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How To Make Paper Airplanes 1.0
Dreamer Studio
How To Make Paper Airplanes: The most amazingthing about a paper airplane is that all you need to make one is asheet of paper—nothing more. You don't need scissors, glue, tape,or paper clips. A few folds, a couple of adjustments, and you havea superb paper flyer. The properties of paper give the airplane allthe attributes it needs. install now all for free!
How to Play Guitar 1.0
Dreamer Studio
How to Play Guitar: You can use a guitar toplay anything from death metal to classical and everything inbetween. Learning to play guitar is more approachable than manyother instruments, once you master a few basics. You, too, canlearn how to get started teaching yourself to play.The web has a vast number of resources available for learninghow to play guitar. You can learn how to play songs, how to repairyour broken instrument, how to play fancy scales, and much more.The trouble is, there just aren't many GOOD guitar lessonsavailable to someone looking to start playing guitar. These guitarlessons are designed for people who own (or have borrowed) aguitar, but don't yet know the first thing about playing it.What you'll need for these Guitar LessonsA guitar with six strings. Any type of guitar will workfine.A guitar pick. Medium gauged picks are recommended to start with,but any will work okay in a pinch.A chair without arms.A reasonable amount of patience.Guitar Lesson Overview: What you'll learnBy the end of this guitar lesson, you will have learned: thenames of many parts of the guitar, the names of the open strings,the process of tuning the guitar, how to hold and use a pick, howto play a chromatic scale, and how to play a simple song usingGmajor, Cmajor, and Dmajor chords.
How to Draw Eyes 6.0
Dreamer Studio
How to Draw Eyes: This tutorial will teach you how to drawrealisticeyes and Anime eyes. Install free now!
How to draw 3D 6.0
Dreamer Studio
How to draw 3D - Do you want to know how todraw 3D objects using basic, easy-to-learn techniques? The freeonline tutorials on this page can show you how to draw a streetfull of buildings, or the tables and chairs inside them. Theprocesses of sketching, drawing, and coloring are demonstrated inthese fast, guided lessons. Each specific stage can only go aheadwhenever you choose, so keeping up is very easy!
Professional Makeup Tutorials 6.0
Dreamer Studio
Professional Makeup Tutorials: Get a flawlessface in a flash with these makeup tutorials. Makeup artist PatriciaLongo shows you the correct way to apply mascara; put on eyeliner;create a smokey eye; use a foundation brush; shape your eyebrows;apply blush; cover up acne; put on lipstick; and much more. It'sthe next best thing to having a professional makeup artist do yourmakeup for you.
Easy Origami Flower Bouquet 1.0
Dreamer Studio
Easy Origami Flower Bouquet: This Applicationwill show you how to make an easy origami rose, which looksbeautiful when grouped together into a bouquet. The tutorial itselfshows how to make one rose, but if you wish to turn it into abouquet, simply add some stems and leaves, and make a few. Thengroup them together.
Draw Tattoo Designs 6.0
Dreamer Studio
Draw Tattoo Designs : When you walk into atattoo shop, you can see that tattoo designs vary as much asfingerprints. Most shops have walls covered in different designs.The work of a tattoo artist is more than just applying a tattoo tosomeone’s body. It also involves creating the perfect design to fitthe client’s needs. In every case, a customer will either alreadyhave a tattoo design ready, or the tattoo artist will have to drawone.Drawing TattoosEvery great tattoo comes from a great drawing. Anything you canvisualize can be created into a tattoo design.Always keep in mind that the tattoo you are drawing is veryimportant to the client, and he or she will be wearing it on theirbodies forever, whether it’s to commemorate an event or death, markan event, honor someone special or just for fun.You should feel honored that the client is allowing you to usehis or her body as a canvas. It’s crucial incorporate the client’sideas to create a design that you are willing and able to produce,and he or she is willing to wear.Once the tattoo is designed, and the body part of application ischosen, it’s time to get to work.
How To Draw Anime 6.0
Dreamer Studio
How to draw AnimeIf you've ever wanted to know how to draw anime, this is thesite for you! You can learn how to draw your own Anime with thisfree online tutorials, for all Anime your favorites! The guidedtutorials, in clear and easy steps, are lessons on drawing,sketching, and coloring your work. Each exclusive step will onlyproceed when you press play, so staying with it is simple!
Nail Art Tutorials 2014 1.0
Dreamer Studio
Nail Art Tutorials - Painting your nails andthen forgetting about it is pass?. You have to think creatively inorder to enhance them now. What about some spectacular nail artthat will make your friends go green with envy? No, it is not acomplicated process at all and can be done with relative ease onceyou get the hang of it. There is no need for expensive nailstutorials too! All you require is a little patience and some timeon your hands.It is best to start with the simplest form of nail art once youmake up your mind to try it yourself. Creating tiny dots or addinga few studs to your long, beautiful nails is going to add to theirattractiveness as well. However, you must be careful not to setyour mind on the most complicated design right at the beginning. Astep-by-step approach serves the best when it comes to nailart.Most DIY tutorials for nails recommend the glitter look whichrequires painting your nails with alternate layers of sheer andglitter. Dry them off and you are done! Show off your glitteringnails to your friends and wallow in their praise for hours. Ninjaturtle nails and Halloween nails are great fun too. All you have todo is add dots and dashes imaginatively and you are blessed withthe cutest nails ever. What about Halloween though? Can your nailsscare too? Sure they can, once you finish painting them with scarydots and designs in garish colors.Graduating on to the intermediate and advanced stages is acakewalk. You will not need many days to do so, provided you have asteady hand. The neon light glitter, zebra nails and perfectstripes in multicolor require some practice but you are liable topass with flying colors once you take your nails tutorialsseriously.
Cute Girls Hairstyles 2.0
Dreamer Studio
Cute Girls Hairstyles : Tired of thesameboring hairstyles for your little girl? Amp up the creativityandbe inspired by some of these cute, hip and totallywearablehairstyles for little girls. Customize the looks to makethem yourown and make your little girl the coolest on theplayground.
How To Draw a Tiger 6.0
Dreamer Studio
How To Draw a Tiger - In this drawing lessonwe’ll show you how to draw a Tiger in 6 easy steps. This step bystep free lesson progressively builds upon each previous step untilyou get to the final rendering of the Tiger.