Elena Monakhova برنامه ها

Scientific Graph 1.6
Elena Monakhova
This calculator is developed forgraphingcomplicated functions, including logarithmic,exponential,trigonometric, hyperbolic.To plot function one should enter a mathematical expression withxas an unknown variable, as well as the minimum and maximumofX-axis and the number of points.The list of functions that one can use:exp - exponential functionsqrt - square rootabs - absolute value of a number (module)ln - natural logarithm (logarithm to the base e)lg, log10 - common logarithm (logarithm to the base 10)log2 - binary logarithm (logarithm to the base 2)sin - sinecos - cosinetg, tan - tangentctg, cot - cotangentarcsin, asin - arc sinearccos, acos - arc cosinearctg, atan - arc tangentarcctg, acotan, acot - arc cotangentsh, sinh - hyperbolic sinech, cosh - hyperbolic cosineth, tanh - hyperbolic tangentcth, coth - hyperbolic cotangentarsh, arsinh, asinh - hyperbolic arc sinearch, arcosh, acosh - hyperbolic arc cosinearth, artanh, atanh - hyperbolic arc tangentarcth, arcoth, acoth - hyperbolic arc cotangentceil - returns the smallest integer greater than or equaltoargumentfloor - returns the largest integer less than or equaltoargumentround - round a number to the nearest integertrunc - discards the fractional part of a numberExample of the expression:x ^ 2 - cos (arcsin (x)) * log2 (4) * abs (-PI * x)