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Learn PhotoShop CS6 1.0
In this collection of lessons we give youanintroductory look at image editing with Photoshop by teachingyouterms and definitions as well as basic tools and techniques.Wewill start off by covering resizing and re-sampling images. Wewillthen take a look at correcting the color and tone of an imagesoyou begin learning non-destructive ways of doing both. Afterthat,you will learn to make specific pixel selections. And to wrapupthis project, we will go over how to remove unwantedinformationfrom our images.This series of step-by-step videos were developed withartistsnew to Photoshop in mind so we will be moving at asteady,easy-to-follow pace making sure you understand terms andbasictechniques.New to Photoshop? Our exclusive Photoshop Basics tutorialsareperfect for beginners and cover everything you need to know togetup and running quickly!Check out our Photoshop Basics tutorials below, or downloadThisApp!
Learn MS Powerpoint 2010 1.0
PowerPoint 2010 is a presentation softwarethatallows you to create dynamic slide presentations that canincludeanimation, narration, images, and videos. In this lesson,you willlearn your way around the PowerPoint 2010 environment,includinggetting to know the new Backstage view.We will also show you how to use and modify the Ribbon andtheQuick Access toolbar, in addition to learning how to createnewpresentations and open existing files.This tutorial has been designed for computer users whoarewilling to learn Microsfot Powerpoint in simple steps and theydonot have much knowledge about computer usage andMicrosoftapplications. This tutorial will give you enoughunderstanding onMS Powerpoint from where you can take yourself athigher level ofexpertise.
Matlab Tutorial 1.0
MATLAB is a programming language developedbyMathWorks. It started out as a matrix programming languagewherelinear algebra programming was simple. It can be run bothunderinteractive sessions and as a batch job.This tutorial gives you aggressively a gentle introductionofMATLAB programming language. It is designed to givestudentsfluency in MATLAB programming language. Problem-basedMATLABexamples have been given in simple and easy way to makeyourlearning fast and effective.
Solidword 2013 Tutorial 1.0
In this SolidWorks 2013 training course,expertauthor Dean Kerste will teach you the tools and techniquesneededfor engineers and designers to create sketches, 3D models,andengineering drawings.This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaningnoprevious 3D modeling or SolidWorks experience is required. Youwillstart by learning the sketching basics, such as linesandrectangles, then jump into intermediate sketching,includingpolygons and slots. From there, Dean will show you thefeaturebasics of SolidWorks, and how to work in thefeaturesenvironment.
Ms Excel 2010 tutorial 1.0
Excel 2010 is a powerfulspreadsheetapplication that allows users to produce tablescontainingcalculations and graphs. These can range from simpleformulaethrough to complex functions and mathematical models.How To Use This GuideThis manual should be used as a point of referenceafterfollowing attendance of the advanced level Excel 2010trainingcourse. It covers all the topics taught and aims to act asasupport aid for any tasks carried out by the user afterthecourse.The manual is divided into sections, each section coveringanaspect of the advanced course. The table of contents lists thepagenumbers of each section and the table of figures indicatesthepages containing tables and diagrams.This mobile app will teach you how to use Excel 2007software.You can select and learn each topics at anytime andanywherewithout the need of Internet access. So start to learnnow!
Learn MS Word 2013 Tutorial 1.0
What’s new in Word 2013If you’ve used Word 2010, much of Word 2013 will feelfamiliar.Most of the commands on the ribbon are in the same places,and manyof the dialog boxes haven’t changed. A major focus of thisversionis on making the process of reading and editing docu-mentssmoother, with fewer diversions. The icons are simpler,andeverything outside the document itself is lessattention-grabbing.Of course, there are also new features and newways of using olderfeatures.When you need to read a document rather than edit it, thenewRead Mode is a clean, distraction-free environment. Itautomat-ically adapts the width of its columns to the size of yourdisplay,which is great if you’re using a tablet. You can quicklyzoom in onpictures, charts, and tables, or display comments.What do you want to do?Among the millions of people who use Word every day, therearebeginners and experts, users at home and at school, andinbusinesses small and large. The work we do, the sources ofourinformation, and the formats of our documents areunimaginablyvaried.If you’re creating a shopping list, a memo, a court pleading,ora novel, your main interest will likely be in Word’s texttools.You might need the ability to write a draft; to reor- ganizeandrevise, and to check spelling and grammar; to show the documenttoothers for review, and to act on their suggestions; and to makethedocument available in one or many formats.Maybe you design magazine articles, advertisements,news-letters, or posters—documents that depend on illustrations,complexlayouts, and eye-catching formatting to give them impact.Inaddition to Word’s text tools, you’ll be using itsgraphicscapabilities, building tables to control layout, andworking withits special text effects.Business documents often have unique requirements. Theymightneed to conform to your organization’s formatting standards,whichshould be contained in templates with well-designed styles.Theymight draw information from spreadsheets or databases throughtoolssuch as fields or mail merge. Portions of documents might beusedto create other documents. Instruction manuals andpolicystatements could have very long lives and be revised manytimes, soyou need a way to mark up these documents to show thechanges madefrom one version to the next.
ANSYS Tutorial 1.0
ANSYS Tutorials for UndergraduateMechanicalEngineering CoursesThese exercises are intended only as an educational tooltoassist those who wish to learn how to use ANSYS. They arenotintended to be used as guides for determining suitablemodelingmethods for any application. The author assumes noresponsibilityfor the use of any of the information in thesetutorials. There hasbeen no formal quality control process appliedto these tutorials,so there is certainly no guarantee that thereare not mistakes inthem. The author would appreciate feedback atthe email addressbelow if mistakes are discovered in thesetutorials.
Improve your spoken english 1.0
If you're a person whose mother-tongue isnotEnglish, the chances are, you've learnt English in the'non-naturalway'. That is, you've learnt English in a way that isopposite tothe way of natural lan-guage acquisition.You know, the natural way of acquiring a language is to learntospeak it first and then to write it.Those people who do not learn English the natural way,knowreasonable English - or even excellent English. And if you askthemto write a report or something in English, they may do itfairlywell. But, if you ask them to speak to you about the samething,they find it hard to do. Or even impossible.When they start speaking, most of the words remain on the tipoftheir tongue and don't readily come out. And often, what wordsdocome out sound disconnected and random. And, they findthemselvesspeaking in a clumsy and unclear way, with long gaps andintervalsof indecision between every two words. And they keepfumbling forsomething to say. Not only this, they fmd it difficultto go onbeyond one or two lines, without tripping up and withoutstumblingover the sounds or sequences of sounds.And then, they tend to fall back upon their mother-tongue -orbecome tongue-tied. This book will help you to overcome alltheseproblems and will also help you in developing betterspeakingskills.
IELTS Secrets 1.0
Dear future IELTS Success Story:Congratulations on your purchase of the most advancedtest-takingmanualfor the IELTS. Notice I did not say study guide- there are plentyofdecentstudy guides on the market, but that was not our objectiveinwriting thismanual. Our goal is to seek and exploit specific weaknesses intheIELTSassessment, and then share those secrets with our customers.Let’s be perfectly honest here- you’ve worked hard enough inthepast, and ifyou want to spend hours in a study guide to boost your score,that’sa greatthing to do. In fact, we recommend at least a brief review ofsomeof thebetter study guides on the market. But that’s simply not enoughtodo well inthe high-pressure high-stakes environment of the test day. Howwellyou doon this test will have a significant impact on your future- andwehave theresearch and practical advice to help you execute on testday.The product you’re reading now is much more than a study guide-itis atactical weapon designed to exploit weaknesses in the testitself,and helpyou avoid the most common errors students make when takingtheIELTS.