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怀孕管家-女性孕期怀孕助手 3.3.0
2000万怀孕妈妈的选择,手拉手绕地球X圈。史上最强大的怀孕育儿工具:困扰怀孕妈妈的胎动、孕期禁忌、产检、身体变化、医院花销、宝宝发育、喂养、护理、早教等问题,这里都有详尽答案。不断更新中,100人以上母婴专家团队专门为怀孕、育儿的妈妈打造。主要功能:【3D发育图】每天一张宝宝发育3D图,随时掌握宝宝发育动态。【妈妈变化】孕妈可以查看当周注意点,进行健康自检和产检数据对照,随时知悉自己是否处于最佳状态。【天天好孕电台】每天一期怀孕知识电台,放松孕妈心情,同时学习孕育知识。【提醒管理】怀孕期间的禁忌提醒、产检提醒、喝水提醒、补营养提醒等一样都不落,比老妈还贴心。【妈妈圈】与千万宝妈们畅聊,交流孕育问题和心得体会。【专家问诊】全国知名三甲医院妇产科医生为你解答孕期困惑。【不能吃】一键查询,孕期吃喝禁忌。【发现】各种孕期育儿小工具,妈妈想要的,这里都有【孕期日记】记录宝宝成长的点点滴滴,分享孕期、育儿的小感动。【育儿模式】宝宝出生后发育、喂养、护理、早教知识轻松掌握怀孕管家QQ交流群: 326564729欢迎宝妈们加入交流群,跟妈妈们一起畅聊,一起分享,并可以提出宝贵意见给我们。
妈妈网-怀孕育儿 6.1.1
妈妈网旗下备孕怀孕育儿早教亲子社区,大S代言,下载妈妈网客户端与大S交流孕育经验。妈妈网客户端,妈妈们喜爱的社交平台,备孕、怀孕、育儿3大模式,陪伴在妈妈身边!【孕育经验】100人孕育研究团队,10年积累知识分享,6800万妈妈真实经验【愉阅频道】专属于女性的订制化阅读平台,订制属于你的5分钟阅读【蜗牛慢慢游】为你精选性价比高的亲子旅游,陪伴宝贝一起成长【兴趣交流】厨艺、DIY、手工、化妆美体瘦型,100个圈子真人直播,包学包会【互助互动】下奶水、找保姆,处婆媳、防小三,搞装修、找折扣,你能想到的妈妈网都有妈妈网,缘来相聚如此简单!在此相遇,分享孕育经验,聊聊情感八卦;从此相识,探讨生活乐趣,一起海淘团购;不断深知,买房、装修、理财,断断家务事;你,即将在妈妈网写下什么样的故事呢?我,在妈妈网等你来……终于等到你,妈妈再也不用担心找不到聊天的小伙伴了……Network's mom preparepregnant pregnancy parenting parent-child early educationcommunity, large S endorsements, download mother network clientwith the big S bred exchange experiences.Mother network client, moms favorite social platform,Prepare pregnant, pregnancy, parenting three major modes accompanymy mother![Experience] bred breeding research team of 100 people, 10 yearsof accumulated knowledge sharing, 68 million real momexperience[Discovery Channel] read exclusively female custom of readingplatform, custom belongs to you five minutes to read[Snail] as you swim slowly featured cost-effective paternitytourism, to accompany the baby grow together[Interest] AC cooking, DIY, handmade, cosmetic body lean, 100circles live broadcast, including learning package will be[] Under the mutual interaction of milk, looking for a nanny,at-law, anti-small three, engaged in the decoration, looking for adiscount, you can think of has a mother networkMom network edge to meet so simple!In this encounter, gave birth to share experiences and talk aboutemotion gossip;From acquaintance, to explore the fun of life, together with thesea Amoy buy;Continue to know, buy a house, decoration, finance, definitelychores;You will soon what kind of story in mother network wrote it?I was in my mother waiting for you to network ......Until finally you, my mother no longer have to worry about findinga partner a little chat ......
北京生活 1.0.1
北京生活是一个分享本地购物资讯、交流亲子教育经验、探讨两性情感秘密、闲话同城生活大小事的生活论坛,并汇集了家装维修、二手物品、招聘求职等本地便民信息。生活大小事,同城最先知。您可以通过北京生活,随时随地知晓身边事。功能介绍—同城:购物打折优惠最灵通,同城大事小事你我知,买房装修全hold住—精选:精选热门关注的话题和资讯,每日推送,看得上瘾—我的:发表、回复、关注、短消息...沟通随时随地—更多:更多火爆的话题圈子,不管是美容、旅游,还是美食、早教问题,有求必应,有问必答keyword:同城 生活 打折 买房 装修 二手Beijing Life is a localshopping information sharing and exchange parenting experiences andexplore gender feelings secrets, gossip city life size livingthings forum and a collection of home improvement repair, useditems, such as local convenience Recruitment information. Life sizething, the same city the most prophet. You can live throughBeijing, anywhere know things around.Features- City: Shopping discount most well-informed, I know you are bigand small city, buy a house renovation all hold live- Featured: Featured hot topic of concern and information, dailypush, see addiction- My: post, reply, attention, short message ... to communicateanywhere, anytime- More: More hot topics circles, whether it is beauty, travel, orcuisine, early childhood issues, responsive, Insiderkeyword: city life, buy a house decoration discount Used
宝宝疫苗管家-宝贝疫苗接种日历,预防针计划全记录手册 1.1.0
宝宝疫苗管家是由广州疾病预防控制中心与妈妈网联合推出的亲子健康社交类应用。1、广州疾病控制中心权威认证,最权威的疫苗知识和疫苗库、最新资讯数据,随时随地查找附近接种点地址、开诊时间、可接种疫苗类型和咨询电话等全部信息,是一款宝宝疫苗手册和助手,超级疫苗表和儿童疫苗通;2、和妈妈网千万妈妈用户交流讨论分享宝贝疫苗接种计划,宝宝预防针,育儿经验,互相帮助,及时解决彼此遇到的问题;3、方便妈咪记录宝贝接种日记和日历,记录宝宝成长曲线全记录,4、兴趣圈子从育儿、早教、常见病等亲子话题,到女性城市生活相关的购物、美妆、美食、旅游、八卦等生活版块,再到女性主导和参与决策权的房产、家装、汽车、理财等家庭消费内容。以最全面的生活资讯互动、最接地气的民生话题沟通、最便捷的移动产品形式,成为女性人群必不可少的手机APP。5、疫苗接种点目前进支持广州地区接种门诊信息查询,其他地区敬请期待。6、不定期抢红包,红包里面有话费、抱枕等各种惊喜礼物等你抢!Keyword:疫苗,接种,预防针,接种疫苗,宝宝预防针,预防接种Baby vaccine housekeeperby the Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention and themother-child health network jointly launched social networkingapplications.1, the Guangzhou Center for Disease Control certificationauthority, the most authoritative knowledge on vaccines and vaccinebank, the latest information on the data, anytime, anywhere to findnear the inoculation address, operating hours, can be inoculatedwith the vaccine type all the information and advice phone, is ababy vaccine Manual and assistants, super vaccine tables andchildren's vaccines through;2, and the mother network of millions of users in discussions andexchange of sharing baby mama vaccination program, babyvaccinations, parenting experiences and help each other to solvethe problem encountered each other;3, easy to Mommy Baby vaccination records and calendar diary torecord your baby full record growth curve,4, the circle of interest from parenting, early education,parenting and other common topics related to urban life womenshopping, beauty makeup, food, travel, gossip and other livingforum, to female-dominated decision-making and participation inreal estate, home improvement, automotive, financial and otherhousehold consumer content. The most comprehensive informationabout the interaction of life, the most grounded gas livelihoodtopic of communication, the most convenient form of mobileproducts, mobile phones become an indispensable female populationAPP.5, vaccination points into supporting the current vaccinationclinics in Guangzhou information inquiries, please lookelsewhere.6, from time to time to grab a red envelope, red envelopes insidethe bill, pillows and other surprise gift waiting for you to grab!Keyword: vaccines, vaccination, vaccination, vaccination, babyvaccination, vaccination
西安生活 1.0.1
西安生活是一个分享本地购物资讯、交流亲子教育经验、探讨两性情感秘密、闲话同城生活大小事的生活论坛,并汇集了家装维修、二手物品、招聘求职等本地便民信息。生活大小事,同城最先知。您可以通过北京生活,随时随地知晓身边事。功能介绍—同城:购物打折优惠最灵通,同城大事小事你我知,买房装修全hold住—精选:精选热门关注的话题和资讯,每日推送,看得上瘾—我的:发表、回复、关注、短消息...沟通随时随地—更多:更多火爆的话题圈子,不管是美容、旅游,还是美食、早教问题,有求必应,有问必答keyword:同城 生活 打折 买房 装修 二手Xi'an Life is a localshopping information sharing and exchange parenting experiences andexplore gender feelings secrets, gossip city life size livingthings forum and a collection of home improvement repair, useditems, such as local convenience Recruitment information. Life sizething, the same city the most prophet. You can live throughBeijing, anywhere know things around.Features- City: Shopping discount most well-informed, I know you are bigand small city, buy a house renovation all hold live- Featured: Featured hot topic of concern and information, dailypush, see addiction- My: post, reply, attention, short message ... to communicateanywhere, anytime- More: More hot topics circles, whether it is beauty, travel, orcuisine, early childhood issues, responsive, Insiderkeyword: city life, buy a house decoration discount Used
深圳生活 1.0.1
深圳生活是一个分享本地购物资讯、交流亲子教育经验、探讨两性情感秘密、闲话同城生活大小事的生活论坛,并汇集了家装维修、二手物品、招聘求职等本地便民信息。生活大小事,同城最先知。您可以通过北京生活,随时随地知晓身边事。功能介绍—同城:购物打折优惠最灵通,同城大事小事你我知,买房装修全hold住—精选:精选热门关注的话题和资讯,每日推送,看得上瘾—我的:发表、回复、关注、短消息...沟通随时随地—更多:更多火爆的话题圈子,不管是美容、旅游,还是美食、早教问题,有求必应,有问必答keyword:同城 生活 打折 买房 装修 二手 深圳Shenzhen Life is a localshopping information sharing and exchange parenting experiences andexplore gender feelings secrets, gossip city life size livingthings forum and a collection of home improvement repair, useditems, such as local convenience Recruitment information. Life sizething, the same city the most prophet. You can live throughBeijing, anywhere know things around.Features- City: Shopping discount most well-informed, I know you are bigand small city, buy a house renovation all hold live- Featured: Featured hot topic of concern and information, dailypush, see addiction- My: post, reply, attention, short message ... to communicateanywhere, anytime- More: More hot topics circles, whether it is beauty, travel, orcuisine, early childhood issues, responsive, Insiderkeyword: city life, buy a house decoration discount UsedShenzhen
天津生活 1.0.1
天津生活是一个分享本地购物资讯、交流亲子教育经验、探讨两性情感秘密、闲话同城生活大小事的生活论坛,并汇集了家装维修、二手物品、招聘求职等本地便民信息。生活大小事,同城最先知。您可以通过北京生活,随时随地知晓身边事。功能介绍—同城:购物打折优惠最灵通,同城大事小事你我知,买房装修全hold住—精选:精选热门关注的话题和资讯,每日推送,看得上瘾—我的:发表、回复、关注、短消息...沟通随时随地—更多:更多火爆的话题圈子,不管是美容、旅游,还是美食、早教问题,有求必应,有问必答keyword:同城 生活 打折 买房 装修 二手Tianjin Life is a localshopping information sharing and exchange parenting experiences andexplore gender feelings secrets, gossip city life size livingthings forum and a collection of home improvement repair, useditems, such as local convenience Recruitment information. Life sizething, the same city the most prophet. You can live throughBeijing, anywhere know things around.Features- City: Shopping discount most well-informed, I know you are bigand small city, buy a house renovation all hold live- Featured: Featured hot topic of concern and information, dailypush, see addiction- My: post, reply, attention, short message ... to communicateanywhere, anytime- More: More hot topics circles, whether it is beauty, travel, orcuisine, early childhood issues, responsive, Insiderkeyword: city life, buy a house decoration discount Used
装修梦想家-免费预约获设计方案 1.0.0
装修梦想家,一款免费提供一站式装修预约服务及拥有大量装修图片、本地商家优惠信息服务的应用。你可以在装修梦想家中,发布装修招标,免费获得4份来自装修公司设计方案、预算报价;你可以在装修梦想家中,通过大量的装修案例、效果图,让你找到梦想的家;你可以在装修梦想家中,和网友交流、分享装修心得、建材选购等装修各各方面遇到的事情;你可以装修梦想家中,挑选本地装修公司,找到最新的家居建材折扣优惠。你还可以在装修梦想家中,将装修过程中,就对材料施工等等问题进行提问,10分钟内必有网友回复你!Decoration dreamer,abooking service offers free one-stop renovation and has alargerenovation pictures, local businesses benefit informationserviceapplications.You can dreamer in the decoration, the decoration publishtender,get four from decoration design, budget offer forfree;You can dreamer in the decoration, the decoration through a lotofcases, renderings, so you find a dream home;You can dreamers in the decoration and surfers sharingexperiencesdecoration, building materials and other decoration tobuy thingsCalvary encountered;You can decoration dreamer, a selection of local decorationcompany,find the latest home building materials discounts.You can also renovated the dreamer, the process ofrenovation,construction materials and so on questions to askquestions, usersmust be within 10 minutes back to you!
孕育问答—怀孕育儿、备孕情感,有问必答 1.02
妈妈网手机应用联盟座下、妈妈圈的姐妹应用——孕育问答隆重推出!在这里,有一千万妈妈为你解答各种问题!*无经验?咱不耻下问从最佳孕期如何提高命中率,从孕前准备到产后康复,从宝宝奶粉到早教选择。——极快热情地回复供你参考*过来人?渴求您的解答分享您在妈妈网孕育问答解答分享,会有聪明豆的积分奖励哦。更重要是你的精明和宝贵经验,能帮助到有需要的妈妈!——妈妈当然相信妈妈别让问题等到黄花菜都凉了。让你身边备孕和育期以及关爱宝宝的妈妈下载体验吧。孕育问答,有问必答,我们有以下特色:1.有问必答:10分钟内,你有问题我们全接招2.答案精准:千万妈妈做你的后援团,总有你期待的可信答案3.问答全面:怀孕,育儿,备孕,情感,职场,甚至做饭修鞋,都能挑战!Mom MobileApplicationsUnion under the seat, my mother's sister circleApplications - bredquiz grand launch!Here, there are ten million mothers for you to answer a varietyofquestions!* No Experience? We hesitate to askFrom the best how to improve the hit rate of pregnancy,frompreconception preparation to postpartum recovery, from babymilk toearly childhood choice.- Fast enthusiastic response for your reference* Someone who has? Desire to share your answersYou conceived the quiz answers mother network share, there willbesmarties reward points oh.More important is your astute and valuable experience that canhelpto needy mothers!- Mom certainly believe MomDo not let the problem until the lily is cold.Let your side prepared pregnant and incubation period as wellascare for the baby's mother download experience it.Bred quiz, answer, we have the following characteristics:1 Insider: 10 minutes, you have a problem we all react(2) precise answer: millions of mothers do your back-up group,thereis always the answer you expect credible3 Q Comprehensive: pregnancy, parenting, preparepregnant,emotional, career, and even cooking shoe repair, canchallenge!
同城圈–指尖上的城市生活 2.2.1
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怀孕管家-备孕孕妇孕期经期助手 4.1.0
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广州生活 1.0.1
广州生活是一个分享本地购物资讯、交流亲子教育经验、探讨两性情感秘密、闲话同城生活大小事的生活论坛,并汇集了家装维修、二手物品、招聘求职等本地便民信息。生活大小事,同城最先知。您可以通过北京生活,随时随地知晓身边事。功能介绍—同城:购物打折优惠最灵通,同城大事小事你我知,买房装修全hold住—精选:精选热门关注的话题和资讯,每日推送,看得上瘾—我的:发表、回复、关注、短消息...沟通随时随地—更多:更多火爆的话题圈子,不管是美容、旅游,还是美食、早教问题,有求必应,有问必答keyword:同城 生活 打折 买房 装修 二手 广州Guangzhou Life is alocalshopping information sharing and exchange parentingexperiences andexplore gender feelings secrets, gossip city lifesize livingthings forum and a collection of home improvementrepair, useditems, such as local convenience Recruitmentinformation. Life sizething, the same city the most prophet. Youcan live throughBeijing, anywhere know things around.Features- City: Shopping discount most well-informed, I know you are bigandsmall city, buy a house renovation all hold live- Featured: Featured hot topic of concern and information,dailypush, see addiction- My: post, reply, attention, short message ... tocommunicateanywhere, anytime- More: More hot topics circles, whether it is beauty, travel,orcuisine, early childhood issues, responsive, Insiderkeyword: city life, buy a house decoration discountUsedGuangzhou
重庆生活 1.0.1
重庆生活是一个分享本地购物资讯、交流亲子教育经验、探讨两性情感秘密、闲话同城生活大小事的生活论坛,并汇集了家装维修、二手物品、招聘求职等本地便民信息。生活大小事,同城最先知。您可以通过北京生活,随时随地知晓身边事。功能介绍—同城:购物打折优惠最灵通,同城大事小事你我知,买房装修全hold住—精选:精选热门关注的话题和资讯,每日推送,看得上瘾—我的:发表、回复、关注、短消息...沟通随时随地—更多:更多火爆的话题圈子,不管是美容、旅游,还是美食、早教问题,有求必应,有问必答keyword:同城 生活 打折 买房 装修 二手Chongqing Life is alocalshopping information sharing and exchange parentingexperiences andexplore gender feelings secrets, gossip city lifesize livingthings forum and a collection of home improvementrepair, useditems, such as local convenience Recruitmentinformation. Life sizething, the same city the most prophet. Youcan live throughBeijing, anywhere know things around.Features- City: Shopping discount most well-informed, I know you are bigandsmall city, buy a house renovation all hold live- Featured: Featured hot topic of concern and information,dailypush, see addiction- My: post, reply, attention, short message ... tocommunicateanywhere, anytime- More: More hot topics circles, whether it is beauty, travel,orcuisine, early childhood issues, responsive, Insiderkeyword: city life, buy a house decoration discount Used