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sniper army: pyramids war 1.5
The area of the pyramids is in danger. You arethe best army sniper and you have been called to end the terror.Immerse yourself in battle and how many enemies you kill. It is awar against terror. Use the accelerometer to aim, your smart phoneis transformed into a sniper scope.
ghost cam, horror joke 2.0
The spirit that appears in the photos forhorror. A new and original way to scare!This is a scary game for friends.It's simple, you take out the picture to your friend and thentrigger a ghost appear next to your friend! A horrible joke! Lookwhat has appeared to you on the picture! What's that? A ghost?!Also you can save the image to share on any social network withthe rest of your friends!
sniper army, friend joke 1.7
This is a joke to have fun with friends. Youcan target them as if you were an Army sniper and shoot!This application uses the camera on your smart phone so you can aimand shoot at your friends as a joke. Have fun with them, havedifferent pictures, shoot!
joke horror for friends 1.5
Scare your friends! Terror! A scary game! Givethe smart-phone to your friend and scared. Touch the buttons untilyou exit the cartel error, then an ugly face will cause terror. Thephone vibrate while shouting!This is a simple game to play. Laugh with friends.
WAR DRONE: city strike 1.0
WAR DRONE: city strike, this is a war game:Youdrive a War Drone sniper in CS, a city Strike.Move in a battle 3D environment of realistic 3D. You must usealllethal drone weapons to destroy these enemies besieging theciduad .It is a strike in the city and you must fight theinvaders.War has broken and you are the sniper drone desicgando for citycsstrike .characteristics:To handle one drone war.City -lucharas-usaras many weapons to shoot-apuntaras and will shoot in motionrealistic war -sounds
hunter of city zombies 1.6
hunter of city zombies, free sniper game.Now is the apocalypse. You are an army sniper and you mustdefendthe city of the living dead. Kill as many zombies can youhave 5chances to fail. This is a war against the zombies. Theyspreadterror in the city.This game uses the accelerometer of your smart phone to givemorerealism to the scene. Point and shoot, you have to killthemall!
army sniper: mountain strike 2.0
Immerse yourself with your smart phone intoabattle of snipers. You're the best army sniper and you havebeencalled to a fight in the mountains. Attack your enemies, turnyourcell and kill them when you can. This will be a real battle ina 3Denvironment.The game uses the accelerometer of the phone to bemorerealistic.
Dino Simulator 1.3
Free Dinosaur simulator! Feel the power ofaTyrannosaurus dinosaur in this simulation! Controlled by yoursmartphone the T-Rex dinosaur. Ever wondered how it would be anangrydinosaur in middle of a city in 3d? Now you can know! Walksanddestroys things you your alrrededor operated in an environmentin3d. Destroy everything around you!
tank war hero hunter 1.4
It's hard. You are an army sniper withBazooka!Your mission is to not let the tanks reach the city. Usingtheaccelerometer of your phone WILL NEED aim and fire missiles toblowup tanks.Accuracy and speed need to fulfill your mission! Destroythetanks, you're a hunter and you will become a hero.This will be a battle against the tanks in 3d!
Dino Killer 1.2.2
Dino killer, is a game of dinosaur hunter.DinoKiller is this amazing game hunting. Shoot the dinosaur andtake it.Shoot and shoot, will be the only way to learn and be thebesthunter. Be the killer in the jungle of dino!Features:- Real hunting environment.- Dino sim to hunt.- Amazing hunting weapons.- Realistic sounds of dinosaurs.
Sniper desert killer 1.0
Sniper desert assassin is a new andrealisticsniper game . Shoot, shoot and shoot , you have littletime toeliminate enemies and complete your mission sniper . This isanexcellent shooter.features:-game of FPS-be a sniper-different missions with many levels.-you can use different weapons.
Basketball Shoot: 3D Strike 1.5
Points and Shoot. Basketball shoot 3d strikeisa Shooter on fire free game!You're the best basketball player and are in fire.Playbasketball on your phone. This simple and addictivegame will immerse you in a 3D scene. Shoot as many shots youcanand score points, competewith your friends. You have only 20 seconds to score before!Using the accelerometer of your smart phone, you have to aimandshoot with great skill.
Sniper Ghost Killer 1.0
Sniper game . You will be better killer,aghost in the war. You must fight the enemy . Shoot and shoottosurvive.
maze, warrior escape 1.1
The Labyrinth is huge. You will be amedievalwarrior Trying to escape the empire. To do this, you willHave Yoursmart phone immersed an empire at war and use allhisintelligence and good strategy to find the tools andadvance.You Will Have to talk to the princess and the outskirts,killing enemies. Sort the maze with wit.
Critical SWAT strike 1.4
SWAT Critical strike is a free game of war.Youare the elite army sniper and you have been called to defendthearea. Terror has implemented and you have to eradicate!It is a war against terror. Use your smart phone to killenemiesin a 3D scene and explosions! There are more snipers, arethe lastof your team. Aim and shoot with your gun, fightrelentlessly andcompete with your friends.This is a game for fans of shooting games war!
friends scare, horror maze 1.5
friends scare, horror mazeA scary game! If you want to scare people with your smartphonewill be easy. This application will make it possible. Yourfriendwill be playing in a maze and then you will see a hideousface thatprovoked horror.This is a free application to scare!
La Campaña de Arrieta- Novela 1.5
Novela, libro, gratuita: LA CAMPAÑA DEDONMACIEL ARRIETA. Aplicación en formato Ebook que lepermitiránavegar por la novela y señalar las paginas de lecturapara retomaren otro momento con comodidad.Idioma: solo español.LA NOVELA:En la Ciudad de La Plata, Argentina, Maciel Arrieta, un ancianoqueha quedado perdido en su tiempo, despertatá la atención desusvecinos cuando decida llevar adelante su campaña. Unacomediaactual que retomará temas como el anarquismo de Argentinaaprincipios del siglo veinte. Una historia disparatada y deágillectura que tambien logra momentos intensos.“…y Maciel Arrieta, cual prócer en vistas de unenfrentamiento,posaba el pié derecho sobre la bombarda y luegovociferabacualquier cosa. Cuando estaba idealista apoyaba al FORA orecordabalas virtudes del sindicato de panaderos cuyasmanifestaciones nosllegaban a modo de folletín.Otras veces simplemente se aprestaba para llamar a las armasalresto de nosotros, y decir que un día de esos atacaría lamismacasa de gobierno para tomar el poder. Que había que morir comoDiGiovanni lo había hecho, retrucando un poco más de azúcar paralapróxima vez. Toda esta escena se completaba con lainfaltablebotella de caña que rara vez abandonaba su mano, de nochey de día.No parábamos hasta vomitar, o él o nosotros, las entrañasqueAlberto tenía a bien pagar por adelantado.”Novel, book, Free:DONCAMPAIGN MACIEL Arrieta. Application in Ebook format thatallowsyou to surf the novel and read the pages pointing to resumeat alater time in comfort.Language: Spanish only.NOVEL:In the city of La Plata, Argentina, Maciel Arrieta, an old manwhohas been lost in time, despertatá the attention of yourneighborswhen you decide to carry out. A current resume comedytopics suchas anarchism of Argentina in the early twentiethcentury. A crazyand quick reading story also manages intensemoments."... And Maciel Arrieta, which hero in a clash of views, perchedonthe right foot and then bombard shouting anything. When Iwasidealistic supported the FORA or remembered the virtues ofunionbakers whose manifestations reached us as a serial.Sometimes just getting ready to call to arms the rest of us, andsaythat one of these days the same house attack government totakepower. He had to die as Di Giovanni had, I retrucando a littlemoresugar next time. This whole scene was completed with theinevitablebottle of cane rarely left his hand, night and day. Wedid not stopto throw up, or him or us, the wombs that Alberto hadto either payin advance. "