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El Telón PRO - Sin Publicidad 1.1.2
El Telon SpA
*** VERSIÓN SIN PUBLICIDAD ***Todas las radios y canales de TV de Chile en un solo lugar.Más de 1.7 millones de descargas en Chile no puedenestarequivocadas.¡Descarga El Telón PRO y ayúdanos a seguir creciendo!El Telón PRO es la mejor forma para escuchar radio y vertelevisiónen tu teléfono y tablet. SIN PUBLICIDAD.Disfruta nuestro contenido exclusivo! Radios y canales quehemoscreado solo para ti.Ayúdanos a mejorar! Síguenos en Facebook y mándanos tuscomentariosy opiniones a contacto@eltelon.com*****************************************TERMINOS LEGALES DE LA APPhttp://www.eltelon.com/tosEl Telón sólo enlaza señales que se encuentranactualmentedisponibles en internet para todo público y no espropietario deninguna de las señales publicadas en la aplicación,reconociendolos derechos de propiedad intelectual de cada uno desuspropietarios.Si el propietario de alguna señal no está de acuerdo conlapublicación de ésta en nuestra aplicación, debe enviar un correoaremovals@eltelon.com acreditando su condición de propietarioysolicitando la remoción de la señal. La señal será eliminada enunplazo máximo de 48 horas hábiles.El Telón no es responsable de la calidad de las señales ni desudisponibilidad, esto depende únicamente de cada canal detelevisióny/o estación de radio.El uso de la aplicación móvil utiliza conexión a internet, porlotanto consume ancho de banda del plan de datos. Porestorecomendamos el uso de wifi cuando se encuentredisponible.Estos términos están publicados en la aplicación, en sudescripciónen el Appstore y también en nuestro sitio webwww.eltelon.com . ElTelon se reserva el derecho a modificarlos encualquier minuto,siendo esta modificación efectiva desde el minutode supublicación.---------------Eltelon only links up public signals that are currentlyavailableonline and therefore does not own any of the transmissionspostedon the application, recognizing the intellectual propertyrights oftheir individual owners.Nevertheless, if the owner of a signal disagrees with publishinghissignal in our application, they must submit a formal requesttoremove the signal from the app to the addressremovals@eltelon.comwith a proof of ownership and the signal willbe removed in thefollowing 48 working hours.Eltelon isn't responsable of the streaming qualitiesandavailability, and also warns users that using the app overcellularnetwork will consume bandwidth and battery. We recommendusing itover Wifi network whenever it's available.This terms are posted within the application, in its descriptioninthe Appstore and also on our website, we reserve the righttomodify them at any minute, and the changes will be effectivefromthe moment of its publication.******************************************** ***VERSIONADVERTISINGAll radio and TV channels in Chile in one place.More than 1.7 million downloads in Chile can not be wrong.Download The Curtain PRO and help us to keep growing!The Telón PRO is the best way to listen to radio and watch TVonyour phone and tablet. WHITHOUT ADS.Enjoy our exclusive content! Radios and channels we havecreatedjust for you.Help us to improve! Follow us on Facebook and send us yourcommentsand opinions to contacto@eltelon.com*****************************************LEGAL TERMS OF THE APPhttp://www.eltelon.com/tosThe Curtain signals only links that are currently available ontheinternet for all age groups and does not own any of thesignsposted on the application, recognizing the intellectualpropertyrights of each of its owners.If the owner of a signal disagrees with the publication of thisinour application, you must send an email toremovals@eltelon.comproving his ownership and requesting theremoval of the signal. Thesignal will be removed within a maximumof 48 working hours.The curtain is not responsible for the quality of signalsoravailability, this depends solely on each channel television and/or radio station.Using the mobile application uses internet connection, thereforeitconsumes bandwidth data plan. Therefore we recommend usingWi-Fiwhen available.These terms are posted on the application in its description intheAppstore and also on our website www.eltelon.com. TheTelonreserves the right to modify at any minute, being thiseffectivemodification from the moment of its publication.---------------Eltelon only links up public signals That are Currentlyavailableonline and THEREFORE does not own any of the transmissionspostedon the application, Recognizing the intellectual propertyrights ofTheir Individual owners.NEVERTHELESS, if the owner of a signal disagrees With Hispublishingsignal in our application, must submit a Formal Theyrequest toremove the signal from the app to the addressremovals@eltelon.comwith a proof of ownership and the signal willbe removed in thefollowing 48 working hours.Eltelon is not responsible of the streaming qualitiesandavailability, and warns Also users using the app That overcellularnetwork will consume bandwidth and battery. We recommendusing itover Wifi network Whenever it's available. This terms are posted Within the application, in Its descriptioninthe Appstore And Also on our website, we reserve the righttomodify them at any minute, and the Changes will be effectivefromthe moment of Its publication.*****************************************
El Telón Radios y TV Chile 4.2.1
El Telon SpA
Thousands of live channels and radio stations with the best videosand webseries.