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The Wilderness Survival Guide 2.1
From the beginning of time man has survived on his own knowledgeand skills passed down from one generation to the next. Whether itis constructing a shelter, gathering food, or preparing for war,man has continually progressed with technology in every waypossible. We now live in luxurious homes filled with flat screenTVs, iPods, and other gadgets that we have become spoiled to. Wehave supermarkets and restaurants at every corner; making itconvenient to grab a bite of food. Today, many of our wars arefought with radars from miles away with equipment you thought onlyexisted in Star Wars.But, have you ever stopped to think what would happen tomorrowif all of that was gone? Would you be able to survive? Would youknow what to do? Would you know what to be aware of and what tolook out for? Could you start a fire, make a shelter, and find orkill food? Are you prepared for the unexpected?The sad truth is that many people are not. The great news is Iam going to teach you everything you need to know and do in orderto survive the wild outdoors. Another wonderful benefit to thisvital report is the skills taught can be used in many other ways inthe event of natural disasters, a pandemic, riots, and even the"Zombie Apocalypse”!I can’t stress enough how important it is to know how to surviveon your own. As I said before, our society has become so dependenton technology that many of us couldn’t find north if someone had agun to our head. Many would say, “I can find it with my Tom-Tom!”Good luck when radars and satellites are down or you’re out ofjuice with that thing in the middle of nowhere!I’m going to take you to bare basics and show you how to surviveand protect you and your family. I will give you the knowledge onhow to sharpen your instinct and how to make fast, smart decisionsin hectic times. Let’s face it; these are things we don’t normallythink about or talk about, which is why you and your family need tobe aware! Being prepared for the “worst case scenario” is the leastwe can all do to try and survive whatever element life throws atus. As I have always said, no one plans on getting lost in thewoods while taking an enjoyable hike! No one plans on taking a 10ftplunge off a boulder, breaking their leg in the wilderness! And noone plans on spending the night in the woods without shelter orfood. What would you do?Well grab some paper and a pen and start taking notes so you canlay out a survival plan to help you and your family through all the“worst case scenarios”! Let’s get started!** We specialize in building Page flipping, and Page scrollingAndroid book apps. And we will convert your pdf, doc file, or textfile book into an android app...Visit developer website for moreinfo: http://www.sale-source.com/book-convert.html
Beginners Guide To Golf 1.0
Famous author Mark Twain once wrote, “Golf is a good walk wasted.”Many people feel this way. After all, what’s so fun and interestingabout hitting a little white ball with a metal stick trying to getit in a little hole? However, the truth is there is fun to be hadon the golf course as is evidenced by the millions of golfenthusiasts all over the world.Ever since the game of golf was invented back in the 15thcentury, people have been fascinated with mastering this oftenfrustrating game. In 1750, the game of golf evolved into what weknow it as today, and since that time, technology and technique hasimproved on the game, but mastering the game of golf still lies inthe individual playing the game.One of the great things about golf is that it is more than aphysical sport. Your mental state can play a huge part in your golfgame. If you hit a bad shot, it can really affect your next strokeand so on and so forth. It’s important to realize that if golf wereless challenging, it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun.People can spend thousands of dollars in efforts to improvetheir golf game. They buy videos, books, new equipment, and lessonsfrom a professional. Improving the golf game is a multi-milliondollar industry as it seems like there are all sorts of peopleoffering advice on things you can change to improve your score.Just as the golf swing has been improved upon over time, so hasthe equipment used to play golf. In the 1800’s, golf bags came intouse as an easier way to carry around clubs and balls. Golf ballswere made lighter and able to travel further and tees were used tohelp make the ball easier to hit off the tee box.But even with all this new technology, no one has reallyperfected the game of golf. If that were the case, there would bescores of 18 with a hole in one on every hole. The truth is thateven the professionals can’t perfect their golf game. Man isfallible and he makes mistakes. But when it comes to the game ofgolf, mistakes are inevitable.I’ve heard many golfers tell me that they played great butscored horribly. That statement made me really think about my owngolf game. I, too, have had rounds where I’ve hit the ball well butit wasn’t reflected in my score. How is it possible that we can hitthe ball so well yet still take a 6 on a par 4 hole? The answerisn’t easy, but it can be addressed.I’m not a golf pro, but I do love the game of golf. I’ve alwayswanted to improve my golf game, so this book will help both you andme. I decided that researching what the pros have to say would be agreat way to put their advice to good use. Compiling all of thatinformation into this book would also be a great way to share thatadvice.Let’s look at different aspects of the game of golf and findsome easy ways to improve our scores!** Grab More Info @ : http://golfswingsecrets-v2.blogspot.com/** We specialize in building Page flipping, and Page scrollingAndroid book apps. And we will convert your pdf, doc file, or textfile into an android app...Visit developer website for more info:http://www.sale-source.com/book-convert.html
Digital Photography Mastery 1.0
Do you have a problem trying to get started on your journey tothephotography world?This manual is being written with the full insight aboutdigitalphotography and it's unrevealed the right way and secrettechniquesto help you getting started on your photography businessthatactually works!Digital Photography Mastery is a step-by-step,paint-by-the-numberseBook guide showing you how to use the rightlenses, equipment andhow to get the perfect pictures at any timeyou want.In a matter of weeks or even better after few months later,youcould be joining the photography contest to show your talentsinphotography. Best of all, you could do all this withoutthegimmicks, hype, and general drivel that is fed to you by mostotherphotography manuals.Here's what you'll learn:How to become a digital photographer?Understanding the resolutionKnowing about the camerasDigital imaging photography darkroom and what it holdsWhat are you looking for in a camera?
American history 1.0
25 Chapters on American history in this book app...*Abraham Lincoln*America Conquers the Air*American Inventions*Benjamin Franklin*George Washington*John F. Kennedy*Manifest Destiny*Remember the Alamo*Saving Kuwait*Standing Down Hitler*Thanksgiving*The 22nd Amendment*The American Cowboy*The Bill of Rights*The Boston Tea Party*The Civil War*The Cold War*The Cornerstone of American Law*The Declaration of Independence*The Great War*The Legacy of Columbus*Thomas Jefferson*Vietnam*When America Proved that Anything is Possible*When Everything Changed
Feng Shui 1.0
Tips To Enhance And Harmonize Any Home Or Business - Discover HowFeng Shui Can Transform Your Life!Are You Looking For Ways to Receive More Wealth, Abundance andPeace of Mind? The Complete Guide to Finally Understanding FengShui!Feng Shui is starting to revolutionize people in ways neverthought of before. This ancient Chinese secret can change the wayyou do things and provide you all of wealth and abundance thatyou’ve been searching for! It is very important to know what thecolors used in Feng Shui stand for. There are 11 colors listed inthis guide and each of them explains what they represent in theFeng Shui world.In this report - Feng Shui : Tips To Enhance And Harmonize AnyHome Or Business - you will discover the secrets and strategiesused to transform your entire life.Here is what you will learn inside this guide:# Changing your furniture can help you have a betterrelationship with others# What to install outside of your home to bring about change# What to do when you find the positive energy in your home# What You can do to increase energy in the kitchen# Why you should use the colors from the Feng Shui method in yourbedroom# Why you should have air-purifying plants in your homeoffice# How to enhance the presence of Chi
Building Better Backlinks 1.0
Now you can outsource your backlinking effortsor do them yourself without using an Internet marketing firm thatmight charge you thousands of dollars.Become an expert with "Building Better Backlinks" so your websitecan maximize its market share and outshine your competition.Discover all the basics necessary for using backlinking to ensuresuccess:.Lean how to identify valuable websites and avoid guttersites..Understand the dynamics and benefits of outsourcing your . backlinking efforts with various backlink services..Find out how to select the best backlink services..Discover the various types of backlinks and the differencesbetween them..Uncover how to take advantage of private blog networks..Learn about building high quality backlinks through article.creation and distribution..Get the scoop on how to jump into social bookmarking..And much, much more!
Cooking Tips 1.0
Do You Panic Every Time You Realize You Need To Make DinnerYetAgain? Discover How You Can Brush Up On Your Cooking SkillsAndLearn Some Highly Effective Tips To Prepare Fast And Easy MealsForYour Loved Ones - Meals That Taste Even Better ThanTop-NotchRestaurants!Finally! You Can Now Amaze Your Friends And Relatives WithYourNewly-found Cooking Finesse! You Now Have A Complete GuideThatShows You How To Put More Excitement Into Your Cooking And HaveAReal Blast Every Time You Enter The Kitchen!Introducing - Cooking Tips - It teaches you to enjoy cookingandreveals dozens of other cooking facts, such as the wondersofcuisines around the world and the benefits of joiningcookingschoolsThese Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Book App:Article list:*All there is to know about cooking*Basic steps on how to become a good cook*Basic things to consider when it comes to cooking*Basic tips that will get good food on the table*Basic tips to create great food*Be a better cook with these useful tips*Be a superb cook with these easy, simple tips*Better cooking with less effort - quick ways to brush up onyourkitchen skills*Change your cooking style with these recommendations*Cooking advice for anyone who loves food*Cooking made easy with these basic strategies*Cooking made simple as it can be*Cooking tips and techniques no chef should be without*Cooking tips that can work for everyone*Enjoy cooking just as much as you enjoy eating good food*Excellent tips to take your cooking to the next level*Find your hidden talent in the kitchen with these tips*Get the most from your kitchen with these simple cookingtips*Go from gross to gourmet with these cooking tips*Great cooking tips everyone needs to know*Helpful advice to follow when cooking dinner*Learn the best cooking tips and tricks here*Learn to cook like a pro with these tips*learning how to cook will save you time and money*Little tips for big improvements in the kitchen*Read these tips to cook like your favorite chef*Restaurant guide for the health conscious*Simple cooking tips to make life easier*Super tips for cooking at home*Super ways to become a super cook*Tastes like homemade - some classic kitchen secrets*The basics of cooking for the everyday chef*The best advice when it comes to cooking*The best cooking guide for all ages*The best cooking tips and useful advice*Tips for becoming an amazing cook in no time*Tips on how to have fun and make great food by cooking*Tips on how to prepare good food*Tips - tricks - and advice to improve your culinary skillsYes you can cook - simple tips to improve your cooking ability
The Fine Art Of Seduction 1.0
The Fine Art Of SeductionLearn...* How to use a simple pyschology "trick" to get girls to fallfor you right on the spot!* Insider secrets to seducing the women of your dreams that willskyrocket your success!* The #1 thing you must do when approaching women to leave thembegging for your number!* How exploiting the 'curiousity factor' will boost your successrate by up to 200%!* How to use the simple 'negging' strategy to break the ice withthe hottest women you meet!And Much More!
Outdoor Survival Skills 2.0
Outdoor survival- what is it aboutThe Law of the Jungle…Survival of the Fittest…everyone has heardthese expressions, but have you ever taken the time to examine whatthey really mean?Nowadays, most of us seem to be happy with just watching a bunchof contestants on television competing to one up each other in aso-called reality wilderness survival show. Unfortunately, the only“survival skill” these people seem to know is how to stab eachother in the back so they are eliminated from thecompetition.With all of our technological advances and creature comforts, wehave been lulled into a false sense of security, thinking we willnever have to deal with struggling to survive.Seriously, when was the last time you prepared an entire mealfrom scratch, without using the microwave? Better yet, when was thelast time you spent some time with your family, or even just byyourself, without watching television? If we think that we willalways be safe, we really do need to snap out of it! Just look atsome of the horrendous storms and “natural” disasters that haveoccurred just this past decade.Remember the tsunami that caused such devastation and loss inThailand back in 2004? Or how about Hurricane Katrina and whathappened down in New Orleans, Louisiana? If you were there, wouldyou know what you would need to do to survive? Even moreimportantly, could you actually do what you would have to in orderto come through such an ordeal? Why should we be bothered to learnhow to build a fire without matches, or how to obtain safe water todrink when all we have to do is get up and go into the kitchen foreither?The answer is simple: natural disasters can strike at any timeand deprive people of electricity and everything else they take forgranted and assume will always be around to get them through eachday.** We specialize in building Page flipping, and Page scrollingAndroid book apps. And we will convert your book into an androidapp...Visit developer website for more info: http://www.sale-source.com/book-convert.html
Top 20 Brain Foods 1.0
These top 20 brain enhancing foods are easy tofind in your local grocery store and easy to incorporate into yourfamily’s diet. Each of these foods are packed with vitamins andminerals that affect your brain in different ways. Some energizethe body, others stimulate the brain, and still others enhance yourthinking ability. After eating these foods, you may also find thatyou are more creative than you’ve ever been.✓ Each food, in its own way, helps you get more work done andcan help you enjoy your life more.Even though these foods are healthy and promote a healthy brain,you must still eat all foods in moderation. If you overeat, youreduce the good benefits because you are providing more caloriesthan your body needs. Watch your serving sizes to ensure that youget the most benefit from each food on the list.Finally, remember that your best bet for enhancing your brain isto eat fruits and vegetables as close to natural as possible.Cooking can reduce the number of vitamins and minerals that remainin a food.✓ Choose fruits and vegetables that are vibrant and colorful tobe sure you’re getting the most nutrients.Finding new recipes can add variety to your menu and help youinclude more of these top 20 brain enhancing foods into your diet.Your body and brain will thank you!** More info: http://www.getfit-gethealthy.info/** We specialize in building Page flipping, and Page scrollingAndroid book apps. And we will convert your pdf, doc file, or textfile into an android app...Visit developer website for more info:http://www.sale-source.com/book-convert.html
Clickbank Affiliate Tips 1.0
“Clickbank Affiliate Tips” looks into Usingthe following;*Reviews To Cash In With Affiliate Marketing*Finding Partners*Getting Started With Clickbank Review Blogging*How To Find Niches and Products*Writing Clickbank Reviews That Sell*Product Review Cheat Sheet*And much much more...** We specialize in building Page flipping, and Page scrollingAndroid book apps. And we will convert your book into an androidapp...Visit developer website for more info
Top 100 Golf Tips 1.0
Famous author Mark Twain once wrote, “Golf is a good walkwasted.”Many people feel this way. After all, what’s so fun andinterestingabout hitting a little white ball with a metal sticktrying to getit in a little hole? However, the truth is there isfun to be hadon the golf course as is evidenced by the millions ofgolfenthusiasts all over the world.Ever since the game of golf was invented back in the15thcentury, people have been fascinated with mastering thisoftenfrustrating game. In 1750, the game of golf evolved into whatweknow it as today, and since that time, technology and techniquehasimproved on the game, but mastering the game of golf still liesinthe individual playing the game.One of the great things about golf is that it is more thanaphysical sport. Your mental state can play a huge part in yourgolfgame. If you hit a bad shot, it can really affect your nextstrokeand so on and so forth. It’s important to realize that ifgolf wereless challenging, it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun.People can spend thousands of dollars in efforts to improvetheirgolf game. They buy videos, books, new equipment, and lessonsfrom aprofessional. Improving the golf game is a multi-milliondollarindustry as it seems like there are all sorts of peopleofferingadvice on things you can change to improve your score.Just as the golf swing has been improved upon over time, sohasthe equipment used to play golf. In the 1800’s, golf bags cameintouse as an easier way to carry around clubs and balls. Golfballswere made lighter and able to travel further and tees wereused tohelp make the ball easier to hit off the tee box.But even with all this new technology, no one hasreallyperfected the game of golf. If that were the case, therewould bescores of 18 with a hole in one on every hole. The truth isthateven the professionals can’t perfect their golf game. Manisfallible and he makes mistakes. But when it comes to the gameofgolf, mistakes are inevitable.I’ve heard many golfers tell me that they played great butscoredhorribly. That statement made me really think about my owngolfgame. I, too, have had rounds where I’ve hit the ball well butitwasn’t reflected in my score. How is it possible that we can hittheball so well yet still take a 6 on a par 4 hole? The answerisn’teasy, but it can be addressed.I’m not a golf pro, but I do love the game of golf. I’vealwayswanted to improve my golf game, so this book will help bothyou andme. I decided that researching what the pros have to saywould be agreat way to put their advice to good use. Compiling allof thatinformation into this book would also be a great way toshare thatadvice.Let’s look at different aspects of the game of golf and findsomeeasy ways to improve our scores!** Grab More Info @ : http://golfswingsecrets-v2.blogspot.com/** We specialize in building Page flipping, and PagescrollingAndroid book apps. And we will convert your pdf, doc file,or textfile into an android app...Visit developer website for moreinfo:http://www.sale-source.com/book-convert.html
Inspirational Bible Stories 1.0
The Bible is one of the two or three oldestbooks in the world, but unlike most of theancient books, it is found not only in great libraries, but inalmost every home of thecivilized world; and it is not only studied by learned scholars,but read by the commonpeople; and its many stories grasp and hold the attention of littlechildren.Happy is that child who has heard, over and over again, theBible stories until they have become fixed in his mind and memory,to become the foundations of a noble life.It is with the desire of aiding parents and teachers in tellingthese stories, and aidingchildren to understand them, also in the hope that they may be readin many schools, thata few among the many interesting stories in the Bible have beenchosen, brought togetherand as far as necessary simplified to meet the minds of theyoung.In this Book App you will get over 100 pages of Inspirational BibleStories:*THE STORY OF ADAM AND EVE*THE STORY OF NOAH AND THE ARK*THE STORY OF HAGAR AND ISHMAEL*THE STORY OF ABRAHAM AND ISAAC*THE STORY OF JACOB*THE SALE OF A BIRTHRIGHT*THE STORY OF THE LADDER THAT REACHED TO HEAVEN*THE STORY OF JOSEPH THE COAT OF MANY COLORS*THE DREAMS OF A KING*THE STORY OF THE MONEY IN THE SACKS*THE MYSTERY OF THE LOST BROTHER*THE STORY OF MOSES, THE CHILD WHO WAS FOUND IN THE RIVER*THE STORY OF THE GRAPES FROM CANAAN*THE STORY OF GIDEON AND HIS THREE HUNDRED SOLDIERS*THE STORY OF SAMSON, THE STRONG MAN*THE STORY OF RUTH, THE GLEANER*THE STORY OF DAVID THE SHEPHERD BOY*THE STORY OF THE FIGHT WITH THE GIANT*THE STORY OF THE CAVE OF ADULLAM*THE STORY OF SOLOMON AND HIS TEMPLE*THE STORY OF ELIJAH, THE PROPHET*THE STORY OF JONAH AND THE WHALE*THE STORY OF THE FIERY FURNACE*THE STORY OF DANIEL IN THE LION’S DEN*THE STORY OF THE ANGEL BY THE ALTAR*THE STORY OF JESUSTHE BABE OF BETHLEHEM*THE STORY OF THE STAR AND THE WISE MEN*THE STORY OF THE CHILD IN THE TEMPLE*THE STORY OF THE WATER THAT WAS TURNED INTO WINE*THE STORY OF THE STRANGER AT THE WELL*THE STORY OF THE FISHERMEN*THE STORY OF THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT*THE STORY OF THE MIRACLE WORKER*THE GOOD SHEPHERD AND THE GOOD SAMARITAN*THE STORY OF THE PALM BRANCHES*THE STORY OF THE BETRAYAL*THE STORY OF THE EMPTY TOMB*THE STORY OF THE MAN AT THE BEAUTIFUL GATE*HE STORY OF STEPHEN, THE FIRST MARTYR
Crystal Healing 1.0
Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a sortof vibrational medicine. Crystal therapy necessitates theapplication of crystals or gemstones to help healing.Gemstones hold spiritual and healing attributes that may betapped into an assortment of ways. Crystals may be carried or wornon the individual, or placed in a location where their therapeuticvibrations may be felt by whosoever is nearby. Healers likewiseplace stones on their clients' reclined bodies to equilibrate thechakras and aura.
Instant Website Ideas 1.0
Instant Website Ideas for Fast EarningsHow Much Do You Know About Websites? It's Time to Discover HowWebsites Can Earn You Instant Profits!If I could show you how to create your own website business wouldyou be interested? Just like most Web Masters and InternetMarketers, we are all trying to make more revenue from theweb.The competition is tough we know this! Just when you seem to havethat brainwave, that new idea which you think is going to make youa ton of money, but then discover someone else thought of it firstand you feel deflated. Back to the drawing board it is. Never fear!There is a solution...Don't Hang Around! Make Money with Instant Website IdeasDid you know that “the number of consumers researching or shoppingonline” is projected to spike past 200 million by 2015. Accordingto various surveys, approximately 87% of Internet users in the USshop online.This number is expected to rise past 90% by 2015. Globally, morethan 50% of Internet users make purchases online. This means that,by merely having an ecommerce website, you can address a marketthat is spread across the globe without any additional marketingcosts or hassles.These days, we need to take it one step further and use some castiron techniques to earn that all important online income. Did youknow getting started online is really not as difficult as it mayseem.The internet is here to stay, and it's time that you startedcashing in on the benefits of an online presence.It’s cheap, it’s easy and there are no so many ways to cash in inthe online revolution of website profits.It's not all work work work either. Some of the techniques Idiscuss in the eBook can be implemented today for zero investmentfrom you!Here Are Just Some of the Things You Will Learn With "InstantWebsite Ideas for Fast Earnings"Google Adsense Sites and How They WorkDiscovering Clickbank ProductsThe Power of Affiliate SitesFast tips on Article MarketingSocial Media Marketing UnleashedThe Power of AutobloggingUsing Multi-Level MarketingAnd much, much more...
THE CHURCH where it all began no longerexists. Like so much else in this bizarre case which has beenquietly making history in the last four years it has recededsilently into the mists of memory. Simon had been a monk, a priest,later an abbot and finally a consecrated bishopof this Eastern Church, becoming ordained even before he graduatedhigh school.Coming from a Slavic background (his grandparents fled theAustro-Hungarian Empire) he acquired a broad knowledge of severalforeign languages, including French, Spanish, Italian, Slavonic,Greek, Latin and even Mandarin Chinese.This ability enables him to communicate with people from manyraces and nationalities as well as to probe the mysteries ofreligion and magick in the ancient manuscripts and worn leatherbooks from many long-forgotten lands.As a young priest, he found himself called upon to performexorcisms among poor ethnic families in the sometimes seedy anddangerous New York Cityneighborhoods that were his parish. He had faced evil many times inhis life, and battled with the devil himself in his many disguises.Yet, he was still not prepared for the sudden appearance of theNECRONOMICON that overcast afternoon in the Spring of 1972.** More Info: http://www.whatiswitchcraft.net/** We specialize in building Page flipping, and Page scrollingAndroid book apps. And we will convert your pdf, doc file, or textfile into an android app...Visit developer website for more info:http://www.sale-source.com/book-convert.html
Survive Any Natural Calamity 1.0
How To Survive Any Natural CalamityLearn How To Survive Any Natural Calamity!Are you prepared in the event of a castastrophe? Will you beready?This is common knowledge—that disaster is everywhere. It’s in thestreets, it’s inside your campuses, and it can even be found insideyour home.The question is not whether we are safe (because no one is reallyTHAT secure anymore) but whether we can do something to lessen theodds of ever becoming a victim.Below are some of the tips that you will learn upon reading thisebook:*Tips On Earthquake Emergency Preparation*Emergency Preparedness For A Hurricane*Prepare For A Flood The Best Way You Could*Prepare For The Worst Hurricane In The Best Way Possible*Vital Steps In Preparation For An Industrial Emergency*The Emergency Preparedness Assessment*Safety Emergency Preparation Tips When There Is A Tornado*Tsunami: What To Do And How To Survive*Emergency Preparation Tips For Typhoons*Tsunami Emergency Preparation*And so much more...More Info:http://www.topsurvivaltips.com/
Hangover Cures 1.0
Finally, the answers to all of your head pounding, stomachturning,body aching questions you've been dying to know!This report is your ultimate guide to finding every curepossibleto soothe your aching pains from your symptoms of ahangover.Just take a look at some of the things discussed inthereport:*Best Cures For Hangovers*Fast Relief For Stubborn Hangovers*Foods That Are Great for Curing Hangovers*Hangover Cures that Really Work*How to avoid hangovers*How to cure your hangover*Myths and Theories when it comes to Preventing Hangovers*Tips For Hangover Relief*What Causes Hangovers*What Is A Hangover?So, stop dealing with those aggravating symptoms of ahangoverand get instant relief now!This helpful and beneficial guide can make the rest ofyourhappy-go-lucky party days a thrill of a lifetime, and notregretthe following day.
Staying Positive 1.0
The First Step Towards Success Is BelievingYou Can Do It. Start Believing Now! Positive Thinking Is The First& Easiest Step!I know you have probably been hammered over the head with the ideaof positive thinking.The world is full of information about positive thinking. Some"gurus" even claim that positive thinking is ALL you need. Theythink that if you stay positive it is inevitable that positivethings will happen.There is a kernel of truth here though. Positive thinking may notbring you success on it's own, but it is without a doubt a keyindicator of future success.More and more research is being done and it is constantly pointingout the advantages of Positive Thinking.I don't blame you for being cynical though. I know a lot of peoplewho say:I Can't Stay Positive. Do you mean you CAN'T ever, or you CAN'Tyet?Because I know for a fact, through my own experience, that even themost negative person can train themselves to thinkpositively.This Stay Positive guide will walk you through the importance ofpositive thinking PLUS it will teach you tips that you can use eachday to reprogram your mind for positivity.Topic Include:* Intro to Positive Thinking* Power of Positive Thinking* Characteristics of Optimistic People* Obstacle to Optimism* Positive Thinking at Work* Fear of Failure* Overcoming Self-Sabotage* Stop Making Useless Comparisons* Flexibility: Making Most of Your Tools* Conclusion* 51 Great Things Positive Thinkers Say** More Info: http://www.reinventing-yourself.info/
Tui Na 1.0
Are you ready?Introducing… Heal Yourself With Tui NaTui Na is well known as one of China’s best forms ofmanipulative therapy and is often used in conjunction with otherwell known methods such as acupuncture, Gua Sha, acupuncture,cupping and even Tai Chi and Qi Gong.
Communication Commando 1.0
If you want to skyrocket your success withbusiness and improve your overall life...You need to know how tocommunicate correctly!It's a great idea to look at your communication in your personallife or, business communication, or business life and ask, "What isin it for each of the different personalities?"Effective communication has a great and really deep significance inour daily lives.In this book, you will learn all about:*Communication Basics*Types Of Communication*Types Of Personalities*Body Language Basics*Improving Skills*Much more!
Pool Of Positive Thinking 1.0
Are you struggling with the fact that youreally don't know anything about changing the way you think?Positive thinking brings inner peace, success, improvedrelationships, better health, happiness and satisfaction. It alsohelps the daily affairs of life move more smoothly, and makes lifelook bright and promising.To become positive in our thinking we have to center on things thatinspire and uplift us. If we may alter our outlook and do away withthe damaging thoughts that invade our minds we'll becomehappier.In this book app, you will learn:*The meaning of positive thinking*Changing your surroundings*Confidence and positive thinking*Visualizing and affirming*And so much more!
E-book Entrepreneur 1.0
Banish all your doubts about ebooks that youneed technical knowledge or need to be a expert programmer to havean online business.By putting in time to master these information, you can startcreating your ebook today and start making sales today!Here's what you can learn:.Everything you will need to know about creating your firstebook.How to create the outline.Should you outsource or write it yourself.Setting up your sales letter. Sales-funnel to increase your conversion. Joint ventures with industry experts.Create an amazing launch.How to increase profits with backend sales.Collecting email leads.And so much more!
Angelic Reiki 1.0
Get Everything You Need To Know To Enter TheSpiritual Realm Of Angelic Reiki!Is the fact that you would like to learn more about the spiritualworld of angels but just don't know how to get started making youfeel like you'll never get the information you want... maybe youhave even thought about just giving up?Unless You Wish To Continue To Fail And Not Reach Your Goal OfLearning About The World Of Angels You Need To Pay AttentionHere!So feel fortunate today -- as we’re going to help you STOP wringingyour hands in frustration, and learn how you can quickly and easilyget a better understanding about the world of supernaturalhealing... for GOOD!This powerful tool will provide you with everything you need toknow to learn all about the basics of the world of angels. Asunderstanding the basics of anything is crucial to success, this isinformation that can be very valuable to you.In This Book, You Will Learn:.Angelic Reiki Basics.The History Of Reiki.The History Of Angels.The Difference Between Reiki and Angelic Reiki.How Does Angelic Reiki Energy Work.And so much more!
Tai Chi 1.0
Tai Chi, as it's practiced in the west nowadays, may perhaps bestbethought of as a moving class of yoga and meditation blended.Thereare a number of supposed forms (occasionally likewise called'sets')which consist of a succession of movements.A lot of these movements are originally deduced from themartialarts (and maybe even more ancestrally than that, from theinnatemovements of creatures and birds) while the way they'reperformedin Tai Chi is slowly, gently and gracefully with fluid andeventransitions between them.For a lot of practitioners the focus in doing them isn't,mostimportantly, martial, but as a meditative exercising for thebody.In Chinese philosophy and medicine there lives the conceptof'chi', a life force that animates the body.Among the professed aims of Tai Chi is to further the circulationofthis 'chi' inside the body, the notion being that by doing sothehealth and life force of the individual are enhanced.This 'chi' mobilizes in patterns that are closely related tothenervous and vascular system and therefore the notion iscloselyaffiliated with that of the practice of acupuncture andadditionaloriental healing arts.
Essential Skills of Magick 1.0
The Essential Skills of MagickAuthor: Benjamin RoweThe Three Essential SkillsAll effective magick stands on three legs: imagination, emotion,and feeling;everything else – all the words and gestures, the implements andcostumes,the elaborate circles and furniture – serve only to reinforce andfocusthese three capacities. If any of these three is lacking, then thework is likelyto fail; once you are skilled in using all three, you can dispensewith practicallyall the other things people sometimes insist are essential to thepractice.Of the three, emotion is the power that drives the whole show;emotionfrom the guts, and from the heart. I will go even further; it isnot just emotion,but passion that is the power behind magick. Passion in the senseof anintense desire to be connected to that which you are seeking toinvoke; adesire that places no restrictions or limits on the connection, butwhich is soone-pointed that nothing save that which is sought is includedwithin itsfocus. And passion in the sense of a boundless enthusiasm for theacts bywhich you seek to create that connection. Admittedly, this is theideal case;but the closer you can get to it, even for a few moments, the morelikely yourwork is to be successful.This passion-for-connection is what creates the magickal linkbetweenthe magician and that which he is invoking; or, if the link alreadyexists,expands it and strengthens it. The...Download to read the rest.blackmagic,magic,black magicMore info:http://www.whatiswitchcraft.net/
Mind Power Secrets 1.0
The world's most powerful subliminal mindcontrol method ever developed.How to live a life of Unlimited Prosperity and abundance** We specialize in building Page flipping, and Page scrollingAndroid book apps. And we will convert your pdf, doc file, or textfile into an android app...Visit developer website for more info:http://www.sale-source.com/book-convert.html
Dash Diet Dynamite 1.0
Discover The Diet Plan That Has Taken TheWorld By Storm And Been Voted The Best Diet 3 Years Straight!Obesity is on the rise! The state of obesity in the world today isa concern for all governments especially those in developedcountries and with this comes the rise of hypertension and highcholesterol levels.Despite the efforts these governments have taken, the epidemicseems to become more serious. It affects both children as well asadults.The main reason for the growth of this epidemic is lack of properdiet among the people.Most of the people have limited physical exercises as childrenspend a lot of time playing video and internet games or watchingtelevision.Although this is a big epidemic, there is a solution...Introducing... A Beginners Guide To The DASH Diet!Here's Exactly What You Will Get:*Learn Exactly What The DASH Diet Is*Discover The Key To Properly Planning Your DASH Diet*Practical Advice On The Best Foods To Eat On The DASH Diet*How To Shop Smart And Buy Foods That Are Nutritionally Sound*And Much, Much More..
Chinese Herbs 2.0
Worried For Your Health More Than Ever? WantTo PREVENT Rather Than CURE Your Illness?Then WE are the only ones who can answer YOUR concern of time bypresenting the exclusive work piece, the explicit and special eBookon CHINESE HERBS- the call of time!Even though the medicinal field of science has developedtremendously over the years, still there is widespread utilizationof many alternatives to medicines. The substitutes may includeother kind of therapeutic treatments that do not involve directtaking in of pills or tablets rather utilization of natural plantspecies for gaining maximum benefits. Chinese herbs are one of thegreat examples which have been consistently in use since 168B.C.E.They have proved to be more popular as well as effective thanthe Western medications. Due to this very reason they are beingasked for in greater quantities in the Western countries wherevarieties of medicines are readily available for curing andtreating almost all the diseases.Chinese herb basically possesses a specific taste, temperatureand certain special characteristics. The basic tastes are sweet,bitter, salty, pungent, bland, astringent and aromatic. Some areknown to poses herbs are mixed together on the basis of theirtastes and temperatures. The knowledge to this miraculousinformation is the solution to the many medical problems.Due to this very reason, our eBook "Chinese Herbs - The ModernCounteractant" will prove to be a very beneficial and acknowledgingcompilation. In general it consists of following features:In general it consists of following features:* A general synopsis about the Chinese medications or herbs thatare being used nowadays across the globe.* Their importance and effectiveness in our daily workinglives.* The treatment aspect of the herbs with respect toConstipation, Acne, Arthritis, Diabetes, Cancer, Depression andIntestinal Parasites.* How do these herbs help in reducing weight? A major concernfor weight-conscious and obese people that can be answered by theseChinese herbs and medication procedures described in our eBook.* The possible side effects of the herbs that can prove to bedeteriorating for your health if taken in wrong quantity or to curewrong disease or illness.In this way, our eBook is actually acting as a major informationguide for our audiences. It is written in simple, understandinglanguage therefore its accessibility is vast with respect to otherinformative pages available online on other websites.
Weight Lifting & Training 1.1
Have you ever wondered how to do a properdead-lift but didn’t knew who to ask? Here are some great tips onbecoming the next Mister Universe!Without the right tools and information, it could take you yearsto figure out the secrets to achieving peak performance. Instead ofspending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself outwith the old trial and error method, there is an easier way tolearn how to achieve success in weight lifting the way you’vealways dreamed.Introducing ... Weight Lifting and Weight Training - AComprehensive Guide to Increasing Your Health ThroughScientifically Founded Weightlifting!Everything you need to know about becoming a great weight lifteris included in this special report:* Weight Lifting and General Fitness* Strength Training* Weight Lifting for Kids* Weight Lifting for Bulk* Weight Lifting with Free Weights* Weight Lifting on the Road* Safety Tips for Weight LiftingThis is the most comprehensive report on weight lifting you willever read!
Turbo Metabolism 1.0
Weight loss has got to be the most frustratingexperience for many people, young and old alike.Eating foods that are just horrible, denying yourself foods youtruly love and enjoy. Exercising, even though you absolutely hateexercising, and end up stiff as a board with no results.Iif you are someone who wants to lose weight quickly and seedramatic changes in your overall appearance, Turbo Metabolism isdefinitely for you!If you want to feel better than you ever have, and enjoy feelingextremely healthy in your personal life, family life and work life,then this program will change you forever!You will no longer be able to blame your slow metabolism foryour excess weight.
David Blaine's Magic Revealed 1.0
Now you can discover how all of the moststunning street magic tricks are done in this awesome master manualof illusions. We reveal all of the most amazing tricks as performedby David Blaine in his video specials. From the simplest cardtricks to the weirdest illusions, this eBook covers the lot.Armed with the knowledge in this one ebook, you'll have theability to make the impossible happen, anytime, anywhere, and infront of anyone! Before long, your friends will start to see you asa miracle worker! You'll be able to amaze anyone at anytime with anincredible array of illusions.
Affiliate Assassin 1.0
One of the greatest things about affiliatemarketing is that you can literally start making money online in amatter of a few days, even a few hours.Affiliate marketing offers you the freedom and flexibility unlikeany other business model, and if you truly want to be successful,you need to know exactly how to take advantage of this incredibleopportunity so you're covering as much ground as possible, whileleveraging your campaigns so they work double-time.Inside this ebook you'll learn:*Choosing the right products*Money with review sites*List building profit plan*Quick affiliate cash strategies*Launching your campaigns*Generate traffic from backlinks*Maximizing your income*And much more!We specialize in building Page flipping, and Page scrollingAndroid book apps. And we will convert your book into an androidapp...Visit developer website for more info
pH Miracle Diet Basics 1.0
The pH Diet is one of the most interesting andgroundbreaking new eating plans to hit the world of nutrition anddieting. This way of eating proclaims that following the programwill help restore your health to natural balance and rid you of amyriad of conditions, including excess weight. While most peopleare looking to shed a few pounds,this diet also claims to help withfatigue, muscle pain and indigestion, as well as many otherproblems.The pH diet is an innovative approach to connect to food. Thedietary plan stresses the requirement for balance within the dietof alkaline and acid. This balance will help maintain a wholesomeflow with the bloodstream and keep cellular development and growthworking at optimum levels. By lowering destructive acid levels withmore alkaline numerous benefits might occur, namely sustainableenergy and a healthy body. By using a simple regimen of balancedeating in addition to testing saliva for pH levels, it's possibleto achieve better health.The pH diet will also help you avoid consuming processed foodsand increase your vegetable intake.  Processed foods oftenlack nutrients, and you will experience many health problems ifthese foods are the mainstay of your diet.  Having a good pHbalance will come from eating many fruits and vegetables, and youwill be filling your body with healthy foods andnutrients. In this book app you will learn:*Acid and alkaline foods in the pH miracle diet*Aging and the pH miracle diet*Cancer and the pH miracle diet*Common mistakes on the pH miracle diet*Dairy products and the pH miracle diet*Diabetes and the pH miracle diet*Getting more alkaline into your diet*Green drinks and the pH miracle diet*Is the pH Miracle diet right for you*Measuring your pH for the pH miracle diet*Parasites and the pH miracle diet*pH and energy levels*pH Miracle Diet and Water Ionizers*And much, much more
Alcohol-No-More 1.0
Alcohol-No-MoreFree Yourself From Addiction Forever…Discover How A Hopeless Alcohol Addict Freed Himself From HisUncontrolled Habits And Rid Himself From Life Destroying AddictionsOnce And For All!Finally You Can Fully Equip Yourself With These “Must Have”Tools For Breaking Addiction And Live A Life Of Freedom That YouDeserve!Let’s face it – Addiction isn’t something that’s formed on easyterms. And I don’t blame you, sometimes our circumstances such asour genetics, family background and social environments drive usinto addiction as a form of coping mechanism.And once we spiral into a maze of negativity, it can be veryhard to get out of our disempowering ways of behavior.But here’s the good news:Addiction is something that CAN be cured! You just need to havethe right tools and strategies for breaking it!Introducing… Alcohol-No-MoreHere’s an overview of this ultimate guide to overcomingaddictions:- With this guide, you’ll be equipped with the most powerfultools and strategies to helping you overcome your addictions.- You will also be exposed to plenty of highly effective methodsof preventing cravings and overcoming them when they come by.- You’ll also get tons of extra information on addictions andhow you can overcome them. Clarity leads to power, as they say.
Quit Smoking 1.0
Stop Thinking About How You're Going To Quit Smoking When YouCanInstantly Stomp It In Less Than 30 Days With A Proven SetofTechniques! Smoking Is So Freak'n Cool - Kick The Butt Once andForAll! Get The Mental and Physical Preparation To Quitting!Quit Smoking: A Smoker's Guide is your way to actuallybreakingthat hellish cycle in all of its forms. It teaches youstep-by-stephow to mentally and physically prepare yourself foreach and everyobsticle you will face during your walk to nicotineFREEDOM!
Dog Training Basics 1.0
Are you ready to finally take control of your dog's life andstarttraining your dog in less than a month?The amazing information in Dog Training Basics is so powerfulyetso simple, you're going to be astonished and anxious to getgoingright away!It's so clear and easy to understand, in fact, that evensomeonetotally unfamiliar with their dog or can't control theirdogbehaviors problem can actually learn how to stop theirdogbehavioral issues in no time at all!If you or someone you know is looking for dog training basicsinthe first place, or wants to find solution, this book isamust-have item.Here is just a sneak peak at what you’ll learn in DogTrainingBasics:Training your new puppyTeaching your puppy proper socialization skillsTraining your dog with a training collar and leashTaking your dog training off leashHead collar trainingThe importance of a properly fitted training collarYou can spend hundreds of dollars and thousands of hourslearninghow to teach your dog without any issue.But why not learn how to apply the insight steps the easy way?Injust a few days you could just stop all the bad habits andbehaviorsproblem for your dog.
Max Metabolism 1.0
It’s time for you to drop some weightnaturally and have satisfaction!The body follows a particular cycle of burning the actual foodwe consume. This is known as metabolism. The quicker yourmetabolism is, the faster your whole body processes food to turn itinto energy.So what it truly comes down to is being able to spark yourmetabolism in a manner that will certainly burn your undesirablebody fat and / or calories at a mega-high speed rate.If this appears like the solution you’ve been looking for, you’dbe right!The truth is, your metabolism is mainly responsible for thefundamental or basic method by which your whole body reacts to andprocesses required nutrition as well as extra calories.I’m positive you’ve heard interviews with models and / orathletes where these people mention their extremely high metabolismas responsible for their always-svelte and sexy physique and largeenergy and glow. Yes, there's such a thing as your naturalmetabolism, determined by genes, but…Do you know you can easily maximize your metabolism regardlessof what its existing level? Of course, you can certainly teach yourwhole body into developing a higher metabolism, and it’s mucheasier than you think!Individuals like models and actors pay professionals and expertstens of thousands of dollars to help them achieve the greatmetabolic balance they need in order to look and feel great, butthe great news is that this once-secret information is nowavailable to us all!Boosting and then maintaining a great metabolism is no longerthe privilege of the rich and famous alone. Today, YOU can see howto easily and naturally give your metabolism the jump start itneeds to bring you the fat loss and energy increase you have beenstriving for!It’s all thanks to the phenomenal new program, MetabolismMasterclass!This is the one-stop-shop metabolism boosting system you need,and you’ll be amazed at all the incredible yet simple tips andtechniques contained inside!Here’s a quick sneak peak at the fat loss tricks and solutionsinside Max Metabolism…~Discover how metabolism really works and how it affects yourbody... and what YOU can easily do to boost its efficiency to theutmost!~Uncover a secret formula to speed up your metabolism so thatunwanted calories and fat are burned up and obliterated~See how to ensure that those old 'trouble spots' of fat and flabtrouble you no more~Discover the 5 major reasons why you should boost yourmetabolism~Look at how to go about strength and resistance training formaximum gain~Discover metabolism mega-charging strength exercises... that don'tinvolve weights!~See the 12 muscle areas that you simply must focus on whenexercising to boost your metabolism~Master a 7-day step-by-step program of speeding up metabolismthrough appropriate exercise~Look at the nutrients your body needs to speed up the burning offats, and where to obtain them~Uncover the key benefits of eating right for a true metabolismmakeover~Understand why you should carefully schedule your meals to reallyboost your metabolism~Master the role of water in the body's metabolic processes~Look at the role of stress in the body's metabolism, and ways toeffectively eliminate your body of stress~Uncover the sleep-metabolism connection, and discover the easiestway to a red-hot metabolism
Panda Penguin SEO Secrets 1.0
In Panda Penguin SEO Secrets, you'lldiscover:The history of SEO... and why it doesn't work anymoreWhat Google is really doing with its updatesWhy old school backlinking methods kill your rankingsThe 5 most powerful sources for your backlinksFree and paid resources that still do wonders for trafficHow to build a brand and drive traffic from all over the webEven if you don't have a lot of technical skills - you can startcreating websites that rank well and stay there.
Best Mexican Food Recipes 1.0
Now you can enjoy the many, unique flavors ofMexican food in your own home.With "Best Mexican Food Recipes" you will find the finest examplesof culinary creativity from this intriguing and vibrant country.Among the world's great cuisines, the foods of Mexico stand outin their diversity. Rooted in a history of ancient Indiancivilizations, inspired by the Spanish Conquistadores of thesixteenth century, and influenced by European tastes in the laterrevolutionary years, it is a dynamic cuisine, adaptable butremarkably complete even in its melding of different cultures.Explore Mexican cooking in all its delicious variety with thisoutstanding recipe collection for today's home cook. You'll findtraditional favorites like:~ACAPULCO CHICKEN~FRIJOLES DE OLLA (BEANS COOKED IN A POT)~CARNE ASADO (MEXICAN STYLE BEEF TIPS & GRAVY)~CHALUPA~CHICKEN ALEJANDRO~CHICKEN ENCHILADAS WITH PASILLA CHILI SAUCE~CHICKEN OR BEEF FAJITAS~CHICKEN TEQUILA~CHILES RELLENOS (FRIED STUFFED CHILES)~CHILI POBLANO PIE~CHIMICHANGAS SUPREME~EL CHICO SALSA VERDE~ENCHILADAS BANDERAS~GRILLED CHICKEN ADOBO~GRILLED CHICKEN QUESADILLAS~SUPPER NACHOS~RICE CON QUESO~And Over 200 More!!No cooking collection is complete without a copy of "Best MexicanFood Recipes" cookbook and it's authentic recipes for cookingtraditional Mexican food at it's best...
The Fat Drop Plan 1.0
By simply understanding how to shed body fatthe low carb way you will certainly gain virtually all theinformation you'll need to get rid of those excess weight and beginliving the lifestyle you have always wished for!Making weight-loss pledges to your own self is easy howevermaking all of them stick is definitely something else which demandsa lot more than just a few words and ideas. Within the mission tomake weight-loss resolutions that ultimately see some degree ofsuccess there must be some meticulous planning and thought workedout in advance.Within this guide you'll learn:~Learn precisely what a low-carb diet is~Identify the advantages of a low carbohydrate diet plan~Useful tips on how to begin a low carbohydrate diet regime~Whether or not low carb diet plans are safe~And much, much more...
Amazing New Mind Power Secret 1.0
Almost all mind power books say that one hasto visualize in order to get results. But for me, and I dare saymany of my friends/readers, visualizing is extremely difficult: allI can summon up in my imagination is a vague picture, lacking vividcolor and depth, lasting for no more than a second or two.This left me very frustrated, and I was close to giving up mindpower altogether when I hit upon the idea which I will explain toyou when you download this app.** Grab The Occult & Magick E-book Collection! http://www.whatiswitchcraft.info/** ** We specialize in building Page flipping, and Pagescrolling Android book apps. And we will convert your pdf, docfile, or text file into an android app...Visit developer websitefor more info: http://www.sale-source.com/book-convert.html
Astrology Zodiac Personalities 1.0
Zodiac sun signs are grouped into fouressential elements that when combined, create the world and allowlife to flourish. Each of the 12 astrology signs falls under aspecific element and the 4 elements help in understandingeverybody's place in the world. The zodiac sign elements are Air,Water, Earth and Fire.Zodiac elements are extremely symbolic with the astrology signthat they represent and will help you gain a greater understandingof people's zodiac signs and what they do in life.The astrology elements are just as important to thecharacteristics and personality traits of a person as their zodiacsun sign.Find out about your zodiac sign meaning to help you in thebusiness world, friendships, dating and life in general. Understandyour role on this planet and make sense of your interactions withother people by learning about your astrology sign. Astrology(Zodiac Personalities) has all the easy-to-understand, no-nonsensecharacteristics and personality traits information you need rightat your fingertips! Get the upper hand in your relationship andlearn how to handle your partner!
How To Make Money With PLR 1.0
How To Make Money Online With PLRThis book Will Show You How You Can Make More Money UsingPrivate Label Rights ContentLearn how to leverage PLR content - the right way...Grab your copy of this book now and learn...*3 Disadvantages Of PLR Products*3 Simple Ways To Make A PLR Package*3 Ways To Repurpose PLR Content*5 Step Guide To Making Money From PLR*Are Limited PLR Licenses Really That Important?*Deciphering PLR And Other Resale Rights*How To Find Your Competition When Using PLR*Using PLR For Research Purposes*Using PLR To Build Membership Sites*Where To Buy High Quality PLR
Be A Stargazer 1.0
How would you like to get started today in thefascinating hobby of astronomy?Let Be A Stargazer take you by the hand and guide you on yourmemorable journey through the universe around us.From our small world we have gazed upon the cosmic ocean forthousands of years. Ancient astronomers observed points of lightthat appeared to move among the stars. They called these objectsplanets, meaning wanderers, and named them after Roman deities -Jupiter, king of the gods; Mars, the god of war; Mercury, messengerof the gods; Venus, the god of love and beauty, and Saturn, fatherof Jupiter and god of agriculture.The stargazers also observed comets with sparkling tails, andmeteors or shooting stars apparently falling from the sky. Sincethe invention of the telescope, three more planets have beendiscovered in our solar system. The science of astronomy is everexpanding.Be A Stargazer will provide you with an understanding of astronomyand the universe around us. From our closest neighbors, the moon,sun and planets to the distant reaches of the universe, the starsand constellations, this is your ultimate guide.Be A Stargazer begins with a basic understanding of light andcolor. In the first three chapters you will learn the importantrole these forces play in astronomy and an understanding of theuniverse. Exciting experiments will help you in your learning.Next we will examine the instruments used in astronomy and youwill learn how to build a simple spectroscope from low costmaterials.Then it's on to our sun, moon and planets, where you will learnthere distance from us and amazing facts about each of thesebodies, and then beyond to study the meteoroids, asteroids andcomets and ending up at the stars and constellations with star mapsfor observing the night sky. Be A Stargazer is the complete manualfor beginning this exciting new hobby.Order Be A Stargazer - A Guide To Astronomy for you and your familynow and get immediate delivery!
Black Magic 1.0
Black MagicAuthor: Marjorie BowenIn the large room of a house in a certain quiet city inFlanders, a man was gilding a devil.The chamber looked on to the quadrangle round which the house wasbuilt; and the sun, just overhead, blazedon the vine leaves clinging to the brick and sent a reflected glowinto the sombre spaces of the room.The devil, rudely cut out of wood, rested by his three tails andhis curled-back horns against the wall, and theman sat before him on a low stool.On the table in front of the open window stood a row of knightsin fantastic armour, roughly modelled in clay;beside them was a pile of vellum sheets covered with drawings inbrown and green.By the door a figure of St. Michael leant against a chair, andround his feet were painted glasses of everycolour and form.On the white-washed wall hung a winged picture representing amartyrdom; its vivid hues were the mostbrilliant thing in the room.The man was dressed in brown; he had a long dark face andstraight dull hair; from the roll of gold leaf on hisknee he carefully and slowly gilded the devil.The place was utterly silent, the perfect stillness enhanced bythe dazzle of the blinding sun without; presentlythe man rose and, crossing to the window, looked out.He could see the sparse plants bordering the neglectedgrass-grown paths, the house opposite with its doublerow of empty windows and the yellowing vine-leaves climbing up thetiled roof that cut the polished blue ofthe August sky. Download to read the rest...blackmagic,magic,black magicMore info:http://www.whatiswitchcraft.net/
All4Crafting 1.289.22
Find and Grab all your much needed craftingsupplies for all your Arts and Crafting adventures..We offer tons of merchandise ranging from fabric decorating,gift wrapping supplies, scrap book supplies, and much, muchmore...
The Self-Esteem Workbook 1.0
Self-Esteem: Invaluable Techniques toLeadership TransformationIntroducing ... The Self-Esteem Workbook - Techniques for Globaland Personal Transformation!Everything you need to know about the self esteem and personaltransformation is included in this special report:* New age and personal transformation* Transforming your personal self esteem* Exercises for transforming your self esteem* Building self esteem through personal transformation* Routes to personal transformation and self esteem* Writing toward personal transformation* Self transformation tipsNo stone is left unturned in this comprehensive report! Youwon’t want to miss out on this!
Native American Healing 1.0
A lot of healing practices and spiritualceremonials that are being practiced nowadays by healingpractitioners and metaphysical groups have been acquired fromtraditions that initiated from assorted Native American tribes.History suggests that every tribe would have one or more elderswho were trained in the healing arts. These people would serve asherbalists, healers, and spirit communicators. The responsibilitiesand types of healing arts and spiritual ceremonials performed wouldby nature vary from tribe to tribe.
Mental Health Maintenance 1.0
Get All The Support And Guidance You Need ToBe A Success At Better Mental Health!Is the fact that you would like to get a grip on how to manage yourmental health but just don't know how making your life difficult...maybe even miserable?First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, but notknowing how to get started with making your mental health better isfar more common than you’d think.Your lack of knowledge in this area may not be your fault, but thatdoesn’t mean that you shouldn’t -- or can’t -- do anything to findout everything you need to know to finally be a success withgetting your mental state to a better place!So today -- in the next FEW MINUTES, in fact -- we’re going to helpyou GET ON TRACK, and learn how you can quickly and easily get yourmental health issues under control... for GOOD!With this product, and it’s great information on good mental healthwill walk you, step by step, through the exact process we developedto help people get all the info they need to be a success.In This Book, You Will Learn:How Stress Can Impact Mental HealthWays To Relieve StressADHD And Bipolar DisorderSelf Help For ADHD And Bipolar DisorderWhy You Need To Address Your Spiritual HealthAnd so much more!