Benjamin Bur برنامه ها

The Oracle - Future Soothsayer 5.0
Benjamin Bur
Ask the oracle a question. Ask something thatyou can answer with "Yes" or "No".******************************IMPORTANT: The oracle gives good answers to questions that beginwith "Should I ...".******************************Of course, not getting any response appropriately. Often you willalso get a funny answer. Do not take the answers all too seriously.Of course, this application can not read the future or the like.However, this application will help you in making decisions andenjoy yourself. Definitely!Test this app with friends and have fun.>> You will definitely have fun!This app "The Oracle - Future Soothsayer" should you make lifeeasier.________________________________Also Benefit from various advantages:- Make decisions easily- Do not waste time with long reflection- Have fun with this app- 100% Free- No unnecessary permissions
Love Tester - Check Your Love 1.0.22
Benjamin Bur
Check your love with this free app. Tell metwo names, and I'll tell you how they fit together.Is your crush really the right one for you? You can check that forfree now ...Be no longer unhappy and start a new era with your great love.You can also find out if your boyfriend or girlfriend is theright one for you or maybe there's a better one for you?! So checkthe name of your partner before you date him or her the firsttime.Just have fun and luck... and may rate this free app with 5***** stars if you like it.-----------Of course, this app is only useful for entertainment purposes. Theresults are not to be taken seriously. Nevertheless, it can be veryamusing to consider the love with this app.
Daily Horoscope 2.1
Benjamin Bur
A good way to start your day is to read yourhoroscopes with one easy click using this app. Choose your sign andcheck your daily rate for love, business and finance. You get alsoyour daily lucky random numbers for your next national lottery.Enjoy your Daily Horoscope - FOR FREE!Just have fun with this app and check easy your dailyhoroscope.
Wallpaper HD 1.0
Benjamin Bur
The default background on your smartphone istoo boring for you or you simply do not find suitable wallpapers onthe net? Then we have the perfect solution for you:Search with the 100% free app "Backgrounds HD" in differentcategories such as:- Design- love- Beaches- cars- Nature- And many more according to your new wallpaper!We have many images that we have selected specially for you andespecially for your cell phone. This app is designed specificallyfor Android phones and disposes of only HD wallpapers.We place a high value on privacy. Therefore, this app has onlyabsolutely necessary permissions and deliberately avoidspermissions like Location, phone book, etc. In addition,"Wallpapers HD" is 100% free.Now Benefit also from the following advantages:- Continuously new wallpapers- All wallpapers in HD quality- 100% free appAll wallpapers are from under a Creative CommonsLicense. This app "Wallpapers HD" is free and waive any commercialuse. If you are the legal owner of a wallpaper in our app and wouldlike this removed, please contact us.
Traffic Map USA HD Pro 2.0
Benjamin Bur
Watch the traffic on the highways whiledriving. Identify traffic roads and choose other routes. This appis suitable for USA.Share a screenshot of your traffic map with friends. It's an easyway to tell friends that you're late. Maybe it's also a good ideato send your boss a screenshot, that he/she knows that you stuck intraffic.
LL Solar Rechner 1.4
Benjamin Bur
Mit dem LL Solar Rechner können Sie ganzeinfach in wenigen Schritten eine Solar-Anlage (Photovoltaik)planen und berechnen. Mit diesem App berechnen Sie sich nicht nurdie Leistung in kWp und kWh Ihrer Wunsch-Anlage, sondern gleichauch die Unterhalts- sowie die Investitionskosten. (NEU: CHF oder€)Es wird mit folgenden Faktoren gerechnet:- Standort (mit Hilfe von GPS)- Dach-Ausrichtung (mit Hilfe eines Kompass)- Dach-Neigung (mit Hilfe eines Neigesensors)- Anlage-Grösse in qm- AnlagetypZudem können Sie als Schweizer/In zusätzlich auf Wunsch perKnopfdruck mit Ihren bereits gespeicherten und kalkulierten Datengratis eine verbindliche Offerte der LL Solar AG (Biberist -Schweiz) zustellen lassen kommen.Weiter können Sie die Daten in der App speichern, um beimnächsten App-Start auf die älteren Daten zuzugreiffen.By LL solar calculatoryou can plan a PV plant (photovoltaic) and calculate easily in afew steps. With this app you can calculate not only the power inkWp and kWh of your desire-conditioning, but also equal to themaintenance and investment costs. (NEW: CHF or €)It is expected the following factors:- Location (using GPS)- Roof orientation (with the help of a compass)- Roof slope (by means of a tilt sensor)- Investments Size in square meters- Plant typeIn addition, you do not have the Swiss / In addition on requestby pressing a button with your already stored and calculated datafree a binding offer of LL Solar AG - come effect service (BiberistSwitzerland).Next, you can save the data in the app to add Reiffen on theolder data at the next app launch.
Dog Names 50.000+ 2.0
Benjamin Bur
Find a nice name for your lovely puppy dog oran other pet or animal. We help you to find one from over 50.000names.Try this app with special sound effects and HD graphics for free.Test the reaction of your dog by the special sound effect whileclicking the speech bubble in the name view.With this app you can easily pick one of over 50,000 dog names.Give your dog or other pet a pretty appropriate name. Search byselecting a specific initial letter or let you surprise by randomnames with the random function. This app is developed with funnysound effects and great graphics - just exactly what you arelooking for! Test this free app and find a sweet name for your deardog or other pet. Surprise your dog also with the funny noise whilesurfing through the dog name.Now give your dog an appropriate name with the app "names fordogs" and make your dog a star in your neighborhood.
Pixelate Pictures 0.0.2
Benjamin Bur
Surely you know the problem: You made aperfect photo. But in the photo is an unknown person. Or thedécolleté in the photograph is a bit too low cut. Or your room inthe background is not cleared. Or the parents should not really bein the photograph.Now there is a solution for these problems: Test this app andpixelate your photos. Censor your photographs with this free app.Choose a region on your photo and pixelate it easily.With "Pixelate Pictures" you are able to:- pixelate a selected area on any picture- share your censored image with friends or other apps
Love Tester Pro 1.2
Benjamin Bur
Are you in love?Do you have a lover or want to check if someone is in love withyou?Fits your boyfriend or your girlfriend to you?Now you get answers to your burning questions ...Use this free app with lots of special effects, beautifulgraphics and Dr. Love's certified "Love algorithm".==> Share your results with screenshots and show yourlove.------------------------------Of course, this algorithm is only an approximation and deviationsare of course quite possible. So do not be unhappy if you did notreceive 100% because this app is of course intended only forfun.
Solar Charger HD Pro Free 3.8
Benjamin Bur
With this app you can charge your mobile phonewith free solar energy.For this app your phone must have a light sensor that it worksproperly.You see the luminous efficiency in the blue bar. The strongerthe light source, the higher the value, and the more full the bluebar. For optimum charging, it is advisable to place the phone on awell-lit place.Please keep in mind that this is a fun app, of course, withwhich you can be fooled your friends. With the help of real changesin light irradiations, you can be deceived that they actuallybelieve that your battery is charging.Try Solar Charger HD Pro Free and protect the environment.Reload your battery with Solar Charger HD Pro Free and feel better- at least I hope you'll do that.
Personal Horoscope 0.0.1
Benjamin Bur
Get every day now your own true horoscopewiththis app. You can also browse other Zodiac sign and readotherhoroscopes. In addition, you can share your horoscope withfriendsand other Apps.This app is 100% free and requires nounnecessarypermissions.Good to know: horoscopes do not always tell the truth.Sometimeshoroscopes in fact correspond to the truth.
BMI Calculator 1.1.9
Benjamin Bur
Check your weight with this free app andstarton time with fitness exercises to help you maintain youridealweight. Check your weight with a scale and measure your bodysize.Then enter the values in this application and you will getthecalculated BMI.IMPORTANT:This app only serves to calculate the BMI and can say noexactinformation about your health. For a more detailedinformation,please consult your doctor.
Speedometer HD Pro Free 3.0
Benjamin Bur
Use this free Speedometer HD Pro and checkinreal-time your speed. You can choose between digital andanaloguedisplay.Purpose:- Check the speed of your taxidriver and notice if he drivestoofast.- You can also measure the speed of other people, while youaresitting, for example, on the back seat.- How fast are you on the bike or running? try it out for free!Top:+ This app Speedometer HD Pro doesn't need confusing permissionsanddoesn't store any user-data+ 100 % clear+ 100 % free
Currency Converter 1.0
Benjamin Bur
Now you can easily and with the dailyupdatedrates charges convert into different currencies. Choose fromover30 different currencies. Opt for the right time for thepurchase offoreign currencies and save much money.