Corteva Agriscience برنامه ها

PestView 2.0 1.0
Corteva Agriscience
Interactive sales application for the Sentricon Termite System.
Doenças do Arroz 2.0.0
Corteva Agriscience
Identify diseases in rice production with comparative symptoms andimages
Corteva Agriscience 8.0.9
Corteva Agriscience
The convenient Corteva Agriscience™ 2021 Field Guide appshowcasesour expanded portfolio of Canadian crop protectionproducts and isdesigned to help you get the most out of every acre.It’s a quickaccess, easy and user-friendly tool that assists inchoosing theright high performing products for your farm. At thetouch of abutton, you have access to: - Corteva portfolio ofherbicides(pre-seed and in-crop), fungicides, insecticides, seedappliedtechnology, nitrogen stabilizers and utility modifiers -Tank MixOrder tool to help identify which herbicide products can betankmixed together and the appropriate order in which to add themtothe sprayer tank or chem handler. - Product information forEasternand Western Canada available without internet connection. -Rangeand pasture product information and links to downloadguides,stewardship forms and more. - Discover weeds, insects anddiseaseseach product will control along with weed ID images -Volume toVolume calculator to help determine the amount of adjuvantrequiredfor a herbicide application
ActiveSense 3.3.9
Corteva Agriscience
Install, monitor and service ActiveSense systems
SmartDoX 1.2.1
Corteva Agriscience
•Digitize end to end demand generation process of both SeedsandCrop Protection line of business •To leverage theactivityreporting applications to the field force resources i.e.Frontliners/Field Sales Assistants of seeds and MIO/MIE/Army ofcropprotection •To have common suite of applications to manageactivitytracking for both Seeds and Crop Protection business •Toimprovethe productivity and efficiency of overall demandgenerationprocess •To ensure accurate and timely availability ofactivitydata for building better go-to market strategies
Ampfer App
Corteva Agriscience
The dock app calculates in Euro / ha
Corteva Flight 4.0.5
Corteva Agriscience
Field analysis application through drones
Corteva Field Guide 0.1.0
Corteva Agriscience
The convenient Corteva Agriscience™ 2021 Field Guide appshowcasesour expanded portfolio of Canadian crop protectionproducts and isdesigned to help you get the most out of every acre.It’s a quickaccess, easy and user-friendly tool that assists inchoosing theright high performing products as well as the rightorder totank-mix them. At the click of a button, you have accessto: Mixingorder tool to help identify which products can be tankmixedtogether and the appropriate order in which to add them tothesprayer tank or chem handler. Product information availablewithoutinternet connection. Range and pasture information and linkstodownload guides, stewardship forms and more. Discover weedseachproduct will control along with weed ID images to help youidentifywhich weeds you have in your field.
Colza Obs' 2.32
Corteva Agriscience
L'application Colza'Obs proposée par Corteva agriscience vouspermetde saisir en direct les informations de développement ducolza etdes adventices présentes. Accédez ensuite à l'outil enligne pourobtenir des synthèses zonales de vos données.
Corteva Agro-Assist HU
Corteva Agriscience
A Corteva Agro-Assist HU segíti a gazdálkodókattevékenységeiksorán.
Granular Link 2.1.638
Corteva Agriscience
Granular Link let farmers take better decisions usinginnovativedigital tools
Brevant™ seeds 1.1.2
Corteva Agriscience
Find optimal planter setting and corn planting rates withtheBrevant™ seeds App
Corteva FarmFundi 1.7.0
Corteva Agriscience
The mobile application will serve as a self diagnostic tool tocropgrowers
Corteva Club Premier 1.1
Corteva Agriscience
Corteva Club Premier Customer Loyalty Apps
Corteva Agro-Assist 1.0.6
Corteva Agriscience
Corteva Agro-Assist HU helps farmers in their activities.