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Kettlebell Swing
This 32 minute audiobook of the popular Amazonlisted ebook and audio version of the video ( that is included withthe high quality online kettelbell course which is suitable foranyone who seriously wants to learn every intrinsic detail aboutthe Kettlebell Swing. author of this book has created this content over a periodof 12+ months, this is not a rushed "how to" tutorial. However,should you feel otherwise and believe that you did not get what wasexpected, make contact with the author and he will refund yourmoney in person to you.Why pay for an app when you get it all for free right? The thingis, you won't be getting anything for free, no one will ever giveaway these detailed instructions without a catch, with thisaudiobook you know what you're up for. It's worth every dime plusmore.- Your first step to becoming a serious Kettlebell Trainer orKettlebell Enthusiast.- Improve your cardiovascular endurance, potentially eradicate neckand back pain.- Learn the most fundamental exercise of Kettlebell Training,properly.The audiobook covers- Introduction- Swing Variations- Squatting versus Hip Hinging- Pre-requisites and progression- Posture- Muscles Involved- Muscle Groups- Four Phases- Pendulum Concept- Explosiveness- Plank drill- Height of the Swing- Breathing- Timing- Calluses and Hand Maintenance- Chalk- Gloves- Footwear- Quality over Quantity- Grow Gradually- Choosing Weight- Common Sense- The Movement Step by Step- Faults and Correction-- Hyperextending the Back-- Happy Feet-- Frontal Raise-- Kettlebell Coming too Low-- Rounded Back-- Kettlebell Bobbing-- Cowboy Legs-- Torso Coming too Low-- Knees Staying Bent-- Feet too Far Apart-- Power Swinging- Aches and Pains-- Lower Back-- Forearms-- Elbow / Upper Arms-- Shoulders-- Knees- Cues- NotesReceive a FREE PDF with many different kettlebell grips,explanations and illustrations, furthermore, receive a FREE PDFwith a beginners kettlebell workout that includes the kettlebellswing.The author of the book is the owner of Cavemantraining and hasowned 3 kettlebell gyms across two continents. Most recently theauthor has performed 11,111 kettlebell swing with a 28 kilokettlebell in 28 days, with the biggest unbroken set being 200reps. This demonstrates that with correct technique one can move311,108 kilos (343 tons) in 28 days without feeling pain. Check thevideo here this Audiobook you will learn the Kettlebell Swing likeriding a bicycle, once you learn it, you can swing a kettlebell forextended periods of time without getting injured or feeling pain,just like riding a bicycle.Learning the kettlebell swing properly is like first learninghow to use a keyboard, once you know it, the world opens up and youcan do anything."Really nice explanation of the kettle bell swing. Not toocomplicated, this is a must if you are interested in includingkettlebell training into your routine. It breaks down the swingperfectly and explains each phase in an easy to understand manner.This book will also help coaches to understand where athletes gowrong and give advice how to fix the problem."
Workout Timer That's Flexible 1.32
This is the most advanced workout timer available. Nothing isimpossible.
Kettlebell Training Program/Course 1.0
This kettlebell course is structured so that you can work onyourprogression day by day over 21 days, or you can choose tocompleteone after the after and see each day as one unit towardsyourprogression in kettlebell training. Each day has a video, intotalthere is over 140 minutes of video content that coverskettlebelltraining. Each day has 5 to 10 minutes of video which isfollowedby a text summary you can read, copy, and save as a PDF forfuturereference. Most days will have an optional task/drill toperform orprogression to work on over time. Furthermore, there arelinks toexternal pages on our website which will haveadditionalinformation on the topic at hand. This course hasoptional examquestions, the course is designed to bring across theknowledge youneed to start your kettlebell training journey viavideo and bulletpoint summaries with an optional assessment forform and techniquecheck. The course is also available on Udemy for$75 and with yourpurchase of this app you will receive a discountcode should youwish to obtain a certificate or access the course ina differentformat. Furthermore, this content is based on the highlypopularAmazon book Kettlebell Training Fundamentals and you willreceive adiscount voucher to obtain a digital copy as well. WHATABOUT THEPRICE? Yes, this app is not $0.99 or some other low figureand thenasks for more money within the app, this app is upfrontwith itstotal cost, and that cost is higher because you'regettinghigh-quality knowledge that a person would normally paythousandsof dollars for to a qualified coach. I am that qualifiedkettlebellcoach which will provide you with years of knowledge inthiskettlebell training programme. KETTLEBELL TRAINING After morethana decade of kettlebell training I have been able to puttogetherthe progressions I use with my athletes, clients, andstudents. I'mextremely confident that this online kettlebell coursewill helpyou understand kettlebell training so that you can trainor workoutsafely at home, in the gym, outdoors, or in your CrossFitbox. Youwill learn how to lift the kettlebell safely, how to clean,swing,press, row, and all the basic movements which you need toperform afull body workout with the kettlebell. You will alsounderstand howto warm up, cool down, work on mobility, transition,and even a bitof basic programming. THE DAYS/UNITS Day 1 Warming upand primingfor kettlebell training Day 2 Stretching and mobilityforkettlebell training Day 3 Kettlebell anatomy and grip Day 4Safelylifting the kettlebell with a squat Day 5 Safely liftingthekettlebell with a hip hinge Day 6 Assisted kettlebell clean Day7Kettlebell squat swing Day 8 Kettlebell hip hinge swing Day9Kettlebell pendulum swing Day 10 Double arm swing clean Day11Kettlebell dead clean Day 12 Kettlebell swing clean Day13Kettlebell racking Day 14 Kettlebell pressing Day 15Kettlebellrowing Day 16 Kettlebell American swing Day 17 Doublekettlebelldead swing clean Day 18 Recap and additional kettlebelltips Day 19Kettlebell programming and goals Day 20 Kettlebellworkout Day 21Common kettlebell injuries and annoyances Let me takeyou on ajourney and an adventure... a kettlebell adventure Hello,my nameis Taco Fleur, and just like my name, I'm not an ordinaryguy, butat the same time I am... but different. I like to dragkettlebellsto places no kettlebell has gone before and teach peoplethe art ofkettlebell training. Cautionary warning: On our journeythrough the21 days you might also see the appearance of Nacho (ourFrenchbulldog). You're not just buying what's in the app, you'rebuying apiece of me, you'll be getting access to me for help aswell. Seeyou on the flip side REQUIREMENTS You will need anactiveinternet/WIFI connection for this kettlebell training programasthe files are provided in a format to cast to your TV whichwouldmake the app bulky and big.