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Edinburgh Guide by Civitatis 5.3.1-build.1241
With the Edinburgh guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
New York Guide 2.2.4 travel guide includes all thenecessary and up to date tourist information to make the most ofyour trip to New York, the world’s most important city and one ofthe most visited. In our travel guide, you’ll find information onthe city’s top attractions, where to eat, money-saving tips, and alot more.Our most popular articles are:• Top New York attractions: Discover the best places to see andvisit in NYC and find out how to get there, the opening hours,prices and which days the attractions are closed.• Where to eat: Find out where the best bars and restaurants are inNew York and what the most popular dishes are.• Money-saving tips: Discover the several tourist cards available,like the New York Pass, discounts, how to save when taking theSubway…reading our money-saving tips and putting them into practisewill save you a lot of money in New York City.• Where to stay: Best neighborhoods to stay, areas you shouldavoid, how to find the best hotel and serviced apartment deals anda lot more useful information.• Interactive map: On our interactive map you’ll be able to planyour visits to New York’s best museums and attractions by foot orby car.Apart from useful tourist information we also offer the followingservices:• Guided tours: Walks and tours of New York City with anEnglish-speaking guide, including the most popular tours: Upper& Lower Manhattan and the New York Contrast Tour.• Day-trips: We offer day-trips to Washington, Boston, NiagaraFalls, Philadelphia and other top destinations, always accompaniedby an English-speaking guide.• Multi-day trips: Would you like to visit other cities in theUnited States or in Canada? We have various excursions that lastfrom 2 days to one week.• Airport transfer service: If you would like a comfortable, cheapand hassle-free journey from the airport to your hotel, ourchauffeurs will be waiting for you with a sign with your name on itand they will take you to your hotel as quickly as possible.• Accommodation: In our search engine you’ll find thousands ofhotels, serviced apartments, hostels, all with the best priceguaranteed.
Guide Rome de 2.2.4
Le guide de Rome de comportetoutes les informations touristiques nécessaires pour visiter lacapitale italienne. Vous découvrirez que voir, où manger, commentéconomiser et bien plus encore.Nos sections les plus consultées sont :• Que voir : Découvrez les points d’intérêt à visiter dans Rome, ycompris des informations pratiques sur comment vous y rendre, leshoraires, les jours de fermeture et bien plus encore.• Où manger : Découvrez les plats les plus typiques de lagastronomie italienne ainsi que les meilleurs trattorias,ristorantes, tavernes et bars à vin.• Comment économiser : Renseignez-vous sur les cartes touristiquescomme Roma Pass, Archaeologia Card et les endroits avec un bonrapport qualité-prix ... En lisant notre guide, vous pourrez fairede nombreuses économies tout au long de votre séjour à Rome.• Où dormir : Les meilleures zones où dormir, les quartiers qu’ilest préférable d’éviter, comment bénéficier des meilleurs prix pourles hôtels et bien plus encore...• Plan interactif : Grâce à notre plan, vous pourrez planifier lestrajets pour vous rendre jusqu’aux points d’intérêt de Rome, quevous désiriez y aller à pied ou en voiture.Nous vous proposons non seulement des informations touristiquesmais aussi différents services :• Visites guidées en français : Découvrez en compagnie d’un guidefrancophone les lieux incontournables comme le Vatican, la ChapelleSixtine, le Colisée et le Forum Romain. Qui plus est, vous évitereztoutes les files d’attente.• Excursions en français : Nous vous offrons des excursions pourFlorence, Naples, Pompéi, Capri, Venise et bien d’autresdestinations, toujours réalisées en compagnie d’un guidefrancophone.• Transferts à l’aéroport : Si vous préférez vous épargner lespetits tracas en tous genres, nos chauffeurs vous attendront àl’aéroport avec une pancarte portant votre nom, et vous conduirontjusqu’à votre hôtel le plus rapidement possible. Qui plus est, leprix de ce service est plus économique que le taxi.• Hébergement : À travers notre moteur de recherche, vous trouverezdes milliers d’hôtels, auberges et appartements aux meilleurs prixgarantis.The Rome includes all the tourist information necessary tovisit the Italian capital. You will discover what to see, where toeat, how to save and more.Our most popular sections are:• What to see: Check out points of interest to visit in Rome,including practical information on how to get there, schedules,closing day and more.• Where to eat: Discover the most typical dishes of Italian cuisineand the best trattorias, ristorantes, taverns and wine bars.• How to save: Ask about tourist maps as Roma Pass, ArchaeologiaCard and places with good value ... By reading this guide, you cando many economies throughout your stay in Rome.• Where to stay: The best areas to sleep, neighborhoods it is bestto avoid, how to get the best prices for hotels and much more...• Interactive map: With our plan, you can plan journeys to get tothe points of interest of Rome, whether you want to walk ordrive.We offer not only tourist information but also variousservices:• Guided tours in French: Discover in the company of an Englishspeaking guide the must see places like the Vatican, the SistineChapel, the Colosseum and the Roman Forum. Moreover, you will avoidany queues.• Excursions in French: We offer tours to Florence, Naples,Pompeii, Capri, Venice and many other destinations, alwaysperformed in the company of an English speaking guide.• Airport Transfers: If you prefer to save you the little problemsof all kinds, our drivers will be waiting at the airport with asign with your name and take you to your hotel as soon as possible.Moreover, the price of this service is cheaper than a taxi.• Accommodation: Through our search engine, you will find thousandsof hotels, inns and apartments with guaranteed lowest prices.
Prague Guide by Civitatis 5.3.1-build.1241
With the Prague guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Krakow Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
Guide of Krakow
Athens Guide by Civitatis 5.3.1-build.1241
With the Athens guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
London Guide by Civitatis 5.3.1-build.1241
With the London guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Civitatis: Fill your trip! 5.2.8-build.1201
More than 81,100 activities, guided tours and excursions around theworld.
Istanbul Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Istanbul guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Rome Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Rome guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Lisbon Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Lisbon guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Los Angeles Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
Guide of Los Angeles
Berlin Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
Guide of Berlin
New York Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the New York guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Brussels Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
Guide of Brussels
Paris Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1189
With the Paris guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Hong Kong Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1189
With the Hong Kong guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Florence Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
With the Florence guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Dublin Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Dublin guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Amsterdam Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Amsterdam guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Milan Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Milan guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Madrid Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Madrid guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Miami Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
Guide of Miami
Las Vegas Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
With the Las Vegas guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Marrakech Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
Guide of Marrakech
Porto Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Porto guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Ibiza Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Ibiza guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Budapest Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
Guide of Budapest
Guía Valladolid de Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
With a Valladolid guide you can book activities, guided tours andexcursions
San Francisco Guide Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
With the San Francisco guide you'll book activities, guided toursand excursions
Iceland Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
With the Iceland guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Venice Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Venice guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Guía de Tenerife por Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
With the Tenerife guide you can book activities guided toursexcursions
Barcelona Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
With the Barcelona guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Beijing Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Beijing guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Guía de Dubrovnik por Civitati 5.2.5-build.1087
Dubrovnik guide by
Dubai Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Dubai guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Guía de Jerusalén por Civitati 5.2.5-build.1087
Jerusalem guide by
Guía de Zúrich por Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1189
With the Zurich guide you can book activities, guided tours andexcursions
Guía de Bilbao por Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
With the Bilbao guide you can book activities, guided tours andexcursions
Guía de Liubliana - Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1189
With the Ljubljana guide you can book activities guided toursexcursions
Moscow Guide by Civitatis 5.2.5-build.1087
Guide of Moscow by
Munich Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
With the Munich guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Tokyo Guide by Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
With the Tokyo guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Guía de Malta de Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1189
With the Malta guide you can book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Buenos Aires Guide Civitatis 5.2.6-build.1159
With the Buenos Aires guide you'll book activities, guided toursand excursions.
Bangkok Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Bangkok guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Vienna Guide by Civitatis 5.2.8-build.1203
With the Vienna guide you'll book activities, guided tours andexcursions.
Guía de Oslo de Civitatis 5.2.5-build.1087
Oslo Guide of