented in an attractive form comes with Image + SoundNarrative + animations to attract children's interest in learning.Furthermore, they can hone skills through educational gamesprovided.Advantages :------------------The application comes with pictures and illustrations andinteresting animation, so the children will feel interested inlearning. Each material is equipped with a supporting narrative.This application is also equipped with a prayer iftar, theintention of fasting and of prayer tarawih complete with voicenarration, written in Arabic and Latin letters, as well as itsmeaning in Indonesian.ABOUT Marbel--------------------------------------------------Marbel is a special education application for children ages 2 s / d8 years. Together Marbel, children can learn a lot of things in afun way. There are learning materials that will help children tolearn about something for example only letters, numbers, fruits,vegetables, Hewat, means of transportation, color, and many more.The most interesting of the marble is: a fun educational game.There is a wide variety of games that will test their skills. Thegame consist of: a fast right, dexterity, memory, ingenuity, brainteasers and many more. Marbel equipped with interesting images andanimations, original music, and narrative useful guide for childrenwho are not yet fluent reading.We expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitate to send it to:support@educastudio.comFurther information about Marbel:Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: www.facebook.com/educastudioTwitter:educastudioFor mothers who like to accompany the children to play, there's noharm in trying the application Marbel. Children not only have funin the play, but also useful knowledge. Learn while playing .. ??Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children to learn, along Marbelcourse .. :)