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買乜 - 購物清單 7.1
AK Projects
有沒有試過在超市購物, 走了幾圈還是到回家才記起遺漏了講買一兩項貨品? 有的話,"買乜"會是一個適合你的App.無論在家裡, 搭車中, 用餐時, 只要想起有什麼要講買, 立刻加入購物清單. 記下需要購買貨品.你更可選擇加入每星期或每月的重複購物項目.在購物時, 拿出"買乜", 什麼貨品需要購買, 在哪間店鋪購買, 一目了然輸入每項消費, 自動計算總消費. 亦可選擇不同月份, 不同付款方式的消費項目, 每月購物消費有預算.亦可匯出報表作備份或在Excel作進一步計算Ever tried shopping inthe supermarket, or a few laps to go home remembered omissionspeaks buy one or two items? Yes, "buy-what" would be one that fitsyour App.Whether at home, in the ride, dinner, just think of what to talkabout to buy, immediately joined the shopping list. Write down theneed to purchase goods. You may also choose to join a weekly ormonthly repeat shopping items.When shopping, take out the "buy-what" and what goods need tobuy, where to shop to buy, at a glanceEach input consumption, and automatically calculates the totalconsumption. Can also choose different months, different paymentconsumer items, the monthly shopping budget.Reports can also be exported for backup or in Excel for furthercalculations