Медиагруппа «Россия сегодня» برنامه ها

Валерка встречает Гагарина – V 1.1
VR-story about how Yuri Gagarin returned to Moscow after a flightinto space
75 лет Победы! 1.38
The official supplement to the 75th anniversary of Victory in theGreat Patriotic War.
РИА 4.2.1
Topics of the day, photos, videos, infographics, radio from theleader of the Russian news market
Динамика дня 4.23
"Dynamics of the day" - Your advantage in time for decision-making.
RIA.Lab: virtual and augmented 3.12
VR and AR stories and simulators for viewing in glasses and in 360format
Лунная станция. История в вирт 1.2
Forecast-reconstruction of the first base on the moon and thefuture of mankind in space
Музей исчезнувших картин. Вирт 5
VR stories about lost masterpieces of Russian art. View incardboard and 360
Радио Sputnik 1.0.8
Radio Sputnik is the answer to the question - how does Russiaandthe whole world live today?