(株)マゼシステム برنامه ها

受付番号票発券アプリ/すいてるネット 1.122
すいてるネット/受付票発券システムに待望の Androidアプリが登場しました。面倒な操作不要 番号発券 だけの簡単タイプです。 病医院様から携帯ショップ様/旅行代理店様/小売り店舗様まで...etc簡単にご導入いただけます。名前を呼ばれたく無いお客様にもこれなら安心! 受付票を使うことで「自分は何番目」「いつ呼ばれるの」といった不安解消にも有効! 店舗様のイメージアップにもお役立ちます。※ご利用には外部メモリ(SDカード)が必要です。※58mm幅の用紙を基準にしています。 レシートプリンタはBluetooth対応の 58mm幅用紙を印刷できるタイプをご用意下さい。※一部、会員様用の有料機能が含まれます。会員様用は広告及び、設定制限が解除されてます。Android app of thelong-awaited has appeared on the net / job ticket ticketing systemthat you are hungry.It is a tedious simple type only numberticketing operation unnecessary. Guests introduced ... etc easilyto mobile shop like / Travel Agents / retail stores like fromdisease clinic like.The peace of mind if this is also forcustomers who do not want your name is called! It also effectiveanxiolytic "I second what" it and "be called when" by using theform for acceptance! I will help you to store images uplike.※ It is necessary external memory (SDcard) to your use.※ I am based on the paper width of 58mm. Receipt printer isBluetooth-enabledPlease prepare a type that can print 58mm width paper.※ part, paid features like membership for are included. Andadvertising, setting limit has been released for memberslike.
高知カメラ(避難所版) 1.01
高知カメラの 避難所版を公開高知カメラはオフラインで端末のGPS機能を使い、カメラで見ている方向の 避難所/一時避難場所/緊急避難場所名称/距離を表示する簡易AR(拡張現実)アプリです。観光で訪れる方が多い高知市内で役立てば幸いですが...f(^ ^;◆避難所:約150箇所 災害が発生し避難が必要となった方々が一定期間生活を送る場所を指定◆一時避難場所:30箇所 大規模な火災等が発生した場合で、収容避難所まで移動する時間が無い又は、移動が困難である場合に一時的に避難する場所として公園や緑地等を指定◆緊急避難場所:約200箇所 浸水等からの緊急避難など地域の実情に沿って標高の高い場所または、津波避難ビルガイドラインに則って人工構造物を津波避難ビルとして指定◆避難所カメラ一覧 ◇京都カメラ(避難所版) ◇神戸カメラ(避難所版) ◇和歌山カメラ(避難所版) ◇仙台カメラ(避難所版) ◇高知カメラ(避難所版) ◇広島カメラ(避難所版)(注意)本アプリはネットが使えない状態を考慮した、データ更新等が不要なオフラインアプリです。(注意)本アプリは高知市の公共機関等とは関係ありません。 不具合等のご報告は下記メール宛にお願いします。Public a shelter version of the camera KochiUse the GPS function of the terminal offline, shelter / temporary direction you see on camera refuge /emergency shelter Kochi the camera name / distance Simple AR to bedisplayed is the (augmented reality) app.I'd appreciate it if help in Kochi city residents and visitors inthe tourist is often ... f (^ ^;◆ haven: about 150 placesThose who become necessary to evacuate a disaster occurs isspecified for a certain period of time where liveshelter ◆: Temporary 30 placesIn case of fire, such as a large-scale has occurred, or there is notime to move to accommodate shelter, specify the green areas suchas parks as a place to escape temporarily when the moving isdifficult◆ emergency evacuation Location: about 200placesOr at high altitudes, it is designated as a tsunami evacuationbuilding an artificial structure in accordance with the tsunamievacuation building guidelines along the local circumstances, suchas emergency evacuation from the flood,etc.◆ shelter cameralist◇ Kyoto camera ( shelter version )◇ Kobe camera ( shelter version )◇ Wakayama camera ( shelter version )◇ Sendai camera ( shelter version )◇ Kochi camera ( shelter version )◇ Hiroshima camera ( shelter version)(Note) This app isunnecessary offline app considering state can not use the net, suchas updating the data.Has nothing to do with public institutions in Kochi (note) thisapplication. Thank you to the following e-mail addressed to yourreport such as themalfunction.
広島カメラ(避難所版) 1.02
広島カメラの 避難所版を公開広島カメラはオフラインで端末のGPS機能を使い、カメラで見ている方向の 生活避難場所/広域避難場所名称/距離を表示する簡易AR(拡張現実)アプリです。観光で訪れる方が多い広島市内で役立てば幸いですが...f(^ ^;◆生活避難場所:約250箇所 大規模災害発生直後の緊急避難に充てられるとともに、危険が去った段階では自宅の倒壊・焼失等に伴い生活の場を失った被災者の臨時的な宿泊・滞在の場所を指定◆広域避難場所:約50箇所 近隣避難場所や生活避難場所が周辺の延焼拡大等によって危険になったときの最終的な避難場所を指定◆避難所カメラ一覧 ◇京都カメラ(避難所版) ◇神戸カメラ(避難所版) ◇和歌山カメラ(避難所版) ◇仙台カメラ(避難所版) ◇高知カメラ(避難所版) ◇広島カメラ(避難所版)(注意)本アプリはネットが使えない状態を考慮した、データ更新等が不要なオフラインアプリです。(注意)本アプリは広島市の公共機関等とは関係ありません。 不具合等のご報告は下記メール宛にお願いします。Public a shelter version of Hiroshima cameraHiroshima camera is simple to use the GPS function of the terminaloff-line, to be displayed a name / distance life refuge / evacuation area where the direction youare looking at the camera AR is the (augmented reality) app.I'd appreciate it if help in Hiroshima city residents and visitorsin the tourist is often ... f (^ ^;◆ shelter life: about 250 placesSpecify the location of the lodging, stay temporary of victims wholost their place to live due to the collapse, burned, etc. at homeat the stage where as well devoted to emergency evacuation of alarge-scale disaster occurs immediately after the danger hasleft◆ Evacuation Location: about 50locationsSpecifies the evacuation final location at the time of life whereneighbors and evacuation shelter has become dangerous by fireexpansion of peripheral◆ shelter camera list◇ Kyoto camera ( shelter version )◇ Kobe camera ( shelter version )◇ Wakayama camera ( shelter version )◇ Sendai camera ( shelter version )◇ Kochi camera ( shelter version )◇ Hiroshima camera ( shelter version)(Note) This app is unnecessary offlineapp considering state can not use the net, such as updating thedata.Has nothing to do with the public institutions of the city ofHiroshima (Note) this application. Thank you to the followinge-mail addressed to your report such as themalfunction.
京都カメラ(避難所版) 1.08
京都カメラの第二弾!? 避難所版を公開京都カメラはオフラインで端末のGPS機能を使い、カメラで見ている方向の 避難所/広域避難場所/避難救助拠点名称/距離を表示する簡易AR(拡張現実)アプリです。学生の方や観光で訪れる方が多い京都市内で役立てば幸いですが...f(^ ^;◆避難所:約400箇所 2013/11版 災害時の一時的な避難生活を送る場所として学校や集会場などを指定◆広域避難場所:約60箇所 2013/3版 大地震の際に発生する大火災から逃れるための避難場所で安全面積が概ね1ヘクタール以上の空地(公園,グラウンド,河川敷など)を指定◆避難救助拠点:約23箇所 2013/11版 山間地域で人命救助や被災者支援の拠点となる場所でヘリコプターが着陸できる場所を持つ施設◆観光客緊急避難広場:約20箇所 2014/03版 観光客の安全を確保するための一時的な滞留及び災害情報の提供などを行う場所◆避難所カメラ一覧 ◇神戸カメラ(避難所版) ◇和歌山カメラ(避難所版) ◇仙台カメラ(避難所版) ◇高知カメラ(避難所版) ◇広島カメラ(避難所版)(注意)本アプリはネットが使えない状態を考慮した、データ更新等が不要なオフラインアプリです。(注意)本アプリは京都市等の公共機関とは関係ありません。 不具合等のご報告は下記メール宛にお願いします。Public a second edition!?shelter version of the Kyoto cameraUse the GPS function of the terminal offline, shelter / wide area evacuation site / rescue evacuationcenters in the direction you are looking at the camera Kyoto camerais the name / distance Simple AR to be displayed is the (augmentedreality) app.I'd appreciate it if help in Kyoto city residents and visitors inthe tourist and those students often ... f (^^;2013/11 edition about400 places: ◆ shelterTo specify, for example, meeting place and school evacuation liveas a temporary location of disaster2013/3 edition about 60 places: ◆ EvacuationplaceSafety area specified (park, ground, and river bed) the open spaceof one hectare or more generally in the refuge to escape from thegreat fire that occurs when a large earthquake2013/11 edition about 23 places: ◆evacuation rescue baseFacilities have a place that can land helicopters in place as thebase of the victims and support life-saving in the mountainousareas2014/03 edition about 20 locations: ◆tourists emergency evacuation SquarePoint for the disaster and providing information and temporaryresidence in order to ensure the safety oftourists◆ shelter camera list◇ Kobe camera ( shelter version )◇ Wakayama camera ( shelter version )◇ Sendai camera ( shelter version )◇ Kochi camera ( shelter version )◇ Hiroshima camera ( shelter version)(Note) This app isunnecessary offline app considering state can not use the net, suchas updating the data.Has nothing to do with the public authorities in Kyoto, etc. Note:this application. Thank you to the following e-mail addressed toyour report such as themalfunction.
Easy call for 1.x/Free 1.36
Calls are easy to dial by simply tapping anicon that is registered on the Home screen (Dial) app. We hope touse more of all ages from children to seniors as inexperienced inthe operation. How to use ■ "Add a widget (or the main screen andhold [+] button, etc.)" menu "Easy Call" can register and select acontact. Icon sizes, choose from two types of 1x1 / 1x2. You cannot create an icon that there is no available space in the homescreen ※. If you are using a ※ Android 2.x is "Call for 2.x simple"please use. We refer to the Address Book when you register yourphone number ※. You may not display well in Android 2.x. ※modification of the contact can not be registered. Please removeand re-register a time slot. 1.09 Add additional pictures beforeplacing a confirmation screen · 1.08 - Add ※ tester measures 1.13kills bugs • The vibe at the end of the outgoing 1.14 Addunidentified error - Added 1.17 / 1.16 fixes some image · Bug fixes--- News --- Change • The icon image information or request / bug,please do not hesitate.
仙台カメラ(避難所版) 1.02
仙台カメラの 避難所版を公開仙台カメラはオフラインで端末のGPS機能を使い、カメラで見ている方向の 指定避難所/広域避難場所/地域避難場所名称/距離を表示する簡易AR(拡張現実)アプリです。観光で訪れる方が多い仙台市内で役立てば幸いですが...f(^ ^;◆指定避難所:約190箇所 災害時の一時的な避難生活を送る場所として学校や集会場などを指定◆広域避難場所:10箇所 地震などで大規模な火災が発生した場合などに、熱や煙などから身を守るために避難する広い屋外空間を指定◆地域避難場所:約50箇所 指定避難所の確保がむずかしい地域の一時的な避難広場で,比較的大きい公園などを指定◆避難所カメラ一覧 ◇京都カメラ(避難所版) ◇神戸カメラ(避難所版) ◇和歌山カメラ(避難所版) ◇仙台カメラ(避難所版) ◇高知カメラ(避難所版) ◇広島カメラ(避難所版)(注意)本アプリはネットが使えない状態を考慮した、データ更新等が不要なオフラインアプリです。(注意)本アプリは仙台市の公共機関等とは関係ありません。 不具合等のご報告は下記メール宛にお願いします。Public a shelter version of Sendai cameraUse the GPS function of the terminal offline, designated shelter / wide area evacuation site / regionrefuge in the direction you are looking at the camera Sendai cameraname / distance Simple AR you want to display is (augmentedreality) app.I'd appreciate it if help in Sendai city residents and visitors inthe tourist is often ... f (^ ^;◆ specified haven: about 190 placesTo specify, for example, meeting place and school evacuation liveas a temporary location of disaster◆ Evacuation Location: 10 pointsFor example, when a large fire occurs in an earthquake, you canspecify a large outdoor space for evacuation in order to protectthemselves from the smoke and heat and◆ local shelter: about 50 locationsEvacuation square temporary regional ensure the specified shelteris difficult to specify, for example, a relatively largepark◆ shelter cameralist◇ Kyoto camera ( shelter version )◇ Kobe camera ( shelter version )◇ Wakayama camera ( shelter version )◇ Sendai camera ( shelter version )◇ Kochi camera ( shelter version )◇ Hiroshima camera ( shelter version)(Note) This app isunnecessary offline app considering state can not use the net, suchas updating the data.Has nothing to do with the public institutions of the city ofSendai (Note) this application. Thank you to the following e-mailaddressed to your report such as themalfunction.
vMemo(Videoメモ) for 4.0 1.01
 vMemo 第二弾!?の動画メモアプリです。 音声メモの代わりに約10秒間の動画メモが撮影可能になりました。タイトル名(必要)と一緒に保存するとSDカード内にmp4ファイルが保存され画面にアイコン表示されます。画面のアイコンをタップすると、動画が自動再生され再生が終了すると約5秒後に画面を閉じます。また、「購読メール」指定すると、Videoメモを再生時に定型メッセージが指定メールアドレスに送信される「お知らせ機能」付き動画伝言アプリです。■注意事項・録画は端末を横向きにして行って下さい。・カメラの切替は未対応です。・「購読メール」をご利用される場合は、 「info@ccloca.net」からの メールを受信できるように設定を変更してください。■登録方法「ウィジェットの追加(メイン画面の長押し or[+]ボタン等)」メニューで「vMemo(Videoメモ)」を選択すると入力画面が表示されます。登録内容を保存すると、ホームスクリーンにアイコンが表示されます。※ホームスクリーンに空領域が無いとアイコン登録できません。1.動画内容の確認/録画は画面のアイコンをタップして下さい。2.不要になったメモは、内容をクリア保存して次回に再利用(おすすめ)するか、 アイコンの長押しでゴミ箱に捨てて下さい。3.「購読メール」を指定すると、メモを再生した際に定型メッセージが指定の メールアドレスへ送信されます。 ※ 「info@ccloca.net」からのメールを受信できるように設定を変更してください。 --- お知らせ ---・不具合/ご要望等ございましたら、ご遠慮なくお知らせ下さい。video notes of the second series!? vMemo is application.Video memo of about 10 seconds is now possible to shoot instead ofthe voice memo.It is an icon displayed on the screen mp4 file is saved to the SDcard If you save together ( need ) and titlename.When you tap the icon on the screen to close the screen in about 5seconds after playback is finished video will playautomatically.In addition, " Subscribe mail " If specified,fixed message is sent to the specified e-mail address duringplayback Video note is the "news function" with a video message app.■Notes· Be sure to sideways terminal recording.-Switching of the camera is not supported.• If it is used. " Subscribe mail " and "info@ccloca.net and < / fromfont> "Please change the settings to be able to receivee-mail.■ How to registerInput screen is displayed when you select "vMemo (Video note)" inthe menu "(long press on the main screen or [+] button, etc.) Add awidget".If you save the register contents, icon appears on the Homescreen.※ I can not register icon that there is no free space in the homescreen.Tap the icon on thescreen confirmation / video recording of one. Video content.Clear save the contents to reuse next notes that became 2.Unnecessary, or (recommended),Please Trash Press and hold the icon.If you specify 3. "Subscribe mail", fixed message is specified whenyou play a noteI will be sent to your e-mail address.※ Please change the settings to be able to receive mail "info@ccloca.net "from.---Announcement ---· If you have any problems / requests, etc., please do not hesitateto let us know.
Ringo de Bingo 1.07
It is a simple bingo game.The apple pronounces "RINGO" in Japanese. It became BINGO by RINGOin a Japanese pun.
Vclock (voice guidance) 1.32
Vclock (voice guidance) is displayed with abattery widget application time voice guidance.SUMMARY [function]Guide you and bring back • Sleep time.Voice guide you through the Battery status.Audible alarm functions are available · Simple.[] How to registerAdd a widget (or the home screen press and hold [+] button, etc.),"menu" Vclock "icon on the home screen appears when you specify.※ The Voice "workshop materials Amitaro voice," we have used thematerial. http://www14.big.or.jp/ ~ amiami / happy /
tapDial (tap Thailand) 1.10
No advertising is a type of "simple call"(tapThailand) is tapDial.※ If ... What about advertising, please use the "easycall"functionally identical.Simple dial telephone is multiplied by simply tap the iconthatis registered with the home screen is (Dial) app.Available to persons of all age groups from children up toelderlypeople unfamiliar with the operation.Also, it was also easy to like send (Short Message Service) SMSfromthe confirmation screen dial.■ How to useYou can register and contact you select "Call" Easy on themenu"(or, etc. [+] button on the main screen press and hold) Addawidget".Icon size, you can choose from two types of 1x1 / 1x2.Now easily send like (Short Message Service) SMS confirmationfromdial.※ You can not register on the icon and there is no empty spaceonthe Home screen.※ When you register the phone number / name, you are accessingtheaddress book.※ modification of contacts that are registered arenotallowed.Please re-register to remove this time slot.News ---If you have any suggestions or comments / bug, please donothesitate.
ccTap (tap here) 1.23
free app of the series "location here"(taphere) ccTap.This app can inform the other party in the pin-point themeetingplace and destination.♪ long tap or tap the map, only put to the destination pinPlease send to the other party to the center after registration,andpaste it into your e-mail, etc. the point URL, you know.※ The use of a GPS sensor and to participate in the service(taphere) ccTap.※ point information is only valid the day of registration.◆ Note• There is a way to stop / change the contents of servicewithoutprior notice. Please acknowledge it beforehand.Communication charge and receive for this service will be bornebyusers like us.-We are not responsible for any loss or damage that occurred intheUse of this service.• The position may differ from the actual position, orifinformation can not be retrieved due tocommunicationenvironment.Maintenance of equipment such as server failure, naturaldisaster,and / Network line, due to failure, loss of information,theCompany is not responsible for any delay, etc. has occurred.News ---If you have any suggestions or comments / bug, please donothesitate.
Droid Live Wallpaper 1.12
Droid Live Wallpaper
KobeCam 1.04
Simple AR to use the GPS function oftheterminal to display the shelter / wide area evacuation site/evacuation rescue base name / distance in the direction lookingatcamera Kobe camera is (augmented reality) app.Although I hope? If help in Kobe city residents and visitors inthetourist is often ...
Simple tag memo/Sticky 1.75
Simple Sticky (sticky notes) application widget. I would appreciateusing a notebook / memo simple. How to Register Press and hold /widget list on the main screen to open the " additional menu ofwidgets " tag size "Sticky Fusenmemo (1x1) / Sticky Fusenmemo (1x2)/ Sticky Fusenmemo (1x3) / Sticky Fusenmemo (2x2) "input screenappears when you select. When you save the registered contents,sticky note icon is displayed on the home screen. New 2015-12-11Ver.1.68 If in the message there is a nine-digit or moreconsecutive numbers, and now it to the way you can send it isdetermined that the phone number. It seems the person in chargehimself wanted to use function(:-)
vMemo 1.16
The application program made intheconfirmation of coming home of the child to whom the chancetobecome a grade-schooler and to look after the house aloneincreasesfor the tablet is repaired and has been disclosed.VMemo (voice memo) is a widget application program. It moves itfromthe application program list. 「It is not possible touse(>_<). 」Thank you very much it is ....peel.. [nashi]....(....laughter... )- UseWhen "VMemo (voice memo)" is selected by "Addition of thewidget(long push or + button etc. of the main screen)" menu, theinputscreen is displayed.When the content of registration is preserved, the icon isdisplayedon the home screen.- The icon cannot register if there is no empty area in thehomescreen.1.Please do the icon of the screen to confirmation/recordingofthe content of the voice in the tap.2.Please clearly preserve the content, recycle nexttime(recommendation) or throw away the memo that became unnecessarytothe garbage box by a long push of the icon.3.When the voice memo is confirmed when "Subscription mail"isspecified, the fixed form message is transmitted to aspecifiedmail address.--- Information---・Please inform me without reserve when there aretrouble/demandetc.
KyotoCam (camera, Kyoto) 1.12
KyotoCam (Kyoto camera) uses the device'sGPScapabilities, AR simplified to show the distance / and the nameofthe medical tourist / city / metro in the direction looking atthecamera (Augmented Reality), app. Metro registration ■: busstopabout 30: about 700 (Kyoto Bus) Tourism: approximately 100healthcare: approximately 400 (Pediatric / Surgery / Medicine), andhandmade in Kyoto will help to explore the city a little .Alsodemonstrated the ability to in Kyoto ~ ♪ ※ 楽Shimimashotheeco-tourism public transport ... f (^ ^;
ccMail (email here) 1.15
ccMail (email here) with the function GPS"thislocation" is a free app in the series.Of all ages up to senior citizens and children living away fromthe"Service Mimamori" I hope you'll use as a.Tap the icon that is registered with the home screen foranyemergency, location information is sent with a message to theemailaddress specified mask.Easily available for children aged up to inexperience intheoperation.Details of usage, ↓ ↓http://www.mazesystem.com/android/ccmail.htmlYou can not create an icon that there is no available space in the※Home screen.※ ccMail (email here) to use GPS sensors to participate intheservice.We offers available to all ages from children aged as ※, liketheirparents' service Mimamori "We hope as available.◆ NoteMay cancel / modify the services without prior notice. Pleasebeforewarned.Communications charges for services - This will betheresponsibility of the users like us.• We are not responsible for any loss or damage occurred in theUseof this service.• The location information may differ from the actual positionandcan not be obtained due to the communication environment.• Server and other equipment failures, naturaldisasters,maintenance / line network, due to malfunction, lossofinformation, etc., and also has occurred is not responsible foranydelay.--- News ---Information or request / bug, please do not hesitate.
Easy call for 2.x 1.47
Calls are easy to dial by simply tappinganicon that is registered on the Home screen (Dial) app. We hopetouse more of all ages from children to seniors as inexperiencedinthe operation. How to use ■ "Add a widget (or the main screenandhold [+] button, etc.)" menu "Easy Call" can register and selectacontact. Icon sizes, choose from two types of 1x1 / 1x2. Youcannot create an icon that there is no available space in thehomescreen ※. When registering the phone number / name ※, hasaccess toyour address book. ※ modification of the contact can notberegistered. Please remove and re-register a time slot. Fixed/Added some pictures · 2011-08-05 1.23 --- News --- informationorrequest / bug, please do not hesitate.
ccDial (Dial here) 1.46
ccDial (dial here) used a functionalGPS"location where" related applications are free. Will allow youtomake calls simply by tapping an icon registered in the homescreen.We hope to use more of all ages from children to seniorsasinexperienced in the operation. How to use ■ "Add a widget (orthemain screen and hold [+] button, etc.)" menu "Easy Call"canregister and select a contact. Icon sizes, choose from two typesof1x1/1x2. Website can not register an icon that there isnoavailable space on the Home screen→http://www.mazesystem.com/android/ccdial.html ※ here. Themainfunction 1 ◆. Additional menu widget (Press and hold thescreen) 2can be registered on the main screen from the contact 4.3.ccDialchecking feature before placing a call by simply clickingon theDisplay icon. At the end of the call vibrate feature 5."locationservices where" you can join for free. Should you lose thedevicealso found able to request notification of terminallocationinformation from other phones to PC / terminal locationinformationand notifies the reduced amount of battery terminal andterminallocation information notification · ccDial outgoing ... Wemay beable to use towards the age groups from children to seniorsas ※,like parents' Service Mimamori "I hope you'll also availableas a.May cancel / change your sure 予告無 care services ◆. Pleasebeforewarned. Communications charges for services - This will betheresponsibility of the travelers use. • We are not responsibleforany loss or damage occurred in the use of this service. •Thelocation may differ from actual location and environment, andcannot be obtained due to communication. • Server and otherequipmentfailures, natural disasters, maintenance / line network,due tofailure, loss of information, etc., and also has occurred isnotresponsible for any delay. --- News --- information or request/bug, please do not hesitate.