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Dollar to Euro fast converter
Dan Apps
Easy and fast currency converter betweendollars and euros, when you open this app shows you the keyboardand everything is ready for conversion, no more mess, nocomplications.The exchange rates updates via Internet, always you have the lastexchange rates.
Skateboard Logo Quiz 1.3
Dan Apps
Game where you have to guess different brandsas its logo, names of skaters, questions .. Each level has its owntheme.Now it has more than 60 items between questions and logos ...but later will be expanded and added new levels.You need not enter accents, or case, but nothing happens if youdo.
Linterna con Parpadeos 1.1
Dan Apps
Simple aplicación la cual podrá serte muyútilpara esos días en los que se va la luz en casa o necesitas masluzen esos sitios de poca visibilidad, además con la peculiaridadquepodrás configurar la luz para que parpadee, ajustando el tiempodeparpadeo en milisegundos, entre 0 y 1000 (1 segundo). Puedesjugarmucho con esta opción, gastar bromas, efectos en unvídeo....Simple applicationwhichcan be very useful for those days when the power goes out athomeor need more light on those sites of poor visibility, and withthepeculiarity that you can set the light to flash, adjustingtheflash time in milliseconds, between 0 and 1000 (1 second). Youcanplay a lot with this option, jokes, effects in a video....
El Juego del Ahorcado 1.4
Dan Apps
No creo que haga falta explicar en quéconsiste el famosísimo juego del ahorcado, pero por si hay algúnextraterrestre por ahí que haga poco que esté en la tierra, diremosque se trata de que nos den el número de letras que forman unapalabra y nosotros la tenemos que adivinar pidiendo letras.La mecánica es sencilla, vamos pidiendo las letras y por cadauna se nos abrirán dos posibilidades:Si existe en la palabra: Nos dirán en dónde exactamenteSi no existe en la palabra: Nos pondrán una pieza de la horcaLa horca consta de cinco piezas, a la sexta se nos ahorcará yperderemos la partida.Do not think you need toexplain what the famous hangman game, but if any alien out there dolittle that is on earth, we say that it is to give us the number ofletters in a word and we have to guess the letters asking.The mechanics are simple, we ask the letters and for each weopen two possibilities:If there is in the word: We tell exactly whereIf the word does not exist: We put a piece of hangingThe gallows consists of five parts, the sixth hanged and we losethe game.