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Advanced Space Mission 0.95.1
Blue Vision Games
It is the year 3099, human race has populatedgalaxies that are far away from the home planet and has to face newchallenges. Enemy battle ships of the Norauxis attack the HumaniumFederation.Guide your battle ship through challenging levels and keep thehumanism Federation from destruction. In your adventures you willbe assisted by a battle station of the Federation. Take the chanceto request the battle station to upgrade your ship. The battlestation can also be used to destroy enemy warships.Using the battle station, you can equip your onboard weapons,laser guns and rocket launchers, with additional features. Use thebattle station to repair damage to your battle ship. When enemyattack waves your shield helps to survive. Avoid clashes with theAsteorids, destroy them with targeted bursts and collect extrapoints. The collected bonus points can be used to unlock a hiddenfinal level with a very challenging opponent (bonus level). Payattention to the laser drones of the Norauxis, they are equippedwith deadly firepower! Avoid the waves of attack and surprise youropponents with tactical counterattacks.The battle station sends you jump gates, so that you can joinanother galaxy where you can expect new and more interestingadventure. When you destroy ships of the Norauxis, containers arereleased with essential equipment that can be collected by you inorder to improve the impact strength of your battle ship.Your warship has an additional hydrat drive, which you can useat any time to move more quickly to your mission target.- Defend the Humanium Federation with your battleship. Usedifferent weapons as possible- Use your battle station to destroy enemy fleets- Collect containers to improve your equipment- Try to reach the highest possible score- Release the Galaxy Federation, defeat the leader of theNorauxis
Spaceloot 1.0.7
Blue Vision Games
Spaceloot ist eine Kombination aus Space Shooter undAsteroidShooter mit Clicker Game Elementen. In Spaceloot begibst dudichmit deinem Raumschiff auf eine heikle Mission – während sichdiegegnerische Flotte nähert und immer stärker wird, steuerst dudeinSchiff durch die gefährlichsten Orte der Galaxie. Vorbeiangegnerischen Schiffen, Asteroiden und anderen HindernissenmitGeschicklichkeit oder geballter Feuerkraft – Spaceloot wirddichmit seinen epischen Weltraum-schlachten begeistern! DurchWischenüber das Display kannst du die Beute deiner Gegnereinsammeln. Wenndu einen Raumhafen entdeckst, kannst du dort deingesammeltes"Scrap-Metal" gegen neue Schiffe eintauschen. DeinSchiff undendloser Raum warten auf dich! Besonderheiten: - diverseSchiffe -diverse Waffen - Power-Ups * Laser * Raketen *Geschwindigkeit *Feuerrate - Teilen von Screenshots überSocial-Media - GlobaleHighscore Rangliste Bei Fragen oder Problemenkontaktiere uns bitteunter: