Al kalam برنامه ها

Surah Ar Rahman 1.4
Al kalam
Surah Rahman (Arabic: سورة الرحمن‎, "The Most Merciful") is the55th sura of the Qur'an with 78 Ayahs. It has the refrain: "Thenwhich of your Lord's blessings would you deny?" Ar-Rahman iscomposed entirely in saj’, the rhymed, accent-based prosecharacteristic of early Arabic poetry. Owing, perhaps, to thesura’s poetic beauty, it is often regarded as the 'beauty of theQuran', in accordance with a hadith: Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reportedthat Muhammad said, "Everything has an adornment, and the adornmentof the Qur'an is Surah ar Rahman" [Bayhaqi in Shuab al Eiman]. TheProphet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) went to the companions andrecited Surah Ar Rahman but they were all quiet. He told them thathe went to the jinn and recited it to them and they wereresponsive. And when he would recite the verses ‘And which of thefavours of the Lord will you deny’ the jinn would respond ‘There isnothing among your bounties that we can deny, all praise belong toAllah’ [Tirmidhi, Ibn al Mundhir, Al Adhama & Hakim 2/474]Al-Rahman can be divided into roughly three units. Verses 1-30expound upon natural displays of Allah’s creative power and mercyin showering those who inhabit the earth with blessings. Verses31-45 describe the final judgment and the terrible punishment thatwill be inflicted upon sinners. Verses 46-78, by contrast, detailthe delights that await the pious in paradise. One of the main aimsof the surah is to chastise men and jinn for their lack ofgratitude towards Allah, who has showered them with an abundance ofblessings. Features of the Best Islamic App: > Listen and ReadSurah Maryam Recitation with translations in multiple languageslike English, Urdu, Indonesia, Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, French,Hindi, Italian, Malay, Spanish & Persian help users tounderstand the Quran message in their own local language > EasyUrdu and English translation of Surah > Feature to book mark anyayah >Customizable the text font and size etc. >Go quickly toread and listen any ayah > Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and Englishtexts. > Excellent Readability > Repeat any Ayah >Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and English texts
Surah Yaseen 1.4
Al kalam
Surah Yasin (Arabic: يس‎ سورة) is the 36th chapter of the Qur'anwith 83 Ayah, and is one of the Meccan surah. Surah Yasin is mostlydevoted to the dilemma of man’s moral responsibility and theinevitability of resurrection and the judgment of Allah, and thisis the sole reason the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) calledupon his believers to recite this surah over the dying and prayersof the dead. Surah Yaseen is considered as the most important surahof the Holy Quran after Surah al Fatiha and there are many virtuesthat were narrated by Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) aboutthis specific surah. He described this surah as the heart of Quran,and it provides an image of the beliefs and practices of Islam. Theverses 1-32 summarizes that the Quran is full of wisdom and itcalls those people unfortunate who cannot benefit from it. Theverses 33-50 summarizes about the various Signs of Allah in Natureand Revelation. The verses 51-83 discuss the Resurrection and thelife hereafter. Features of the Best Islamic App: > Listen andRead Surah Maryam Recitation with translations in multiplelanguages like English, Urdu, Indonesia, Bengali, Chinese, Dutch,French, Hindi, Italian, Malay, Spanish & Persian help users tounderstand the Quran message in their own local language > EasyUrdu and English translation of Surah > Feature to book mark anyayah > Repeat any verse >Customize the text font and sizeetc. >Go quickly to read and listen any ayah > Show/HideArabic, Urdu and English texts. > Excellent Readability >Nice HD graphics > Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and English texts
English To Urdu Dictionary 1.1
Al kalam
Want to learn English and wish to know the meaning in real Urdufont? This is the app for you. A complete offline English to UrduDictionary. ( مکمل انگریزی اردو لغت) 100% Free Offline English toUrdu dictionary. It has embedded Urdu font which doesn't requireany additional Urdu feature on your device. It’s just a smooth andpain-less. The vocabulary is constantly being updated. You cansearch any word and then click on it to read its meanings in Urdulanguage. Meanings are displayed in real Urdu language not inroman. Although this App does not provide definitions or anyexamples, but mechanism is easy to understand the meanings. LatestUrdu Dictionary Features: • With simple and user friendly interface• Search the words by typing or speaking • Listen the English WordsPronunciation (تلفظ) • History - every word you ever viewed isstored in history • Favorites / Bookmarks - you are able to addwords to favorites list by clicking the bookmark icon • ManagingHistory and Favorites lists - you are able edit those lists orclear them • Word spelling, using Text-To-Speech module (NoInternet Connection required) • A compact size dictionary • Sharethe vocabulary with your friends by choosing the share option Ithas clear and simple definitions carefully chosen up-to-datevocabulary from all areas of life. which meets your everydaylanguage needs and will make your trips more comfortable and fun.It’s the best Urdu English dictionary for travelers, business mans,players, students, children, teachers and learners. It would be apleasure to have your feedback and ratings.
Asma Ul Husna (99 Names) 1.1
Al kalam
Asmaul Husna (99 Names of Allah ﷲ) is a latestIslamic app that has been developed with an aim to let Muslims allover the world get familiar with the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah(Asma ul Husna). It has 99 names with English, Arabic and Urdulanguage along with their meanings and Benefits. It is easier nowto Recite or memorize these 99 names of Allah anytime, anywherefrom your phone.Importance in Quran:The fairest names are Allah’s. (7:180)His are the most beautiful names. (17:110)Allah! There is no God but Him. His are the most beautiful names.(20:8)Importance by Hadith:Narrated Abu Huraira (R.A): Bukhari, Book 9, Volume 93, Hadith489Allah's Apostle said, "Allah has ninety-nine Names, one-hundredless one; and he who memorized them all by heart will enterParadise." To count something means to know it by heart.Narrated Abu Huraira: Bukhari, Book 3, Volume 50, and Hadith894Allah's Apostle said, "Allah has ninety-nine names, minus one, and whoever knows them will go toParadise."Features:• Beautiful Recitation & Animation of 99 Names of Allah fromHoly Quran• Benefits & Meanings for The Holy Names in English &Urdu• Digital Tasbeeh Counter for repeating names• Customized daily notification for the Names to recite• Play/Pause and restart option for Allah’s Names Audio• User can do (Repeat) Tasbhi of names many times whenever theywant• Share Names and Details with your Muslim brothers and sisters viadifferent social media• Name of the Day to remember importance of Name and MeaningIt would be a pleasure to have your feedback & ratings.
Last 10 Surahs of Quran 1.2
Al kalam
Almost every Muslim recites from the last ten Surahs of Quran inhis five times prayers daily. This application contains last tenSurahs of Holy Quran that hold the great importance for the Muslimsall over the world. Now Muslims, especially the Muslim kids, canlearn these Surahs to perform in their prayers. Last 10 SurahsApplication provides both Arabic and Roman English pronunciation(Transliteration) of Tajweed (Elocution) of Surahs with English,Urdu, Spanish and Malayalam translation of all the Verses. Peoplecan also listen to the audio of the Arabic Tajweed of these Surahspronounced in Beautiful voice. All features are fully enabled andthere is no expiration date on this app. No Limitations! TheseSurahs include: 1. Surah Al-Fil 2. Surah Quraish 3. Surah Al-Maun4. Surah Al-Kauthar 5. Surah Al-Kafirun 6. Surah Al-Nasr 7. SurahAl-Masad 8. Surah Al-Ikhlas 9. Surah Al-Falaq 10. Surah Al-NasQuran Ten Surahs App offers you verse by verse audio playback,rules, repeat functions, tags, search, excellent navigationalcontrols, a side by side English and Urdu translations, Qur'anaudio recitation with Urdu translation and much more. Al Quran tenSurahs MP3 is a compact version which works online. This IslamicApp downloads the data from server automatically in your SD cardand saves for the next time use. Recite Quran, Learn Quran &read Quran anywhere and everywhere. Quran Pak is a true Islamicbook for the Muslims. Key Features: * Beautiful Audio Recitation *Multi language Translation * Multiple Reciters to listen QuranTilawah * Surahs verse by verse feature * Option to view onlyArabic or with Translation
Surah Al Hajj 1.4
Al kalam
Sūrat al-Ḥajj (Arabic: سورة الحج‎, "The Pilgrimage, The Hajj") isthe 22nd sura of the Qur'an with 78 ayat. 103rd according to theorder of revelation. Some authorities consider this a Makki Surah,but according to the majority it is Madani. This Surah has 78verses in 10 sections. The Surah reminds about the approaching endof the world, need for the firmness of faith to support the truthand to eradicate the evil. It talks about prayers, humbleness andsacrifice, respect of the Ka'bah, the House of Allah, and strivingto defend the truth. Introduction to the Sections 1. The Shaking ofthe Last Hour. Arguments for the Resurrection from the stages ofhuman creation and from the rain that produces vegetation. 2. Themarginal believers and their end. 3. The true believers shall berewarded. 4. Pilgrimage to the House of Allah. 5. Respect of theSymbols of Allah. 6. The permission of fighting back is granted tothose to whom wrong is done. The real purpose of Jihad. 7. Satan'senticements and Allah's especial protection of His words. 8. Thereward of those who migrate in the cause of Allah. 9. Allah's orderprevails in the heaven and earth. 10. The Muslim community ischosen by Allah for a special purpose. Features of the Best IslamicApp: > Listen and Read Surah Maryam Recitation with translationsin multiple languages like English, Urdu, Indonesia, Bengali,Chinese, Dutch, French, Hindi, Italian, Malay, Spanish &Persian help users to understand the Quran message in their ownlocal language > Easy Urdu and English translation of Surah >Feature to book mark any ayah > Customize the text font and sizeetc. > Repeat any Verse > Go quickly to read and listen anyayah > Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and English texts. > ExcellentReadability > Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and English texts
Surah Al Kahf 1.4
Al kalam
Sūrat al-Kahf (Arabic: سورة الكهف‎, "The Cave") is the 18th surahof the Qur'an with 110 ayat. It is a Meccan sura. 69th Surahaccording to the order of revelation. This is a Makki Surahrevealed 4-5 years before the Hijrah. It has 110 verses in 12sections. The Surah answers some questions that the Mushrikin ofMakkah posed to the Prophet –peace be upon him. The answers came ina very clear way and also challenged them to accept the message ofIslam. In this Surah we have the stories of: the People of theCave, the man who had two gardens and was very proud of himself,Prophet Moses with an angelic figure, Dhulqarnain a pious ruler.These stories are told to emphasize the value of faith, knowledgeand patience, the relativity of time, and the variety in thisworld. Introduction to the Surah 1. The straight message of theQur'an. 2. The Companions of the Cave. 3. The proof ofresurrection. 4. Always remember Allah. Everything depends onAllah’s will. 5. The parable of an ungrateful person and a gratefulperson. 6. Wealth and children are only a passing show. 7. Satanand his progeny they are the open enemies of human beings. 8.Allah's mercy is available all the time. 9. Prophet Moses' searchfor a teacher. 10. Some strange events and their explanations. 11.The pious ruler Dhul Qarnain. Gog and Magog 12. The real losers andwinners. Features of the Best Islamic App: > Listen and ReadSurah Maryam Recitation with translations in multiple languageslike English, Urdu, Indonesia, Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, French,Hindi, Italian, Malay, Spanish & Persian help users tounderstand the Quran message in their own local language > EasyUrdu and English translation of Surah > Feature to book mark anyayah > Customize the text font and size etc. > Repeat an yverse > Go quickly to read and listen any ayah > Show/HideArabic, Urdu and English texts. > Excellent Readability >Nice HD graphics > Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and English texts
Surah Al Fatiha 1.4
Al kalam
Surah Al Fatiha (سُّورَةُ الفَاتِحَة‎) is the first Surah of theHoly Quran. Its seven verses (Ayat) are a prayer for the guidance,lordship and mercy of Allah. This surah has an essential role inIslamic prayer (Salat). The primary literal meaning of theexpression "al-Fātiḥah" is "The Opening," which could refer to thisSurah being "the opening of the Book" (Fātiḥat al-kitāb), to itsbeing the first Surah recited in each cycle (rakʿah) of prayer, orto the manner in which it serves as an opening for many functionsin everyday Islamic life. Al-Fātiḥah is often believed to be asynthesis of the Holy Quran. It in itself is a prayer at the verybeginning of the Quran, which acts as a preface of the Quran andimplies that the book is for a person who is a seeker of truth—areader who is asking a deity who is the only one worthy of allpraise (and is the creator, owner, sustainer of the worlds etc.) toguide him to a straight path. This preface is meant to create astrong desire in the heart of the reader to seek guidance from theLord of the Universe, Who alone can grant it. Thus Al-Fatihahindirectly teaches that the best thing for a man is to pray forguidance to the straight path, to study the Quran with the mentalattitude of a seeker- after-truth and to recognize the fact thatthe Lord of the Universe is the source of all knowledge. He should,therefore, begin the study of the Quran with a prayer to him forguidance. From this theme, it becomes clear that the real relationbetween Al-Fatihah and the Quran is not that of an introduction toa book but that of a prayer and its answer. Al-Fatihah is theprayer from the servant and the Quran is the answer from the Masterto his prayer. The servant prays to Allah to show him guidance andthe Master places the whole of the Quran before him in answer tohis prayer, as if to say, "This is the Guidance you begged fromMe." Features of the Best Islamic App: > Listen and Read SurahMaryam Recitation with translations in multiple languages likeEnglish, Urdu, Indonesia, Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, French, Hindi,Italian, Malay, Spanish & Persian help users to understand theQuran message in their own local language > Easy Urdu andEnglish translation of Surah > Feature to book mark any ayah> Customize the text font and size etc. > Repeat any Verse> Go quickly to read and listen any ayah > Show/Hide Arabic,Urdu and English texts. > Excellent Readability > Nice HDgraphics > Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and English texts
Surah Al Waqiah 1.4
Al kalam
Sūrat al-Wāqiʻah (Arabic: سورة الواقعة‎; "The Inevitable"or "TheEvent") is the 56th surah (chapter) of the Quran. It was revealedin Mecca (see Meccan surah). The total number of verses in thissurah are 96. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) said that the one whorecites surah al-Waqi'ah will have a shining face of the Day ofReckoning. It is narrated from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) thatwhoever recites this surah on every Friday, will be from those whomAllah (s.w.t.) loves and he will be loved by people also. He willbe free from troubles and poverty and will be counted from theloyal companions of Imam Ali (a.s.). Reciting this surah on a deadperson leads to all his sins being forgiven and if the person is onhis deathbed then he will die with ease. Keeping this surah inone's possession is a means of increase in sustenance. Imam AliZainul Abideen (A.s.) has narrated that if a person recites thissurah (at night) on the first night of the lunar month and thencontinues to recite the same surah, increasing the number of timesto coincide with the date, such that on the tenth night he recitesit ten times, until the fourteenth night, then his sustenance willincrease greatly. Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported that the Prophet(salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, "Whoever recites surah al Waqiahat night would never encounter poverty" [Ibn as-Sunni 620, Bayhaqi]The Prophet Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam)also said: "Surah alWaqiah is the Surah of Wealth, so recite it and teach it to yourchildren" [Ibn Asakir] Features of the Best Islamic App: >Listen and Read Surah Maryam Recitation with translations inmultiple languages like English, Urdu, Indonesia, Bengali, Chinese,Dutch, French, Hindi, Italian, Malay, Spanish & Persian helpusers to understand the Quran message in their own local language> Easy Urdu and English translation of Surah > Feature tobook mark any ayah > Repeat any verse >Customizable the textfont and size etc. >Go quickly to read and listen any ayah >Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and English texts. > ExcellentReadability > Nice HD graphics > Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu andEnglish texts
Surah As Sajdah 1.4
Al kalam
Sūrat as-Sajdah (Arabic: سورة السجدة‎, "The Prostration") is the32nd chapter (sura) of the Quran with 30 verses. This is a MakkiSurah revealed in the middle Makkan period. It has 30 verses in 3sections. The Surah discusses some of the doubts and arguments ofthe non-believers against the principles of Tawhid, Risalah andAkhirah. It invites human beings to think and reflect on their ownselves and on the nature surrounding them. Everything points thatthere is a Wise and Powerful Creator for this universe. He has notcreated this entire phenomenon in vain. The creation has a purpose.Introduction to the Section 1. The Qur'an is from the Lord of theWorlds. Allah created this whole universe. He created human beings,but some human beings deny the resurrection. 2. The differencebetween the Believers and non-Believers. 3. The Mission of ProphetMoses -peace be upon him. Take lessons from the history of othernations. Signs of resurrection in nature. Features of the BestIslamic App: > Listen and Read Surah Maryam Recitation withtranslations in multiple languages like English, Urdu, Indonesia,Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, French, Hindi, Italian, Malay, Spanish& Persian help users to understand the Quran message in theirown local language > Easy Urdu and English translation of Surah> Listen, share or Bookmark any Verse > Repeat any verse toimprove your learning skills >Customize the text font and sizeetc. >Go quickly to read and listen any ayah > Show/HideArabic, Urdu and English texts. > Excellent Readability >Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and English texts
Four Qul of Quran 1.2
Al kalam
The last four Surahs in Quran bearsexplicitpower within as they have addressing mode in their versesthereupongot their name as “Qul” meaning, “say.”Surah Kafirun (سورة الكافرون)The recitation of this Surah is equivalent to one fourth ofQuranas Hadith narrated:“Surah Al Kafiroon is equivalent to a quarter of the Quranandaccording to another; its reward is equivalent to a quarter oftheQuran.” [Tirmidhi]Reciting Surah Kafiroon shields a believer from polytheismandProphet (SAW) has advised his companions to recite once or asdeemappropriate.“Recite Surah Kafiroon for it is a rejection of polytheism[AbuDawood]Surah ikhlaas (سورة الإخلاص )Recitation of this Surah is equivalent of reciting one thirdofQuran, there are ten virtues for each alphabet of Quranthenimagine the virtues on recitation of entire Quran that too ontheshort easy verses of Quran. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lovedthisSurah hence loving and reciting with devotion will be one ofthereasons for entering in paradise as Hadith attests:“One of the Companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said to Him:“Ireally love this Surah. The Prophet (PBUH) replied: “And yourlovefor it will enable you to enter paradise.” [Tirmidhi]Hence a Muslim should recite Surah ikhlaas whenever getstimealong the excerpts and connotations of Quran. It also expiatessinswhen recited twice in a day as Hadith narrates:“If anyone recites two hundred times daily, Qul huwallahuahadthe sins of fifty years will be wiped out, unless he is indebt.”[Tirmidhi]Surah Naas and Surah Falaq سورة الفلق سورة الناسThe recitation of these two Surahs forms a protective layeroverthe reciter and wards off evil and all tribulations. Apartfromthis, it was the Sunnah of Prophet to recite theseSurahs,following Sunnah is following the commandments of Allaheventuallyas Hazrat Ayesha (RA) stated at one place:“Before sleeping Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would recite the lastthreeSurahs of Quran and then would blow it onto His hands andthen wipethe hands all over His body.” [Bukhari]Features of the Best Islamic App:> Listen and Read 4 Qul Recitation with Urdu &Englishtranslation.> Easy Urdu and English translation of Surahs> Multiple Reciters> Customize the font style and font size> Verse by verse transliteration> Excellent Readability> Nice HD graphicsConcluding, reciting these four Quls is beneficial as itwasProphet’s sunnah to recite prior sleeping hence make it accustomtoattain maximum blessings from Mighty Lord.
Islamic Door Lock 1.2
Al kalam
We lock and unlock our phone 100 times everyday. Here we have an Islamic lock to protect your smartphone homescreen with an idea to read and listen Allah’s and His Prophet’s(SAW) Names every time you unlock your mobile.Islamic Door Lock contains a door lock looks like a real mosquesdoor. If you are a Muslim and definitely love with Allah and HisProphet (SAW), then you surely want to decorate your home screenwith Islamic Door Lock. We hope all the Muslim users would downloadit and decorate their smart phone screen with Islamic Door ScreenLock.Features• Date and Time• Battery Status• Beautiful Quranic Ayah Recitation• Creative Islamic Art HD Graphics• Enable / Disable the locker from setting menu• Layout of Door lock is compatible with almost every AndroidSmartphone screen• Ayah sound can be on and off manually**** How to Unlock****Enable the lock app from settings. Touch the door in to the centerlogo & let the door be opened.PLEASE RATE US TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!!
Juz 30 of Holy Quran 1.2
Al kalam
An exclusive app of 'Juz 30' for easy andquickmemorization of small Surahs recited in Salat, withmultiplerecitation options. Audio repeat option helps in memorizingtheSurahs. Users can repeat a single verse multiple times withverseby verse recitation feature.Almost every Muslim recites from Para 30 of Quran in hisfivetimes prayers daily. This application contains the Surahs fromJuz30 of Holy Quran that hold the great importance for the Muslimsallover the world. Now Muslims, especially the Muslim kids, canlearnthese Surahs to perform in their prayers.This Quran learn Application provides both Arabic and RomanEnglishpronunciation (Transliteration) of Tajweed (Elocution) ofSurahswith English, Urdu, Spanish and Malayalam translation of alltheVerses.People can also listen to the audio of the Arabic Tajweed oftheseSurahs pronounced in Beautiful voice. All features arefullyenabled and there is no expiration date on this app.NoLimitations!Quran Juz 30 App offers you verse by verse audio playback,rules,repeat functions, tags, search, excellent navigationalcontrols, aside by side English and Urdu translations, Qur'anaudio recitationwith Urdu translation and much more.Al Quran Juz Amma MP3 is a compact version which worksonline.This App downloads the data from server automatically inyour SDcard and saves for the next time use. Recite Quran, LearnQuran& read Quran anywhere and everywhere. Quran Pak is atrueIslamic book for the Muslims.Key Features of this Quran Majeed App:* Beautiful Audio Recitation* Multi language Translation* Multiple Reciters to listen Quran Tilawah* Surahs verse by verse feature* Option to view only Arabic or with Translation* Go quickly to any Ayah.
Surah Al Mulk 1.4
Al kalam
Surah Al-Mulk (Arabic: الملك سورة ‎, "Sovereignty, Kingdom") is the67th chapter (sura) of the Quran, comprising 30 verses. The surahemphasizes that no individual can impose his will on another; hemay only guide and set an example. The Benefits of Surah Al-Mulk: •The Prophet (salallahu alayhi WA sallam) said, 'There is a surah inthe Qur'an which is only thirty verses. It defended whoever recitedit until it puts him into paradise' i.e. Surah al-Mulk [Fath alQadir 5/257, Sahihul Jamiea 1/680, Tabrani in Al-Awsat & IbnMardawaith] • The Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, 'Surahal-Mulk is the protector from the torment of the grave' [SahihulJamiea 1/680, Hakim 2/498 & Nasai] • Jabir (radiyallahu anhu)said it was the custom of the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam)not to go to sleep until he had read Tabarakalladhi Biyadihil Mulkand Alif Laam Meem Tanzeel. [Ahmad, Tirmidhi and Darami] • Abdullahbin 'Abbas (radiyallahu anhuma) reported that the Prophet(salallahu alayhi wa sallam)said, 'It is my desire/love that Surahal-Mulk should be in the heart of every Muslim' [Hakim, al-HisnulHaseen by the cassical scholar Muhammad al-Jazri] Subject of SurahMulk: 1. The Kingdom of the universe belongs to Allah. 2. The lowerheaven is decorated with lamps (stars). 3. The dwellers of hellwill wish: "Had we only listened to the call of Islam, we wouldhave not been among the inmates of hell." 4. No one can help youagainst Allah, nor can any one save you from the punishment ofAllah. Features of the Best Islamic App: > Listen and Read SurahMaryam Recitation with translations in multiple languages likeEnglish, Urdu, Indonesia, Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, French, Hindi,Italian, Malay, Spanish & Persian help users to understand theQuran message in their own local language > Easy Urdu andEnglish translation of Quran Surah > Feature to book mark anyayah > Customize the text font and size etc. > Repeat anyverse >Go quickly to read and listen any ayah > Show/HideArabic, Urdu and English texts. > Excellent Readability >Nice HD graphics > Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and English texts
Surah Muhammad 1.4
Al kalam
Sūrat Muḥammad (Arabic: سورة محمد‎ "Muhammad") is the 47th sura ofthe Qur'an with 38 ayat. The title is derived from the directmentioning of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 47:2. It also has thename of Al-Qital, which translates to fighting due to the contextof the sura. This sura pertains to a specific conflict that arosefrom people prohibiting the acceptance and spread of Islam. Itrefers to the battle of Badr, where an army was being gathered toattack Medina. The battle of Badr took place during Ramadan, inyear 2 of the Islamic calendar. This is a Madani Surah and it wasmost probably revealed in the first year of Hijrah before thebattle of Badr. This Surah has 38 verses in 4 sections. The Surahtalks about the real struggle that will take place between thetruth and falsehood. In this struggle the truth will be victoriousand the falsehood and its votaries will be utterly defeated. Theseparation will take place between those who believe and those whowill deny the truth. Introduction to the Sections 1. Those whobelieve in Prophet Muhammad their sins are removed and theircondition will improve. The opponents of the truth will perish. 2.Good news for the Believers. The Prophet is asked to pray for theBelievers. 3. The weak hearted and the blind are not able to seethe truth. 4. The real success. Do not be intimidated, stand firmand struggle for the cause of Allah. Features of the Best IslamicApp: > Listen and Read Surah Maryam Recitation with translationsin multiple languages like English, Urdu, Indonesia, Bengali,Chinese, Dutch, French, Hindi, Italian, Malay, Spanish &Persian help users to understand the Quran message in their ownlocal language > Easy Urdu and English translation of Surah >Feature to book mark any ayah > Repeat any verse to improve yourlearning skills >Customize the text color, font and size etc.>Go quickly to read and listen any ayah > Show/Hide Arabic,Urdu and English texts. > Excellent Readability > Nice HDgraphics > Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and English texts
Surah Al Jumua 1.4
Al kalam
Sūrat al-Jumu`ah (سورة الجمعة‎, "Friday") is the 62nd surah of theHoly Quran with 11 verses. The chapter is named al-jumu`ah("Friday") because it is the day of assembly. Where the communityabandon trade, transactions and other diversions in favor ofassembling to seek the all-encompassing Truth and Most Beneficentand seek the "bounty of God" exclusively. This is a Madani Surah.It seems that the first part of this Surah was revealed in the 7thyear of Hijrah after the Battle of Khaybar and the second part wasrevealed soon after the Hijrah in the 1st year of Hijrah. The Surahhas 11 verses in 2 sections. The Surah talks about the negligenceof Bani Israel in obeying the commands of Allah and becoming toomuch involved in worldly matters. They only carried the Books ofAllah, but failed to follow these books. Muslims are urged toobserve the Friday prayer and should not get involved in businessso much as to neglect the remembrance of Allah. Introduction to theSections of Surah • Allah's favor upon Muslims that Allah sent HisProphet among them to teach them and to purify them. Bani Israelneglected the commands of Allah. • Muslims are exhorted to observethe Friday prayers and always remember Allah. Features of the BestIslamic App: > Listen and Read Surah Maryam Recitation withtranslations in multiple languages like English, Urdu, Indonesia,Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, French, Hindi, Italian, Malay, Spanish& Persian help users to understand the Quran message in theirown local language > Easy Urdu and English translation of Surah> Feature to book mark any Verse > Repeat any Verse >Customize the text font and size etc. > Go quickly to read andlisten any ayah > Show/Hide Arabic, Urdu and English texts. >Excellent Readability > Nice HD graphics > Show/Hide Arabic,Urdu and English texts
99 Names Allah & Muhammad SAW 1.2
Al kalam
Asmaul Husna (99 Names of Allah ﷲ) & Asmaul Nabi is a latestIslamic app that has been developed with an aim to let Muslims allover the world get familiar with the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah(Asma ul Husna) & Muhammad (SAW). It has 99 names with English,Arabic and Urdu language along with their meanings and Benefits. Itis easier now to Recite or memorize these 99 names of Allah &Prophet’s 99 names anytime, anywhere from your phone. Importance inQuran: The fairest names are Allah’s. (7:180) His are the mostbeautiful names. (17:110) Allah! There is no God but Him. His arethe most beautiful names. (20:8) Importance by Hadith: Narrated AbuHuraira (R.A): Bukhari, Book 9, Volume 93, Hadith 489 Allah'sApostle said, "Allah has ninety-nine Names, one-hundred less one;and he who memorized them all by heart will enter Paradise." Tocount something means to know it by heart. Narrated Abu Huraira:Bukhari, Book 3, Volume 50, and Hadith 894 Allah's Apostle said,"Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, andwhoever knows them will go to Paradise." Features: • BeautifulRecitation & Animation of 99 Names of Allah & His Prophetfrom Holy Quran • Benefits & Meanings for The Holy Names inEnglish & Urdu • Digital Tasbeeh Counter for repeating names •Customized daily notification for the Names to recite • Play/Pauseand restart option for Allah’s Names Audio • User can do (Repeat)Tasbhi of names many times whenever they want • Share Names andDetails with your Muslim brothers and sisters via different socialmedia • Name of the Day to remember importance of Name and MeaningIt would be a pleasure to have your feedback & ratings.
Last 20 Surahs of Holy Quran 1.2
Al kalam
Almost every Muslim recites from thelastTwenty Surahs of Quran in his five times prayers daily.Thisapplication contains last 20 Surahs of Holy Quran that holdthegreat importance for the Muslims all over the world. NowMuslims,especially the Muslim kids, can learn these Surahs toperform intheir prayers.Last 20 Surahs Application provides both Arabic and RomanEnglishpronunciation (Transliteration) of Tajweed (Elocution) ofSurahswith English, Urdu, Spanish and Malayalam translation of alltheVerses.People can also listen to the audio of the Arabic Tajweed oftheseSurahs pronounced in Beautiful voice. All features arefullyenabled and there is no expiration date on this app.NoLimitations!Quran Twenty Surahs App offers you verse by verse audioplayback,rules, repeat functions, tags, search, excellentnavigationalcontrols, a side by side English and Urdutranslations, Qur'an audiorecitation with Urdu translation andmuch more.Al Quran Twenty Surahs MP3 is a compact version which worksonline.Koran downloads the data from server automatically in yourSD cardand saves for the next time use. Recite Quran, Learn Quran&read Quran anywhere and everywhere. Quran Pak is a trueIslamicbook for the Muslims.Key Features of this Quran Majeed App:* Beautiful Audio Recitation* Multilanguage Translation* Multiple Reciters to listen Quran Tilawah* Surahs verse by verse feature* Option to view only Arabic or with Translation* Go quickly to any Ayah.
Six Kalmas of Islam 1.2
Al kalam
The Six Kalimas (كلمة ) kalimah in Islam are six significant partsof Muslim’s religious belief, mostly taken from hadiths. ThisSmartphone application provides Muslims throughout the world anopportunity to recite, learn and memorize the essential six Kalimasin the Religion of Peace. It offers Audio Recitation andTranslation of the interpretation of these necessary Islamicfoundations Hadrat Zaid bin ‘Arqam (Allah be pleased with him)narrated that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Whoever says Lailaaha illal-laahu… sincerely will enter the Paradise.” It wassaid: And what is the [sign of] sincerity? He said: “That thiskalimah stops him from those things which Allah has forbidden.”(Tabaraani in Awsat-ul-Kabeer) Features of the Best Islamic App:> Listen and Read Surah 6 Kalma of Islam Recitation > EasyUrdu and English translation of Kalmas > Excellent Readability> Nice HD graphics > Name of each Kalma is provided inaddition to its literal meaning. > Play and Pause feature forKalima Audio > Transliteration helps in pronunciation of Kalmasin Arabic. >Translation feature helps in understanding themeanings of each Islamic Kalma in both English and Urdu. > Sharechoice lets the user to distribute this greatly helpful app usingdifferent sharing options. Download this free Islamic app of 6Kalma of Islam to recite and learn by heart the foundation of Islam
English To Arabic Dictionary 1.1
Al kalam
Want to learn English and wish to know the meaning in real Arabicfont? This is the app for you. A complete offline English to ArabicDictionary, 100% Free Offline English to Arabic dictionary. It hasembedded Arabic font which doesn't require any additional Arabicfeature on your device. It’s just a smooth and pain-less. Thevocabulary is constantly being updated. You can search any word andthen click on it to read its meanings in Arabic language. Meaningsare displayed in real Arabic language not in roman. Although thisApp does not provide definitions or any examples, but mechanism iseasy to understand the meanings. Latest Arabic Dictionary Features:• With simple and user friendly interface • Search the words bytyping or speaking • Listen the English Words Pronunciation •History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history •Favorites / Bookmarks - you are able to add words to favorites listby clicking the bookmark icon • Managing History and Favoriteslists - you are able edit those lists or clear them • Wordspelling, using Text-To-Speech module (No Internet Connectionrequired) • A compact size dictionary • Share the vocabulary withyour friends by choosing the share option It has clear and simpledefinitions carefully chosen up-to-date vocabulary from all areasof life, which meets your everyday language needs and will makeyour trips more comfortable and fun. It’s the best Arabic Englishdictionary for travelers, business mans, players, students,children, teachers and learners. It would be a pleasure to haveyour feedback and ratings.