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HT5 Psicologia 1.6
Tutto quello che ti serve per affrontare il test di ammissione aPSICOLOGIA!Le applicazioni Hoepli Test sono uno strumento facile edefficace per prepararti ai test di ammissione all’università.Perfetto per esercitarti dove e quando vuoi con la massimacomodità. Un nuovo modo per metterti alla prova!Questa versione contiene 960 domande, complete dirisposta corretta, per verificare la tua performance.L’applicazione ti consente di comporre un numero illimitatodi:– prove simulate da 20 domande con un tempo massimo di 30minuti– prove simulate da 40 domande con un tempo massimo di 60minuti– prove simulate da 60 domande con un tempo massimo di 80minuti– prove simulate da 80 domande con un tempo massimo di 120minutiPer ogni prova che generi puoi:– RISPONDERE con riserva e quindi modificare la tua risposta primadella fine del test– SCOPRIRE la percentuale delle tue risposte corrette e quelle chehai sbagliato– RIVEDERE l’esito del tuo test attraverso un’elaborazionegrafica– VALUTARE i tuoi progressi attraverso elaborazioni statisticheIn modalità “Esercizi” puoi:– ALLENARTI su tutti gli argomenti della prova ufficiale: Culturagenerale, Ragionamento logico e comprensione brani, Scienze umane esociali, Cultura matematico-scientifica– VERIFICARE le tue risposte grazie alle soluzioni– COLMARE le tue lacune attraverso i relativi commenti del TeamHTEverythingyou need to take the test for admission to Psychology!Test applications Hoepli are an easy and effective way toprepare for college entrance tests.Perfect for practice anywhere, anytime with maximum comfort. A newway to challenge you!This version contains 960 questions , complete with thecorrect answer, to verify your performance.The application allows you to make an unlimited numberof:- Simulated tests of 20 questions with a maximum time of 30minutes- Simulated tests of 40 questions with a maximum time of 60minutes- Simulated tests of 60 questions with a maximum time of 80minutes- Simulated tests of 80 questions with a maximum time of 120minutesFor each test that you can generate:- ANSWER subject and then change your answer before the end of thetest- DISCOVER the percentage of your correct answers and those thatyou were wrong- REVISE the outcome of your test through a graphic- ASSESS your progress through statistical processingIn "exercises" you can:- Train on all matters of official proof: General Knowledge,Logical Reasoning and understanding songs, Humanities and SocialSciences, Mathematical and Scientific Culture- CHECK your answers with solutions- FILL your weaknesses through the comments of the Team HT
la Zanichelli 2015 15.3.0
The Zanichelli Encyclopaedia is a powerfultool intended to work out doubtful information, clear up ideas,supply certainties, suggest new issues of discussion in any branchof knowledge. You will find proper names along with specialistexpressions and common nouns requiring an encyclopaedicinvestigation; all entries are developed in a comprehensive way,with a great number of online resources: interactive maps, images,tables (their access needs an Internet connection, even in thedownloadable version).Database• Contents are updated quarterly (last update: 2014/08/28)• More than 71,000 entries compiled by specialists of every field,regularly updated• 40 specialist labels• Birth-and-death dates and places of all personalities included;dates of artistic and literary works• 14,000 geographical entries• A set of 15,000 cross-references among the entriesSearch engine (14.3.ez version):• Compatible with smartphones and tablets Android 4.x and laterversions• User interface in Italian and English• Complete offline use• Index search in the entry box• Headword and full text searchFor any suggestions, feedback, and other information about ourproducts, please contact us at apps@edigeo.it
HT4 Formazione Primaria (lite) 1.6
Tutto quello che ti serve per affrontare iltest di ammissione a SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE PRIMARIA!Le applicazioni Hoepli Test sono uno strumento facile edefficace per prepararti ai test di ammissione all’Università.Perfetto per esercitarti dove e quando vuoi con la massimacomodità. Un nuovo modo per metterti alla prova!Questa versione contiene un campione di domande utili, completedi risposta corretta, per verificare la tua performance (nellaversione completa trovi 960 domande).L’applicazione ti consente di generare:– prove simulate da 20 domande con un tempo massimo di 30minuti– prove simulate da 40 domande con un tempo massimo di 60minutiPer ogni prova che generi puoi:– RISPONDERE con riserva e quindi modificare la tua risposta primadella fine del test– SCOPRIRE la percentuale delle tue risposte corrette e quelle chehai sbagliato– RIVEDERE l’esito del tuo test attraverso un’elaborazionegrafica– VALUTARE i tuoi progressi attraverso elaborazioni statisticheIn modalità “Esercizi” puoi:– ALLENARTI con tutte le domande oggetto della prova ufficiale:Cultura linguistica e ragionamento logico, Cultura letteraria,storico-sociale e geografica, Cultura matematico-scientifica– VERIFICARE le tue risposte grazie alle soluzioni– COLMARE le tue lacune attraverso i relativi commenti del TeamHTEverything you need totake the test for admission to PRIMARY EDUCATION SCIENCE!Test applications Hoepli are an easy and effective way toprepare for the admission test University.Perfect for practice anywhere, anytime with maximum comfort. A newway to challenge you!This version contains a sample of useful questions, completewith the correct answer, to verify your performance (in full version has 960 questions).The application allows you to generate:- Simulated tests of 20 questions with a maximum time of 30minutes- Simulated tests of 40 questions with a maximum time of 60minutesFor each test that you can generate:- ANSWER subject and then change your answer before the end of thetest- DISCOVER the percentage of your correct answers and those thatyou were wrong- REVISE the outcome of your test through a graphic- ASSESS your progress through statistical processingIn "exercises" you can:- Train with all applications included in the official test:linguistic and logical reasoning Culture Culture literary,historical, social and geographical Culture mathematical andscientific- CHECK your answers with solutions- FILL your weaknesses through the comments of the Team HT
HT8 Comunicazione 1.6
Tutto quello che ti serve per affrontare il test di ammissione aSCIENZE DELLA COMUNICAZIONE!Le applicazioni Hoepli Test sono uno strumento facile edefficace per prepararti ai test di ammissione all’università.Perfetto per esercitarti dove e quando vuoi con la massimacomodità. Un nuovo modo per metterti alla prova!Questa versione contiene 960 domande, complete dirisposta corretta, per verificare la tua performance.L’applicazione ti consente di comporre un numero illimitatodi:– prove simulate da 20 domande con un tempo massimo di 30minuti– prove simulate da 40 domande con un tempo massimo di 60minuti– prove simulate da 60 domande con un tempo massimo di 80minuti– prove simulate da 80 domande con un tempo massimo di 120minutiPer ogni prova che generi puoi:– RISPONDERE con riserva e quindi modificare la tua risposta primadella fine del test– SCOPRIRE la percentuale delle tue risposte corrette e quelle chehai sbagliato– RIVEDERE l’esito del tuo test attraverso un’elaborazionegrafica– VALUTARE i tuoi progressi attraverso elaborazioni statisticheIn modalità “Esercizi” puoi:– ALLENARTI su tutti gli argomenti della prova ufficiale: Culturagenerale e ragionamento logico, Mass media, pubblicità e marketing,Cultura storico-letteraria– VERIFICARE le tue risposte grazie alle soluzioni– COLMARE le tue lacune attraverso i relativi commenti del TeamHTEverythingyou need to take the test for admission to COMMUNICATION SCIENCE!Test applications Hoepli are an easy and effective way toprepare for college entrance tests.Perfect for practice anywhere, anytime with maximum comfort. A newway to challenge you!This version contains 960 questions , complete with thecorrect answer, to verify your performance.The application allows you to make an unlimited numberof:- Simulated tests of 20 questions with a maximum time of 30minutes- Simulated tests of 40 questions with a maximum time of 60minutes- Simulated tests of 60 questions with a maximum time of 80minutes- Simulated tests of 80 questions with a maximum time of 120minutesFor each test that you can generate:- ANSWER subject and then change your answer before the end of thetest- DISCOVER the percentage of your correct answers and those thatyou were wrong- REVISE the outcome of your test through a graphic- ASSESS your progress through statistical processingIn "exercises" you can:- Train on all matters of official testing: general knowledge andlogical reasoning, Mass media, advertising and marketing, Cultureliterary history- CHECK your answers with solutions- FILL your weaknesses through the comments of the Team HT
SM1 Lauree Umanistiche 1.6
Tutto quello che ti serve per affrontare laprova dei SAPERI MINIMI dell'area umanistica!Le applicazioni Hoepli Test sono uno strumento facile edefficace per prepararti alla prova dei SAPERI MINIMI dell'areaumanistica.Perfetto per esercitarti dove e quando vuoi con la massimacomodità. Un nuovo modo per metterti alla prova!Questa versione contiene 960 domande, complete dirisposta corretta, per verificare la tua performance.L’applicazione ti consente di comporre un numero illimitatodi:– prove simulate da 20 domande con un tempo massimo di 30minuti– prove simulate da 40 domande con un tempo massimo di 60minuti– prove simulate da 60 domande con un tempo massimo di 80minuti– prove simulate da 80 domande con un tempo massimo di 120minutiPer ogni prova che generi puoi:– RISPONDERE con riserva e quindi modificare la tua risposta primadella fine del test– SCOPRIRE la percentuale delle tue risposte corrette e quelle chehai sbagliato– RIVEDERE l’esito del tuo test attraverso un’elaborazionegrafica– VALUTARE i tuoi progressi attraverso elaborazioni statisticheIn modalità “Esercizi” puoi:– ALLENARTI su tutti gli argomenti della prova ufficiale: Culturastorico-letteraria e geografica, Lingua inglese e letteraturestraniere, Storia dell'arte e dell'architettura, Diritto edeconomia, Scienze umane e sociali, Ragionamento logico– VERIFICARE le tue risposte grazie alle soluzioni– COLMARE le tue lacune attraverso i relativi commenti del TeamHTEverything you need toface the test of the humanities MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE!Test applications Hoepli are an easy and effective way toprepare for the test MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE of the humanities.Perfect for practice anywhere, anytime with maximum comfort. A newway to challenge you!This version contains 960 questions , complete with thecorrect answer, to verify your performance.The application allows you to make an unlimited numberof:- Simulated tests of 20 questions with a maximum time of 30minutes- Simulated tests of 40 questions with a maximum time of 60minutes- Simulated tests of 60 questions with a maximum time of 80minutes- Simulated tests of 80 questions with a maximum time of 120minutesFor each test that you can generate:- ANSWER subject and then change your answer before the end of thetest- DISCOVER the percentage of your correct answers and those thatyou were wrong- REVISE the outcome of your test through a graphic- ASSESS your progress through statistical processingIn "exercises" you can:- Train on all matters of official proof: Cultureliterary-historical and geographical, English Language andLiteratures, History of Art and Architecture, Law and Economics,Humanities and Social Sciences, Logical Reasoning- CHECK your answers with solutions- FILL your weaknesses through the comments of the Team HT
SM2 Lauree Scientifiche 1.6
Tutto quello che ti serve per affrontare laprova dei SAPERI MINIMI dell'area scientifica!Le applicazioni Hoepli Test sono uno strumento facile edefficace per prepararti alla prova dei SAPERI MINIMI dell'areascientifica.Perfetto per esercitarti dove e quando vuoi con la massimacomodità. Un nuovo modo per metterti alla prova!Questa versione contiene 960 domande, complete dirisposta corretta, per verificare la tua performance.L’applicazione ti consente di comporre un numero illimitatodi:– prove simulate da 20 domande con un tempo massimo di 30minuti– prove simulate da 40 domande con un tempo massimo di 60minuti– prove simulate da 60 domande con un tempo massimo di 90minuti– prove simulate da 80 domande con un tempo massimo di 120 minuticome una vera prova d’esame ufficialePer ogni prova che generi puoi:– RISPONDERE con riserva e quindi modificare la tua risposta primadella fine del test– SCOPRIRE la percentuale delle tue risposte corrette e quelle chehai sbagliato– RIVEDERE l’esito del tuo test attraverso un’elaborazionegrafica– VALUTARE i tuoi progressi attraverso elaborazioni statisticheIn modalità “Esercizi” puoi:– ALLENARTI su tutti gli argomenti della prova ufficiale: Culturagenerale e ragionamento logico, Matematica, Chimica, Fisica,Biologia– VERIFICARE le tue risposte grazie alle soluzioni– COLMARE le tue lacune attraverso i relativi commenti del TeamHTEverything you need toface the test of the scientific area MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE!Test applications Hoepli are an easy and effective way toprepare for the test of the scientific MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE.Perfect for practice anywhere, anytime with maximum comfort. A newway to challenge you!This version contains 960 questions , complete with thecorrect answer, to verify your performance.The application allows you to make an unlimited numberof:- Simulated tests of 20 questions with a maximum time of 30minutes- Simulated tests of 40 questions with a maximum time of 60minutes- Simulated tests of 60 questions with a maximum time of 90minutes- Simulated tests of 80 questions with a maximum time of 120minutes as a true test exam officialFor each test that you can generate:- ANSWER subject and then change your answer before the end of thetest- DISCOVER the percentage of your correct answers and those thatyou were wrong- REVISE the outcome of your test through a graphic- ASSESS your progress through statistical processingIn "exercises" you can:- Train on all matters of official testing: general knowledge andlogical reasoning, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology- CHECK your answers with solutions- FILL your weaknesses through the comments of the Team HT
Marolli Technical Dictionary 2.1.1
Marolli Technical Dictionary, a classic reference of the scientificliterature
SM2 Lauree Scientifiche (lite) 1.6
Tutto quello che ti serve per affrontare laprova dei SAPERI MINIMI dell'area scientifica!Le applicazioni Hoepli Test sono uno strumento facile edefficace per prepararti alla prova dei SAPERI MINIMI dell'areascientifica.Perfetto per esercitarti dove e quando vuoi con la massimacomodità. Un nuovo modo per metterti alla prova!Questa versione contiene un campione di domande utili, completedi risposta corretta, per verificare la tua performance (nellaversione completa trovi 960 domande).L’applicazione ti consente di generare:– prove simulate da 20 domande con un tempo massimo di 30minuti– prove simulate da 40 domande con un tempo massimo di 60minutiPer ogni prova che generi puoi:– RISPONDERE con riserva e quindi modificare la tua risposta primadella fine del test– SCOPRIRE la percentuale delle tue risposte corrette e quelle chehai sbagliato– RIVEDERE l’esito del tuo test attraverso un’elaborazionegrafica– VALUTARE i tuoi progressi attraverso elaborazioni statisticheIn modalità “Esercizi” puoi:– ALLENARTI con tutte le domande oggetto della prova ufficiale:Cultura generale e ragionamento logico, Matematica, Chimica,Fisica, Biologia– VERIFICARE le tue risposte grazie alle soluzioni– COLMARE le tue lacune attraverso i relativi commenti del TeamHTEverything you need toface the test of the scientific area MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE!Test applications Hoepli are an easy and effective way toprepare for the test of the scientific MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE.Perfect for practice anywhere, anytime with maximum comfort. A newway to challenge you!This version contains a sample of useful questions, completewith the correct answer, to verify your performance (in full version has 960 questions).The application allows you to generate:- Simulated tests of 20 questions with a maximum time of 30minutes- Simulated tests of 40 questions with a maximum time of 60minutesFor each test that you can generate:- ANSWER subject and then change your answer before the end of thetest- DISCOVER the percentage of your correct answers and those thatyou were wrong- REVISE the outcome of your test through a graphic- ASSESS your progress through statistical processingIn "exercises" you can:- Train with all applications included in the official test:general knowledge and logical reasoning, Maths, Chemistry, Physics,Biology- CHECK your answers with solutions- FILL your weaknesses through the comments of the Team HT
HT4 Formazione Primaria 1.6
Tutto quello che ti serve per affrontare iltest di ammissione a SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONE PRIMARIA!Le applicazioni Hoepli Test sono uno strumento facile edefficace per prepararti ai test di ammissione all’università.Perfetto per esercitarti dove e quando vuoi con la massimacomodità. Un nuovo modo per metterti alla prova!Questa versione contiene 960 domande, complete dirisposta corretta, per verificare la tua performance.L’applicazione ti consente di comporre un numero illimitatodi:– prove simulate da 20 domande con un tempo massimo di 30minuti– prove simulate da 40 domande con un tempo massimo di 60minuti– prove simulate da 60 domande con un tempo massimo di 80minuti– prove simulate da 80 domande con un tempo massimo di 120minutiPer ogni prova che generi puoi:– RISPONDERE con riserva e quindi modificare la tua risposta primadella fine del test– SCOPRIRE la percentuale delle tue risposte corrette e quelle chehai sbagliato– RIVEDERE l’esito del tuo test attraverso un’elaborazionegrafica– VALUTARE i tuoi progressi attraverso elaborazioni statisticheIn modalità “Esercizi” puoi:– ALLENARTI su tutti gli argomenti della prova ufficiale: Culturalinguistica e ragionamento logico, Cultura letteraria,storico-sociale e geografica, Cultura matematico-scientifica– VERIFICARE le tue risposte grazie alle soluzioni– COLMARE le tue lacune attraverso i relativi commenti del TeamHTEverything you need totake the test for admission to PRIMARY EDUCATION SCIENCE!Test applications Hoepli are an easy and effective way toprepare for college entrance tests.Perfect for practice anywhere, anytime with maximum comfort. A newway to challenge you!This version contains 960 questions , complete with thecorrect answer, to verify your performance.The application allows you to make an unlimited numberof:- Simulated tests of 20 questions with a maximum time of 30minutes- Simulated tests of 40 questions with a maximum time of 60minutes- Simulated tests of 60 questions with a maximum time of 80minutes- Simulated tests of 80 questions with a maximum time of 120minutesFor each test that you can generate:- ANSWER subject and then change your answer before the end of thetest- DISCOVER the percentage of your correct answers and those thatyou were wrong- REVISE the outcome of your test through a graphic- ASSESS your progress through statistical processingIn "exercises" you can:- Train on all matters of official test: linguistic and logicalreasoning Culture Culture literary, historical, social andgeographical Culture mathematical and scientific- CHECK your answers with solutions- FILL your weaknesses through the comments of the Team HT
la Zanichelli 2016 16.3.0
The Zanichelli Encyclopaedia is a powerfultool intended to work out doubtful information, clear up ideas,supply certainties, suggest new issues of discussion in any branchof knowledge. You will find proper names along with specialistexpressions and common nouns requiring an encyclopaedicinvestigation; all entries are developed in a comprehensive way,with a great number of online resources: interactive maps, images,tables (their access needs an Internet connection, even in thedownloadable version).The new 2016 Edition features a brand new and optimized userinterface, a search engine more efficient, the ability to set thefont size to help reading on bigger devices such as tablets.Moreover, all the geographic entries now include a map and theflag.Database• Contents are updated quarterly (last update: 2014/08/28)• More than 71,000 entries compiled by specialists of every field,regularly updated• 40 specialist labels• Birth-and-death dates and places of all personalities included;dates of artistic and literary works• 14,000 geographical entries• A set of 15,000 cross-references among the entriesSearch engine (14.3.ez version):• Compatible with smartphones and tablets Android 4.x and laterversions• User interface in Italian and English• Complete offline use• Direct search in the entry index box, search by headword or fulltext• Advanced search by categories/labelsFor any suggestions, feedback, and other information about ourproducts, please contact us at apps@edigeo.it
Hoepli Japanese Dictionary 2.1.0
Essential tool for all those who work with the Japanese and Italianlanguages.
Enciclopedia dell'Arte 2.1.0
A work intended to work out doubts and supply information on theworld of Arts.
American Slang Dictionary 1.7.1
The app of the American Slang Dictionary by Roberto Cagliero andChiara Spallino is an excellent reference tool for those who needto understand American slang. During the last decades, throughmovies and TV, slang has entered everyday language and has becomean integral part of the American language system. This dictionaryprovides the most comprehensive and updated reference to quicklymeet the needs of translators, cinephiles, advertisers, musicenthusiasts, journalists, and anyone facing the need to understandthe everyday and ever-changing language spoken in the USA. Specialattention has been paid to give a comprehensive description of theheadwords, of their different submeanings and synonyms. Particularattention has also been paid to the tagging of terms with speciallabels, such as IT, hip-hop and hipster culture, politics, sport,African-American expression, and so on, as to make it easy for thereader to quickly understand where the expression comes from and inwhat context it is used. Moreover, the dictionary includes manywords and expressions used in what is usually called "acro-speak"(the tendency to speak with acronyms and abbreviations, firstoriginated in American English and now spread throughout Europe),cases of antiphrasis (the use of a word or phrase in a way that isopposite of what it really means) and many new words created todescribe particular historical events. The app interface allows youto search the index entries, in the translations and even to make afull-text search selecting one of the provided usage labels.Database • 21,000 American headwords and 500 nicknames • 27,000submeanings • 35,000 Italian translations • 3000 examples • 100cultural information boxes • Usage labels Software • Compatiblewith smartphonesn and tablets Android 5.x and later versions • Userinterface in Italian and English with font size setting option. •Can be used offline • Direct search in the entry index box, searchby headword or full text • Advanced search by usage labels • InPortrait mode, ability to scroll the definitions to the right toreturn to the list of entries or search results • Ability to changethe font size of the definitions For any suggestions, feedback, andother information about our products, please contact us atapps@edigeo.it Follow us on Facebook athttps://www.facebook.com/edigeosrl
Hoepli Polish Dictionary 2.1.0
The Hoepli Polish Dictionary is a unique reference for students andtourists.
HT9 Scienze Motorie 1.6
Tutto quello che ti serve per affrontareiltest di ammissione a SCIENZE MOTORIE!Le applicazioni Hoepli Test sono uno strumento facile edefficaceper prepararti ai test di ammissione all’università.Perfetto per esercitarti dove e quando vuoi con la massimacomodità.Un nuovo modo per metterti alla prova!Questa versione contiene 960 domande, complete dirispostacorretta, per verificare la tua performance.L’applicazione ti consente di comporre un numeroillimitatodi:– prove simulate da 20 domande con un tempo massimo di30minuti– prove simulate da 40 domande con un tempo massimo di60minuti– prove simulate da 60 domande con un tempo massimo di80minuti– prove simulate da 80 domande con un tempo massimo di120minutiPer ogni prova che generi puoi:– RISPONDERE con riserva e quindi modificare la tua rispostaprimadella fine del test– SCOPRIRE la percentuale delle tue risposte corrette e quellechehai sbagliato– RIVEDERE l’esito del tuo test attraversoun’elaborazionegrafica– VALUTARE i tuoi progressi attraverso elaborazioni statisticheIn modalità “Esercizi” puoi:– ALLENARTI su tutti gli argomenti della prova ufficiale:Culturagenerale e ragionamento logico, Chimica, Biologia,Matematica efisica, Discipline sportive e storia dello sport– VERIFICARE le tue risposte grazie alle soluzioni– COLMARE le tue lacune attraverso i relativi commenti delTeamHTEverything you needtotake the test for admission to MOTOR SCIENCES!Test applications Hoepli are an easy and effective way topreparefor college entrance tests.Perfect for practice anywhere, anytime with maximum comfort. Anewway to challenge you!This version contains 960 questions , complete withthecorrect answer, to verify your performance.The application allows you to make an unlimitednumberof:- Simulated tests of 20 questions with a maximum time of30minutes- Simulated tests of 40 questions with a maximum time of60minutes- Simulated tests of 60 questions with a maximum time of80minutes- Simulated tests of 80 questions with a maximum time of120minutesFor each test that you can generate:- ANSWER subject and then change your answer before the end ofthetest- DISCOVER the percentage of your correct answers and those thatyouwere wrong- REVISE the outcome of your test through a graphic- ASSESS your progress through statistical processingIn "exercises" you can:- Train on all matters of official testing: general knowledgeandlogical reasoning, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics andPhysics,Discipline of sports and sports history- CHECK your answers with solutions- FILL your weaknesses through the comments of the Team HT
Hoepli Test Psicologia 2.0.0
Test di ammissione all'Università alleporte?Preparati al meglio con la nuovissima app Hoepli Test perlapreparazione ai test di ammissione a tutti i corsi di laureainPsicologia.Le app Hoepli Test sono strumenti estremamente facili eintuitiviche puoi utilizzare in qualsiasi momento e ovunque titrovi permigliorare la tua preparazione facendo pratica seguendo ituoitempi.Questa app si avvale di un database di 1000 domande conlerelative spiegazioni per consentirti di generare unnumeropraticamente illimitato di test, ciascuno diverso dalprecedente,per supportare in modo ottimale la tua preparazione.Dopo averescaricato e avviato l’app, puoi simulare un test completoda 80domande, analogo a quello che affronterai nella realtà osceglieredi verificare rapidamente la tua preparazione completandotestbrevi di 20 domande, soluzione ideale per ottimizzare i tuoitempimorti. In entrambi i casi, hai sempre la possibilità disospendereil test e riprenderlo in un secondo momento, consegnarloecontrollare le soluzioni o abbandonarlo per iniziarneunonuovo.Lo svolgimento del test è progettato per simulare quellocheaffronterai nella realtà. Infatti, le funzioni dell’appticonsentono di:– rispondere con riserva e quindi modificare ogni risposta, maunasola volta;– conoscere il numero delle domande a cui hai risposto e quellechemancano;– scoprire il punteggio e la percentuale delle risposte corretteperogni materia;– verificare le risposte corrette e sbagliate in unpraticoriepilogo;– consultare le risposte commentate di tutte le domande;– valutare i tuoi progressi attraverso intuitivesintesigrafiche.Prima di affrontare la simulazione dei test puoi fare praticaconla funzione Esercitati che ti consente di:– allenarti su tutti gli argomenti della prova: Ragionamentologico,Cultura generale, Cultura scientifica, Inglese;– scegliere su quali materie esercitarti;– riscontrare all'istante l’esattezza di ogni risposta econsultareil commentoCaratteristiche• Compatibile con smartphone e tablet Android 4.x eversionisuccessive• Database di 1000 domande con commenti dellerispostecorrette• Test completo con 80 domande per una durata di 100 minuti• Test breve con 20 domande per una durata di 30 minuti• Generazione casuale dei test con ripartizione delle materieinbase alle ultime specifiche ministeriali• Scelta delle materie di esercitazione• Statistiche sui test completati con punteggio e percentualipermateria• Grafica di valutazione dell'andamento per ogni materiaecomplessivo• Completo utilizzo offline.University admissiontestat the gates? The best possible with the new app HoepliTestpreparation tests for admission to all undergraduate programsinPsychology.The app Hoepli Test instruments are extremely easy andintuitivethat you can use anytime and anywhere in order topreparepracticing following your times.This app uses a database of 1,000 questions with explanationssoyou can generate a virtually unlimited number of tests,eachdifferent from the last, to optimally support yourpreparation.After you download and start the app, you can simulatea completetest of 80 questions, similar to what you'll face in thereal orchoose to quickly check your preparation by completing ashort testof 20 questions, the ideal solution to optimize yourdowntime.Either way, you always have the possibility of suspendingthe testand resume at a later time, deliver and control solutionsor leaveit to start a new one.The conduct of testing is designed to simulate what theywillface in reality. In fact, the functions of the app will allowyouto:- Responding with reserve and then edit any answer, butonlyonce;- Know the number of the questions that you answered and thosethatare missing;- Find out the score and the percentage of correct answers foreachsubject;- Verify the correct and wrong answers in a handy summary;- Refer to the answers of all questions commented;- Assess your progress through intuitive graphical summaries.Before addressing the simulation of tests you can practicewiththe Practice feature that allows you to:- To train on all subjects of the test: Logical Reasoning,GeneralKnowledge, Scientific, English;- Choose which subjects to practice;- Instantly detect the accuracy of every response andconsultcommentCharacteristics• Compatible with smartphones and tablets Android 4.x• Database of 1000 questions with comments of correct answers• Complete test with 80 questions for a period of 100 minutes• Short test with 20 questions for a duration of 30 minutes• Generate random tests with distribution of materials accordingtothe latest specifications ministerial• materials selection exercise• Statistics on completed tests with scores and percentagesbysubject• Graphic evaluation of each subject and overall• Complete offline use.
HT9 Scienze Motorie (lite) 1.6
Tutto quello che ti serve per affrontareiltest di ammissione a SCIENZE MOTORIE!Le applicazioni Hoepli Test sono uno strumento facile edefficaceper prepararti ai test di ammissione all’università.Perfetto per esercitarti dove e quando vuoi con la massimacomodità.Un nuovo modo per metterti alla prova!Questa versione contiene un campione di domande utili,completedi risposta corretta, per verificare la tua performance(nellaversionecompleta trovi 960 domande).L’applicazione ti consente di generare:– prove simulate da 20 domande con un tempo massimo di30minuti– prove simulate da 40 domande con un tempo massimo di 60minutiPer ogni prova che generi puoi:– RISPONDERE con riserva e quindi modificare la tua rispostaprimadella fine del test– SCOPRIRE la percentuale delle tue risposte corrette e quellechehai sbagliato– RIVEDERE l’esito del tuo test attraversoun’elaborazionegrafica– VALUTARE i tuoi progressi attraverso elaborazioni statisticheIn modalità “Esercizi” puoi:– ALLENARTI con tutte le domande oggetto della provaufficiale:Cultura generale e ragionamento logico, Chimica,Biologia,Matematica e fisica, Discipline sportive e storia dellosport– VERIFICARE le tue risposte grazie alle soluzioni– COLMARE le tue lacune attraverso i relativi commenti delTeamHTEverything you needtotake the test for admission to MOTOR SCIENCES!Test applications Hoepli are an easy and effective way topreparefor college entrance tests.Perfect for practice anywhere, anytime with maximum comfort. Anewway to challenge you!This version contains a sample of useful questions, completewiththe correct answer, to verify your performance (in full version has 960 questions).The application allows you to generate:- Simulated tests of 20 questions with a maximum time of30minutes- Simulated tests of 40 questions with a maximum time of60minutesFor each test that you can generate:- ANSWER subject and then change your answer before the end ofthetest- DISCOVER the percentage of your correct answers and those thatyouwere wrong- REVISE the outcome of your test through a graphic- ASSESS your progress through statistical processingIn "exercises" you can:- Train with all applications included in the official test:generalknowledge and logical reasoning, Chemistry, Biology,Mathematics andPhysics, Discipline of sports and sportshistory- CHECK your answers with solutions- FILL your weaknesses through the comments of the Team HT
SM1 Lauree Umanistiche (lite) 1.6
Tutto quello che ti serve per affrontarelaprova dei SAPERI MINIMI dell'area umanistica!Le applicazioni Hoepli Test sono uno strumento facile edefficaceper prepararti alla prova dei SAPERI MINIMIdell'areaumanistica.Perfetto per esercitarti dove e quando vuoi con la massimacomodità.Un nuovo modo per metterti alla prova!Questa versione contiene un campione di domande utili,completedi risposta corretta, per verificare la tua performance(nellaversionecompleta trovi 960 domande).L’applicazione ti consente di generare:– prove simulate da 20 domande con un tempo massimo di30minuti– prove simulate da 40 domande con un tempo massimo di 60minutiPer ogni prova che generi puoi:– RISPONDERE con riserva e quindi modificare la tua rispostaprimadella fine del test– SCOPRIRE la percentuale delle tue risposte corrette e quellechehai sbagliato– RIVEDERE l’esito del tuo test attraversoun’elaborazionegrafica– VALUTARE i tuoi progressi attraverso elaborazioni statisticheIn modalità “Esercizi” puoi:– ALLENARTI con tutte le domande oggetto della provaufficiale:Cultura storico-letteraria e geografica, Lingua ingleseeletterature straniere, Storia dell'arte edell'architettura,Diritto ed economia, Scienze umane e sociali,Ragionamentologico– VERIFICARE le tue risposte grazie alle soluzioni– COLMARE le tue lacune attraverso i relativi commenti delTeamHTEverything you needtoface the test of the humanities MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE!Test applications Hoepli are an easy and effective way topreparefor the test MINIMUM KNOWLEDGE of the humanities.Perfect for practice anywhere, anytime with maximum comfort. Anewway to challenge you!This version contains a sample of useful questions, completewiththe correct answer, to verify your performance (in full version has 960 questions).The application allows you to generate:- Simulated tests of 20 questions with a maximum time of30minutes- Simulated tests of 40 questions with a maximum time of60minutesFor each test that you can generate:- ANSWER subject and then change your answer before the end ofthetest- DISCOVER the percentage of your correct answers and those thatyouwere wrong- REVISE the outcome of your test through a graphic- ASSESS your progress through statistical processingIn "exercises" you can:- Train with all applications included in the official test:Cultureliterary history and geography, English Language andLiteratures,History of Art and Architecture, Law and Economics,Humanities andSocial Sciences, Logical Reasoning- CHECK your answers with solutions- FILL your weaknesses through the comments of the Team HT
Technical Dictionary FR-IT 2.1.1
A great tool for translators and people working with French andItalian.
Russian-Italian Dictionary 2.2.0
Great tool for translators and people working with Russian &Italian languages.
Food Dictionary 2.2.0
Essential tool to understand the world of gastronomy.
Test 118 4.0.0
The app allows you to practice for certification testing of AREULombardia
Legal lexicon in 3 languages 2.0.1
Legal lexicon in 3 languages for jurists, linguists and translators
Dizionario dei Phrasal Verbs 2.0.1
A great tool for translators and people working the Englishlanguage.
Albanian-Italian Dictionary 2.1.0
A great tool for translators and people working withAlbanian-Italian languages
New Economics & Business 2.0.2
An English-Italian dictionary spanning every branch of finance andeconomy.
HT Professioni sanitarie 4.1.1
Entrance test to the University? Be ready with the Hoepli Test app!
Hoepli Test Medicina 4.1.1
Entrance test to the University? Be ready with the Hoepli Test app!
Hoepli Test Architettura 4.0.1
Entrance test to the University? Be ready with the Hoepli Test app!
Hoepli Test Ingegneria 4.1.1
Entrance test to the University? Be ready with the Hoepli Test app!
HT - Formazione primaria 4.1.1
Entrance test to the University? Be ready with the Hoepli Test app!
Business Dictionary DE-IT 2.1.1
A great tool for translators and people working with German andItalian.
Gastronomy DIctionary Hoepli 2.0.1
Dizionario Gastronomico Hoepli of the Italian astronomy in fivelanguages
Dizionario Italiano Gabrielli 2.1.2
A paramount point of reference in rhe Italian lexicography
Swahili-Italian Dictionary 2.0.0
Great tool for translators and people working with Swahili andItalian languages
Catalogo Hoepli 1.3.1
Precious reference tool for searching the Hoepli catalog
Classic Greek Dictionary 2.0.0
A great tool for translators and people working the Classical Greeklanguage.
Hoepli Test Agraria 2.0.0
Entrance test to the University? Be ready with our Hoepli Test app!
Hoepli Test Bocconi 1.0.2
Entrance test to the University? Be ready with the Hoepli Test app!
le Garzantine – Filosofia 2.0.2
Comprehensive dictionary of the history of western philosophy
Hoepli English Dictionary 2.1.2
A great tool for translators and students working with both Englishand Italian,
Russian Technical Dictionary 2.1.1
Great tool for translators and people working with Russian andItalian languages
le Garzantine - Economia 2.0.2
Comprehensive encyclopedic dictionary of the economy and finance
Dizionario Latino Hoepli 2.0.0
The Latin Dictionary is a unique reference for students, teachersand linguists
Russian Technical Dictionary 2.1.1
Great tool for translators and people working with Russian andItalian languages
l'Enciclopedia Zanichelli 22.0.0
The app to work out doubts, clear up ideas, supply information.
le Garzantine - Antichità 2.0.2
Comprehensive dictionary of the Classical Greek and Latincivilizations
Chinese-Italian/Italian-Chinese Dictionary 2.0.1
This app provides the Hoepli edition oftheChinese-Italian/Italian-Chinese Dictionary from Zhang Shihua.Theaim of this dictionary - licensed by Shanghai ForeignLanguageEducation Press - is to represent the actual use of ChineseandItalian vocabulary, using methodological principles inaccordancewith nowadays requirements of bilingual users. Thedictionary isthe ultimate tool for both native speakers of ChinesestudyingItalian, and Italians studying Chinese. The piniyintranscriptionof headwords and of all acceptions of Chinese entries,togetherwith the use of latin alphabetical sorting even for entriesin theChinese-Italian section, make the use of this dictionaryextremelyeasy also for those who are not particular confident withChineseideograms. The Chinese-Italian part of the app includes morethan20,000 headwords that well represent the enrichment ofmodernChinese language. The Italian-Chinese part offers arepertoire withmore than 30,000 entries and refers to the severalItaliandictionaries published in recent years, which reflectneologismsand trends in contemporary Italian language. Particularattentionis devoted to phraseology, to examples of use in whichevery singlevoice, in every sense, is achievable or realized. Theexamples werechosen based on the higher frequency they have in thecurrentaverage use. The app's interface has been redesigned toprovide asimpler and more intuitive experience. Each definition canbeshared using the features available in the device, such associalmedia, e-mail, SMS, cloud. A main menu that can be activatedvia anicon available at the top right of the screen enables allthefeatures of the app: • Index search: displays in alphabeticalorderthe headwords that match the characters typed in the searchbox •Advanced Search: allows to make full text searches typing oneormore Italian or Chinese words • Settings: allows you to choosethefont size of the definitions and the language of the interface•History: keeps a record of the searches performed •Abbreviations:displays a table with an explanation of theabbreviations usedwithin the definitions • Feedback: use it toprovide suggestions,and notify errors, missing entries or othercomments • Our apps:displays an updated and detailed catalog of ouroffer • Privacy andCredits: view legal notices about the appFeatures • Compatiblewith smartphones and tablets Android 8.x andlater versions • Checkfor updates online and use of the dictionaryoffline • Userinterface in Italian, English and Chinese • 42,500entries • 50,000among examples, compound expressions, and idioms •Pinyintranscriptions of Chinese headwords and translations •Latinalphabet sorting of the Chinese-Italian section • In Portraitmode,ability to scroll the definitions to the right to return tothelist of entries or search results • Sharing the definitionsusingthe features available in the device, such as social media,e-mail,SMS, etc. For any suggestions, feedback, and otherinformationabout our products, please contact us at apps@edigeo.itFollow uson our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/edigeosrl
le Garzantine - Mediowvo 2.0.2
Complete encyclopedic dictionary of the story and culture of theMiddle Ages
Hoepli Test Scienze motorie 4.0.2
Entrance test to the University? Be ready with the Hoepli Test app!