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Teacher’s Organizer 2 Trial 2.8.1
The realities of the modern world, when theamount of data increases like an avalanche, require a teacher tohave in hand an immense amount of information, sometimes onlyindirectly related to the learning process, which can not have apositive impact on the result. "Teacher's Organizer" is a highlyflexible tool which allows to facilitate the work of the teacher byconsolidating the majority of necessary records into oneapplication.The key properties of the application "Teacher's Organizer"are:- versatility: the organiser can be used in the working process ofany university or school teacher;- adaptability: because of its versatility, the organiser can becustomized to the specific needs of a particular teacher;- ease of use: the application has a user-friendly graphicalinterface, suitable for everyday use;- independence: there is no need to connect to a server, all thedata is stored on the device of the user, there is no control ofthe administration over the maintenance of the journals;- low system requirements: the application works on Android 4.0 andhigher and does not need a permanent connection to theInternet."Teacher's Organizer" allows to solve the following tasks:- make a schedule of lessons and other events for the school yearor more;- enter information about students;- mark the absent students in accordance with the schedule oflessons, and give marks for the lesson to the students who arepresent;- put several marks for one lesson in the internal journal, inorder to put an average mark for the lesson afterwards;- synchronization with Dropbox;- export of the journal to Excel;- export and import of students from Excel;- maintenance of notes: characteristics of sudents, comments tolessons, marks, etc. - now everything is available in the notessection through a single interface;- the possibility to customize almost any element, from the scoringsystem to the types of lessons, to specific conditions ofwork;- and much more.
Teacher’s Organizer 2 Pro 2.7.3
The realities of the modern world, when theamount of data increases like an avalanche, require a teacher tohave in hand an immense amount of information, sometimes onlyindirectly related to the learning process, which can not have apositive impact on the result. "Teacher's Organiser" is a highlyflexible tool which allows to facilitate the work of the teacher byconsolidating the majority of necessary records into oneapplication.The key properties of the application "Teacher's Organizer"are:- versatility: the organiser can be used in the working process ofany university or school teacher;- adaptability: because of its versatility, the organiser can becustomized to the specific needs of a particular teacher;- ease of use: the application has a user-friendly graphicalinterface, suitable for everyday use;- independence: there is no need to connect to a server, all thedata is stored on the device of the user, there is no control ofthe administration over the maintenance of the journals;- low system requirements: the application works on Android 4.0 andhigher and does not need a permanent connection to theInternet."Teacher's Organizer" allows to solve the following tasks:- make a schedule of lessons and other events for the school yearor more;- enter information about students;- mark the absent students in accordance with the schedule oflessons, and give marks for the lesson to the students who arepresent;- put several marks for one lesson in the internal journal, inorder to put an average mark for the lesson afterwards;- synchronization with Dropbox;- export of the journal to Excel;- export and import of students from Excel;- maintenance of notes: characteristics of sudents, comments tolessons, marks, etc. - now everything is available in the notessection through a single interface;- the possibility to customize almost any element, from the scoringsystem to the types of lessons, to specific conditions ofwork;- and much more.
Органайзер учителя (beta) 0.12.12
Органайзер включает в себя: журнал оценок ипосещаемости, заметки и расписание учителя (преподавателя ВУЗа).Данное приложение было изначально разработано в рамкахдипломного проектирования.Реализован следующий функционал:1. Журнал оценок и посещаемости1.1. Отмечать отсутствующих и выставлять отметки1.2. Изменять балльную систему оценивания под себя1.3. Собирать статистические данные (средние баллы, количествопропущенных занятий и т.п.)1.4. Имеется возможность выставлять более чем одной отметки зазанятие (внутренний журнал для каждого занятия)1.5. Экспортировать журналы в файлы excel (электронныетаблицы)1.6. Внесение подробной информации об учащихся, занятии,выставляемой отметке1.7. Возможность вызова случайного учащегося с последующимвыставлением ему отметки1.8. Импорт и экспорт списка учащихся в файл .csv2. Записная книжка2.1. записная книжка позволяет хранить заметки, просматривать иредактировать2.2. предусмотрена система каталогизации заметок для быстрогопоиска2.3. предусмотрена возможность вхождения одной заметки в более чемодну тематическую группу3. персональное расписание учителя3.1. имеется возможность просмотра расписания на ближайший семестркак до текущего момента, так и после3.2. система позволяет генерировать расписание на несколько недельвперед, если оно повторяется3.3. расписание поддерживает двухнедельный цикл (четная и нечетнаянедели)4. Дополнительные возможности4.1. Резервное копирование и восстановление с обратнойсовместимостью(ре4.2. Подробные разделы помощи для каждого экрана4.3. Заполнение тестовой информацией внутренней базы данных длявозможности сразу оценить функционал приложения4.4. Интерфейс Holo (из Android 4) для старых систем на Android24.5. Поддержка темной и светлой темыOrganizer includes:gradebook and attendance, notes and schedules teachers (teacherscollege).This application was originally developed as part of graduatedesign.Implemented the following functionality:1. Gradebook and attendance1.1. Celebrate missing and put a mark1.2. Change point-based rating system for themselves1.3. Collect statistics (mean scores, the number of missed classes,etc.)1.4. It is possible to put more than one mark per session (internallog for each session)1.5. Export logs to files excel (spreadsheets)1.6. Adding detailed information about students, occupation,exposes the mark1.7. The ability to call a random student, followed by exhibitinghis mark1.8. Import and export a list of students. Csv file2. Notebook2.1. notebook allows you to store your notes, view and edit2.2. a system for cataloging notes for quick search2.3. provides for the possibility of entering one note in more thanone thematic group3. schedule a private teacher3.1. it is possible to view the schedule for the next semester asup to this point, and after3.2. system allows you to generate a schedule for a few weeks inadvance, if it is repeated3.3. schedule supports the two-week cycle (odd and even weeks)4. Additional Features4.1. Backup and restore backwards compatibility (re4.2. For detailed help sections for each screen4.3. Filling the test information inside the database to be able toimmediately assess the functional application4.4. Interface Holo (from Android 4) for old systems to Android24.5. Supporting dark and light themes