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Sounds of the House. - Autism 1.0.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Have you ever carefully heard the sound a washing machinemakes?Have you listened to the sound of the coffeemaker? Try toidentifythe sounds of various household appliances with Sounds oftheHouse. - Autism. This app is specially designed for children onthespectrum who can memorize sounds for a very short span oftime.With the help of this app, you can teach them how to identifythesounds and help them understand what is going on aroundthem.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.*** About ABA ***As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week ofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited bymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success. TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes theskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerningbestpractices for children with autistic spectrum disorders,includingmethods of applied behavior analysis, naturalisticlearning,incidental teaching, assistive technology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of theenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”
Divide N Play - Lite Autism 1.0.1
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ If 8 students are made to sit in 2 rows, how many students willbe there in all?A child’s math skill is assessed and developed by asking andanswering such questions.‘Divide N Play’ is a fun way of learning and assessing divisionskills. This app is full of vibrant colors and animations. You canselect the way each math problem is presented on the screen – infigures or as a word problem. The app is based on ABA method ofintervention where each correct response is rewarded for positivereinforcement.In the app settings, a user can set time and question typebefore proceeding with the actual game play session. At the end ofan activity one can see the total score for that particularsession. You may post comments on Twitter. You may also rate theapp on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.The app is developed by WebTeam Corporation.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.
2 Times Fun - Autism Series 1.0.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ 2 Times Fun - Autism Series is a fun way of learning andassessing multiplication skills. This app is full of vibrant colorsand animations. You can select the way each math problem ispresented on the screen – in figures or as a word problem. The appis based on ABA method of intervention where each correct responseis rewarded for positive reinforcement.In the app settings, a user can set time and question typebefore proceeding with the actual game play session.. At the end ofan activity one can see the total score for that particularsession. The user can like or share the score on Facebook/Twitter,and may also rate the app on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.The app is developed by WebTeam Corporation.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Days Sequence - Autism Series 1.0.3
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Memorize the days of the week with the help of small animatedcharacters who generously reward every correct response. Get toknow Sunday through Saturday with Days Sequence.AT A GLANCE:- Offers only positive reinforcements- Recording of score- Built-in progress trackerCredits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Minus Drills. - Autism Series 1.0.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ This app is a fun way of learning and assessing subtractionskills. 'Minus Drills. - Autism Series' is full of vibrant colorsand animations. You can select the way each math problem ispresented on the screen – in figures or as a word problem. The appis based on ABA method of intervention where each correct responseis rewarded with a positive reinforcement.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.
Multiply Me - Lite Autism 1.0.4
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ What if your favorite chocolates get doubled? What if you get twoor more toys when asked for just one? You'll be happy, won't you?But how many or in what quantity you are getting your favoritethings can only be known if you know simple multiplication. Keepingthat in mind, WebTeam Corporation has designed an app calledMultiply Me - Lite Autism. This app can help develop your basicmath skills in an interactive way.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week of ABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited by manyparents as being vital to their child’s success. The NationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes the skillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerningbest practices for children with autistic spectrum disorders,including methods of applied behavior analysis, naturalisticlearning, incidental teaching, assistive technology, socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of the environment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effective use of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalization and maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training in methods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. The wide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autistic spectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severe languageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need for training ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educators andresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABA therapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for children withdevelopmental disabilities, special education needs or autism).This app records score information for progress tracking andanalysis purposes. Recorded scores are also used for customizationof the assignment of the new educational material delivered throughthe app as the user progresses with the targeted skills.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Number Sequence-Autism Series 1.1.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ This math app lets a child with special needs learn numbersequence. Learning about numbers is a preschooler’s first step.The app is developed by WebTeam corporation.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.*** About ABA ***As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week of ABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited by manyparents as being vital to their child’s success. The NationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes the skillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerningbest practices for children with autistic spectrum disorders,including methods of applied behavior analysis, naturalisticlearning, incidental teaching, assistive technology, socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of the environment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effective use of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalization and maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training in methods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. The wide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autistic spectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severe languageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need for training ofpersonnel even greater.”
Early Counting Skills - Autism 1.0.9
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ The child will be presented with varying numbers of beach ballsidentified with quantity. Upon a correct response, there will be areward. The same goes for when the activity is completed. If youare looking for higher number identification, please check out ourautism app called Number Find.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.*** About ABA ***As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week of ABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited by manyparents as being vital to their child’s success. The NationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes the skillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerning bestpractices for children with autistic spectrum disorders, includingmethods of applied behavior analysis, naturalistic learning,incidental teaching, assistive technology, socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of the environment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effective use of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalization and maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training in methods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. The wide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autistic spectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severe languageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need for training ofpersonnel even greater.”
Add Me - Lite 1.0.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♣ Which animal makes the sound of woofing? Which animal mews? Isiteasier for you to recognize these voices? Now it will beeasierwith the help of an app called Add Me - Lite Autism Series.Thisapp is designed by WebTeam Corporation to teach childrenwithautism about identifying different animal sounds in aninteractiveway.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week ofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited bymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success. TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes theskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerningbestpractices for children with autistic spectrum disorders,includingmethods of applied behavior analysis, naturalisticlearning,incidental teaching, assistive technology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of theenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educatorsandresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABAtherapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for childrenwithdevelopmental disabilities, special education needsorautism).This app records score information for progress trackingandanalysis purposes. Recorded scores are also used forcustomizationof the assignment of the new educational materialdelivered throughthe app as the user progresses with the targetedskills.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Face Read 1 - Lite Autism 1.0.6
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Unable to express how you feel when you are happy? Unable toshowwhen you are sad? Now learn to express all your emotions bymakingfacial expressions with the help of Face Read 1 - LiteAutism. Thisapp is specially designed by WebTeam Corporation forchildren withautism in order to help them express and demand whenthey wantto.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week ofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited bymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success. TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes theskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and researchconcerningbest practices for children with autistic spectrumdisorders,including methods of applied behavior analysis,naturalisticlearning, incidental teaching, assistive technology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of theenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educatorsandresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABAtherapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for childrenwithdevelopmental disabilities, special education needs orautism).***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Minus Drills - Autism Series 1.0.1
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ This app is a fun way of learning and assessing subtractionskills. 'Minus Drills - Autism Series' is full of vibrant colorsand animations. You can select the way each math problem ispresented on the screen – in figures or as a word problem. The appis based on ABA method of intervention where each correct responseis rewarded with a positive reinforcement.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.
Show Me Colors - Autism Series 1.0.8
Note: Please install Adobe Air on your devicebefore launching the app. You can download the latest version ofAdobe Air from below link. your child learn to recognize various colors through thisapp. This is the sample and free version of the app with five basiccolors – Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and Orange.The app uses animations in training as well as in evaluation ordiscrete trial sections.The animations used in this app are high definition 3D animationswhich give a realistic feel. This app also helps withgeneralization of receptive skills. The colorful screens andanimations help stimulate attention, thereby making the learningprocess speedy and effective. Auditory and animated rewards afterthe correct responses act as positive reinforcers.The app utilizes the ABA method of intervention to children onthe autism spectrum or with special education needs.The app is organized into multiple ‘Learn & Play’ sectionswhere each section presents 5 pictures or animations.Each section progresses as follows -Step 1 - Training - In the 'Learn' parts of each Learn &Play section a picture or animated picture with the name of coloron top is shown. Each picture or animation also carries relatedvoice prompt.Step 2 - DT/Play - The 'Play' part of a Learn & Play sectionworks like this:- The left side of screen displays the instructions- The right side of screen presents 4 boxes with one picture oranimation inside each box- The child is prompted to recognize the picture or animationspecified in the instructionStep 3 - Reward - Each correct response is rewarded with ananimation.A transition animation is played upon each move from one Learn& Play section to the next.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.
Subtract Me
Subtract Me is a useful learning program forpre-schoolers needing a push in mathematics. This mobile app isspecifically designed to teach the mathematical operation ofsubtraction.Subtract Me at a glance- Questions with varying difficulty levels- Engaging animation and rewards- Custom setting to meet different learning needs- ScorecardNote: You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use thisapp.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Show Me Numbers-Autism Series 1.0.6
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Learn simple counting to master the subject of mathematics. ShowMe Numbers - Autism Series is one such app developed by WebTeamCorporation that can help children on the spectrum learn simplecounting. Start counting the toys and toffees you get and keepincreasing their numbers in a fun way. What are you waiting for?Start counting and increasing the numbers of your favorite thingstoday with the app Show Me Numbers.Let your child learn number sequencing skills through this app.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.
Plus More - Autism Series 1.0.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Plus More - Autism Series is an app developed by WebTeamCorporation to help children with autism learn simple additionproblems. The colorful interface of the math app presents avisually pleasing game play environment for children with specialneeds.The app includes a set of addition word problems for childrenwith high functional autism. Each question comes with 3 answers andselecting the right answer sets off a short audio-visual animationfor the purpose of positive reinforcement.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.
Subtract Me - Lite Autism 1.0.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ What if two balloons are taken away from four balloons? Howmanyballoons will remain? If you have five marbles and threemarblesare taken away, how many marbles will be left with you?Learn thesesimple math functions with Subtract Me Lite Autism,designed anddeveloped by WebTeam Corporation.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week ofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited bymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success. TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes theskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and researchconcerningbest practices for children with autistic spectrumdisorders,including methods of applied behavior analysis,naturalisticlearning, incidental teaching, assistive technology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of theenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educatorsandresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABAtherapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for childrenwithdevelopmental disabilities, special education needs orautism).This app records score information for progress trackingandanalysis purposes. Recorded scores are also used forcustomizationof the assignment of the new educational materialdelivered throughthe app as the user progresses with the targetedskills.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Word Bard 1.0.7
Do you want your special child or student toimprove their vocabulary? Do you want them to continually practicewhat they are learning? Look no further than Word Bard, a mobileapp that helps preschoolers develop language skills. Children withspecial needs can use this app as well.FEATURES:- A wide range of questions- ABA-based content- Amusing animation- Voice prompts- Rewards for every correct answer- Colorful and easily-navigable user interface- Social media share buttons- Total scores- More recommended appsNote: You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use thisapp.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Show Me 1.1.1
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.App best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Who's roaring? What’s playing? We all come across several livingand non-living objects in our day-to-day life. All we have to do isto identify those objects by seeing pictures. Show Me is aninteractive app that helps children with autism recognize animals,birds, flowers, fruits, musical instruments, shapes, vegetables,and vehicles.The app contains 9 categories with 10 questions in each. Thechild can play the activities one after another and upon completingall the activities, s/he receives a reward animation. Going by theABA norm of providing positive reinforcements, Show Me also carriesa Training part that lets the child learn before s/he actuallystarts playing. Won’t it be a boisterous moment for you when yousee your child learn so many things through just an app? Make everymoment of your child joyful with Show Me.The app incorporates an innovative way to deliver extendedevidence-based therapy like applied behavior analysis (ABA). Theprompt-driven intervention program is designed for special needseducation and children with learning disabilities or individualswith autism or autism spectrum disorder. Our well tested technologyextends the same ABA therapy from the classroom or therapy centersto homes, letting parents work on the same lesson plans with theirchild.Once you like what you get in Show Me, you may try iLearnNEarn2– Infant and Toddler that combines a number of learning domains forchildren with ASD, Asperger’s and ADHD. iLearnNEarn2 is structuredand curriculum-driven, allowing parents and teachers to access theapp content from any location and track the child’s progress. Theapp comes with 75 skills for preschoolers, ensuring reliability andflexibility in skills assessment tasks and contentcustomization.WebTeam offers a common platform, environment and technology toall stakeholders involved with the special needs communityglobally.We have joined hands with parents, educators, therapists,researchers, analysts, technocrats, service providers andpolicymakers to develop synchronized and competitive autismmanagement tools that can be tailored according to an individual’sIEP goals and preferences.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.Please note: This app is best viewed in landscape mode.
EARLYThree 8-36. 1.4
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.App best viewed in portrait mode♦ EARLYThree is a tool to collect data that parents andpediatricians can share between themselves, in order to keep awatchful eye on the early stages of a child’s development. This appis developed by WebTeam Corporation in collaboration with Dr.Michael Lewis, founding director of the Autism Center at RutgersRobert Wood Johnson Medical School. It is part of the ColorsKitpackage of autism treatment and education programs.The way EARLYThree lets you understand the progress of an infant’scognitive development. While simple yet extraordinary, it containsa series of questions about your child’s mental growth at 8 months,12 months, 15 months, 18 months, and 24 to 36 months. By answeringthese questions, you ascertain whether your child’s progress isage-appropriate.You will not be able to access the questions for each screeninginterval until your child reaches that age, but once your childattains a screening milepost, you may repeat the screening as manytimes as you want until your child reaches the next interval.For example, you may not access the 12-month screening until yourchild turns 12 months old, but you may repeat the same screening asmany times as you want until the child turns 15 months old.Here are a few sample questions from the app:◘ Does your child turn around to look at you when his/her name iscalled?◘ Does your child imitate you when you clap hands or wavebye-bye?◘ Does your child point at things?◘ Does your child smile back at you when you smile at him/her?You just need to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.It may seem that the number of children with autism and otherlearning disabilities is on a steep rise in the U.S. and otherparts of the world. In many cases this is primarily due to theavailability of improved diagnostic tools that are very good atindicating early signs of developmental delays. However, when itcomes to diagnosing an autism spectrum disorder, one should neverunderstate the role of an experienced pediatrician.♦♦About Dr. Michael Lewis♦♦Dr. Lewis is University Distinguished Professor of Pediatricsand Psychiatry, and Director of the Institute for the Study ofChild Development at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School -University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.He also is Professor of Psychology, Education, CognitiveScience, and Biomedical Engineering at Rutgers University.
Show Me - Autism Series 1.0.2
Note: Please install Adobe Air on your devicebefore launching the app. You can download the latest version ofAdobe Air from below link. Please note that this app works for devices running onAndroid 2.2 (FroYo), Android 2.3 (Gingerbread), Android 3.0(Honeycomb).Description:It may not work for devices running on ICS (Ice CreamSandwich).It is a fact that we believe in what we see. Seeing things makes usunderstand them better. Thanks to the team effort of WebTeamCorporation, an app called Show Me - Autism Series is developed, inorder to help children on the spectrum identify various animals andobjects. This app includes various categories such as Animals,Birds, Flowers, Fruits, Musical Instruments, Shapes, Vegetables,and Vehicles. It introduces children to many things that they comeacross almost everyday, but cannot recognize them.In order to avail all the benefits of Show Me app, all you needis to buy this app from apple iStore and play it limitlessly. Thepaid version provides you 90 activities to play and learn aboutdifferent objects. Don’t just see these activities as numbers;consider the surprises your child is going to get when introducedto those 90 objects. Still thinking? Get started with it now…
C with my eyes - Lite Autism 1.0.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ C with my eyes - Lite Autism is an ABA-based learning gamedesigned to improve eye-contact skills in children with autismspectrum disorders. The app is developed by WebTeamCorporation.Making and maintaining a steady eye contact often turns out tobe a major challenge for children with special needs. C with myeyes - Lite Autism is specifically built to address this issue. Inthe gameplay part of the app, there is a grid containing fourimages: three different objects plus a child looking at one of theimages.What the user needs to do is locate which object is being lookedat by the child. The objects include cap, toothbrush, cup, spoon,ball, toy, schoolbag, pencil, shoes, among others. As soon as anactivity starts, the user gets a prompt, “What is he/she lookingat?”In the app settings, the user can set time and select eithersequential or random question types. The user can also setdifficulty levels on a scale of A and B. There is also a trainingpart that helps the user understand the basic concept of thelearning game.As with other apps for autism developed by WebTeam Corporation,C with my eyes ☺ Lite Autism too is based on the ABA method ofintervention delivery. Each correct response given by the user isrewarded with a positive reinforcement.At the end of a particular session, the user can see the scoreand share it on Facebook/Twitter or rate it on a scale of 1 to5.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.
Objects - Lite Autism Series 1.0.5
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Have you ever taken note of objects you use on a daily basis?What object do you use to clean your teeth? What is it on which yousit? Learn about all these daily used objects at one go with theapp Objects - Lite Autism Series. This app is specially designedfor kids on the autism spectrum to teach about the objects they usefor their daily chores.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week of ABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited by manyparents as being vital to their child’s success. The NationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes the skillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerning bestpractices for children with autistic spectrum disorders, includingmethods of applied behavior analysis, naturalistic learning,incidental teaching, assistive technology, socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of the environment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effective use of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalization and maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training in methods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. The wide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autistic spectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severe languageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need for training ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educators andresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABA therapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for children withdevelopmental disabilities, special education needs or autism).This app records score information for progress tracking andanalysis purposes. Recorded scores are also used for customizationof the assignment of the new educational material delivered throughthe app as the user progresses with the targeted skills.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Shapes ID 1.0.4
For children, shapes mean a lot more thangeometry. It becomes easier for them to stay connected with theirsurroundings when they can draw an analogy between what’s seen withwhat’s known. To that end, Shapes ID is a handy program tohave.What’s shaping special education –1. A gamut of forms, figures and outlines2. Positive reinforcement3. Vibrant animation4. Score cardNote: You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use thisapp.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Cursive Lower Case - Autism 1.0.1
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Twist here and twist there, and you will see a new letter. Makeyour alphabet learning interesting and exciting with the appCursive Lower Case - Autism. WebTeam Corporation has developed thisapp to help toddlers learn handwriting in a unique style that cannot only be simple to write, but also fascinating to readThe app is developed by WebTeam corporation.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.*** About ABA ***As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week of ABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited by manyparents as being vital to their child’s success. The NationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes the skillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerning bestpractices for children with autistic spectrum disorders, includingmethods of applied behavior analysis, naturalistic learning,incidental teaching, assistive technology, socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of the environment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effective use of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalization and maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training in methods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. The wide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autistic spectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severe languageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need for training ofpersonnel even greater.”
123 Order 1.0.5
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Do you always get tangled up in numbers? Learn number countingand sequencing in an easy way with the help of 123 Order. This mathapp is designed by WebTeam Corporation.123 Order comes with great graphics and tons of interactivefeatures. The app offers animated rewards to encourage students todo a little better each time.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
iUseNSay 1.0.2
Recognize everyday objects in a jiffy withiUseNSay, an object recognition app for young children.A quick glance at iUseNSay:- Shows plenty of household items- Multiple choice questions- Spectacular rewards- Bundled with a training moduleCredits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
See and Do - Lite Autism 1.0.1
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Turn Around, Blow Whistle, Jump and Write name! These are afewactivities that a child needs to learn in early years. Thisapphelps children learn and carry out such activities bymerelywatching.'See and Do - Lite Autism' packages multiple activities.Eachactivity comprises multiple screens. A screen in turncarriesVisual and Audio prompts for a step in the activity.The app comes with default time settings to carry outeachactivity. However, it is possible to set time forindividualactivity using the setting option.It is based on the ABA method of intervention deliveryforspecial needs education.- About ABAAs we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week ofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas' study has been cited bymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success. TheNationalResearch Council's 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes theskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:"Teachers must be familiar with theory and researchconcerningbest practices for children with autistic spectrumdisorders,including methods of applied behavior analysis,naturalisticlearning, incidental teaching, assistive technology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of theenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders.The wide range of IQ scores and verbal skills associatedwithautistic spectrum disorders, from profound mental retardationandsevere language impairments to superior intelligence make theneedfor training of personnel even greater."ABA therapy is the only scientifically-validated treatmentforchildren with developmental disabilities, special educationneedsor autism.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.
iLearnNEarn2 – Vol. I 1.1.1
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.- Are you looking for an educational app that adjusts to yourchild’s learning needs?- Are you in search of a robust and dynamic app as your childprogresses through targeted skills?- Are you tired of downloading more apps once your child hasmastered the skills from the current apps?If yes, then iLearnNEarn2 – Vol. I can be of great help toyou.iLearnNEarn2 – Vol. I is an educational program designed byWebTeam Corporation for children with autism and other learningchallenges.Depending on individualized education programs of individuals onthe spectrum, parents, educators or professionals can add or removeactivities from the integrated library of iLearnNEarn2. Theactivities in this app are based on applied behavior analysis (ABA)and use colorful visuals and animations which help increaseattention span of autistic children.iLearnNEarn2 – Vol. I at a glance:- Based on the ABA therapy- Intense intervention through positive reinforcements- Synchronizes intervention in the classroom and at homesSample activities:◘ 123 Order◘ Color Find◘ Digital Time◘ Face Read 1◘ Face Read 2◘ Multiply Me◘ Number Find◘ Objects◘ Signs◘ Spell MeAbout WebTeam Corporation:Incorporated in 2006, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea – which was awarded by Verizon in the2013 Powerful Answers Award competition – lets caregivers collectand share data efficiently to foster effective collaborations thatwill ultimately solve one of the world’s largest and growingdevelopmental disorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
iLearnNEarn2 – Vol. III 1.1.1
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.- Are you looking for an educational app that adjusts to yourchild’s learning needs?- Are you in search of a robust and dynamic app as your childprogresses through targeted skills?- Are you tired of downloading more apps once your child hasmastered the skills from the current apps?If yes, then iLearnNEarn2 – Vol. III can be of great help toyou.iLearnNEarn2 – Vol. III is an educational program designed byWebTeam Corporation for children with autism and other learningchallenges.Depending on individualized education programs of individuals onthe spectrum, parents, educators or professionals can add or removeactivities from the integrated library of iLearnNEarn2. Theactivities in this app are based on applied behavior analysis (ABA)and use colorful visuals and animations which help increaseattention span of autistic children.iLearnNEarn2 – Vol. III at a glance:- Based on the ABA therapy- Intense intervention through positive reinforcements- Synchronizes intervention in the classroom and at homesSample activities:◘ Month Sequence◘ Upper Case◘ What’s the Expression◘ Subtract Me◘ Cursive Lower Case◘ Cursive Upper Case◘ Lower Case◘ 2-Tone Color◘ Animals SoundAbout WebTeam Corporation:Incorporated in 2006, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea – which was awarded by Verizon in the2013 Powerful Answers Award competition – lets caregivers collectand share data efficiently to foster effective collaborations thatwill ultimately solve one of the world’s largest and growingdevelopmental disorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
What's the Expression 1.2.0
As humans we always express what we need. Withexpressions one can emote himself/herself in a better way. Childrenwith autism spectrum disorder usually don’t understand how toexpress themselves in different situations. To address thisdevelopmental issue, we have developed What's the Expression, inorder to help children with special needs learn to expressdifferent emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, and surprise.What’s the Expression is designed and developed by WebTeamCorporation as part of the ColorsKit package of autismmanagement.
Count It Easy - Autism Series 1.0.1
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Count It Easy - Autism Series is a learning game developed byWebTeam Corporation to assist parents and special educators inteaching basic counting skills to children with autism. Thecolorful, animated app is built on the principles of appliedbehavior analysis aka ABA.In the gameplay session, the child is shown different animalsand is asked to count the number of animals being shown. Eachscreen appears with n number of a single animal, together withthree answers one of which is right.The ABA method of intervention necessitates positive reinforcementson correct responses. Whenever the child makes a correct response,an animation is played as a reward of his or her performance.In the app settings, the user can opt for training; set time andspecify question order. There is an option called ‘Question Intro’enabling which activates the sounds animals make. The basic purposeof this feature is to familiarize children with various animalsounds and offer them some fun as they learn.Total score for a particular session is displayed at the end ofan activity. The user can like or share the score onFacebook/Twitter, and may also rate the app on a scale of 1 to 5stars.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.
Fruits - Lite Autism Series 1.0.4
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♣ Have you forgotten the name of your favorite fruit? Unabletoguess what is apple? Now learn about all the fruits and howtheylook, with the help of the app Fruits - Lite Autism Series.Thisapp is designed by WebTeam Corporation to help children onthespectrum identify common fruits.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week ofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited bymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success. TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes theskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and researchconcerningbest practices for children with autistic spectrumdisorders,including methods of applied behavior analysis,naturalisticlearning, incidental teaching, assistive technology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of theenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educatorsandresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABAtherapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for childrenwithdevelopmental disabilities, special education needs orautism).This app records score information for progress trackingandanalysis purposes. Recorded scores are also used forcustomizationof the assignment of the new educational materialdelivered throughthe app as the user progresses with the targetedskills.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
123 Order - Lite 1.1.0
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.App best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Do you always get tangled up in numbers? Learn number countingandsequencing in an easy way with the help of 123 Order. This mathappis designed by WebTeam Corporation.123 Order comes with great graphics and tons ofinteractivefeatures. The app offers animated rewards to encouragestudents todo a little better each time.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Digital Time - Lite Autism 1.0.4
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Mom has asked you to tell the time? Confused what time itis?Scratching your head but still failing to respond? Now get readytotell the exact time and the exact second with the help ofDigitalTime S. This app is designed by WebTeam Corporation tomaketime-telling easier for children on the spectrum.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week ofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited bymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success. TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes theskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and researchconcerningbest practices for children with autistic spectrumdisorders,including methods of applied behavior analysis,naturalisticlearning, incidental teaching, assistive technology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of theenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educatorsandresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABAtherapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for childrenwithdevelopmental disabilities, special education needs orautism).This app records score information for progress trackingandanalysis purposes. Recorded scores are also used forcustomizationof the assignment of the new educational materialdelivered throughthe app as the user progresses with the targetedskills.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
iTrackMood 1.1.1
Note: Please install Adobe Air on your devicebefore launching the app. You can download the latest version ofAdobe Air from below link. is all about moods! This app helps monitor and trackmoods. One can rate, record, retrieve and analyze mood data.You can start using the app as soon as you install it. The Appis specifically useful for individuals who need assistance inmanaging their mood swings. If you are taking professionalassistance then you may be enrolled by your professionaladvisor.An individual can rate mood as – Excellent, Good, Neutral, Poorand Very Poor. One can elaborate moods using text notes.Interestingly, you can save audio notes with each mood!Mood statistics helps one track and analyze moods over time. Youcan even share your mood trends with your dear ones usingemails.The mood charts along with notes gives precise information to youand clinicians or professional advisors. This helps you remain inbest of moods most of the times and ask for assistance when youneed.Alarms can be set to remind one to rate moods. Alerts pop up incase one has forgotten to rate moods.The app is developed by WebTeam Corporation in collaboration withEvolibri Consulting.*** About Evolibri Consulting ***EvoLibri Consulting is a socially-responsible, fee-for-serviceagency serving teens and adults with specific challenges which --without targeted services -- keep them from reaching their fullpotential. Founded in 2007, it has served over 300 clients andtheir families.Evolibri is dedicated to enriching the lives of its neurodiverseclientele. Their mission is “to provide comprehensive serviceswhich enrich the lives of neurodiverse individuals throughout theirlifetime.”*** About WebTeam Corporation ***WebTeam Corporation (WTC) is a technology-driven company basedin Somerset, NJ, working in areas of special education, staffaugmentation and customized software development. Founded in 2006,WTC specializes in leveraging the potential of touchscreentechnology to improve the lives of children with autism. SHANESHCOLORS – the company's patent pending technology – offers acost-efficient supplemental intervention option to parents,teachers and professionals involved with the autism communityworldwide.WebTeam Corporation has been working closely with top industryexperts and service providers, and is constantly on the lookout forbreakthrough autism research. The goal of the company is to developan affordable, holistic, synchronized and consistent educationmodel capable of tapping the latest mobile technology to make theoverall experience of learning and development stimulating,enjoyable and effective for special children.WebTeam offers Shanesh COLORS program and iLearnNEarn series ofmobile Apps.
Sounds of the House - Autism 1.0.1
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Have you ever carefully heard the sound a washing machinemakes?Have you listened to the sound of the coffeemaker? Try toidentifythe sounds of various household appliances with Sounds ofthe House- Autism. This app is specially designed for children onthespectrum who can memorize sounds for a very short span oftime.With the help of this app, you can teach them how to identifythesounds and help them understand what is going on aroundthem.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.*** About ABA ***As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week ofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited bymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success. TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes theskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerningbestpractices for children with autistic spectrum disorders,includingmethods of applied behavior analysis, naturalisticlearning,incidental teaching, assistive technology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of theenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”
Upper Case. - Autism 1.0.0
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.App best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Craving to write the first letter of English alphabet? But don’tknow how to write? Master the language by simply learning uppercasealphabets with the app Upper Case. This app is specially designedby WebTeam Corporation for children with autism to help them learnall the 26 alphabets in a simple way. This app uses smallanimations to teach toddlers how uppercase alphabets look like andlets children play as they learn.The free version of the app allows your child on the autismspectrum disorder or with aspergers to play up to 10 activities andlearn many letters. Also, it helps him/her to like and share theirscores on Facebook. Let’s make the beginning of your child'seducation purposeful.This app utilizes the ABA method of intervention delivery tochildren with developmental disabilities, special education needsor autism.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.
What's the Expression-All Ages 1.1.7
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.App best viewed in landscape mode.♦ As humans we always express what we need. With expressions onecan emote himself/herself in a better way. Children with autismspectrum disorder usually don’t understand how to expressthemselves in different situations. To address this developmentalissue, we have developed What's the Expression, in order to helpchildren with special needs learn to express different emotionssuch as happiness, sadness, anger, and surprise.What’s the Expression is designed and developed by WebTeamCorporation as part of the ColorsKit package of autismmanagement.
Signs - Lite Autism Series 1.0.4
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ What do you have to do when a hand is shown? What do the arrowsindicate? There are several signs that you need to understand inorder to stay alert and careful. Take the help of Signs - LiteAutism Series app developed by WebTeam Corporation to develop inspecial needs children the knowledge of common signs.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week of ABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited by manyparents as being vital to their child’s success. The NationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes the skillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerningbest practices for children with autistic spectrum disorders,including methods of applied behavior analysis, naturalisticlearning, incidental teaching, assistive technology, socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of the environment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effective use of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalization and maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training in methods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. The wide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autistic spectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severe languageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need for training ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educators andresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABA therapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for children withdevelopmental disabilities, special education needs or autism).This app records score information for progress tracking andanalysis purposes. Recorded scores are also used for customizationof the assignment of the new educational material delivered throughthe app as the user progresses with the targeted skills.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Face Read 2 - Lite Autism 1.0.4
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Entering your teens? Coping up with different mood swings,butunable to express? Now learn to express various moods with thehelpof the app called Face Read 2 - Lite Autism. This app isespeciallydesigned by WebTeam Corporation to teach young teens onthespectrum about how to express and demand what they want.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week ofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited bymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success. TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes theskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerningbestpractices for children with autistic spectrum disorders,includingmethods of applied behavior analysis, naturalisticlearning,incidental teaching, assistive technology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of theenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educatorsandresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABAtherapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for childrenwithdevelopmental disabilities, special education needs orautism).***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Number Find - Lite Autism 1.0.4
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Do you remember the street number where you stay? Have younoticedhow numbers look like? Now take note of all the numberswith thehelp of Number Find - Lite Autism. This app is designed byWebTeamCorporation to help kids with autism identify numbers in afun andinteractive way.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week ofABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited bymanyparents as being vital to their child’s success. TheNationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes theskillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and researchconcerningbest practices for children with autistic spectrumdisorders,including methods of applied behavior analysis,naturalisticlearning, incidental teaching, assistive technology,socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of theenvironment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effectiveuse of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalizationand maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training inmethods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. Thewide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autisticspectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severelanguageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need fortraining ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educatorsandresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABAtherapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for childrenwithdevelopmental disabilities, special education needsorautism).This app records score information for progress trackingandanalysis purposes. Recorded scores are also used forcustomizationof the assignment of the new educational materialdelivered throughthe app as the user progresses with the targetedskills.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Trace the Dots 1.0.6
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Trace the Dots is an app developed by WebTeam Corporation to helpyoung individuals learn the technique of connecting numbered dotsto draw various figures.The app contains three parts – How to Play, Settings and Play.The first part gives a brief overview of how to complete theactivities within the stipulated time and secure maximum points;the Settings part allows you to customize sound, question order andduration of each activity. The Play part includes fun and colorfulanimations that help hold the gamer’s attention.You score 10 points for every right tap and lose five points forevery wrong one. 50 bonus points are up for grabs if you finish anactivity within 30 seconds. Making five mistakes ends an activityand starts a new session.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.
Face Read 2
Is your child aged between 1-3 yearsanddemonstrating impassive behavior?If yes, try our app Face Read 2 which encourages children toengagein parallel play and learn to decode non-verbal expressionofemotions.A sneak peek at Face Read 2:+ Built on the ABA (applied behavior analysis) method+ Suitable for children with autism and other special needs+ Training mode available+ Creative visuals and voice prompts+ Progress report available+ Vibrant animationsCredits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Spot the Difference Lite 1.0.1
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in portrait mode♦ A Menu driven App meant to assess or develop observationskill.There are three levels with increasing complexity. Eachlevel offers3 games.Games List –Ningzy with BalloonsClownLuckal with Colors SplashLittle Chef in Kitchen MessBoy in Food CourtSnowmanShape BlocksTowers of BooksFloral Print***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.
Flowers ID
Have you chosen your favorite flower yet?Pickyour favorite one by identifying it from the app Flowers. Thisappis designed by WebTeam Corporation in order to help children onthespectrum identify various flowers with the help of smallanimatedcharacters.What's fantastic about Flowers ID+ Introduction to more than 20 different flowers+ Training sessions+ Visual and voice prompts+ Scores of interactive featuresCredits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Count It Easy - Lite Autism 1.0.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Count It Easy - Lite Autism is a learning game developed byWebTeam Corporation to assist parents and special educators inteaching basic counting skills to children with autism. Thecolorful, animated app is built on the principles of appliedbehavior analysis aka ABA.In the gameplay session, the child is shown different animalsand is asked to count the number of animals being shown. Eachscreen appears with n number of a single animal, together withthree answers one of which is right.The ABA method of intervention necessitates positive reinforcementson correct responses. Whenever the child makes a correct response,an animation is played as a reward of his or her performance.In the app settings, the user can opt for training; set time andspecify question order. There is an option called ‘Question Intro’enabling which activates the sounds animals make. The basic purposeof this feature is to familiarize children with various animalsounds and offer them some fun as they learn.Total score for a particular session is displayed at the end ofan activity. The user can like or share the score onFacebook/Twitter, and may also rate the app on a scale of 1 to 5stars.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.
Multiply Me 1.0.4
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Finding it boring to multiply just numbers? What aboutmultiplying toys? Learn how to do that with the app Multiply Me -Autism Series. This app is designed by WebTeam Corporation to teachchildren on the spectrum about simple Math skills in an engagingway.The Paid version of Multiply Me allows your child to develop andhone acquired multiplication skills under the guidance of his/herparents or teachers. Best of all, the app offers animations to makelearning a rewarding experience for special children.As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week of ABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited by manyparents as being vital to their child’s success. The NationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes the skillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerning bestpractices for children with autistic spectrum disorders, includingmethods of applied behavior analysis, naturalistic learning,incidental teaching, assistive technology, socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of the environment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effective use of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalization and maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training in methods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. The wide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autistic spectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severe languageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need for training ofpersonnel even greater.”The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educators andresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABA therapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for children withdevelopmental disabilities, special education needs or autism).***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Objects ID 1.0.4
All children must learn to identifyseveralobjects that they use daily. Some of these objects areprettybasic, including comb or toothpaste. Yet, children withspecialneeds sometimes find it perplexing to tell one regularobject fromanother. Objects is an ABA-based educational programaddressingthis challenge. It could be an effective teaching toolfor parentsand special educators.EYE CATCHERS:- 23 ABA-approved questions- Animated rewards- Distinct audio clips- Report card- Neat user interface- Social media buttons- More recommended appsNote: You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and usethisapp.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Number Club 1.0.6
Tasks such as memorizing numbers and rotecounting are often challenging for preschoolers. Number Club giveschildren a solid learning tool to be better with numbers andvarious mathematical skills. This app can be used in special needsclassrooms as well.A QUICK WALKTHROUGH:- A wide range of questions- ABA-based, interactive content- Voice prompts- Animated rewards- Colorful and easily-navigable user interface- Option to share scores on social mediaNote: You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use thisapp.Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh
Divide N Play - Autism Series 1.0.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launching theapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air from belowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ If 8 students are made to sit in 2 rows, how many students willbe there in all?A child’s math skill is assessed and developed by asking andanswering such questions.‘Divide N Play’ is a fun way of learning and assessing divisionskills. This app is full of vibrant colors and animations. You canselect the way each math problem is presented on the screen – infigures or as a word problem. The app is based on ABA method ofintervention where each correct response is rewarded for positivereinforcement.In the app settings, a user can set time and question typebefore proceeding with the actual game play session. At the end ofan activity one can see the total score for that particularsession. You may post comments on Twitter. You may also rate theapp on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.