(주)알짬교육 برنامه ها

armagic 1(초등매직북1) 3.0.0
○ armagic 1(초등매직북1) 은? - 알짬교육 3D 매직북 시리즈 '초등매직북1' 안드로이드 버전어플리케이션입니다. - '초등매직북1' 도서 구매 후, 어플리케이션 다운로드 및 설치하시면 사용하실 수 있습니다. ○armagic 1(초등매직북1) 체험하기 1.http://alzzam.co.kr/test/magic/armagic1/testpage.html 페이지에 접속 후 테스트이미지를 다운 및 프린터합니다. 2. armagic 1(초등매직북1) 어플리케이션을 설치 합니다. 3. armagic1(초등매직북1) 어플리케이션 실행 후, 프린터한 이미지 또는 PC 화면의 이미지를 카메라 화면으로 비추면 감상하실 수있습니다.
AREVO(증강현실 자연사박물관) 2.0
○ AREVO(증강현실 자연사박물관)은?- AR(Augmented Reality, 증강현실)을 기반으로 다양한 증강현실 책의 이미지를 인식하여 페이지 별로해당 내용과 연관된 증강현실 애니메이션을 보여주는 통합 애플리케이션 입니다.증강현실 자연사박물관 내의 증강현실 책 구매 후, 해당 어플리케이션을 설치하시면 사용하실 수 있습니다. 증강현실자연사박물관을 통해 다양한 증강현실 세계를 경험하시기 바랍니다.○ 증강현실 자연사박물관 체험하기1. http://alzzam.co.kr/test/museum/dinosaurs/testpage.html페이지에 접속 후 테스트 이미지를 다운 및 프린터합니다.2. AREVO(증강현실 자연사박물관) 어플리케이션을 설치 합니다.3. AREVO(증강현실 자연사박물관) 어플리케이션 실행 후, 공룡관 책을 다운로드합니다.4. 공룡관 실행 후 프린터한 이미지 또는 PC 화면의 이미지를 카메라 화면으로 비추면 감상하실 수 있습니다.
NMBBIRD3D - Nanmeebooks 1.3.0
○ NMBBIRD3D Future-oriented smart book in augmented reality • Lookat realistic pictures • Read interesting texts • Experiencerealistic birds through augmented reality ○ What is AugmentedReality? Augmented Reality is computer technology that bringsvirtual reality to the real world. It is an excellent smarteducational technique that is used by the Ministry of Education andother advanced countries. NMBBIRD3D is a book combined withaugmented reality. Living birds appear in 3D when you point yoursmartphone or tablet PC at the book. ○ NMBBIRD3D Book • When youopen the book, fascinating stories about birds will start. • Youwill see a various features and lives of birds from ostriches inAfrica to emperor penguins in Antarctica. • All the books arerealistically designed and based on the latest scientific research.• The books have high-quality 3D illustrations and images. • Twelveanimals are included: Ostrich, Indian Peafowl, Mandarin Duck,Emperor Penguin, Great Crested Grebe, Grey Heron, Black-facedSpoonbill, Cinereous Vulture, Red-Crowned Crane, Scarlet Macaw,Eurasian Eagle Owl, Humming Bird. ○ 3D Augmented Reality AppExperience the augmented reality program yourself. • Make the birdsfly, walk, or swim. • Feed and hear the birds. • Do fun activitiessuch as looking at the habitat of birds, comparing sizes of birds,and doing puzzles. • Take pictures of you and the birds with abeautiful background. • ‘Free’ the vultures from the device bypressing a button. ○ Requirements for smart terminals - AndroidVersion 2.2 or higher - iOS Version 4.3 or higher ○ NMBBIRD3D AppTesting 1. Go tohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/nanmee/bird/testpage.html. Download orprint the test images. 2. Install NMBBIRD3D application. 3. Startthe application and if you view the images you've downloaded orprinted through your phone's camera, you can watch 3D content.
Alzzam - Augmented Reality 2.0.0
○ Alzzam은? - 알짬교육 자연사 박물관 글로벌 버전 Evo 시리즈의 안드로이드 버전 샘플용 어플리케이션입니다. ○Alzzam 체험하기 1. http://alzzam.co.kr/test/evo/sample/testpage.html페이지에 접속 후 테스트 이미지를 다운로드 하거나 인쇄합니다. 2. Alzzam 어플리케이션을 설치 합니다. 3.Alzzam 어플리케이션 실행 후, 인쇄한 이미지 또는 PC 화면의 이미지를 카메라 화면으로 비추면 감상하실 수있습니다.
에듀알 체험카드 2.3.3
에듀알 체험카드는 스마트 기기로 카드를 비추면 공룡, 사파리 동물, 바다 동물, 새들, 곤충들이 살아 움직이는 마술 같은3D 체험카드입니다.
블루래빗새 - AR 1.1.0
블루래빗새는 증강현실을 기반으로 책의 이미지를 인식하여 페이지 별로 연관된 증강현실 애니메이션을 보여주는 어플리케이션입니다.
你看!書裡的恐龍跑出來了! 結合3D擴增實境,體驗未來的智慧學習模式 ● 精美全幅照片,接觸最真實的生物樣貌 ●有趣實用的知識,邊玩邊學習 ● 透過擴增實境技術,認識活生生的恐龍 什麼是「擴增實境」?擴增實境是一種電腦技術,能將虛擬實境帶進現實世界,現在許多先進國家都已經採用這種絕妙的智慧型教育科技。《你看!書裡的恐龍跑出來了》結合了擴增實境,你只要把智慧手機或平板電腦對著書頁,就能看到栩栩如生的3D立體恐龍。《你看!書裡的恐龍跑出來了!》繁體中文版(遠流出版) • 翻開書頁,回到恐龍生存的中生代 • 看見不同種類的恐龍在地球上生活 •全書依據最新科學研究編寫 • 插圖是高畫質的3D繪圖 • 在每一頁的科學小知識,學習有關恐龍的最新訊息 •書中一共有12種恐龍:迅猛龍、棘龍、暴龍、賴氏龍、腕龍、劍龍、禽龍、釘狀龍、三角龍、矛頜翼龍、 無齒翼龍、薄板龍如何使用3D擴增實境APP? • 隨意移動恐龍 • 看看恐龍如何獵食、聽聽恐龍的吼叫聲 • ‧當個小小考古學家,一起挖掘化石、觀察恐龍• ‧和恐龍一起拍照,還有各種有趣小遊戲 • ‧天啊!會發生什麼事呢? Requirements for smartterminals - Android Version 2.2 or higher 智慧型裝置的系統需求 Android2.2或以上版本 APP測試 1. 造訪網頁http://alzzam.co.kr/test/arc/dino/testpage.html,下載或列印測試頁面。 2.安裝ARCDINO 應用程式APP 3. 開啟APP,將手機或平板鏡頭對準你下載或列印出的測試頁面,就能看見3D影像內容。
你看!草原上的動物靠過來了! 結合3D擴增實境,體驗未來的智慧學習模式 ● 精美全幅照片,接觸最真實的生物樣貌 ●有趣實用的知識,邊玩邊學習 ● 透過擴增實境技術,與動物面對面 什麼是「擴增實境」?擴增實境是一種電腦技術,能將虛擬實境帶進現實世界,現在許多先進國家都已經採用這種絕妙的智慧型教育科技。《你看!草原上的動物靠過來了!》結合了擴增實境,你只要把智慧手機或平板電腦對著書頁,就能看到栩栩如生的3D立體動物。《你看!草原上的動物靠過來了!》繁體中文版(遠流出版) ● 翻開書頁,閱讀不同的動物故事 ● 你會看見各種草食動物及肉食動物 ●書中採用真實的動物照片以及最新的科學研究,並有專家審定 ● 全書高品質印刷 ● 以調查研究孩童的喜好選擇收錄於書中的動物 ●書中介紹12種動物:大象、河馬、斑馬、長頸鹿、花豹、獅子、老虎、駱駝、梅花鹿、耳廓狐、貓熊、北極熊。 如何使用3D擴增實境APP? ●隨意移動動物 ● 看看動物如何獵食、聽聽牠們的叫聲 ● 各種有趣的小遊戲,像是觀察動物的家、比大小,還有拼圖 ●和動物一起拍照,還可以自己設計背景 ● 真實的動物影片 智慧型裝置的系統需求 Android 2.2或以上版本 APP測試 1.造訪網頁 http://alzzam.co.kr/test/arc/animal/testpage.html,下載或列印測試頁面。2. 安裝ARCANIMAL應用程式APP 3. 開啟APP,將手機或平板鏡頭對準你下載或列印出的測試頁面,就能看見3D影像內容。
블루래빗공룡 - AR 1.1.0
블루래빗공룡은 증강현실을 기반으로 책의 이미지를 인식하여 페이지 별로 연관된 증강현실 애니메이션을 보여주는 어플리케이션입니다.
에듀알 색칠공부 1.18.3
This one is like you are moving colored animals appeared to 3Dmagic sketchbook.
에듀알 다이노코어 색칠공부 1.7.0
The core character that you like the Dino coloring appears as amoving 3D magic sketchbook.
3D popup card are the magical 3D cards to look through smartdevices.
○ What is 3D Learning Card? - 3D learning cards are special 3Dcards where dinosaurs, safari animals, sea animals, birds, andbugs, come to life when viewed through a smart device. - With theaugmented reality technology, you can move the animals, hear thesounds they make, feed them, and learn new facts. It is a whole newlearning experience in this digital era. ○ Features of 3D LearningCard - High quality 3D animation and sound - Various interactiveeffects - Implementation of augmented reality content on all of thecards - High recognition technology and user-oriented UI ○ How touse 3D Learning Card 1. Visit the App Store or Google Play tosearch for the app. 2. Install the app on your device. 3. Tocomplete installation, scan the given QR code. (Go tohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/palican/birds/testpage.html to downloadand print the test page.) 4. Once installed, open the app and pointyour device at a card. 5. Watch as the animal pops up and come tolife! ○ Developer info Tel. +82-70-8886-4858 Fax. +82-53-421-4858E-mail. alzzam@alzzam.co.kr
○ What is 3D Learning Card? - 3D learning cards are special 3Dcards where dinosaurs, safari animals, sea animals, birds, andbugs, come to life when viewed through a smart device. - With theaugmented reality technology, you can move the animals, hear thesounds they make, feed them, and learn new facts. It is a whole newlearning experience in this digital era. ○ Features of 3D LearningCard - High quality 3D animation and sound - Various interactiveeffects - Implementation of augmented reality content on all of thecards - High recognition technology and user-oriented UI ○ How touse 3D Learning Card 1. Visit the App Store or Google Play tosearch for the app. 2. Install the app on your device. 3. Tocomplete installation, scan the given QR code. (Go tohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/palican/safari/testpage.html to downloadand print the test page.) 4. Once installed, open the app and pointyour device at a card. 5. Watch as the animal pops up and come tolife! ○ Developer info Tel. +82-70-8886-4858 Fax. +82-53-421-4858E-mail. alzzam@alzzam.co.kr
○ What is 3D Learning Card? - 3D learning cards are special 3Dcards where dinosaurs, safari animals, sea animals, birds, andbugs, come to life when viewed through a smart device. - With theaugmented reality technology, you can move the animals, hear thesounds they make, feed them, and learn new facts. It is a whole newlearning experience in this digital era. ○ Features of 3D LearningCard - High quality 3D animation and sound - Various interactiveeffects - Implementation of augmented reality content on all of thecards - High recognition technology and user-oriented UI ○ How touse 3D Learning Card 1. Visit the App Store or Google Play tosearch for the app. 2. Install the app on your device. 3. Tocomplete installation, scan the given QR code. (Go tohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/palican/ocean/testpage.html to downloadand print the test page.) 4. Once installed, open the app and pointyour device at a card. 5. Watch as the animal pops up and come tolife! ○ Developer info Tel. +82-70-8886-4858 Fax. +82-53-421-4858E-mail. alzzam@alzzam.co.kr
○ What is 3D Learning Card? - 3D learning cards are special 3Dcards where dinosaurs, safari animals, sea animals, birds, andbugs, come to life when viewed through a smart device. - With theaugmented reality technology, you can move the animals, hear thesounds they make, feed them, and learn new facts. It is a whole newlearning experience in this digital era. ○ Features of 3D LearningCard - High quality 3D animation and sound - Various interactiveeffects - Implementation of augmented reality content on all of thecards - High recognition technology and user-oriented UI ○ How touse 3D Learning Card 1. Visit the App Store or Google Play tosearch for the app. 2. Install the app on your device. 3. Tocomplete installation, scan the given QR code. (Go tohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/palican/bugs/testpage.html to download andprint the test page.) 4. Once installed, open the app and pointyour device at a card. 5. Watch as the animal pops up and come tolife! ○ Developer info Tel. +82-70-8886-4858 Fax. +82-53-421-4858E-mail. alzzam@alzzam.co.kr
○ What is 3D Learning Card? - 3D learning cards are special 3Dcards where dinosaurs, safari animals, sea animals, birds, andbugs, come to life when viewed through a smart device. - With theaugmented reality technology, you can move the animals, hear thesounds they make, feed them, and learn new facts. It is a whole newlearning experience in this digital era. ○ Features of 3D LearningCard - High quality 3D animation and sound - Various interactiveeffects - Implementation of augmented reality content on all of thecards - High recognition technology and user-oriented UI ○ How touse 3D Learning Card 1. Visit the App Store or Google Play tosearch for the app. 2. Install the app on your device. 3. Tocomplete installation, scan the given QR code. (Go tohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/palican/dino/testpage.html to download andprint the test page.) 4. Once installed, open the app and pointyour device at a card. 5. Watch as the animal pops up and come tolife! ○ Developer info Tel. +82-70-8886-4858 Fax. +82-53-421-4858E-mail. alzzam@alzzam.co.kr
블루래빗바다 - AR 1.1.0
블루래빗바다는 증강현실을 기반으로 책의 이미지를 인식하여 페이지 별로 연관된 증강현실 애니메이션을 보여주는 어플리케이션입니다.
블루래빗동물 - AR 1.1.0
블루래빗동물은 증강현실을 기반으로 책의 이미지를 인식하여 페이지 별로 연관된 증강현실 애니메이션을 보여주는 어플리케이션입니다.
○ EVO BIRD Future-oriented smart book in augmented reality • Lookat realistic pictures • Read interesting texts • Experiencerealistic birds through augmented reality ○ What is AugmentedReality? Augmented Reality is computer technology that bringsvirtual reality to the real world. It is an excellent smarteducational technique that is used by the Ministry of Education andother advanced countries. EVO BIRD is a book combined withaugmented reality. Living birds appear in 3D when you point yoursmartphone or tablet PC at the book. ○ EVO BIRD Book • When youopen the book, fascinating stories about birds will start. • Youwill see a various features and lives of birds from ostriches inAfrica to emperor penguins in Antarctica. • All the books arerealistically designed and based on the latest scientific research.• The books have high-quality 3D illustrations and images. • Twelveanimals are included: Ostrich, Indian Peafowl, Mandarin Duck,Emperor Penguin, Great Crested Grebe, Grey Heron, Black-facedSpoonbill, Cinereous Vulture, Red-Crowned Crane, Scarlet Macaw,Eurasian Eagle Owl, Humming Bird. ○ 3D Augmented Reality AppExperience the augmented reality program yourself. • Make the birdsfly, walk, or swim. • Feed and hear the birds. • Do fun activitiessuch as looking at the habitat of birds, comparing sizes of birds,and doing puzzles. • Take pictures of you and the birds with abeautiful background. • ‘Free’ the vultures from the device bypressing a button. ○ Requirements for smart terminals - AndroidVersion 2.2 or higher - iOS Version 4.3 or higher ○ EVO BIRD AppTesting 1. Go to http://alzzam.co.kr/test/evo/bird/testpage.html.Download or print the test images. 2. Install EVO BIRD application.3. Start the application and if you view the images you'vedownloaded or printed through your phone's camera, you can watch 3Dcontent.
EVO FARM ANIMAL – 3D AR ALZZAM Co., Ltd. Toys and referencematerials ○ What is EVO FARM ANIMAL? - EVO FARM ANIMAL is a magicalbook in which farm animals come to life and move when they areviewed through smart devices. - You will have experiences you’venever had before with any other books. With the augmented realitytechnology, you can move farm animals with your own hands. Inaddition, this application offers you the opportunity to have funand learn while enjoying engaging activities, such as listening toinformation about farm animals, hearing the sounds they make, andfeeding them. ○ Features of EVO FARM ANIMAL - High quality 3Danimation and sound - Implementation of augmented reality contenton all of the cards - High recognition technology and user-orientedUI ○ How to use EVO FARM ANIMAL - You must purchase this augmentedreality book and install the EVO FARM ANIMAL app. 1. Go tohttp://www.alzzam.co.kr/test/evo/farmanimal/testpage.html todownload and print the test page. 2. Install the EVO FARM ANIMALapp. 3. Open the EVO FARM ANIMAL app. You can experience marvelous3D augmented reality when the printed image or image on the screenis viewed through the camera of a smart device. ○ 3D AR Book series1. EVO DINO 2. EVO ANIMAL 3. EVO OCEAN 4. EVO BIRD 5. EVO FARMANIMAL 6. EVO HERPTILE 7. EVO BUG ○ 3D AR coloring book series 1.AREVO DINO 2. AREVO SAFARI 3. AREVO OCEAN 4. AREVO BIRD ○ 3D ARPOPUP cards series 1. 3D POPUP CARD ○ Developer info Tel.+82-70-8886-4858 Fax. +82-53-421-4858 E-mail. alzzam@alzzam.co.kr
○ What is AREVO SAFARI? - It is an amazing coloring book in whichthe animal that you color move magically when viewed through asmartphone or tablet PC. - After you color the animal and theirbackgrounds as you like, the augmented reality technology enablesthe animal to come to life and move. You can learn about theircharacteristics and listen to the sounds they make. You can alsotake photos of yourself with the animal. - While coloring the book,children can develop creativity and improve their thinking andconcentration skills. They can also acquire an enhanced sense ofcolors and learn about animal while listening to the narration. ○How to use AREVO SAFARI 1. Go tohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/coloring/safari/testpage.html and downloadand print out a test image. 2. Type ‘AREVO SAFARI’ in the searchbox and install the app. 3. Color the printed image, open the‘AREVO SAFARI’ app. Click 'START' button and then scan the keypage. 4. Click 'Continue' button. Then point the camera of yourdevice at the image. As if by magic, the animal you colored willcome to life and move. ○ 3D COLORING BOOK Series 1. AREVO DINO 2.AREVO SAFARI 3. AREVO OCEAN 4. AREVO BIRD ○ 3D AR BOOK Series 1.EVO DINO 2. EVO ANIMAL 3. EVO OCEAN 4. EVO BIRD 5. EVO FARM ANIMAL6. EVO HERPTILE 7. EVO BUG ○ 3D AR POPUP CARD Series 3D POPUP CARD○ Contact developers Tel. +82-70-8886-4858 Fax. +82-53-421-4858alzzam@alzzam.co.kr
○ What is AREVO OCEAN? - It is an amazing coloring book in whichthe sea animals that you color move magically when viewed through asmartphone or tablet PC. - After you color the sea animals andtheir backgrounds as you like, the augmented reality technologyenables the sea animals to come to life and move. You can learnabout their characteristics and listen to the sounds they make. Youcan also take photos of yourself with the sea animals. - Whilecoloring the book, children can develop creativity and improvetheir thinking and concentration skills. They can also acquire anenhanced sense of colors and learn about sea animals whilelistening to the narration. ○ How to use AREVO OCEAN 1. Go tohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/coloring/ocean/testpage.html and downloadand print out a test image. 2. Type ‘AREVO OCEAN’ in the search boxand install the app. 3. Color the printed image, open the ‘AREVOOCEAN’ app. Click 'START' button and then scan the key page. 4.Click 'Continue' button. Then point the camera of your device atthe image. As if by magic, the animal you colored will come to lifeand move. ○ 3D COLORING BOOK Series 1. AREVO DINO 2. AREVO SAFARI3. AREVO OCEAN 4. AREVO BIRD ○ 3D AR BOOK Series 1. EVO DINO 2. EVOANIMAL 3. EVO OCEAN 4. EVO BIRD 5. EVO FARM ANIMAL 6. EVO HERPTILE7. EVO BUG ○ 3D AR POPUP CARD Series 3D POPUP CARD ○ Contactdevelopers Tel. +82-70-8886-4858 Fax. +82-53-421-4858alzzam@alzzam.co.kr
○ What is AREVO DINO? - It is an amazing coloring book in which thedinosaurs that you color move magically when viewed through asmartphone or tablet PC. - After you color the dinosaurs and theirbackgrounds as you like, the augmented reality technology enablesthe dinosaurs to come to life and move. You can learn about theircharacteristics and listen to the sounds they make. You can alsotake photos of yourself with the dinosaurs. - While coloring thebook, children can develop creativity and improve their thinkingand concentration skills. They can also acquire an enhanced senseof colors and learn about dinosaurs while listening to thenarration. ○ How to use AREVO DINO 1. Go tohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/coloring/dino/testpage.html and downloadand print out a test image. 2. Type ‘AREVO DINO’ in the search boxand install the app. 3. Color the printed image, open the ‘AREVODINO’ app. Click 'START' button and then scan the key page. 4.Click 'Continue' button. Then point the camera of your device atthe image. As if by magic, the animal you colored will come to lifeand move. ○ 3D COLORING BOOK Series 1. AREVO DINO 2. AREVO SAFARI3. AREVO OCEAN 4. AREVO BIRD ○ 3D AR BOOK Series 1. EVO DINO 2. EVOANIMAL 3. EVO OCEAN 4. EVO BIRD 5. EVO FARM ANIMAL 6. EVO HERPTILE7. EVO BUG ○ 3D AR POPUP CARD Series 3D POPUP CARD ○ Contactdevelopers Tel. +82-70-8886-4858 Fax. +82-53-421-4858alzzam@alzzam.co.kr
EVO HERPTILE – 3D AR ALZZAM Co., Ltd. Toys and reference materials○ What is EVO HERPTILE? - EVO BUG is a magical book in whichreptiles and amphibians come to life and move when they are viewedthrough smart devices. - You will have experiences you’ve never hadbefore with any other books. With the augmented reality technology,you can move reptiles and amphibian with your own hands. Inaddition, this application offers you the opportunity to have funand learn while enjoying engaging activities, such as listening toinformation about reptiles and amphibians, hearing the sounds theymake, and feeding them. ○ Features of EVO HERPTILE - High quality3D animation and sound - Implementation of augmented realitycontent on all of the cards - High recognition technology anduser-oriented UI ○ How to use EVO HERPTILE - You must purchase thisaugmented reality book and install the EVO HERPTILE app. 1. Go tohttp://www.alzzam.co.kr/test/evo/herptile/testpage.html to downloadand print the test page. 2. Install the EVO HERPTILE app. 3. Openthe EVO HERPTILE app. You can experience marvelous 3D augmentedreality when the printed image or image on the screen is viewedthrough the camera of a smart device. ○ 3D AR book series 1. EVODINO 2. EVO ANIMAL 3. EVO OCEAN 4. EVO BIRD 5. EVO FARM ANIMAL 6.EVO HERPTILE 7. EVO BUG ○ 3D AR coloring book series 1. AREVO DINO2. AREVO SAFARI 3. AREVO OCEAN 4. AREVO BIRD ○ 3D AR POPUP cardseries 1. 3D POPUP CARD ○ Developer info Tel. +82-70-8886-4858 Fax.+82-53-421-4858 E-mail. alzzam@alzzam.co.kr
○ What is AREVO BIRD? - It is an amazing coloring book in which thebird that you color move magically when viewed through a smartphoneor tablet PC. - After you color the bird and their backgrounds asyou like, the augmented reality technology enables the bird to cometo life and move. You can learn about their characteristics andlisten to the sounds they make. You can also take photos ofyourself with the bird. - While coloring the book, children candevelop creativity and improve their thinking and concentrationskills. They can also acquire an enhanced sense of colors and learnabout bird while listening to the narration. ○ How to use AREVOBIRD 1. Go to http://alzzam.co.kr/test/coloring/bird/testpage.htmland download and print out a test image. 2. Type ‘AREVO BIRD’ inthe search box and install the app. 3. Color the printed image,open the ‘AREVO BIRD’ app. Click 'START' button and then scan thekey page. 4. Click 'Continue' button. Then point the camera of yourdevice at the image. As if by magic, the animal you colored willcome to life and move. ○ 3D COLORING BOOK Series 1. AREVO DINO 2.AREVO SAFARI 3. AREVO OCEAN 4. AREVO BIRD ○ 3D AR BOOK Series 1.EVO DINO 2. EVO ANIMAL 3. EVO OCEAN 4. EVO BIRD 5. EVO FARM ANIMAL6. EVO HERPTILE 7. EVO BUG ○ 3D AR POPUP CARD Series 3D POPUP CARD○ Contact developers Tel. +82-70-8886-4858 Fax. +82-53-421-4858alzzam@alzzam.co.kr
NMBOCEAN3D - Nanmeebooks 1.2.0
○ NMBOCEAN3D Future-oriented smart book in augmented reality • Lookat realistic pictures • Read interesting texts • Experiencerealistic sea animals through augmented reality ○ What is AugmentedReality? Augmented Reality is computer technology that bringsvirtual reality to the real world. It is an excellent smarteducational technique that is used by the Ministry of Education andother advanced countries. NMBOCEAN3D is a book combined withaugmented reality. Living sea animals appear in 3D when you pointyour smartphone or tablet PC at the book. ○ NMBOCEAN3D Book • Whenyou open the book, breathtaking stories of ocean will start. • Youwill see the various features and lives of mysterious sea animals.• All the books are realistically designed and based on the latestscientific research. • The books have high-quality 3D illustrationsand images. • Twelve animals are included: Pufferfish, Devil Ray,Squid, Japanese Flyingfish, Blackmouth Angler, Head Fish, LunaLionfish, Orange Clownfish, Great White Shark, Killer Whale,Humpback Whale, Sea Turtle. ○ 3D Augmented Reality App Experiencethe augmented reality program yourself. • Move the sea animalswhere you want. • Watch the animals hunt for food. • Do funactivities such as looking at the habitat of sea animals, comparingsizes of sea animals, and doing puzzles. • Take pictures of youwith the sea animals in a background you create. • ‘Free’ the seaanimals from the device by pressing a button. ○ Requirements forsmart terminals - Android Version 2.2 or higher - iOS Version 4.3or higher ○ NMBOCEAN3D App Testing 1. Go tohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/nanmee/ocean/testpage.html. Download orprint the test images. 2. Install NMBOCEAN3D application. 3. Startthe application and if you view the images you've downloaded orprinted through your phone's camera, you can watch 3D content.
ARC OCEAN Future-oriented smart book in augmented reality
你看!樹上的鳥飛起來了! 結合3D擴增實境,體驗未來的智慧學習模式 ● 精美全幅照片,接觸最真實的生物樣貌 ●有趣實用的知識,邊玩邊學習 ● 透過擴增實境技術,與鳥類面對面 什麼是「擴增實境」?擴增實境是一種電腦技術,能將虛擬實境帶進現實世界,現在許多先進國家都已經採用這種絕妙的智慧型教育科技。《你看!草原上的動物靠過來了!》結合了擴增實境,你只要把智慧手機或平板電腦對著書頁,就能看到栩栩如生的3D立體動物。《你看!樹上的鳥飛起來了!》繁體中文版(遠流出版) ● 翻開書頁,開始認識迷人的鳥類世界 ●你會看到各種不同的鳥類,像是非洲的鴕鳥,還有南極洲的企鵝 ● 書中的照片皆為真實照片,根據最新的科學研究,並有專家審定 ●全書高品質印刷 ● 書中包含12種動物:鴕鳥、藍孔雀、鴛鴦、帝王企鵝、冠鸊鷉、蒼鷺、黑面琵鷺、禿鷲、丹頂鶴、緋紅金剛鸚鵡、 雕鴞、蜂鳥如何使用3D擴增實境APP? ● 隨意移動鳥類 ● 聽聽鳥兒的叫聲 ● 觀察鳥類,還能參觀牠們的家 ● 和鳥類一起拍照,寄給朋友看看● 真實的鳥類影片 智慧型裝置的系統需求 Android 2.2或以上版本 APP測試 1. 造訪網頁http://alzzam.co.kr/test/arc/bird/testpage.html,下載或列印測試頁面。 2.安裝ARCBIRD應用程式APP 3. 開啟APP,將手機或平板鏡頭對準你下載或列印出的測試頁面,就能看見3D影像內容。
iFunSand 1.4.0
Sand is the first domestic 3D and Augmented Reality is a newconcept that combines content.
NS 쇼핑북 돋보기 1.4.0
NS is a shopping magazine published monthly applications provideadditional product information.
Our Solar System 1.3.4
Our Solar System is planet and probe information and featuresthrough the card.
쌀 수탈 역사체험(군산, 김제, 완주) - AR/VR 1.2.0
○ 쌀 수탈 역사체험은? - 카드를 비추면 AR(Augmented Reality, 증강현실) 및 PVR(PanoramaVirtual Reality, 가상현실)로 군산, 김제, 완주의 근대문화유산을 통해 근대 쌀 수탈에 대한 역사체험을 할수 있습니다. - 체험 일정을 선택하고 선택한 일정에 따라 근대문화유산을 방문하여 체험하고 카드를 인식시켜 체험완료스탬프를 받을 수 있으며 선택한 일정에 대해 스탬프를 모두 받으면 인증서를 받을 수 있습니다. ○ 스마트 기기 요구사항- 안드로이드 버전 4.0.3 이상 ○ 개발자 연락처 Email. alzzamlab@alzzam.co.kr Tel.070-7843-1315 Fax. 053-421-4858
에듀알 동물농장 - 증강현실 도서(AR Book) 1.1.0
If you shine a book in a book smart devices such animals animatedmagic.
에듀알 양서파충류 - 증강현실 도서(AR Book) 1.2.0
If you shine a book by a smart device, such as amphibians,reptiles, animals, animal animated magic book.
참사회씨 1.6
○ '참사회씨' 는? - 스마트 기기로 책을 비추면 화산이 살아 움직이는 마술 같은 책입니다. - 여러분이 이제까지책으로경험하지 못한 부분들을 경험할 수 있습니다. AR(Augmented Reality, 증강현실)을 이용한 기술로여러분이화산이 폭발하는 과정을 직접 관찰할 수 있으며, 그 밖에 화산의 단면, 화산의 진동 등 생생한 체험을 통한재미와 학습적효과를 얻을 수 있는 애플리케이션입니다. ○ '참사회씨' 의 특징 - 높은 품질의 3D 애니메이션 및사운드 - 증강현실콘텐츠 구현 - 뛰어난 인식 기술 및 사용자 중심의 UI 필수 접근권한 안내 ○ 카메라 -AR(AugmentedReality, 증강현실) 이용을 위한 촬영에 필요합니다 ○ 저장소 - AR(AugmentedReality, 증강현실)사진을 저장합니다
자연사샘플 1.1
○ 자연사샘플은? - 알짬교육 자연사 박물관과 매직북 시리즈의 안드로이드 버전 샘플용 어플리케이션입니다. ○ 사용방법-자연사샘플을 실행 후, 카메라 화면에 Cadalog 페이지를 비추면 동작합니다.
NMBDINO3D - Nanmeebooks 1.2.0
○ NMBDINO3D Future-oriented smart book in augmented reality •Lookat realistic pictures • Read interesting texts •Experiencerealistic dinosaurs through augmented reality ○ What isAugmentedReality? Augmented Reality is computer technology thatbringsvirtual reality to the real world. It is an excellentsmarteducational technique that is used by the Ministry ofEducation andother advanced countries. NMBDINO3D is a book combinedwithaugmented reality. Living dinosaurs appear in 3D when youpointyour smartphone or tablet PC at the book. ○ NMBDINO3D Book •Whenyou open the book, mysterious stories of the Mesozoic agewillstart. • You will see various dinosaurs that dominated theland. •All the books are realistically designed and based on thelatestscientific research. • The books have high-quality3Dillustrations. • You can discover new facts about dinosaursthrougha section called Docu-Science Corner. • Twelve dinosaursareincluded: Velociraptor, Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus,Lambeosaurus,Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, Iguanodon, Kentrosaurus,Triceratops,Dorygnathus, Pteranodon, Elasmosaurus. ○ 3D AugmentedReality AppExperience the augmented reality program yourself. •Move thedinosaurs where you want. • Feed and hear the dinosaurs. •Do funactivities such as looking at dinosaur habitats,excavatingfossils, and doing puzzles. • Take pictures of you withthedinosaurs in a Mesozoic park that you create. • ‘Free’thedinosaurs from the device by pressing a button. ○ Requirementsforsmart terminals - Android Version 2.2 or higher - iOS Version4.3or higher ○ NMBDINO3D App Testing 1. Gotohttp://alzzam.co.kr/test/nanmee/dino/testpage.html. Downloadorprint the test images. 2. Install NMBDINO3D application. 3.Startthe application and if you view the images you've downloadedorprinted through your phone's camera, you can watch 3D content.
EVO BUG is an application that shows the augmented realityanimation associated with each page by recognizing the image of thebook based on augmented reality.
arnuri 2(누리매직북2) 3.0.0
Education aljjam 3D Magic book series "Enjoy the Magic Book 2 'itis the Android version of the application.
CARDS 3D - 3D AR (augmented reality or augmented reality)
EVO Solar System - AR Book
It is a book with moving planets when viewed through yoursmartphone.
armagic 2(초등매직북2) 3.0.0
Education aljjam 3D Magic book series "Elementary Magic Book 2"version of Android applications.
에듀알 곤충 - 증강현실 도서(AR Book) 1.3.0
If you shine a book in a book smart devices insects such asanimatedmagic.
우리학교 다문화 도서관 1
Our school multicultural library