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Vocal Flight Time Assistant 1.0
Questa applicazione è dedicataagliaeromodellisti.Consente di avere una indicazione vocale (suggeritol'auricolare)relativa al tempo di volo degli aeromodelli, in mododa averesempre presente quanto tempo resta prima di dover atterrarecon labatteria scarica o senza carburante.E' possibile settare alcuni parametri tra i quali il tempomassimodi volo, la frequenza con cui vengono date le indicazioni,l'avvisoa metà volo, gli avvisi di tempo mancante.L'applicazione è stata ideata per uso personale, dato che spessononsi hanno riferimenti temporali durante il volo che aiutino acapirequanto ci resta di tempo prima dell'inevitabile"atterraggio" permancanza di energiaSuggerimenti per ulteriori ampliamenti sono ben accettiSu dispositivi con versioni di Android anteriori alla 4.2all'avviodel volo il telefono viene automaticamente portato inairplane modein modo da non correre il rischio di riceverechiamate, edisattivato al termine del voloLa versione di android 4.2 e successive non consente la modificadialcune condizioni inclusa la commutazione in airplane modepermotivi 'di sicurezza' quindi al momento è consigliato farloamano( applicationisdedicated to the model airplane.Lets have a voice prompt (recommended headset) on the time offlightof the aircraft, so always keep in mind how much time isleft beforehaving to land with a dead battery or fuel.And 'possible to set some parameters such as the maximumflighttime, the frequency with which the directions are given, thenoticein mid-flight, notices of missing time.The application is designed for personal use, as they often donothave time references during the flight to help understand howmuchtime remains before the inevitable "landing" for lackofenergySuggestions for further additions are welcomeOn devices with Android versions prior to 4.2 at the start oftheflight phone is automatically brought into airplane mode so youdonot run the risk of receiving calls, and turned off at the endofthe flightThe version of Android 4.2 and later does not allow editingofcertain conditions including the reasons for switching toairplanemode 'security' so at the moment it is recommended to do itbyhand(Http://
DMModel Dominator Diversity
Developed for use with the DMModel DIVERSITYmodule designed to fit the FATSHARK Dominator googlesRequires an OTG cable to connect to moduleThis app adds scanner functions to the module, and you can alsoset up parameters via smartphone or drive an antenna test to checkthe best antenna out of the two connected.You can also run the wizard to choose the best free channelsavailables in crowded fieldsI moduli vengono forniti già tarati quindi l'opzione 'Hardware' nondovrebbe mai essere utilizzata, tuttavia in considerazione dellanumerosissima gamma di dispositivi android, qualora le disposizionia schermo non dovessero risultare coerenti, inviate una mail con idati grafici del dispositivo allo sviluppatore (che potrete leggereselezionando la voce di menu 'hardware' ) in modo da consentirel'upgrade.
MilanesClock - Orelògg/taccoin
Questo Widget sarà di aiuto a tutti imilaneseper non 'dimenticare' il proprio dialetto cittadino,mostrando orae data in lingua localeUna volta installato, selezionare il colore del testo.L'applicazione è stata sviluppata su Samsung S4, tuttavialascalatura dello schermo per dispositivi a risoluzione più bassaèstata gestita, così come l'autoscalamento delle dimensionidelfont.ATTENZIONE si tratta di un widget. Una volta installatoeselezionato il colore, posizionarsi su un'area libera deldesktop,tenere premuto fino all'apparire della finestra,selezionareapplicazioni e widget, quindi in alto selezionare il tabWidget equindi selezionarlo dalla lista.Disponibili sul market anche le analoghe versioni per GenoaeSampdoriaCredits: G. Gandini per la traduzione dialettaleThis Widget will helpallMilan not to 'forget' their own dialect of the city, showingthetime and date in the local languageOnce installed, select the color of the text.The application has been developed on Samsung S4, however,thescaling of the screen devices for lower resolution hasbeenhandled, as well as the autoscalamento the size of thefont.WARNING This is a widget. Once installed and selected thecolor,position on an open area of ​​the desktop, press and holduntil theappearance of the window, select applications and widgets,and thenat the top select the Widgets tab and then select it fromthelist.Available on the market also similar versions for GenoaandSampdoriaCredits: G. Gandini for dialect translation
Exploding Clock Live Wallpaper 5.0
This Live Wallpaper will bring on yourdevicebackground the nice effect of many many randomly bouncingballswith different speeds and directions, but if you shake youdevice abit, automagically the balls will come to their ownplace...showing the time.Application is totally configurable, you can set thebackgroundcolor or leave it transparent with your preferred pictureon theback, you can set the on led color and the off led color,thebouncing ball speed, the balls 'come back' speed, the durationiftime showing before the clock explodes, the position of theclockin the screen and the sensibility for triggering the action.You can check the functioning from the video.Set the parameters after configuration by tapping the bombicon,that proceed as usual to set un animated background. if youwish tohave a transparent background, with your preferred screen ontheback, enter the configuration, set to transparent, thenactivatethe animated wallpaper.Application does not use resources when the screen is instandbymode, so it does not drains battery down.Tested with various devices (samsung S2,S3,Galaxy Wonder,GalaxyAce) e tablet (Galaxy 10.1, Kindle Fire)ATTENTION: On Galaxy S3 or with moving background option,youshould have problems with transparent screen. activatetrasparentbackground once in the left most page
ZenaClock in dialetto Genovese
Questo Widget sarà di aiuto a tutti igenovesiper non 'dimenticare' il proprio dialetto cittadino,mostrando orae data in lingua localeUna volta installato, selezionare il colore del testo.L'applicazione è stata sviluppata su Samsung S4, tuttavialascalatura dello schermo per dispositivi a risoluzione più bassaèstata gestita, così come l'autoscalamento delle dimensionidelfont.ATTENZIONE si tratta di un widget. Una volta installatoeselezionato il colore, posizionarsi su un'area libera deldesktop,tenere premuto fino all'apparire della finestra,selezionareapplicazioni e widget, quindi in alto selezionare il tabWidget equindi selezionarlo dalla lista.Disponibili sul market anche le analoghe versioni per GenoaeSampdoriaCredits: A Compagna - prof. F. BampiThis Widget will helpallGenoese not to 'forget' their own dialect of the city, showingthetime and date in the local languageOnce installed, select the color of the text.The application has been developed on Samsung S4, however,thescaling of the screen devices for lower resolution hasbeenhandled, as well as the autoscalamento the size of thefont.WARNING This is a widget. Once installed and selected thecolor,position on an open area of ​​the desktop, press and holduntil theappearance of the window, select applications and widgets,and thenat the top select the Widgets tab and then select it fromthelist.Available on the market also similar versions for GenoaandSampdoriaCredits: A Companion - prof. F. Bampi
FPV RF Scanner
Questo scanner di banda RF è utile inparticolar modo nel campo FPV racing in quando consente diverificare la presenza di segnale sui vari canali e quindi didecidere, quando si è in diversi sullo stesso campo di volo, qualisono i canali migliori da utilizzare senza procedere 'a caso'Il software RICHIEDE HARDWARE AGGIUNTIVO, non è in grado difunzionare senza un apposito ricevitore esterno e relativo sistemadi controllo.Alcune funzioni non sono ancora implementate (Antenna Test, RaceWizard) ma lo saranno a breveI moduli vengono forniti già tarati quindi l'opzione 'Hardware' nondovrebbe mai essere utilizzata, tuttavia in considerazione dellanumerosissima gamma di dispositivi android, qualora le disposizionia schermo non dovessero risultare coerenti, inviate una mail con idati grafici del dispositivo allo sviluppatore (che potrete leggereselezionando la voce di menu 'hardware' ) in modo da consentirel'upgrade.This scanner RF bandwidthis especially useful in the field when FPV racing allows you tocheck for the presence of signal on different channels andtherefore to decide when it is different on the same airfield,which channels are best to use without proceeding 'at random'The software requires extra hardware, is not able to functionwithout a separate external receiver and its control system.Some features are not yet implemented (Antenna Test, Race Wizard)but will be soonThe modules are supplied already set then option 'Hardware' shouldnever be used, but in view of the very numerous range of Androiddevices, if the provisions screen does not turn out to beconsistent, send an email with the data of the graphics devicedeveloper (which you can read by selecting the menu item'hardware') to allow the upgrade.
SmsMonitor PRO 1.01
his app gives you the chance to saveallincoming and outgoing sms and send them to an emailApp works as a service always active, when an sms isinterceptedit is stores and then a file is created for every dayand sent toan email every 6 hours (at 0,6,12 and 18)This PRO version removes the icon from launcher and givesthechance not to issue the notificationsIf the device is not connected on the sending time slot, thefilewill be sent as soon as connection is available againto show the data collected in a txt file it is much better tousethe software for pc notepad++ which is free andeasiblydownloadable. (check with google)file structure isfilename contains the datesmsddmmyyyy.txtevery row ishh:mm:ss|number|contact(if number is incontactlist)|direction|textAs there is no icon to get into the configuration again, you needto'call' number 1234 and you'll get into the app again.DISCLAIMERthe use of this software it is allowed only withinlawrestrictions in your country, particularly for privacyissues.please check your local lawno responsabilities will be accepted resulting for any use ofthissoftware
FPV Racers Chrono
This app is mainly useful to keep trackofprogress in FPV racing, expecially when you fly alone.Usual problem is that you don't know how to trig a timer adyourfingers are busy on sticks so..This app allows different trigger methods.You can use the play/pause button of the earplugs, forexampleputting it between your teeths or DIY a simple cable using afootpedal, or you can 'learn' the app to detect a fast movement toletit trig the lap repeating the movement later. For example youcanfix your phone to a leg and learn a fast up/down movement soyoucan use this to trigIf someone is helping you, tapping on the screen or pressingthevolume+ button does the same job.App saves lap time sessions together with propeller type andbatterytime, to be analyzed later.A useful feature is vocal synth of time so you can hearinearphones, with customizable messages for lap and best lap. ifyouset the track lenght you will also have the km/h mean dimostrativo is activated via the headset connector. You can adopta'standar' method without any additional hardware, forexamplebiting the pushbutton as in picture or you can easilyrealize asimple additional hardware (schematics available) with afootpedal, for example. Time will be heard in the earphones inspeechsynthesis.The pilot will activate the system when passing through adefinedposition , times will be saved for future check. Activationcan bedone also from screen. Configurable messages for actual timeandfor best lap.This app was developed under direct request and suggestion ofthebest italian racer pilots.Video here
FPV Receiver Scanner - BT
ATTENTIONTHIS APP REQUIRES ADDITIONAL HARDWARE.This app interfaces with the recscan BT module.Through this app you will be able to set the receiverfrequencychoosing from the commercial available 10 differentbands.However, you can define a custom band to set the frequenciesyouprefere, choosing from the allowed band limits.The receiver, once set the frequency, replies with thesignalstrenght of the center frequency and the upper/lowerneighbourhoods, default defined as central frequency plus/minus 25Hz. It comesout clear that if you have a strong signal ONLY in thecenterfrequency you are not affected by other Vtxs signals that canbeclose to.Also, you can specify the neighbourhood limit, even if 25 MHz isokyou should for example set to 30 MHz to fly more 'safe'.A band scanner is included, with the same goal, analyzing thecenterfrequency and neighbourhoods to check if a channel is really'free'or not.
Where did I parked my car? C terza
Get your parked car position and share it. Works with car's BTphone device
Ryze/ Dji Tello Scripts manager 6
Control your Tello drone with scripts. Create,save,load editandsync via Bluetooth with up to 8 other devices to get synccontrolover several Tello drones RTH function availableUnlimitedsequences of commands Pause available auto connect towifiinstructions APP IS STILLIN EVOLUTION PHASE. RYZE SDK IS NOT WORKINGPERFECTLY RIGHT NOW, APPWILL FOLLOW RYZE FIRMWARE UPDATE HOPEFULLYFIXING COMMAND RECEIVINGPROBLEMS The app expressly disclaims allwarranties of any kind,wheter express or implied. The app makes nowarranty that app itselfor the content will meet or satisfy yourrequirements The app shallhave no responsibility for any damage toyour phone, tablet, drone,people or things that results from youruse of the app and itscontents this app relates to Ryze DJI Tellodrone THIS APP REQUIRESBT AND WIFI ON. DO NOT PLACE THE DEVICE INAERO MODE, THIS IS NOTNECESSARY AS THERE IS NOT VIDEO STREAM.HAVING DEVICE IN AERO MODECAN CAUSE ERRORS
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