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Timer:EggBoiler 1.0
Big Whale Studio
The egg timer was named due to its commonusagein timing the boiling of eggs. Boiled eggs are a popularbreakfastfood in many countries around the world. Use this app forboilingPerfect EggBoiled eggs are eggs (typically chicken eggs) cooked withtheirshells unbroken, usually by immersion in boiling water.Hard-boiledeggs are cooked so that the egg white and egg yolk bothsolidify,while for a soft-boiled egg the yolk, and sometimes thewhite,remain at least partially liquid.A few different ways are used to make boiled eggs otherthansimply immersing them in boiling water. Boiled eggs can alsobecooked below the boiling temperature, via coddling, or they canbesteamed.Hard-boiled eggs are boiled for longer than soft-boiledeggs,long enough for the yolk to solidify.[9] They can be eatenwarm orcold. Hard-boiled eggs are the basis for many dishes, suchas eggsalad, Cobb salad and Scotch eggs, and may be furtherprepared asdeviled eggs.Hard-boiled eggs are commonly sliced, particularly for useinsandwiches. For this purpose specialized egg slicers exist, toeaseslicing and yield even slices.There are several theories as to the proper techniqueofhard-boiling an egg. One method is to bring water to a boilandcook for ten minutes.[10] Another method is to bring the waterto aboil, but then remove the pan from the heat and allow eggs tocookin the gradually cooling water. Over-cooking eggs willtypicallyresult in a thin green iron(II) sulfide coating on theyolk. Thisreaction occurs more rapidly in older eggs as the whitesare morealkaline.[13] Immersing the egg in cold water after boilingis acommon method of halting the cooking process to preventthiseffect. It also causes a slight shrinking of the contents oftheegg.Hard-boiled eggs should be used within two hours if kept atroomtemperature or can be used for a week if kept refrigerated andinthe shellA timer is a specialized type of clock for measuringtimeintervals. By function timers can be categorized to two maintypes.A timer which counts upwards from zero for measuring elapsedtimeis often called a stopwatch; a device which counts down fromaspecified time interval is more usually called a timer oracountdown timer. A simple example for this type is an hourglass.Byworking method timers have two main groups: Hardware andSoftwaretimers. Some timers sound an audible indication that thetimeinterval has expired.Nowadays when people are using more and more mobile phones,thereare also timer apps that mimic the old mechanical timer, butwhichhave also highly sophisticated functions. These apps are alsoeasierto use daily, because they are available at once, withoutany needto purchase or carry the separate devices, as today timeris just asoftware application on a phone or tablet. Some of theseapps arecountdown timers, stopwatch timers, etc. These timer appscan beused for tracking working or training time, motivatingchildren todo tasks, replacing an hour glass in board games, orfor thetraditional purpose for tracking time when cooking andbaking.Apps may be superior to hour glasses, or to mechanicaltimers.Hour glasses are not precise and clear, and they canjam.Mechanical timers lack the customization that applicationssupport,such as sound volume adjustments for individual needs.Mostapplications will also offer's electable alarm sounds.Some timer applications can help children to understandtheconcept of time, help them to finish tasks in time, and helpthemto get motivated.[3] These applications are especially usedwithchildren with special needs like count Down Syndrome, etc.,buteverybody else can also benefit from them.Software timer alarmsareeasy to use anyone can use them easily due to their simplicity.Usethis app and boiled a perfect and healthy eggs.
LED Flashlight(Tiny) 1.0
Big Whale Studio
A simple LED flashlight app here. Again,likemost of the other apps here, it uses your LED flash asaflashlight. (Flashlight) app fundamental and downrightessentialapp on a smartphone is the LED flashlight. There arefreeflashlight apps for all platforms,This flashlight app is brightandit is often the first app downloaded to a new phone. From thetimephones began to use LED for camera flash, the lighting isveryadequate. See smartphone features.The app size is alsoquitereasonable(tiny) at just under 3 MBs and it doesn’t hog a lotofyour battery either.the app is compatible with Android 5.0Lollipopas well.*Very simple and tiny app*Easy to use*on/off animation switch*Amazing Icon*Tiny size app