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Saint-Étienne 360° 2.1
Avant-Goût Studios
Le territoire stéphanois change, avance et setransforme.Découvrez de façon originale et innovante sa mutation urbaine,économique, culturelle et architecturale.Vous avez toujours rêvé d’être dans le rond central du nouveaustade Geoffroy-Guichard ?Vous souhaitez vous évader au sein de la serre tropicale au cœur dela Platine de la Cité du design ? Vous avez déjà entenduparler du Mixeur mais n’avez jamais eu l’occasion de découvrircette pépinière d’entreprises ?...N’attendez plus ! Découvrez Saint-Etienne et ses environscomme si vous y étiez !Deux solutions :- Vous disposez d’un casque immersif (type Durovis Dive).Téléchargez l’application Saint-Etienne 360° sur votre smartphone,lancez-la et insérez votre appareil dans votre casque. Enfilez lecasque et c’est parti !Grâce au pointage par la vision, vous naviguez sur le territoirestéphanois comme vous le souhaitez.- Vous n’avez pas de casque immersif, ce n’est pas un problème,l’application Saint-Etienne 360° fonctionne également sans lavision stéréoscopique et vous pouvez naviguer dans les différentslieux emblématiques de l’agglomération stéphanoise en bougeantsimplement votre smartphone.Le principe reste le même, il vous suffit de téléchargerl’application et de la lancer en mode smartphone.Nous espérons que cette visite virtuelle vous donnera envie devenir découvrir les richesses de notre agglomération. A bientôt surle territoire stéphanois !+ d’infos sur :http://www.saint-etienne-ambassadeurs.frFinancé avec le concours de la région Auvergne / Rhône-AlpesEtienne territory theexchange, advance and turns.Discover an original and innovative way its urbantransformation, economic, cultural and architectural.Have you always dreamed of being in the center circle of the newstadium Geoffroy-Guichard?You want to get away in the tropical greenhouse in the heart of thePlatinum City of design? You have heard of Blender but have neverhad the opportunity to discover this incubator? ...Do not wait any longer ! Discover Saint-Etienne and itssurroundings as if you were there!Two solutions:- You have an immersive helmet (type Durovis Dive). DownloadSaint-Etienne 360 ​​app on your smartphone, launch it and insertyour device in the helmet. Put on the headphones and go!With the score by the vision, browsing the Étienne region asdesired.- You do not have to immersive helmet, it's not a problem, theSaint-Etienne 360 ​​app also works without stereoscopic vision andyou can navigate through the emblematic sites of Saint Etienne bysimply moving your smartphone.The principle remains the same, simply download the app andstart a fashion smartphone.We hope that this virtual visit will entice you to discover therichness of our city. See you on the territory Etienne!More information: http://www.saint-etienne-ambassadeurs.frFunded with support from the Auvergne / Rhône-Alpes
Pursuit of Santa 1.0.0
After “The Witch of the Tuileries”, which won4 awards in France and the USA,Apolline and Leon are back for a new adventure.In this episode, they are trying to meet Father Christmas,proving their courage and mischievousness.Apolline and Leon are celebrating Christmas with their family attheir grandparents' house.Intrigued by an old photo showing their mum as a little girl, withFather Christmas, the children decide to set a booby trap forFather Christmas in order to meet him.Their efforts are not in vain as after putting their plan intoaction, they see Father Christmas' sleigh, follow its trail andfind a little cottage in the forest, full of toys and mystery…But is it really Father Christmas' house?More information : http://www.facebook.com/apollineleon
Mon Livret A Numérique 1.1.0
Avant-Goût Studios
Préparer nos enfants à gérer leur budget, leurenseigner qu’il faut faire des économies pour mener à bien leursprojets sont les objectifs de cette application pédagogiquedéveloppée par la Caisse d’Epargne Loire Drôme Ardèche.C’est en construisant un projet réaliste en temps et en budgetaux côtés de votre enfant que vous initiez son apprentissage.Bienvenue dans Mon Livret A Numérique !Prepare our children tomanage their budgets, teach them to do the savings to completetheir projects are the goals of this educational applicationdeveloped by the Caisse d'Epargne Loire Drome Ardeche.It is by building a realistic project time and budget along withyour child that you initiate learning.Welcome to My Digital Livret A!
Footomaton 1.3.0
Avant-Goût Studios
Turn into a 70's football player ! Create your sports retro lookbymaking your choices from among several accessories: crazyhaircuts,outrageous mustaches and the color of your jersey. Chooseyourfootball superstar name and share your custom card with friendsandfamily via email, MMS, Facebook or Twitter. Footomaton is aprojectcreated by Cabaroc and award-winning agency Avant-GoûtStudios.Download now Footomaton see you as a retro superstarfootballer ofthe 70s! ———————————————— How it works ? Easy as a pie! ⁃ Take apicture of yourself or of your friends ⁃ Adjust your skincolor tofit to the model ⁃ Choose your accessories among thehaircut,mustache, color jersey, stadium for the background.Hundreds ofpossibilities ! ⁃ Create your footballer’s name. ⁃ Yourfootballcard is automatically generated in the style of vintagecard albums⁃ Share your picture in different sizes on socialnetworks and showyour friends the footballer in you————————————————https://www.facebook.com/footomatonapphttps://twitter.com/footomatonwww.footomaton.com ————————————————Footmaton is a Frenchtechproject labelled