DylanZhou برنامه ها

一画换一画 1.1.5
一画换一画,不是简单的绘画本应用,而是未知与乐趣的结合体。当您在本地完成一幅绘画后,不仅可以随机交换到别人已提交的一幅画,而且还能将其绘制过程原样重现。无穷的未知在等待您的探索,还在等什么?快来看看ta给你准备了什么惊喜吧:)Change a paintingapainting, not a simple drawing of the application, but theunknownand fun combination. When you have completed a painting in alocal,not only we can randomly switched to a picture of someoneelsecommitted, but also to reproduce the drawing processintact.Endless waiting for you to explore the unknown, what are youwaitingfor? Take a look at what got you ta pleasant surprise:)