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HandyGPSWear 4.8
NOTE: Also check out the HandyGPS app since itnow contains the same Wear functionality as HandyGPSWear as well asone of the best fully featured hiking apps for your phone.HandyGPSWear was specifically designed to take full advantage ofAndroid Wear watches that include their own GPS receivers, like theSony Smartwatch 3. However, it will work on other smartwatches likethe Moto 360 too since it can also use your phone's GPS.With this app you can record a tracklog and how far you'vewalked on bushwalks and hikes. If you find anything interestingalong the way you can record its location as a waypoint and uploadit to your phone later to view in Google Earth. The app can evenguide you back to a waypoint. So now, you can leave your phonebehind and just wear your watch !The app has five pages that you can swipe between:* The first page shows your location information including theUTM easting/northing and zone or lat/lon coordinates, altitude, GPSaccuracy and speed/direction or odometer.* The second page lists your recorded waypoints and allows you tomark new waypoints.* The third page shows the current time, sunrise, sunset, andbattery level.* The fourth page allows you to open the Compass, Goto, Map andElevation Profile pages.It also has a button to show the currentlocation as an MGRS grid reference. Note that the compass will onlywork if you have magnetic field and accelerometer sensors in yourwatch.* The fifth page allows you to change the settings such ascoordinate type and units (metres and kilometres per hour, feet andmiles per hour, or nautical miles and knots). You can also chooseto display an alternate main page which shows the current time,battery, altitude, speed/direction, and odometer all on onepage.To mark a waypoint, click the "+" button at the top of thewaypoints page and enter a name. To view a previously recordedwaypoint, press on the waypoint name. Waypoints and tracklogsrecorded on the watch can be uploaded to your phone when connectedvia BlueTooth if the companion app is running on the phone. You canalso download a KML file from the HandyGPSWear folder on your phoneto your watch. (Currently you need to re-start the app to refreshthe waypoint list after doing this).You can press the brightness button on the main page to reducethe screen brightness when you're not looking at it to conservebattery power(*). It is recommended that you leave the maincoordinates page visible when you're recording tracklogs and usingthe odometer.All coordinates use the global standard datum, WGS84. Lat/Loncoords can be shown in decimal degrees, Deg-Min-Sec or Deg-Minformats.Before installing the app, make sure that your phone is pairedto your smartwatch using Bluetooth and Google's Android Wear app isrunning. After installation, HandyGPSWear will run either when yoursmart watch is paired to an Android phone via BlueTooth, orstand-alone if the watch has its own GPS receiver.To calibrate the compass page, move your watch in a figure-8pattern in the air and/or rotate it on all three 3D axes.NOTE: Due to the small space requirements, GPS receivers insmart watches generally do not work as well as the ones in phones.Under heavy vegetation cover in particular, you may find it hard tomaintain a GPS lock. You can use the more powerful receiver GPS inyour phone if the watch is paired via BlueTooth.IMPORTANT: When you're finished using the app swipe to close itrather than pressing the physical home button since otherwise theapp will continue running and waste battery power.See also, HandyListPlus and HandyWorldTime for Android Wear.
Coordinate Master 3.7
This powerful geodesy app allows you toconvert coordinates between many of the world's coordinate systems,compute geoid offsets, and estimate the current or historicmagnetic field for any location. It also includes surveying toolsto compute the point scale factor and grid convergence.The app uses the PROJ4 library and a lookup file containingprojection and datum parameters to support over 1700 coordinatesystems. Lat/lon, UTM, US State Plane, and many, many others aresupported. You can also create your own coordinate systems if youknow the parameters.The app also supports affine transformations toallow you to set up local grid systems. See fordetails.The app either takes manual coordinate input or uses your currentGPS location. The computed location can be displayed in Google Mapsvia your web browser with a single button press. It also supportsMGRS grid references.You can export any lat/lon, UTM or transverse Mercator coordinatesystems to a HandyGPS datum (.hgd) file for use as a custom datumin HandyGPS.The magnetic field calculator page computes the Earth's current orhistorical magnetic field at a given location. The magneticdeclination computed is useful for compass navigation since itrepresents the difference between true north and magnetic north.Field inclination and total intensity are also computed. This tooluses the International Geomagnetic Reference Field model (IGRF-12).See for full details.Years from 1900 through to 2020 are supported.The app can also compute the geoid height offset for a givenlocation, using the EGM96 model. Geoid offset can be subtractedfrom the height reported by GPS to give your actual height abovesea level.Online help for the app is available at A version of this app is now also available foriPhones.Permissions required: (1) GPS - to determine your location, (2) SDcard access - to read and write user projections file.
HandyGPSWear Free 3.8
NOTE: The free version of HandyGPSWear is nowincluded with the free version of the HandyGPS app. Future updateswill only go into HandyGPS. This Wear-only version is no longerbeing updated.This is a limited free version of HandyGPSWear. If you like theapp, please upgrade to the paid version of HandyGPS for unlimitedwaypoints, tracklogs, and more features including the ability totransfer waypoints to/from your phone, and MGRS grid refs.This app was specifically designed to take advantage of AndroidWear watches that include their own GPS receivers, like the SonySmartwatch 3, but will work on other smartwatches too such as theMoto 360.With this app you can record how far you've walked on bushwalks andhikes. If you find anything interesting along the way you canrecord its location as a waypoint. The app can even guide you backto a waypoint.The app has four pages that you can swipe between:* The first page shows your location information including theUTM easting/northing and zone or lat/lon coordinates, altitude, GPSaccuracy and speed/direction or odometer.* The second page lists your recorded waypoints and allows you tomark a new waypoint. (This free version of the app will only storeone waypoint)* The third page allows you to open the Goto and Map pages.* The fourth page allows you to change the settings such ascoordinate type and units (metres and kilometres per hour, or feetand miles per hour). You can scroll this page down for moreoptions.To mark a waypoint, press the "+" button on the waypoints page andenter a name. To view a previously recorded waypoint, swipe to thewaypoints page and press on the waypoint name.You can press the brightness button on the main page to reducethe screen brightness when you're not looking at it to conservebattery power. It is recommended that you leave the maincoordinates page visible when you're using the odometer.All coordinates use the global standard datum, WGS84. Lat/Loncoords can be shown in decimal degrees, Deg-Min-Sec or Deg-Minformats.Before installing the app, make sure that your phone is pairedto your smartwatch using Bluetooth and Google's Android Wear app isrunning. After installation, HandyGPSWear will run either when yoursmart watch is paired to an Android phone via BlueTooth, orstand-alone if the watch has its own GPS receiver.NOTE: If your watch does not have magnetic and accelerometersensors, do not turn on the "Use mag sensor on goto page" option,otherwise the goto page will not work.IMPORTANT: When you're finished using the app swipe to close itrather than pressing the physical home button since otherwise theapp will continue running and waste battery power.
Point scale factor 2.1
A useful tool for surveyors.Given a UTM easting (E), northing (N) and height (H), this appcomputes the grid/point scale factor, elevation/height factor andcombined scale factor values.Formulas from the following document are used: defaults can be changed by selecting the menu and choosing"Settings".The app also includes a grid convergence calculator page whichtakes a lat/lon position as input. This can be opened from themenu.
Handy World Time 1.6
This app shows the current time in threedifferent cities around the world. If the time is between 6am and6pm, a sun icon is shown, otherwise a moon icon is shown.Click on the name of a city on the phone to select a differentone. The selected cities are automatically synced across to yourAndroid Wear smartwatch (if you have one) when it is connected tothe phone via BlueTooth. Tested on both round (Moto 360) andrectangular (Sony smartwatch 3) watch faces.If you have a smartwatch, please also check out HandyListPlusand HandyGPS which also work on both your phone and smartwatch.
Handy List 2.4
Prioritize items and tick them off whenthey're done. Perfect for "to do" and shopping lists.HandyList allows you to manage a number of simple "to do" lists,shopping lists, or whatever you want to list. As you complete eachitem you can tick it off, and then delete all the ticked items.Items can be prioritized with color coding and a list can beexported to a text file.If you like this app, also please check out HandyListPlus whichis available for a small fee. This app is very similar but has morefeatures and runs on both phones and Android Wear smartwatches.Future improvements will only go in the Plus version of theapp.Note that if you are upgrading to HandyListPlus, you will needto export each of your lists and re-import them into the newapp.
Coordinate Master (trial) 3.5
NOTE: This is a fully functional, free 1 daytrial. After 1 day, this app will stop working. If you find the appuseful after your trial, please install the paid version.Thanks.This powerful geodesy app allows you to convert coordinates betweenmany of the world's coordinate systems, compute geoid offsets, andestimate the current or historic magnetic field for any location.It also includes surveying tools to compute the point scale factorand grid convergence.The app uses the PROJ4 library and a lookup file containingprojection and datum parameters to support over 1700 coordinatesystems. Lat/lon, UTM, US State Plane, and many, many others aresupported. You can also create your own coordinate systems if youknow the parameters.The app also supports affine transformations toallow you to set up local grid systems. See fordetails.The app either takes manual coordinate input or uses your currentGPS location. The computed location can be displayed in Google Mapsvia your web browser with a single button press. It also supportsMGRS grid references.You can export any lat/lon, UTM or transverse Mercator coordinatesystems to a HandyGPS datum (.hgd) file for use as a custom datumin HandyGPS.The magnetic field calculator page computes the Earth's current orhistorical magnetic field at a given location. The magneticdeclination computed is useful for compass navigation since itrepresents the difference between true north and magnetic north.Field inclination and total intensity are also computed. This tooluses the International Geomagnetic Reference Field model (IGRF-12).See for full details.Years from 1900 through to 2020 are supported.The app can also compute the geoid height offset for a givenlocation, using the EGM96 model. Geoid offset can be subtractedfrom the height reported by GPS to give your actual height abovesea level.Online help for the app is available at This app now includes all the functionality that used to bein the Point Scale Factor app.Permissions required: (1) GPS - to determine your location, (2) SDcard access - to read and write user projections file.
Digital Watchface 1.6
This set of watch faces is fun and easy toread with just a glance in either normal or ambient modes. Theyshows the time in simple text, digital, coloured building blocks,and a few other fonts. The date is also shown at the bottom. Tochange between the different options, just tap at the very top ofthe watch screen. This watch face works on both square and roundwatches.
Handy Data Logger (free) 2.8
This app can act as a rainfall chart tousewith your rain gauge. You can also use it to record other dailyormonthly data values such as sales, body weight, temperature,etc.This free version only supports a single parameter, but thepaidversion allows you to set up a number of different parametersthatyou want to record, and then easily enter numeric values eachdayor month. You can also import data from and export data tocommadelimited (CSV) text files.Once you have recorded data, you can view it in tabular,calendar,or graphical form. Data can be viewed for a given month,year, orall years. The graph can display the data as a line or barchart,and a linear trend line can optionally be shown over thetop.Note: When importing from a CSV file, the format should be thesameas the files the app exports. There must be a single headerlinecontaining the field names, and the first 4 fields mustbeYear,Month,Day,Value (Where the Value field can have any name,suchas Rainfall). Following this may be the optionalCommentfield.The paid version of this app, "Handy Data Logger", isidenticalexcept that it has no ads and allows multiple parametersto becreated.
Custom Formulas (free) 2.2
This powerful app lets you create yourowncustom formulas and then perform computations using thembyprompting you for the input values.Note that this free version is limited to storing only onecategoryand one formula group. Upgrade to the paid version toremove theselimitations and to remove the ads.This app is easy to use, but unlike simpler apps, multipleenteredvalues can be fed into multiple formulas and multiple outputvaluescan be displayed. The output of one formula in a group can befedinto the next by using the same variable name.Related formulas can be grouped into categories to make them easytofind. e.g. Maths formulas, Surveying formulas, Loaninterestformulas etc.The order of variables displayed to the user can be changed, ascanthe number of decimal digits of precision shown in theoutputfields.One example formula, compound interest, is pre-installed withtheapp.A formula group can be exported to a text file. Other users oftheapp can then import it, allowing your creations to be shared.Anopen forum where you can share formulas is availablehere:!forum/custom-formulasNote: Do not use "e" or "pi" as variable names since thesearepre-defined constants. This app uses the JFEP library. Seethefollowing page for the list of supportedfunctions: (Plus int(),round(),ceil(), and floor() have also recently been added).On-line help for the app is availablehere:
Handy List (free) 4.1
Prioritize items and tick off whendone.Perfect for shopping and "to do" and lists.HandyList allows you to manage a number of "to do" lists, ashoppinglist, or whatever you want to list. As you complete eachitem youcan tick it off, and then delete all the ticked items.Items can beprioritized with colour coding and a list can beexported to a textfile.The paid version of this app, called "Handy List Plus", is thesameas this free version but it has no ads, and also worksstand-aloneon Android Wear smart watches.
Handy Surveying 9.6
A comprehensive and easy to use tool for land surveying
Handy GPS 41.2
A fully featured, great value hiking GPS for the real world. Nosignup required.
Handy GPS lite 41.3
A hiking GPS for the real world (lite version). No signup required.
Handy GPS (subscription) 40.5
A hiking and bushwalking GPS for the real world. No accountcreation required.
Rock Art Enhancer 2.8
Enhance rock art in the field to make faint drawings more visible.
Handy Daily Data Logger 5.1
Record and graph daily or monthly values for rainfall, sales,weight, temp, etc
Handy List 7.3
A simple to use but versatile list app for "to do", shopping, andcheck lists.
Custom Formulas 8.7
Easily set up your own computational app! Create formulas and runthem as needed
Custom Data Recorder 4.5
Create your own forms and enter the data you want to capture in thefield
Sky Light Pro 2.6
Calculate the positions of the sun and moon, anywhere, anytime.
Sky Light Wear 1.2
Computes sun and moon rise and set times as well as twilight