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Business Englisch
#1 English language learning application -Business English for German-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Business English is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* 2,5 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 9 lessonsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Inglés para viajeros
#1 aplicaciones para el aprendizaje del inglés– ¿cómo digerir el inglés de forma divertida? – ¿cómo aprender demanera natural sin tener que empollar?¿Quiere DOMINAR CON SEGURIDAD LA LENGUA EXTRANJERA, es decir,PENSAR en ella sin tener que traducir de su lengua materna,entender a los hablantes nativos y pronunciar con un acentocorrecto? ¡En este caso LEA CON ATENCIÓN lo que sigue acontinuación!Se trata de un aprendizaje del inglés a través de un métodoúnico, basado en investigaciones científicas, y aprobado pornuestros clientes del mundo entero. ¡Este método de aprendizaje delenguas extranjeras es considerado como uno de los más eficientespara autodidactas! Aproveche hasta el 97 % de sus sentidos y de sumemoria lógica, la más eficiente clase de memoria, en la que lasinformaciones se guardan en conjuntos lógicos (frases enteras,historias). De una forma similar aprenden su lengua materna tambiénlos niños pequeños. Así que ¿por qué usted debería ser unaexepción? Los niños primero escuchan, después imitan a los adultosy al final tratan de formar sus propias uniones de palabras yoraciones. Aquí aprenderá ÚNICAMENTE la pronunciación correcta, yaque escucha solamente a hablantes nativos.Cada lección está cuidadosamente preparada por hablantes nativosde EE.UU. y Reino Unido. Los temas se basan en el tipo desituaciones que son más comunes en la vida real.Ventajas del método:* no se aprende de memoria* usted subconscientemente también aprenderá la gramática mediantela repetición de sentencias* no hay necesidad de un diccionario* fácil de entender cómo construir frases en inglésSmartLanguage es tan simple y fácil de usar.El curso contiene las siguientes lecciones:* ¿Cómo estudiar? - 8 minutos, 44 oraciones, 264 palabrasnuevas* Viajes - 51 minutos, 289 oraciones* Hotel - 22 minutos, 165 oraciones* Snowboarding - 8 minutos, 41 oraciones* Un viaje haciendo rafting por el rio - 16 minutos, 94oraciones* Visita al acuario - 11 minutos, 61 oracionesSi desea tener más lecciones puede probar las aplicacionesInglés cotidiano, Inglés de Negocios o Inglés PREMIUM con las querecibirá GRATUITAMENTE las aplicaciones Verbos irregulares +Pronunciación y deletreo.Para obtener más información por favor no dude en visitar elsitio del producto en usted desea expresar algo a nosotros, por favor, envíe unmensaje a nuestro soporte técnico directamente desde la aplicación,es la única manera en la que somos capaces de responder.# 1 apps for learningEnglish - how digest English in a fun way? - How to learn naturallywithout having to hatch?Want DOMINATE FOREIGN LANGUAGE SAFE, ie THINK about it withouthaving to translate from their native language, understand nativespeakers and speak with an accent right? In this case READCAREFULLY what follows!This is an English learning through a unique method, based onscientific research and approved by our customers worldwide. Thismethod of learning foreign languages ​​is considered one of themost efficient self-taught! Take up to 97% of his senses and hismemory logic, memory efficient class, in which the information isstored into logical sets (whole sentences, stories). In a similarway also learn their mother tongue young children. So why youshould be an exception? Children First listen, then imitate adultsand finally try to form their own unions of words and sentences.ONLY then will you learn the correct pronunciation, and listeningonly to native speakers.Each lesson is carefully prepared by native speakers U.S. andthe UK. The topics are based on the kinds of situations that aremore common in real life.Advantages of the method:* Memory is not learned* You will also learn the grammar subconsciously by repeatingsentences* No need for a dictionary* Easy to understand how to construct sentences in EnglishSmartLanguage is so simple and easy to use.The course contains the following lessons:* How to study? - 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264 new words* Travel - 51 minutes, 289 sentences* Hotel - 22 minutes, 165 sentences* Snowboarding - 8 minutes, 41 sentences* A rafting trip down the river - 16 minutes, 94 sentences* Visit to the Aquarium - 11 minutes, 61 sentencesIf you want more lessons can test applications everyday English,Business English or English PREMIUM with which applications receiveFREE Irregular verbs + pronunciation and spelling.For more information please feel free to visit the product sitein you want to say something to us, please send a message to oursupport directly from the application, is the only way in which weare able to respond.
불규칙 동사
# 1 English language learning application -English irregular verbs for Korean-speakingSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of:* 42 minutes* 1 377 sentences* 1 873 unique wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Inglês básico 1
Aplicação nº 1 para aprender língua inglesa! -absorva inglês de forma divertida – aprenda sem memorização e deforma natural!Quer REALMENTE CONHECER A LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA e logo pensar nela,isto é entender os falantes nativos e falar com o sotaque correto esem traduzir? Então leia COM ATENÇÃO!O ensino de inglês através de método especial SmartLanguage,baseada em ciência e comprovada por muitos de nossos clientes.SmartLanguage é o método mais eficiente para o ensino de línguasestrangerias para os autodidatas. Aproveite até 97% dos seus sensose sua memória lógica - o mais efetivo tipo da memória, quando asinformações estão guardadosguardadas num conjunto lógico (a fraseinteira, uma história). De mesma maneira as crianças aprendem alíngua materna. Primeiro elas escutam, depois imitam os adultos eno final elas mesmas tentam criar próprias locuções verbais efrases.Você aprende SOMENTE a pronúncia correta - ouve só osverdadeiros falantes nativos.As vantagens do método:* você não memoriza as palavras separadamente* você não estuda a gramática chata* você não precisa de um dicionário* você facilmente entenderá como fazer as frases inglesascorretamenteA aplicação é de uso fácil e intuitivo, não procure asdesnecessidades.O curso contém as seguintes lições:* Como estudar inglês: 8 minutos, 44 frases, 264 palavrasúnicas* Pronunciação e soletração:7 minutos, 18 frases, 158 palavrasúnicas* Introdução: 18 minutos, 121 frases* Um dia na família: 35 minutos, 236 frases* Nossa família: 20 minutos, 123 frases* Pequena conversa: 17 minutos, 312 frasesSe você quiser mais lições, tente as aplicações Inglês docotidiano, Inglês para negócios ou Inglês PREMIUM, com as quaisvocê ganha Verbos irregulares + Pronunciação e soletraçãogratuitamente como um bônus.Para obter mais informações, por favor você quiser comunicar algo para nós, faça isso diretamente daaplicação mandando a mensagem para o suporte - só assim vamos poderte ajudar.Application # 1 to learnthe English language! - Absorb English the fun way - learn withoutmemorizing and natural way!Want to REALLY KNOW THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE logo and think aboutit, this is to understand native speakers and speak with thecorrect accent and without translating? Then read CAREFULLY!Teaching English through SmartLanguage special method, based onscience and proven by many of our customers. SmartLanguage is themost efficient method for teaching languages ​​estrangerias forautodidacts. Enjoy up to 97% of their senses and their logicalmemory - the most effective type of memory when the information isguardadosguardadas a logical set (the whole sentence, a story). Inthe same way children learn their mother tongue. First they listen,then imitate the adults and in the end they themselves try tocreate own phrases and verb phrases.You learn the correct pronunciation ONLY - heard only realnative speakers.The advantages of the method:* You do not memorize the words separately* You do not study grammar boring* You do not need a dictionary* You easily understand how the English phrases correctlyThe application is easy to use and intuitive, does not look thedesnecessidades.The course contains the following lessons:* How to learn English: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264 wordsonly* Pronunciation and spelling: 7 minutes, 18 sentences, 158 wordsonly* Introduction: 18 minutes, 121 sentences* A day in the family: 35 minutes, 236 sentences* Our family: 20 minutes, 123 sentences* Small Talk: 17 minutes, 312 sentencesIf you want more lessons, try the applications of everydayEnglish, business English or English PREMIUM, with which you gain +Irregular verbs pronunciation and spelling for free as a bonus.For more information, please visit you want to communicate something to us, please do sodirectly from the application sending the message to the support -just so we could help you.
Temel İngilizce 2
1 numaralı İngilizce uygulaması – hafızlamaolmadan doğal yöntemle ders çalışın - İngilizceyi eğlenereköğrenin!Anadili konuşan ile anlaşmak ve çevirmeden doğru şiveyikullanarak konuşmak yani YABANCI DİLE HAKİKATEN HÂKİM OLMAK veyabancı dilde DÜŞÜNMEK istiyor musunuz? Evet diyorsanız okumayadevam edin!Dünya çapında bizim müşterimiz tarafından kanıtlanmış, bilimleredayalı ve eşsiz yöntemi uygulayan İngilizce dersi. Yabancı dilalanında kendi kendini eğitenlere en etkili yöntemdir! Mantıkçerçeve (tüm cümle, hikâye) içerisinde bilgiler kaydedilmesinisağlayan en verimli hafıza türü olan mantık hafızanızdan veduyularınızın %97’sinden yararlanın. Buna benzer yöntem ile küçükçocukların da anadilini öğrendikleri tarz Sizde neden etkiliolmasın?! Çocuklar başta sadece dinlendikten sonra yetişkinleritaklit eder ve sonunda kendileri cümle kurmaya başlar. SADECE doğruşiveyi öğrenirsiniz – sadece gerçek anadili konuşanlarıdinlersiniz.Her bir ünite ABD ve İngiltere’den anadili konuşanlar tarafındanözenle seçilmiştir. Yani konuşmalar Sizin de çoğunluklayüzleşeceğiniz gerçek durumlara dayalıdır.Yöntemin avantajları:* tek tek kelime hafızlamanıza gerek yoktur* Sıkıcı grameri öğrenmiyorsunuz* sözlüğe gerek yoktur* İngilizce cümleleri doğru bir şekilde kurmayı kolaylıklakavrarsınızUygulamanın basit ve sezgiyle anlaşılabilen kullanımıvardır.Ders bu üniteden ibarettir:* İngilizce nasıl öğrenilir: 8 dakika, 44 cümle, 264 tekilkelime* İmla ve telafuz: 7 dakika, 18 cümle, 158 tekil kelime* Davranışlar, duygular, hisler: 45 dakika, 334 cümle* Eğlence: 40 dakika, 252 cümle* Telefon görüşmesi: 13 dakika, 222 cümle* İş mülakatı: 18 dakika, 245 cümleDaha fazla ünite istiyorsanız, Düzensiz fiiller + İmla vetelaffuz hediyeli BONUS olarak alacağınız PREMIUM İngilizce, Günlükİngilizce veya İş İngilizcesi’ni deneyin.Daha fazla bilgi için bizi’dan ziyaretedin.Bize bir şey bildirmek istiyorsanız, lütfen bizimle direkSmartLanguage uygulamasından destek ile ilgili mesajınızı gönderin.Sadece böylece yanıt verebiliriz.English No. 1 application- without the natural way to try to learn from swot - Learn Englishamused!To agree with native speakers and translate that to speak aforeign language using the correct accents and foreign languages​​really dominate Do you want THINKING? If you say yes, keepreading!Our proven by our customers worldwide, and unique method ofapplying science-based English lessons. Self-taught in the field offoreign language who is the most effective method! Logic frame (allsentence, story) that enables the most efficient type of memory inwhich information is stored in your memory and sense of logic totake advantage of 97%. A similar method young children learn theirmother tongue in their style to be effective, why are you ?!Children imitate adults, especially after just relax and eventuallybegin to establish their own sentences. You can find just the rightaccent - you can only listen to real native speakers.Each unit of the United States and Britain have been carefullyselected by native speakers. So conversations are based on realsituations you'll face mostly.The advantages of the method:* There is no need to single words hafızlama* Annoying do not learn grammar* There is no need to dictionary* English sentences can readily understand correctly establishApplication is simple to use and can be understoodintuitively.Courses this unit consists of:* How To Learn English: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264 words in thesingular* Spelling and pronunciation: 7 minutes, 18 sentences, 158 words inthe singular* Attitude, emotions, feelings: 45 minutes, 334 sentences* Entertainment: 40 minutes, 252 sentences* Phone calls: 13 minutes, 222 sentences* Job interview: 18 minutes, 245 sentencesIf you want more units, spelling and pronunciation of irregularverbs + PREMIUM bundled as a bonus you get English, try DailyEnglish or business English.For more information, visit us from you want to notify us something, please support us directlyrelated to the application of smartlanguag to send your message.Just so we can respond.
Inglês para negócios
#1 English language learning application -Business English for Brazilian Portuguese native speakers.* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Business English is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* 2,5 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 9 lessonsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
الإنجليزية الممتازة
#1 English language learning application -English PREMIUM for Arabic-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the English PREMIUM is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* Everyday English + Business English* 9 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 27 lessons, 4085 sentences, 58543 wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Anglais général
#1 English language learning application -Everyday English for Polish-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Everyday English is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* 6,5 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 18 lessonsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Angielski w podróży
#1 English language learning application -Travel English for Polish-speakingSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of 6 lessons:* How to study with SmartLanguage?: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264unique words* Travel: 51 minutes, 289 sentences* Hotel: 22 minutes, 165 sentences* Snowboarding: 8 minutes, 41 sentences* River rafting trip: 16 minutes, 94 sentences* Trip to an aquarium: 11 minutes, 61 sentencesFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Podstawowy angielski 1
#1 aplikacja do angielskiego – wchłaniajangielski zabawnie – ucz się bez wkuwania i naturalnie!Chcesz NAPRAWDĘ OPANOWAĆ JĘZYK OBCY i od razu w nim takżeMYŚLEĆ, tj. zrozumieć rodzimych użytkowników języka i mówić zwłaściwym akcentem bez tłumaczenia? Potem UWAŻNIE czytaj dalej!Nauka angielskiego wykorzystująca absolutnie niepowtarzalnąmetodę, naukowo udokumentowaną i sprawdzoną przez dużą ilośćnaszych klientów z całego świata. To najskuteczniejsza metoda naukijęzyków obcych dla samouków! Wykorzystaj aż 97% swoich zmysłów ipamięć logiczną – najskuteczniejszy rodzaj pamięci, kiedy toinformacje zapamiętywane są w logicznych kompleksach (całe zdania,historyjka). W podobny sposób nauczy się język macierzysty takżemałe dziecko, więc dlaczego nie Ty?! Najpierw słuchają, potemimitują dorosłych a w końcu same starają się wytwarzać własnepołączenia słów i zdania. Nauczysz się JEDYNIE właściwą wymowę –słyszysz jedynie prawdziwych rodzimych użytkowników języka.Każda lekcja jest starannie przygotowana przez native speakerówz USA i Wielkiej Brytanii. Tematy opierają się na takichsytuacjach, z którymi spotykamy się w rzeczywistości.Zalety metody:* nie wkuwasz samodzielnych słówek* nie uczysz się nudnej gramatyki* nie potrzebujesz żadnego słownika* łatwa w opanowaniu konstrukcji zdań angielskichAplikacja jest tak prosta i przyjazne w użyciu. Bez zbędnegorozdrabniania się.Kurs zawiera poniższe lekcje:* Jak się uczyć: 8 minut, 44 zdania, 264 słowa jedyne w swoimrodzaju (słownictwo)* Pisownia i wymowa: 7 minut, 18 zdania, 158 słowa jedyne w swoimrodzaju (słownictwo)* Przedstawianie: 18 minut, 121 zdania* Dzień z życia rodziny: 35 minut, 236 zdania* Nasza rodzina: 20 minut, 123 zdania* Krótka konwersacja: 17 minut, 312 zdaniaJeżeli będziesz chciał więcej lekcji, wypróbuj aplikacjeAngielski na co dzień, Angielski w biznesie albo Angielski PREMIUM,do których otrzymasz Czasowniki nieregularne + Pisownia i wymowa zadarmo jako PREMIĘ.W celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji zapraszamy na stronęśli chciałbyś się z nami skontaktować, prześlij proszę do nasswoją wiadomość z aplikacji - to jest jedyny sposób, w jaki możemyodpowiedzieć.# 1 app for English -English Absorption fun - learn without cramming and naturally!Do you want to REALLY master a foreign language, and immediatelyit also THINK, ie to understand native speakers and speak with theproper accent without translation? Then CAREFULLY read on!Learn English using absolutely unique method, scientificallydocumented and proven by a large number of our customers from allover the world. This is the most effective method of learningforeign languages ​​for self-taught! Make up 97% of their sensesand logical memory - the most effective type of memory, when theinformation are stored in logical complexes (a sentence, story). Ina similar way to learn the native language a small child, so whynot you? First listen and then imitate adults and eventuallythemselves trying to produce their own word combinations andsentences. You will learn the correct pronunciation ONLY - you hearonly real native speakers.Each lesson is carefully prepared by native speakers from theUSA and the UK. Topics are based on such situations we face inreality.Advantages of the method:* Not cram independent vocabulary* Do not learn boring grammar* Do not need any dictionary* Easy to master the structure of English sentencesThe application is so easy and friendly to use. Without anysplintering.The course includes the following lessons:* How to learn: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264 words unique(vocabulary)* Spelling and pronunciation: 7 minutes, 18 sentences, 158 wordsunique (vocabulary)* Presentation: 18 minutes, 121 sentences* A day in the life of the family: 35 minutes, 236 sentences* Our family: 20 minutes, 123 sentences* A brief conversation: 17 minutes, 312 sentencesIf you want more lessons, try apps Everyday English, BusinessEnglish or English premium, which will receive Irregular Verbs +Spelling and pronunciation for free as a bonus.For additional information, please you would like to contact us, please send us a message withyour application - this is the only way in which we canrespond.
관광 영어
#1 English language learning application -Travel English for Korean-speakingSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of 6 lessons:* How to study with SmartLanguage?: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264unique words* Travel: 51 minutes, 289 sentences* Hotel: 22 minutes, 165 sentences* Snowboarding: 8 minutes, 41 sentences* River rafting trip: 16 minutes, 94 sentences* Trip to an aquarium: 11 minutes, 61 sentencesFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
世界各地の言語ガイドGooglePlayがあればアプリケーションは無料です。ダウンロードさえすれば、アプリケーションの内容全てをすぐにご利用になれます。音声資料は有料となります。あなたは休暇や出張で言葉の通じない外国へ旅行しますか。全く知らない環境に置かれても、買い物に行ったり、食事の為にレストランに行ったり、時々ホテルを探したり、レンタカーを借りたり、夕暮れの街にふらりと出かけたり、あちらこちらでいろんな場面に出会います。旅行会話は言葉の通じない国々で、必ず必要なガイドになってくれますもちろん、英語だけであなたは89カ国で話すことができますし、ドイツ語で10カ国、イタリア語では7カ国で話すことができます。しかし、旅行会話はあなたが世界のどの国でも、実用的なコミュニケーションができるよう助けてくれます。もちろん、現地の人々にはあなたが何か一つでも彼らの言葉で話そうとすることが大きな喜びでしょうこの旅行会話の完全版は22カ国言語の旅先で最も使われるフレーズで構成されています。これ以上の旅行ガイドや案内書要らず。お選びいただいた言語をご購入になるか、お買い得な完全版をご購入になれば、フレーズをダウンロードできます。常にインターネットにつなげる必要はありませんーあなたはいつでも自由にこのフレーズをご利用できます。旅行会話の内容はそれぞれの言語が使われる国の特徴によって異なる内容をが含まれています。(地理、固有の料理法、文化、等)各旅行会話は旅先で一番必要とされる31種のテーマで構成されていますので、役立つこと間違いなし、さらには日常の会話でも活用できます。(例えば、挨拶や紹介、お天気、交通手段、食事の際、宿泊、銀行等)それぞれのテーマはネイティブスピーカーによって用意された文章(フレーズや単語)で構成されています。このテーマには恐らくあなたが旅の道のりで出会うであろう、最も一般的な場面場面が収録されています。単に読むのではなく、聞くことに学習の重点を置き、より簡単に発音の練習ができます。ですから、無理に話そうと苦しむのはやめて、大きい音量で再生するだけで十分です、アプリケーションがあなたの為に‘話’してくれます各言語は31種類のテーマで構成されています。* 一般的な表現* 挨拶•紹介* 一般的な質問* 反対の意味の言葉* ホテル•宿泊* レストラン* 朝食* 前菜* スープ* 肉* 海鮮料理* 付け合せ* 野菜・サラダ* 果物・デザート* 飲み物* 苦情* 鉄道旅行* 飛行機* 船旅* バス・市電・地下鉄* タクシー* レンタカー* 観光* 娯楽・文化* 商店* 銀行* 郵便局* 電話* 日付•時間•天気* 数* 緊急事態それぞれの旅行会話には次の内容が収録されています:* 600 文章 (それぞれの言語シリーズに合った)* 30 分の音声録音* 770 ユニークワード(話し言葉)Language Guide around theworldThe application is free if you have a Google Play. If you evendownload, you will be able to use immediately all the contents ofthe application. Audio material will be paid.Do you travel to foreign countries not understand the words on abusiness trip or vacation. Be placed in an environment where I donot know at all, or go shopping, and go to the restaurant for ameal, if you are looking from time to time the hotel are sure torent a car, you can go out and casually to the city of dusk, tovarious scenes here and there encounter. Travel conversation incountries that do not through the words, I become absolutelynecessary guideOf course, you can speak in 89 countries in English only, and 10countries in German, you can speak in 7 countries in Italian.However, in any country in the world, helps us to communicatepractical can you travel conversation. Of course, that you going totalk in terms of their even one something would be great pleasureto local peopleFull version of this trip conversation contains the phrase usedon the road most of the 22 countries language. Does not need aguide or travel guide any more. Or purchasing a language that youhave selected, if you can either purchase the full version abargain, you can download the phrase. Over your do not need toconnect to the Internet, you can always use this phrase freely atany time. The contents depend on the characteristics of the countryin which each language is used is included in the contents of thetravel conversation. (Geography, cuisine, culture, etc. ofspecific)Each trip conversation because it is composed of 31 speciestheme that is needed most on the road, It is sure to help, you canalso use in everyday conversation even. (For example, whenintroduction and greeting, weather, transportation, meals, lodging,banks, etc.)Each theme is composed of (phrases and words) text that isprovided by native speakers. You will meet in the way of thejourney perhaps, scene scene the most common has been recorded inthis theme. Rather than simply reading, the emphasis of learning tobe heard, you can practice pronunciation more easily. So, sufferand going to talk to impossible to stop, it is sufficient to playin big volume, for your application will take care of 'Hanashi'Each language is composed of 31 different themes.* General expression* Greeting • Introduction* General Questions* Words of opposite meaning* Hotel accommodation •* Restaurant* Breakfast* Appetizer* Soup* Meat* Seafood* Garnish* Vegetable salad* Fruit desserts* Drink* Complaint* Rail travel* Plane* Voyage* Bus tram and subways* Taxi* Car Rental* Tourism* Entertainment and cultural* Shop* Bank* Post Office* Phone* Date • Time • weather* Number* EmergencyThe following topics are included in the trip eachconversation:* (Matches the language of each series) 600 text* Voice recording of 30 minutes* 770 unique word (spoken)
الإنجليزية الأساسية 1
تطبيق لتعلم الإنجليزية – استوعب الإنجليزيةبطريقة ممتعة –تعلم بطريقة طبيعية دون عناءهل تتمنى تحدث الإنجليزية و التفكير مباشرة بالانجليزية؟ إذا أردتأن تفهم محدثيك الإنجليزية، تتكلم بلكنة صحيحة بدون الحاجة الىالترجمة أو الحفظ، إذن في هذه الحالة هذا التطبيق موجه لك!تعلم الإنجليزية بطريقة فريدة، مبرهنة علميا ومجربة من قبل زبائنناعبر العالم. إنها الطريقة الأكثر فعالية لتعلّم اللغات الأجنبيةللمتعلمين ذاتيا! سوف تستعمل 97 % من حواسك وذاكرتك المنطقية –نوع منالذاكرة الأكثر فعالية تخزن المعلومات حسب الترتيب المنطقي (الجملبكاملها, التاريخ). حيث أن الأطفال يتعلمون لغتهم الأم بنفس الطريقة ,إذن لم لا تجرب بنفسك؟ الأطفال يستمعون أولا , بعد ذلك يقلدونالبالغين، وفي الأخير يحاولون تكوين الرابط الخاص بهم للكلام و الجمل.ستتعلم النطق الصحيح – ستستمع للناطقين الأصليين فقط. تم تصميم كل درسمن طرف إنجليزي أو أمريكي – تتمركز المواضيع حول أمور الحياةاليومية.مزايا هده الطريقة:* لست مجبرا على الحفظ عن ظهر قلب* ليست لديك قواعد نحوية مقلقة* لست بحاجة إلى قاموس* سوف تتعلم ببساطة كيفية تكوين جمل بالإنجليزيةالتطبيقات سهلة ، وأنت لا تبحث عن الأشياء عديمة الفائدة.الدورة تحتوي على هذه الدروس:* كيفية الدراسة: 8 دقائق, 44 جملة, 264 كلمة فريدة* النطق والإملاء: 7 دقائق, 18 جملة, 158 كلمة فريدة* التقديم: 18 دقيقة, 121 جملة* يوم مع العائلة: 35 دقيقة, 236 جملة* عائلتنا: 20 دقيقة, 123 جملة* مقابلة: 17 دقيقة, 312 جملةإذا أردت المزيد من الدروس، جرب تطبيق الإنجليزية اليومية،الإنجليزية أعمال، أو الإنجليزية بريميوم، مع الأفعال الشاذة + النطقوالإملاء مجانا مثل العلاوة.للمزيد من المعلومات قم بزيارة موقعنا الإلكتروني:.www.Smart-Language.comإذا رغبت بالاتصال بنا، قم بإرسال رسالة مباشرة لنا من التطبيقات –الطريقة الوحيدة التي يمكننا إجابتك بها.Application to learnEnglish - Absorb English in a fun way - learning in a natural waywithout botheringDo you wish to speak English and to think directly in English?If you want to understand Mahdthek English, speak with an accentproperly without the need for translation or conservation, then inthis case this application is directed to you!Learn English in a unique way, demonstrating scientificallyproven by our customers across the world. It is the most effectiveway to learn a foreign language self-learners! Will use 97% of yoursenses and logical memory - a type of memory most effectiveinformation stored logical order (Camel entire history). As thechildren learn their mother tongue in the same way, then why nottry it yourself? Children listen first, then imitate adults, and inthe formation of the latter trying to link their own words andphrases. You will learn the correct pronunciation - will hearnative speakers only. Each lesson is designed by English orAmerican - are stationed topics about everyday things.Advantages of the way this topic:* I'm not forced to memorizing* You do not have grammatical rules troubling* You do not need a dictionary* You will learn how to configure simply sentences in EnglishApplications easy, and you're not looking for uselessthings.Session contains these lessons:* How to study: 8 minutes 0.44 phrase 0.264 unique word* Pronunciation and spelling: 7 minutes 0.18 phrase 0.158 uniqueword* Presentation: 18 minutes 0.121 inter* Day with family: 35 minutes 0.236 inter* Our family: 20 minutes 0.123 inter* Interview: 17 minutes 0.312 interIf you want more lessons, try applying everyday English,business English, or English Premium, with irregular verbs +pronunciation and spelling, such as free bonus.For more information visit our website:. Www.Smart-Language.comIf you wish to contact us, send us a message directly fromapplications - the only way that we can answer them.
Anglais de base 1
#1 application pour anglais – absorbezl’anglais avec amusement – apprenez le naturellement sans potasser!Désirez-vous vraiment PARLER EN ANGLAIS et directement PENSER ENANGLAIS? Si vous voulez comprendre vos interlocuteurs anglais,parler avec un accent correct sans avoir besoin de traduire oubachoter par cœur, alors dans ce cas, cette application estdestinée pour vous!L’enseignement de l’anglais par la méthode unique, approuvéescientifiquement et également vérifiée par nos clients du mondeentier. C’est une méthode la plus efficace pour enseigner leslangues étrangères pour les autodidactes! Vous allez utiliser même97 % de vos sens et votre mémoire logique – ce qui est une sorte demémoire la plus efficace, où les informations sont sauvegardéessous les ensembles logiques (phrase entière, histoire). Les petitsenfants apprennent sa langue maternelle de la même façon, doncpourquoi pas vous ?! Les enfants tout d’abord écoutent, ensuiteimitent les adultes et à la fin ils essayent former leurs propresliaisons des paroles et les phrases.Vous apprenez SEULEMENT laprononciation correcte – vous n’entendez que les locuteursnatifs.Chaque leçon est conçue par une personne d’origine anglaise ouaméricaine. Les thèmes sont basés sur les situations de la viecourante.Les avantages de cette méthode:* sans bachotage par cœur* vous n’apprenez pas une grammatique ennuyeuse* pas besoin de dictionnaire* vous allez comprendre plus simplement comment construire lesphrases en anglaisL’application est facile à maîtriser, c’est intuitive, vous necherchez pas des choses inutiles.Le cours contient ces leçons:* Comment étudier: 8 min, 44 phrases, 264 mots uniques* Prononciation et épellation: 7 min, 18 phrases, 158 motsuniques* Présentation: 18 min, 121 phrases* Journée en famille: 35 min, 236 phrases* Notre famille: 20 min, 123 phrases* Un entretien: 17 min, 312 phrasesSi vous voulez plus de leçons, essayez l’application Anglaisgénéral, Anglais d'affaires ou Anglais PREMIUM, avec Verbesirréguliers + Prononciation et épellation à titre gratuit commeBONUS.Pour plus d’informations visitez notre site vous souhaitez de nous contacter, envoyez nous un messagedirectement de l’application – c’est seulement par cette façon quenous pouvons vous répondre.# 1 application forEnglish - absorb English with fun - learn naturally withoutcramming!Do you really want SPEAK ENGLISH and directly THINKING INENGLISH? If you want to understand your English speakers, talk witha proper focus without the need to translate or cram by heart, soin this case, the application is designed for you!The teaching of English as the only method approvedscientifically and also verified by our customers around the world.It is a most effective method for teaching foreign languages ​​forself-taught! You will use even 97% of your senses and logic memory- which is a kind of memory the most effective, where theinformation is saved in logical units (whole sentence, story).Small children learn their mother tongue in the same way, so whynot you? Children first listen, then imitate adults and at the endthey try to form their own bonds of words and phrases.Vous ONLYlearn the correct pronunciation - you only hear the nativespeakers.Each lesson is designed for a person of English or Americanorigin. The themes are based on situations of everyday life.The advantages of this method:* Without cramming by heart* You do not learn a boring grammatical* Not need a dictionary* You'll understand simply how to build sentences in EnglishThe application is easy to learn, it's intuitive, you do notseek unnecessary things.The course contains these lessons:* How to study: 8 min, 44 sentences, 264 unique words* Pronunciation and spelling: 7 min, 18 sentences, 158 uniquewords* Presentation: 18 min, 121 sentences* Family Day: 35 min, 236 sentences* Our family: 20 min, 123 sentences* An interview: 17 min, 312 sentencesIf you want more lessons, try applying General English, BusinessEnglish or English PREMIUM Irregular verbs with pronunciation andspelling + gratuitous as BONUS.For more information visit our you want to contact us, send us a message directly from theapplication - it is only through this way that we can respond.
Деловой английский
#1 English language learning application -Business English for Russian-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Business English is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* 2,5 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 9 lessonsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Inglés cotidiano
#1 aplicaciones para el aprendizaje del inglés– ¿cómo digerir el inglés de forma divertida? – ¿cómo aprender demanera natural sin tener que empollar?La aplicación es accecible GRATUITAMENTE en Google Play. Sucontenido textual en su extensión completa será disponibleinmediatamente tras descargar y activar la aplicación en sudispositivo.¿Quiere DOMINAR CON SEGURIDAD LA LENGUA EXTRANJERA, es decir,PENSAR en ella sin tener que traducir de su lengua materna,entender a los hablantes nativos y pronunciar con un acentocorrecto?Se trata de un aprendizaje del inglés a través de un métodoúnico, basado en investigaciones científicas, y aprobado pornuestros clientes del mundo entero. ¡Este método de aprendizaje delenguas extranjeras es considerado como uno de los más eficientespara autodidactas! Aproveche hasta el 97 % de sus sentidos y de sumemoria lógica, la más eficiente clase de memoria, en la que lasinformaciones se guardan en conjuntos lógicos (frases enteras,historias). De una forma similar aprenden su lengua materna tambiénlos niños pequeños. Los niños primero escuchan, después imitan alos adultos y al final tratan de formar sus propias uniones depalabras y oraciones.Aquí aprenderá ÚNICAMENTE la pronunciación correcta, ya queescucha solamente a hablantes nativos.Vetanjas del método SmartLanguage:* no se aprende de memoria* usted subconscientemente también aprenderá la gramática mediantela repetición de una gran cantidad de sentencias* no hay necesidad de un diccionario (hay traducciones palabra porpalabra)* fácil de entender cómo construir frases en inglésSmartLanguage es tan simple y fácil de usar. No hay pequeñecesinnecesarias.Aplicación consta de:* 6,5 horas de grabaciones de voz* 4051 palabras únicas (vocabulario)* un total de 18 lecciones, 2728 oraciones, 35814 palabrasAdemás:* Cómo estudiar inglés: 8 minutos, 44 sentencias, 264 palabrasúnicas (vocabulario)* Pronunciación y deletreo: 7 minutos, 18 oraciones, 158 palabrasúnicas* Verbos irregulares: 42 minutos, 1 377 oraciones, 1 873 palabrasúnicasPara obtener más información por favor no dude en visitar elsitio del producto en nosotros nos preocupa la calidad y su satisfacción. Si usteddesea expresar algo a nosotros, por favor, envíe un mensaje anuestro soporte técnico directamente desde la aplicación, es laúnica manera en la que somos capaces de responder.# 1 uses for Englishlearning - how to digest the English in a fun way? - Learn hownaturally without having to hatch?The application is FREE on Google Play accecible. Your textualcontent in its full length will be available immediately afterdownload and activate the application on your device.Want to DOMINATE SAFE FOREIGN LANGUAGE, ie THINK about itwithout having to translate your native language, understand nativespeakers and speak with the correct accent?This is an English learning through a unique method, based onscientific research, and approved by our customers worldwide. Thismethod of learning foreign languages ​​is considered one of themost efficient self-taught! Take up to 97% of their senses andtheir logical memory, the most efficient type of memory in whichinformation is stored in logical sets (complete sentences,stories). In a similar way also learn their mother tongue youngchildren. Children first listen, then imitate adults and finallytry to form their own unions words and sentences.ONLY Here you will learn the correct pronunciation, andlistening only to native speakers.Vetanjas SmartLanguage method:* Memory is not learned* You will also learn grammar subconsciously by repeating a lot ofjudgments* No need for a dictionary (no translations word for word)* Easy to understand how to construct sentences in EnglishSmartLanguage is so simple and easy to use. No unnecessarytrifles.Application comprises:* 6.5 hours of voice recordings* 4051 unique words (vocabulary)* A total of 18 lessons, 2728 sentences, 35814 wordsIn addition:* How to learn English: 8 minutes 44 sentences, 264 unique words(vocabulary)* Pronunciation and spelling: 7 minutes 18 sentences, 158 uniquewords* Irregular verbs: 42 minutes 1 377 sentences, 1873 uniquewordsFor more information please feel free to visit the product sitein are worried about the quality and satisfaction. If you wantto say something to us, please send a message to our supportdirectly from the application, it is the only way we are able torespond.
Anglais de base 2
#1 application pour anglais – absorbezl’anglais avec amusement – apprenez le naturellement sans potasser!Désirez-vous vraiment PARLER EN ANGLAIS et directement PENSER ENANGLAIS? Si vous voulez comprendre vos interlocuteurs anglais,parler avec un accent correct sans avoir besoin de traduire oubachoter par cœur, alors dans ce cas, cette application estdestinée pour vous!L’enseignement de l’anglais par la méthode unique, approuvéescientifiquement et également vérifiée par nos clients du mondeentier. C’est une méthode la plus efficace pour enseigner leslangues étrangères pour les autodidactes! Vous allez utiliser même97 % de vos sens et votre mémoire logique – ce qui est une sorte demémoire la plus efficace, où les informations sont sauvegardéessous les ensembles logiques (phrase entière, histoire). Les petitsenfants apprennent sa langue maternelle de la même façon, doncpourquoi pas vous ?! Les enfants tout d’abord écoutent, ensuiteimitent les adultes et à la fin ils essayent former leurs propresliaisons des paroles et les phrases.Vous apprenez SEULEMENT laprononciation correcte – vous n’entendez que les locuteursnatifs.Chaque leçon est conçue par une personne d’origine anglaise ouaméricaine. Les thèmes sont basés sur les situations de la viecourante.Les avantages de cette méthode:* sans bachotage par cœur* vous n’apprenez pas une grammatique ennuyeuse* pas besoin de dictionnaire* vous allez comprendre plus simplement comment construire lesphrases en anglaisL’application est facile à maîtriser, c’est intuitive, vous necherchez pas des choses inutiles.Le cours contient ces leçons:* Comment étudier: 8 min, 44 phrases, 264 mots uniques* Prononciation et épellation: 7 min, 18 phrases, 158 motsuniques* Comportements, émotions, sentiments: 45 min, 334 phrases* Loisirs: 40 min, 252 phrases* Au téléphone: 13 min, 222 phrases* Travail, Entretiens: 18 min, 245 phrasesSi vous voulez plus de leçons, essayez l’application Anglaisgénéral, Anglais d'affaires ou Anglais PREMIUM, avec Verbesirréguliers + Prononciation et épellation à titre gratuit commeBONUS.Pour plus d’informations visitez notre site vous souhaitez de nous contacter, envoyez nous un messagedirectement de l’application – c’est seulement par cette façon quenous pouvons vous répondre.# 1 application forEnglish - absorb English with fun - learn naturally withoutcramming!Do you really want SPEAK ENGLISH and directly THINKING INENGLISH? If you want to understand your English speakers, talk witha proper focus without the need to translate or cram by heart, soin this case, the application is designed for you!The teaching of English as the only method approvedscientifically and also verified by our customers around the world.It is a most effective method for teaching foreign languages ​​forself-taught! You will use even 97% of your senses and logic memory- which is a kind of memory the most effective, where theinformation is saved in logical units (whole sentence, story).Small children learn their mother tongue in the same way, so whynot you? Children first listen, then imitate adults and at the endthey try to form their own bonds of words and phrases.Vous ONLYlearn the correct pronunciation - you only hear the nativespeakers.Each lesson is designed for a person of English or Americanorigin. The themes are based on situations of everyday life.The advantages of this method:* Without cramming by heart* You do not learn a boring grammatical* Not need a dictionary* You'll understand simply how to build sentences in EnglishThe application is easy to learn, it's intuitive, you do notseek unnecessary things.The course contains these lessons:* How to study: 8 min, 44 sentences, 264 unique words* Pronunciation and spelling: 7 min, 18 sentences, 158 uniquewords* Behaviors, emotions, feelings: 45 min, 334 sentences* Entertainment: 40 min, 252 sentences* By phone: 13 min, 222 sentences* Work, Interviews: 18 min, 245 sentencesIf you want more lessons, try applying General English, BusinessEnglish or English PREMIUM Irregular verbs with pronunciation andspelling + gratuitous as BONUS.For more information visit our you want to contact us, send us a message directly from theapplication - it is only through this way that we can respond.
Inglés básico 1
#1 aplicaciones para el aprendizaje del inglés– ¿cómo digerir el inglés de forma divertida? – ¿cómo aprender demanera natural sin tener que empollar?¿Quiere DOMINAR CON SEGURIDAD LA LENGUA EXTRANJERA, es decir,PENSAR en ella sin tener que traducir de su lengua materna,entender a los hablantes nativos y pronunciar con un acentocorrecto? ¡En este caso LEA CON ATENCIÓN lo que sigue acontinuación!Se trata de un aprendizaje del inglés a través de un métodoúnico, basado en investigaciones científicas, y aprobado pornuestros clientes del mundo entero. ¡Este método de aprendizaje delenguas extranjeras es considerado como uno de los más eficientespara autodidactas! Aproveche hasta el 97 % de sus sentidos y de sumemoria lógica, la más eficiente clase de memoria, en la que lasinformaciones se guardan en conjuntos lógicos (frases enteras,historias). De una forma similar aprenden su lengua materna tambiénlos niños pequeños. Así que ¿por qué usted debería ser unaexepción? Los niños primero escuchan, después imitan a los adultosy al final tratan de formar sus propias uniones de palabras yoraciones. Aquí aprenderá ÚNICAMENTE la pronunciación correcta, yaque escucha solamente a hablantes nativos.Cada lección está cuidadosamente preparada por hablantes nativosde EE.UU. y Reino Unido. Los temas se basan en el tipo desituaciones que son más comunes en la vida real.Ventanjas del método SmartLanguage:* no se aprende de memoria* usted subconscientemente también aprenderá la gramática mediantela repetición de una gran cantidad de sentencias* no hay necesidad de un diccionario* fácil de entender cómo construir frases en inglésSmartLanguage es tan simple y fácil de usar.El curso contiene las siguientes lecciones:* ¿Cómo estudiar? - 8 minutos, 44 oraciones, 264 palabrasnuevas* Pronunciación y deletreo - 7 minutos, 18 oraciones, 158 palabrasnuevas* Presentaciones - 18 minutos, 121 oraciones* Un día en la familia - 35 minutos, 236 oraciones* Nuestra familia - 20 minutos, 123 oraciones* Pequeña charla - 17 minutos, 312 oracionesSi desea tener más lecciones puede probar las aplicacionesInglés cotidiano o Inglés de Negocios con las que recibiráGRATUITAMENTE las aplicaciones Verbos irregulares + Pronunciación ydeletreo.Para obtener más información por favor no dude en visitar elsitio del producto en usted desea expresar algo a nosotros, por favor, envíe unmensaje a nuestro soporte técnico directamente desde la aplicación,es la única manera en la que somos capaces de responder.# 1 apps for learningEnglish - how digest English in a fun way? - How to learn naturallywithout having to hatch?Want DOMINATE FOREIGN LANGUAGE SAFE, ie THINK about it withouthaving to translate from their native language, understand nativespeakers and speak with an accent right? In this case READCAREFULLY what follows!This is an English learning through a unique method, based onscientific research and approved by our customers worldwide. Thismethod of learning foreign languages ​​is considered one of themost efficient self-taught! Take up to 97% of his senses and hismemory logic, memory efficient class, in which the information isstored into logical sets (whole sentences, stories). In a similarway also learn their mother tongue young children. So why youshould be an exception? Children First listen, then imitate adultsand finally try to form their own unions of words and sentences.ONLY then will you learn the correct pronunciation, and listeningonly to native speakers.Each lesson is carefully prepared by native speakers U.S. andthe UK. The topics are based on the kinds of situations that aremore common in real life.Ventanjas SmartLanguage method:* Memory is not learned* You will also learn the grammar subconsciously by repeating a lotof sentences* No need for a dictionary* Easy to understand how to construct sentences in EnglishSmartLanguage is so simple and easy to use.The course contains the following lessons:* How to study? - 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264 new words* Pronunciation and spelling - 7 minutes, 18 sentences, 158 newwords* Presentations - 18 minutes, 121 sentences* A family day - 35 minutes, 236 sentences* Our family - 20 minutes, 123 sentences* Small talk - 17 minutes, 312 sentencesIf you want more lessons can test applications or everydayEnglish Business English with which applications receive FREEIrregular verbs + pronunciation and spelling.For more information please feel free to visit the product sitein you want to say something to us, please send a message to oursupport directly from the application, is the only way in which weare able to respond.
Неправильные глаголы
# 1 English language learning application -English irregular verbs for Russian-speakingSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of:* 42 minutes* 1 377 sentences* 1 873 unique wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
#1 English language learning application -Travel English for Japanese-speakingSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of 6 lessons:* How to study with SmartLanguage?: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264unique words* Travel: 51 minutes, 289 sentences* Hotel: 22 minutes, 165 sentences* Snowboarding: 8 minutes, 41 sentences* River rafting trip: 16 minutes, 94 sentences* Trip to an aquarium: 11 minutes, 61 sentencesFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Einfaches Englisch 1
#1 Applikation für Englisch – Englisch lernenmacht Spaß - lernen Sie ohne büffeln und natürlich!Möchten Sie eine FREMDSPRACHE WIRKLICH BEHERRSCHEN und IN DERFREMDSPRACHE AUCH DENKEN, d. h. Muttersprachler verstehen und mitrichtigen Akzent ohne Übersetzung sprechen? Bitte, lesen Sievorsichtig!Der Englischunterricht mit der SmartLanguage-Methode,wissenschaftlich belegt und schon von vielen unserer Kundenbewiesen. SmartLanguage ist die effektivste Methode desFremdsprachenunterrichts für Autodidakten! Nutzen Sie 97 % IhrerSinne und Ihr logisches Gedächtnis – die wirkvollste Gedächtnisart,wobei man sich Informationen als logische Gesamtheit merkt (ganzerSatz, Geschichte). Auf eine ähnliche Art und Weise lernen IhreMuttersprache auch kleine Kinder, warum sollten Sie es also auchnicht so lernen?! Sie hören erst zu, danach ahmen sie dieErwachsenen nach und versuchen dann auch eigene Wortverbindungenund Sätze zu bilden. Sie lernen NUR die richtige Aussprache – Siehören nur echte Muttersprachler.Die einzelnen Lektionen des Kurses wurden von Muttersprachlernsorgfältig ausgewählt. Die Konversation ist also auf Situationenaufgebaut, in die Sie geläufig geraten können.Vorteile der SmartLanguage-Methode:* Sie werden keine einzelnen Vokabeln büffeln.* Sie werden keine langweilige Grammatik lernen.* Sie brauchen kein Wörterbuch.* Sie werden schnell verstehen, wie die englischen Sätze richtigzusammengestellt werden.Die Anwendung hat eine einfache und intuitive Bedienung.Der Kurs beinhaltet diese Lektionen:* Wie soll mal studieren: 8 Minuten, 44 Sätze, 264 unikaleWörter* Aussprache und Buchstabieren: 7 Minuten, 18 Sätze, 158 unikaleWörter* Sich vorstellen: 18 Minuten, 121 Sätze* Ein Tag in einer Familie: 35 Minuten, 236 Sätze* Unsere Familie: 20 Minuten, 123 Sätze* Small talk: 17 Minuten, 312 SätzeWenn Sie mehr Lektionen möchten, testen Sie die AlltäglichesEnglisch, Business Englisch oder Englisch PREMIUM, dazu bekommenSie die Unregelmäßigen Verben und Aussprache und Buchstabierengratis als BONUS dazu.Für detaillierte Informationen besuchen Sie Sie uns etwas mitteilen möchten, tun Sie das bitte amBesten direkt aus der Anwendung durch Absenden einer Nachricht andie Unterstützung – nur so können wir darauf reagieren.# 1 Application toEnglish - learn English is fun - you learn without cramming andnatural!Want a REALLY DOMINATE FOREIGN LANGUAGE and FOREIGN LANGUAGE INEVEN THINK, that native speakers understand and speak with theright accent without translation? Please read carefully!The teaching of English language with the smart method,scientifically proven and already proven by many of our customers.Smart Language is the most effective method of teaching foreignlanguages ​​for self-taught! Use 97% of your senses and yourlogical mind - the most effective memory type, whereby informationis noted as a logical whole (whole set, history). In a similar wayyour own language is also small children, so why should it not alsolearn so? You only hear about, then they imitate the adults afterand then try to form your own phrases and sentences. You get ONLYthe correct pronunciation - you only hear real nativespeakers. The lessons of the course have been carefully selected by nativespeakers. The conversation is thus built on situations in which youcan get familiar.Benefits of Smart Save method:* You will cram any individual vocabulary.* You will learn no boring grammar.* You do not need a dictionary.* You will quickly understand how the English sentences are puttogether properly.The application has a simple and intuitive operation.The course includes these lessons:* How to study time: 8 Minutes, 44 sentences, 264 wordsUnique* Pronunciation and spelling: 7 Minutes, 18 sentences, 158 wordsUnique* Imagine: 18 minutes, 121 sets* A day in a family: 35 Minutes, 236 sets* Our family 20 minutes, 123 sets* Small talk: 17 minutes, 312 setsIf you want more tutorials, test the everyday English, BusinessEnglish or English PREMIUM, to get the Irregular verbs andpronunciation and spelling as a BONUS free to do so.For detailed information please you want to tell us something, please do so at the top rightof the application by sending a message to the support - just so wecan respond to it.
שיחון לתייר
מדריך שפות לכל עולם- שיחון לתיירהיישום זמין בחינם ב- Google Play. לאחר הורדתו למכשיר שלךוהפעלתו, זמין מייד תוכן התמליל של כל היישום במלואו. הקלטות קוליותהינן למכירה.האם אתם יוצאים לחופשה או לנסיעת עסקים למדינה זרה ואינכם דובריםאת השפה המקומית? במקרה כזה, יהא עליכם להסתדר בסביבה זרה. תיאלצולהסתדר כל אימת שתרצו לקנות בחנויות, לאכול במסעדות, למצוא מקום לינה,לשכור רכב, או לצאת לבלות בערב. בשל כך,שיחון לתייר מהווה עזרה הכרחיתעבורך בכל מדינה בה אינך שולט בשפהידע באנגלית מאפשר לתקשר ב-89 מדינות, ידע בגרמנית ב-10 מדינות,וידע באיטלקית ב-7 מדינות. אולם, השיחון לתייר מאפשר לכם לתקשר כמעטבכל מקום בעולם. בנוסף לכך, המקומיים תמיד שמחים מכך שאתם מנסים לדבראיתם בשפתםבעזרת האוסף השלם של השיחון לתייר אשר מכיל 22 שפות, אתם יכוליםלדבר בכ-215 מדינות - ראוכל שיחון לתייר מחולק ל-31 נושאים המשמשים לרוב במהלך נסיעה, וכןבחיי היומיום - למשל: ברכות ונימוסים, מזג האוויר, תחבורה ציבורית,אוכל, לינה, בנקכל נושא כולל משפטים (ביטויים או מילים), אשר חוברו על ידי דוברישפת המקור. מגוון הנושאים מכסה את המצבים הנפוצים ביותר שבהם אתםעלולים להיתקל בעת נסיעה. אתם יכולים לא רק לקרוא, אלא גם להקשיבלמשפטים אלה – כך לימוד ההגייה יהיה קל מאוד. אינכם צריכים להיאבק כדילדבר – מספיק להשמיע את המשפט בקול רם והיישום "ידבר" עבורכםבכל אחת מהשפות תוכלו למצוא את 31 הנושאים הבאים:ביטוים כללייםברכות והיכרותשאלות ובקשות כלליותניגודיםמקום לינה , מלוןמסעדהארוחת בוקרמתאבניםמרקיםבשרדגים ופירות יםתוספותירקות וסלטיםפירות וקינוחיםמשקאותתלונותנסיעה ברכבתטיסהנסיעה באונייהנסיעה בתחבורה ציבוריתמוניתהשכרת רכבסיור באתרים היסטורייםבידור ותרבותחנויות ושרותיםבנקסניף דוארטלפוןמזג אוויר, זמן, תאריךמספריםחרוםכל שיחון לתייר מכיל כ-:- 600 משפטים (תלוי באוסף הספציפי לכל שפה)- 30 דקות הקלטה- 770 מילים ייחודיות (אוצר מילים)Guide for World Languages​​- phrasebook for touristsThe application is available for free on Google Play. Afterdownloading it to your device and its operation, immediatelyavailable text content of each application in its entirety. Voicerecordings are for sale.Are you going on holiday or a business trip to a foreign countryand you do not speak the local language? In this case, you willhave to get by in a foreign environment. You will have around to goto shops, to restaurants, to find a place to stay, rent a car, orgo out in the evening. Therefore, phrasebook for tourists isnecessary for you help every country where you do not control thelanguageKnowledge of English allows to communicate in 89 countries,knowledge of German in 10 countries, and knew Italian in 7countries. However, Traveler's phrasebook allows you to communicatealmost anywhere in the world. In addition, the local always happythat you are trying to talk to them in their languageWith the complete collection of tourist phrase book whichcontains 22 languages, you can talk to about -215 countries - see tourist phrasebook divided into 31 topics which aregenerally used during travel, and everyday life - for example,greetings and manners, weather, public transportation, food,lodging, BankEach issue includes phrases (phrases or words) that were writtenby native speakers. Range of topics covering the most commonsituations in which you may experience while traveling. You can notonly read, but also to listen to these sentences - so learning thepronunciation will be very easy. You do not have to struggle tospeak - enough to make the sentence out loud and application "talk"to youEach language will find the 31 following:General expressionGreetings and introductionQuestions and requests for generalContrastsLodging, hotelRestaurantBreakfastAppetizersSoupsMeatFish and SeafoodAdditionsVegetables and saladsFruits and DessertsDrinksComplaintsTravel by trainFlightTraveling by shipPublic transportTaxiCar rentalTour of historic sitesEntertainment and CultureShops and ServicesBankPost officePhoneWeather, time, dateNumbersEmergencyAll tourist phrasebook contains about:- 600 sentences (depending on the specific collection for eachlanguage)- 30 minutes to- 770 unique words (vocabulary)
Obchodná angličtina
#1 English language learning application -Business English for Slovak-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Business English is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* 2,5 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 9 lessonsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Podstawowy angielski 2
#1 aplikacja do angielskiego – wchłaniajangielski zabawnie – ucz się bez wkuwania i naturalnie!Chcesz NAPRAWDĘ OPANOWAĆ JĘZYK OBCY i od razu w nim takżeMYŚLEĆ, tj. zrozumieć rodzimych użytkowników języka i mówić zwłaściwym akcentem bez tłumaczenia? Potem UWAŻNIE czytaj dalej!Nauka angielskiego wykorzystująca absolutnie niepowtarzalnąmetodę, naukowo udokumentowaną i sprawdzoną przez dużą ilośćnaszych klientów z całego świata. To najskuteczniejsza metoda naukijęzyków obcych dla samouków! Wykorzystaj aż 97% swoich zmysłów ipamięć logiczną – najskuteczniejszy rodzaj pamięci, kiedy toinformacje zapamiętywane są w logicznych kompleksach (całe zdania,historyjka). W podobny sposób nauczy się język macierzysty takżemałe dziecko, więc dlaczego nie Ty?! Najpierw słuchają, potemimitują dorosłych a w końcu same starają się wytwarzać własnepołączenia słów i zdania. Nauczysz się JEDYNIE właściwą wymowę –słyszysz jedynie prawdziwych rodzimych użytkowników języka.Każda lekcja jest starannie przygotowana przez native speakerówz USA i Wielkiej Brytanii. Tematy opierają się na takichsytuacjach, z którymi spotykamy się w rzeczywistości.Zalety metody:* nie wkuwasz samodzielnych słówek* nie uczysz się nudnej gramatyki* nie potrzebujesz żadnego słownika* łatwa w opanowaniu konstrukcji zdań angielskichAplikacja jest tak prosta i przyjazne w użyciu. Bez zbędnegorozdrabniania się.Kurs zawiera poniższe lekcje:* Jak się uczyć: 8 minut, 44 zdania, 264 słowa jedyne w swoimrodzaju (słownictwo)* Pisownia i wymowa: 7 minut, 18 zdania, 158 słowa jedyne w swoimrodzaju (słownictwo)* Zachowania, emocje, uczucia: 45 minut, 334 zdania* Rozrywka: 40 minut, 252 zdania* Rozmowa telefoniczna: 13 minut, 222 zdania* Praca, rozmowa o pracę: 18 minut, 245 zdaniaJeżeli będziesz chciał więcej lekcji, wypróbuj aplikacjeAngielski na co dzień, Angielski w biznesie albo Angielski PREMIUM,do których otrzymasz Czasowniki nieregularne + Pisownia i wymowa zadarmo jako PREMIĘ.W celu uzyskania dodatkowych informacji zapraszamy na stronęśli chciałbyś się z nami skontaktować, prześlij proszę do nasswoją wiadomość z aplikacji - to jest jedyny sposób, w jaki możemyodpowiedzieć.# 1 app for English -English Absorption fun - learn without cramming and naturally!Do you want to REALLY master a foreign language, and immediatelyit also THINK, ie to understand native speakers and speak with theproper accent without translation? Then CAREFULLY read on!Learn English using absolutely unique method, scientificallydocumented and proven by a large number of our customers from allover the world. This is the most effective method of learningforeign languages ​​for self-taught! Make up 97% of their sensesand logical memory - the most effective type of memory, when theinformation are stored in logical complexes (a sentence, story). Ina similar way to learn the native language a small child, so whynot you? First listen and then imitate adults and eventuallythemselves trying to produce their own word combinations andsentences. You will learn the correct pronunciation ONLY - you hearonly real native speakers.Each lesson is carefully prepared by native speakers from theUSA and the UK. Topics are based on such situations we face inreality.Advantages of the method:* Not cram independent vocabulary* Do not learn boring grammar* Do not need any dictionary* Easy to master the structure of English sentencesThe application is so easy and friendly to use. Without anysplintering.The course includes the following lessons:* How to learn: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264 words unique(vocabulary)* Spelling and pronunciation: 7 minutes, 18 sentences, 158 wordsunique (vocabulary)* Behaviors, emotions, feelings: 45 minutes, 334 sentences* Entertainment: 40 minutes, 252 sentences* Phone call: 13 minutes, 222 sentences* Jobs, job interview: 18 minutes, 245 sentencesIf you want more lessons, try apps Everyday English, BusinessEnglish or English premium, which will receive Irregular Verbs +Spelling and pronunciation for free as a bonus.For additional information, please you would like to contact us, please send us a message withyour application - this is the only way in which we canrespond.
Základní angličtina 2
#1 aplikace pro angličtinu - vstřebávejteangličtinu zábavně - učte se bez biflování a přirozeně!Chcete CIZÍ JAZYK OPRAVDU OVLÁDAT a rovnou v něm i MYSLET, tj.rozumět rodilým mluvčím a mluvit se správným přízvukem bezpřekládání? Pak POZORNĚ čtěte dál!Výuka angličtiny naprosto unikátní metodou, vědecky podloženou ajiž ověřenou mnoha našimi zákazníky po celém světě. Je tonejefektivnější metoda pro výuku cizích jazyků pro samouky!Využijete až 97 % svých smyslů a logickou paměť – nejúčinnější druhpaměti, kdy se informace ukládají v logickém celku (celá věta,příběh). Podobným způsobem se rodný jazyk naučí i malé děti, takproč ne vy?! Nejdříve poslouchají, pak napodobují dospělé a nakonecse samy snaží tvořit vlastní slovní spojení a věty. Naučíte se JENsprávnou výslovnost - slyšíte jen opravdové rodilé mluvčí.Jednotlivé lekce jsou pečlivě vybrány rodilými mluvčími z USA aUK. Konverzace je tedy založena na praktických situacích, v kterýchse můžete běžně ocitnout i vy.Výhody metody:* nebiflujete se samostatná slovíčka* neučíte se nudnou gramatiku* nepotřebujete žádný slovník* snadno pochopíte, jak správně sestavovat anglické větyAplikace má snadné a intuitivní ovládání.Kurz obsahuje tyto lekce:* Jak studovat - 8 minut zvukových stop ve 44 větách* Hláskování a výslovnost - 7 minut, 18 vět* Chování, emoce, pocity - 45 minut, 334 vět* Zábava - 40 minut, 252 vět* Telefonování - 13 minut, 222 vět* Pracovní pohovory - 18 minut, 245 větChcete-li více lekcí, vyzkoušejte aplikace Klasická angličtina,Obchodní angličtina nebo Angličtina PREMIUM, ke kterým získáteNepravidelná slovesa + Hláskování a výslovnost zdarma jakoBONUS.Pro další informace navštivte prosím kvalitě a vaší spokojenosti nám záleží. Pokud nám chcete něcosdělit, učiňte tak prosím nejlépe přímo z aplikace odesláním zprávyna podporu - jen tak vám na to můžeme reagovat.# 1 app for English -English soak fun - learn without memorizing a naturally!To FOREIGN LANGUAGE truly control and straight in it andthinking, ie understand native speakers and speak with the rightaccent without reloading? Then CAREFULLY read on!Teaching of English totally unique method, scientifically basedand has certified many of our customers worldwide. It is the mosteffective method for teaching foreign language self-study! Use upto 97% of their senses and logical memory - the most effective typeof memory where information is stored in logical units (the wholesentence, story). In a similar way native language teach smallchildren, so why not you?! At first listen, then imitate adults andultimately themselves trying to create their own phrases andsentences. You will learn just the right pronunciation - you hear areal native speakers.The lessons are carefully selected native speakers from USA andUK. Conversation is therefore based on practical situations inwhich you can normally find themselves too.Advantages of the method:* Nebiflujete to separate words* We do not learn boring grammar* You do not need any dictionary* Easy to understand how to properly assemble English sentencesThe application has a simple and intuitive control.The course contains the following lessons:* How to study - eight minutes of audio tracks in 44sentences* Spelling and pronunciation - 7 minutes, 18 sentences* Behavior, emotions, feelings - 45 minutes, 334 sentences* Entertainment - 40 minutes, 252 sentences* Calls - 13 minutes, 222 sentences* Job interviews - 18 minutes, 245 sentencesIf you want more lessons, try the application Classical English,Business English or English PREMIUM, which get Irregular verbs +Spelling and pronunciation free as a bonus.For more information, please visit quality and your satisfaction is important to us. If youhave something to tell us, please do so preferably directly fromsending messages to support - just so you can respond to it.
Temel İngilizce 1
1 numaralı İngilizce uygulaması – hafızlamaolmadan doğal yöntemle ders çalışın - İngilizceyi eğlenereköğrenin!Anadili konuşan ile anlaşmak ve çevirmeden doğru şiveyikullanarak konuşmak yani YABANCI DİLE HAKİKATEN HÂKİM OLMAK veyabancı dilde DÜŞÜNMEK istiyor musunuz? Evet diyorsanız okumayadevam edin!Dünya çapında bizim müşterimiz tarafından kanıtlanmış, bilimleredayalı ve eşsiz yöntemi uygulayan İngilizce dersi. Yabancı dilalanında kendi kendini eğitenlere en etkili yöntemdir! Mantıkçerçeve (tüm cümle, hikâye) içerisinde bilgiler kaydedilmesinisağlayan en verimli hafıza türü olan mantık hafızanızdan veduyularınızın %97’sinden yararlanın. Buna benzer yöntem ile küçükçocukların da anadilini öğrendikleri tarz Sizde neden etkiliolmasın?! Çocuklar başta sadece dinlendikten sonra yetişkinleritaklit eder ve sonunda kendileri cümle kurmaya başlar. SADECE doğruşiveyi öğrenirsiniz – sadece gerçek anadili konuşanlarıdinlersiniz.Her bir ünite ABD ve İngiltere’den anadili konuşanlar tarafındanözenle seçilmiştir. Yani konuşmalar Sizin de çoğunluklayüzleşeceğiniz gerçek durumlara dayalıdır.Yöntemin avantajları:* tek tek kelime hafızlamanıza gerek yoktur* Sıkıcı grameri öğrenmiyorsunuz* sözlüğe gerek yoktur* İngilizce cümleleri doğru bir şekilde kurmayı kolaylıklakavrarsınızUygulamanın basit ve sezgiyle anlaşılabilen kullanımıvardır.Ders bu üniteden ibarettir:* İngilizce nasıl öğrenilir: 8 dakika, 44 cümle, 264 tekilkelime* İmla ve telafuz: 7 dakika, 18 cümle, 158 tekil kelime* Tanıştırma: 18 dakika, 121 cümle* Ailenin bir günü: 35 dakika, 236 cümle* Ailemiz: 20 dakika, 123 cümle* Sıradan konuşmalar: 17 dakika, 312 cümleDaha fazla ünite istiyorsanız, Düzensiz fiiller + İmla vetelaffuz hediyeli BONUS olarak alacağınız PREMIUM İngilizce, Günlükİngilizce veya İş İngilizcesi’ni deneyin.Daha fazla bilgi için bizi’dan ziyaretedin.Bize bir şey bildirmek istiyorsanız, lütfen bizimle direkSmartLanguage uygulamasından destek ile ilgili mesajınızı gönderin.Sadece böylece yanıt verebiliriz.English No. 1 application- without the natural way to try to learn from swot - Learn Englishamused!To agree with native speakers and translate that to speak aforeign language using the correct accents and foreign languages​​really dominate Do you want THINKING? If you say yes, keepreading!Our proven by our customers worldwide, and unique method ofapplying science-based English lessons. Self-taught in the field offoreign language who is the most effective method! Logic frame (allsentence, story) that enables the most efficient type of memory inwhich information is stored in your memory and sense of logic totake advantage of 97%. A similar method young children learn theirmother tongue in their style to be effective, why are you ?!Children imitate adults, especially after just relax and eventuallybegin to establish their own sentences. You can find just the rightaccent - you can only listen to real native speakers.Each unit of the United States and Britain have been carefullyselected by native speakers. So conversations are based on realsituations you'll face mostly.The advantages of the method:* There is no need to single words hafızlama* Annoying do not learn grammar* There is no need to dictionary* English sentences can readily understand correctly establishApplication is simple to use and can be understoodintuitively.Courses this unit consists of:* How To Learn English: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264 words in thesingular* Spelling and pronunciation: 7 minutes, 18 sentences, 158 words inthe singular* Introductions: 18 minutes, 121 sentences* Your parents one day: 35 minutes, 236 sentences* Our Families: 20 minutes, 123 sentences* Ordinary conversation: 17 minutes, 312 sentencesIf you want more units, spelling and pronunciation of irregularverbs + PREMIUM bundled as a bonus you get English, try DailyEnglish or business English.For more information, visit us from you want to notify us something, please support us directlyrelated to the application of smartlanguag to send your message.Just so we can respond.
Angielski PREMIUM
#1 English language learning application -English PREMIUM for Polish-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Everyday English is carefullyprepared by native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based onsuch situations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* Everyday English + Business English* 9 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 27 lessons, 4085 sentences, 58543 wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Verbi irregolari
# 1 English language learning application -English irregular verbs for Italian-speakingSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of:* 42 minutes* 1 377 sentences* 1 873 unique wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Unregelmäßige Verben
# 1 English language learning application -English irregular verbs for German-speakingSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of:* 42 minutes* 1 377 sentences* 1 873 unique wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Inglés de Negocios
#1 aplicaciones para el aprendizaje del inglés– ¿cómo digerir el inglés de forma divertida? – ¿cómo aprender demanera natural sin tener que empollar?La aplicación es accecible GRATUITAMENTE en Google Play. Sucontenido textual en su extensión completa será disponibleinmediatamente tras descargar y activar la aplicación en sudispositivo.¿Quiere DOMINAR CON SEGURIDAD LA LENGUA EXTRANJERA, es decir,PENSAR en ella sin tener que traducir de su lengua materna,entender a los hablantes nativos y pronunciar con un acentocorrecto? ¡En este caso LEA CON ATENCIÓN lo que sigue acontinuación!Se trata de un aprendizaje del inglés a través de un métodoúnico, basado en investigaciones científicas, y aprobado pornuestros clientes del mundo entero. ¡Este método de aprendizaje delenguas extranjeras es considerado como uno de los más eficientespara autodidactas! Aproveche hasta el 97 % de sus sentidos y de sumemoria lógica, la más eficiente clase de memoria, en la que lasinformaciones se guardan en conjuntos lógicos (frases enteras,historias). De una forma similar aprenden su lengua materna tambiénlos niños pequeños. Así que ¿por qué usted debería ser unaexepción? Los niños primero escuchan, después imitan a los adultosy al final tratan de formar sus propias uniones de palabras yoraciones. Aquí aprenderá ÚNICAMENTE la pronunciación correcta, yaque escucha solamente a hablantes nativos.Cada lección de Inglés de Negocios está cuidadosamente preparadapor hablantes nativos de EE.UU. y Reino Unido. Los temas se basanen el tipo de situaciones que son más comunes en la vida real.Ventajas del método SmartLanguage:* no se aprende de memoria* usted subconscientemente también aprenderá la gramática mediantela repetición de una gran cantidad de sentencias* no hay necesidad de un diccionario (hay traducciones palabra porpalabra)* fácil de entender cómo construir frases en inglésSmartLanguage es tan simple y fácil de usar. No hay pequeñecesinnecesarias.Aplicación consta de:* 2,5 horas de grabaciones de voz* 2793 palabras únicas (vocabulario)* un total de 9 clases, 2077 sentencias, 22729 palabrasAdemás:* Cómo estudiar inglés: 8 minutos, 44 sentencias, 264 palabrasúnicas (vocabulario)* Pronunciación y deletreo: 7 minutos, 18 oraciones, 158 palabrasúnicas* Verbos irregulares: 42 minutos, 1 377 oraciones, 1 873 palabrasúnicasPara obtener más información por favor no dude en visitar elsitio del producto en nosotros nos preocupa la calidad y su satisfacción. Si usteddesea expresar algo a nosotros, por favor, envíe un mensaje anuestro soporte técnico directamente desde la aplicación, es laúnica manera en la que somos capaces de responder.# 1 apps for learningEnglish - how digest English in a fun way? - How to learn naturallywithout having to hatch?The application is accecible FREE on Google Play. Your textualcontent at full extension will be available immediately afterdownload and activate the application on your device.Want DOMINATE FOREIGN LANGUAGE SAFE, ie THINK about it withouthaving to translate from their native language, understand nativespeakers and speak with an accent right? In this case READCAREFULLY what follows!This is an English learning through a unique method, based onscientific research and approved by our customers worldwide. Thismethod of learning foreign languages ​​is considered one of themost efficient self-taught! Take up to 97% of his senses and hismemory logic, memory efficient class, in which the information isstored into logical sets (whole sentences, stories). In a similarway also learn their mother tongue young children. So why youshould be an exception? Children First listen, then imitate adultsand finally try to form their own unions of words and sentences.ONLY then will you learn the correct pronunciation, and listeningonly to native speakers.Each Business English lesson is carefully prepared by nativespeakers U.S. and the UK. The topics are based on the kinds ofsituations that are more common in real life.SmartLanguage method advantages:* Memory is not learned* You will also learn the grammar subconsciously by repeating a lotof sentences* No need for a dictionary (no translations word for word)* Easy to understand how to construct sentences in EnglishSmartLanguage is so simple and easy to use. No unnecessarysmallness.Application comprises:* 2.5 hours of voice recordings* 2793 unique words (vocabulary)* A total of 9 classes, 2077 sentences, 22729 wordsIn addition:* How to learn English: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264 unique words(vocabulary)* Pronunciation and spelling: 7 minutes, 18 sentences, 158 uniquewords* Irregular Verbs: 42 minutes, 1377 prayers, 1873 unique wordsFor more information please feel free to visit the product sitein are worried about the quality and satisfaction. If you wantto say something to us, please send a message to our supportdirectly from the application, is the only way in which we are ableto respond.
英文学习应用程序 – 娱乐学习英语 – 不用死记硬背,自然学习!您想真正学会使用外语,直接用外语思考,不用翻译理解母语使用者,学会正确发音么?请注意!使用独一无二的方法学习英语,该方法已经经过科学验证,并受到本产品全球用户的认可。这是自学者学习外语最有效的方法。可以调动97%的感知神经,并开启逻辑记忆–最有效的记忆方式,通过逻辑思维接受、储存信息(整个句子,故事)。儿童通过这个方式学习母语,您也来尝试一下吧?!首先倾听,然后模仿,最后将词汇连接起来造句。您只需要学会正确的发音– 您听到的是母语发音。每一个日常英语或商务英语课程是美国和英国本土人精心准备的。主题是根据现实生活中是常见的情况设计。该方法的优点*不用死记硬背单词*不用学习艰涩的语法* 不需要字典(逐字翻译)* 简单地明白如何构建英文句子SmartLanguage使用如此简单和友好。没有不必要的细枝末节。培训包含以下课程* 如何学习英语: 8分钟,44个句子,264独特的单词(词汇)* 发音和拼写: 7分钟,18个句子,158独特的单词(词汇)* 介绍: 18分钟,121个句子* 英国家庭的一天: 35分钟,236个句子* 家庭: 20分钟,123个句子* 小对话: 18分钟,312个句子如果您需要更多课程,请尝试每日英文学习程序或商务英语学习程序,同时免费获得不规则动词+发音和拼写学习程序作为奖励。有关的方法和应用更多信息,请随时访问该 产品网站。如果你有任何事情想表达给我们,请直接从应用程序发送邮件给我们的支持部门 - 这是我们能够作出回应的唯一途径。English learningapplications - Entertainment Learning English - not rote, naturallearning!You really want to learn a foreign language, foreign languagethinking directly, without translation to understand nativespeakers, learn how to correctly pronounce it? Please note!Using a unique method of learning English, the method has beenscientifically validated, and are subject to the product usersworldwide recognition. This is autodidact most effective way tolearn a foreign language. Can mobilize 97% of the perception ofnerves, and open the logical memory - the memory of the mosteffective way through logic for receiving, storing information (thewhole sentence, story). Through this way children learn theirmother tongue, you have come try it? ! First listen and imitate,and finally connect vocabulary sentences. You only need to learnthe correct pronunciation - you hear the native pronunciation.Every day in English or Business English Courses in the UnitedStates and the British people well prepared. Theme is based on thereal-life situation is a common design.The advantage of this* Not rote words* Incomprehensible without learning grammar* No dictionary (literally translated)* Easy to understand how to construct a sentence in EnglishSmartLanguage so simple to use and friendly. No unnecessaryminutiae.Training includes the following courses* How to learn English: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264 unique words(vocabulary)* Pronunciation and spelling: 7 minutes, 18 sentences, 158 uniquewords (vocabulary)* Introduction: 18 minutes, 121 sentences* UK Family Day: 35 minutes, 236 sentences* Family: 20 minutes, 123 sentences* Small dialogue: 18 minutes, 312 sentencesIf you need more courses, please try Daily English learningprogram or business English learning process, and free access tothe irregular verb + pronunciation and spelling learning process asa reward.For more information on the methods and applications, pleasefeel free to visit the product website.If there is anything you would like to express to us, pleasesend e-mail directly from the application to our support department- this is our only way to be able to respond.
Der Reisesprachführer für die ganze WeltDie App ist gratis verfügbar auf Google Play. Nach dem Downloadauf Ihr Gerät und dem Start steht der verfügbare Textinhalt derganzen App sofort im vollen Umfang zur Verfügung. Die Tonaufnahmensind Kaufgegenstand.Sie fahren in Urlaub oder auf Dienstreise ins Ausland undbeherrschen die örtliche Sprache nicht? In einem fremden Landbewegen Sie sich in einer unbekannten Umgebung, aber trotzdemmüssen Sie dort Geschäfte besuchen um einzukaufen, im Restaurantessen, eine Unterkunft finden, sich ein Auto leihen oder abendsausgehen. Gerade deshalb ist der Reisesprachführer einunentbehrlicher Helfer in all den Ländern, deren Sprache sie nichtbeherrschen. Außerdem sind Einheimische immer erfreut, wenn Siezumindest versuchen, mit ihnen in ihrer eigenen Sprache zusprechen.Auf Englisch können Sie zwar in 89 Ländern kommunizieren, aufDeutsch in 10 und auf Italienisch in nahezu 7 Staaten. DerReisesprachführer aber hilft Ihnen sich praktisch überall auf derWelt zu verständigen.Mit der kompletten Sammlung von Reisesprachführer, die 22Sprachen umfasst, verständigen Sie sich in annähernd 215 Ländern(siehe benötigen keine Sprach- oder Wörterbücher mehr.Jeder Sprachführer unterteilt sich in 31 Themen, die amhäufigsten benötigt werden sowohl beim Reisen als auch imalltäglichen Leben (z. B. Begrüßung und Vorstellung, Wetter,öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, Verpflegung, Unterkunft, Bank).Die einzelnen Themen umfassen Sätze (Phrasen oder Wörter), dievon Muttersprachlern verfasst wurden. Die Breite der Themen decktdie gängigsten Situationen, die Ihnen auf Ihrer Reise begegnenkönnen, ab. Diese Sätze können Sie nicht nur lesen, sondern vorallem auch anhören, sodass das Einüben der Aussprache kinderleichtwird. Wenn Sie sich doch nicht trauen in der fremden Sprache zusprechen, reicht es, den entsprechenden Satz laut vorzuspielen unddie App „spricht“ für Sie.Nach dem Kauf einzelner Sprachen oder der preislichvorteilhafteren ganzen Kollektion stehen die Phrasen zum Downloadfür Ihre Geräte zur Verfügung. Danach müssen Sie nicht mehr onlinesein – die Phrasen haben Sie jederzeit zur Verfügung. Die einzelnenSprachführer unterscheiden sich mitunter voneinander, da sieBesonderheiten der einzelnen Länder (geographische, gastronomische,kulturelle etc.) berücksichtigen.In allen Sprachen finden Sie folgende 31 Themenbereiche:* ALLGEMEINE AUSDRÜCKE* BEGRÜSSUNG UND VORSTELLUNG* FRAGEN UND ALLGEMEINE ANFRAGEN* ANTONYME* HOTEL, UNTERKUNFT* RESTAURANT* FRÜHSTÜCK* VORSPEISEN* SUPPEN* FLEISCH* FISCH UND MEERESFRÜCHTE* BEILAGEN* GEMÜSE UND SALATE* OBST UND NACHSPEISEN* GETRÄNKE* BESCHWERDEN* MIT DEM ZUG REISEN* MIT DEM FLUGZEUG REISEN* MIT DEM SCHIFF REISEN* MIT DEN ÖFFENTLICHEN VERKEHRSMITTELN REISEN* TAXI* AUTOVERLEIH* BESICHTIGUNG VON SEHENSWÜRDIGKEITEN* UNTERHALTUNG UND KULTUR* GESCHÄFTE UND DIENSTLEISTUNGEN* BANK* POST* TELEFON* DATUM, ZEIT UND WETTER* ZAHLEN* NOTFALLJeder Reisesprachführer umfasst ungefähr:* 600 Sätze (abhängig vom konkreten Sprachpaket)* 30 Minuten Audioaufnahmen* 770 Wörter (Wortschatz)Für detaillierte Informationen besuchen Sie travel phrase bookfor the whole worldThe app is available for free on Google Play. After downloadingto your device and the start is the available text throughout theapp in full immediately available. The recordings are ofpurchase.You go on vacation or on a business trip abroad and do not speakthe local language? In a foreign country you are moving in anunknown environment, but you still have to visit shops to shop, eatat the restaurant, find a property, to rent a car or a night outthere. Precisely because of the language travel guide is anindispensable tool for all the countries whose language they do notspeak. In addition, locals are always pleased when you at least tryto talk to them in their own language.Although you can communicate in English in 89 countries, and 10in German in Italian in almost seven states. The travel phrase bookbut helps you to communicate virtually anywhere in the world.With the complete collection of travel phrase book that includes22 languages, communicate in almost 215 countries (see do not need voice or more dictionaries.Each phrasebook divided into 31 topics that most people needboth when traveling and in everyday life (such as greetings andintroductions, weather, public transportation, meals, lodging,banking).The topics include phrases (phrases or words) that were writtenby native speakers. The breadth of topics covering the most commonsituations you may encounter on your journey from. These recordscan not only read, but mainly listen to, so that practicing thepronunciation is easy. If you do not dare to speak in a foreignlanguage, it is enough to audition the appropriate sentence aloudand the app "speaks" to you.After the purchase of individual languages ​​or the price morefavorable phrases to download the entire collection for yourdevices available. Then you do not have to be online - the phrasesyou have at your disposal. The individual phrasebook sometimesdiffer from each other, since they take into account specificitiesof each country (geographic, gastronomic, cultural, etc.).In all 31 languages, see the following topics:* GENERAL TERMS* WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION* QUESTIONS AND GENERAL INQUIRIES* Antonyms* HOTEL, ACCOMMODATION* RESTAURANT* BREAKFAST* STARTERS* SOUPS* MEAT* FISH AND SEAFOOD* SIDE DISHES* VEGETABLES AND SALADS* FRUIT AND DESSERTS* DRINKS* COMPLAINTS* BY TRAIN TRAVEL* BY AIR TRAVEL* BY BOAT TOURS* BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT TRAVEL* TAXI* CAR RENTALS* VISITING PLACES* ENTERTAINMENT AND CULTURE* SHOPS & SERVICES* BANK* POST* PHONE* DATE, TIME AND WEATHER* NUMBERS* EMERGENCYEach travel phrasebook includes approximately:* 600 sets (depending on the specific language pack)* 30 minutes audio recordings* 770 words (vocabulary)For detailed information, please visit
#1 English language learning application -Business English for Japanese-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Business English is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* 2,5 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 9 lessonsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Anglická nepravidelná slovesa
# 1 English language learning application -English irregular verbs for Czech-speakingSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of:* 42 minutes* 1 377 sentences* 1 873 unique wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Angielski na co dzień
#1 English language learning application -Everyday English for Polish-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Everyday English is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* 6,5 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 18 lessonsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Inglese quotidiano
#1 English language learning application -Everyday English for Italian-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Everyday English is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* 6,5 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 18 lessonsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Düzensiz fiiller
# 1 English language learning application -English irregular verbs for Turkish-speakingSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of:* 42 minutes* 1 377 sentences* 1 873 unique wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Anglické nepravidelné slovesá
# 1 English language learning application -English irregular verbs for Slovak-speakingSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of:* 42 minutes* 1 377 sentences* 1 873 unique wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
#1 English language learning application -English PREMIUM for Brazilian Portuguese native speakers.* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the English PREMIUM is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* Everyday English + Business English* 9 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 27 lessons, 4085 sentences, 58543 wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
PREMIUM İngilizce
#1 English language learning application -English PREMIUM for Turkish-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Everyday English is carefullyprepared by native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based onsuch situations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* Everyday English + Business English* 9 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 27 lessons, 4085 sentences, 58543 wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
기초 영어 2
# 영어 학습 어플리케이션 1개 – 영어를 흥미롭게 공부해 보세요 – 벼락공부를하지 말고 자연스럽게 학습해 보세요!외국어를 통달하여 직접 외국어로 생각하며, 즉 원어민들이 하는 말을 정확히 알아 듣고 유창한 발음으로 말하는 것을희망하시나요? 그럼 주의 깊게 다음 내용을 읽어 보세요!저희가 제공하는 영어학습 방법이 완전히 유일하며 과학적 근거에 의해 만들어진 방법입니다. 전 세계 고객들에 의해이미 그 효율성이 확인된 바 있습니다. 외국어 자력 학습자를 위한 학습방법으로서 그 효율성이 가장 높은 학습 방법입니다.여러분 감각의 97 %가 관여하도록 하여 여러분의 기억력 중 그 효율성이 가장 높고 정보가 논리적 구성 단위 별로저장되는 논리적 기억력을 이용해 보세요. (문장 전체, 이야기). 유사한 방식으로는 어린이들이 모국어를 배우고 있는데,여러분들도 같은 방식을 이용하셔도 되지 않겠습니까?! 먼저 듣기만 하고 이후 어른들의 말을 따라 하며 마지막으로 스스로구절과 문장을 만들어 봅니다. 정확한 발음만 학습하시게 될 것입니다 – 원어민들만이 하는 말을 들으실 수있습니다.영어의 각각의 레슨은 미국과 영국 출신의 원어민에 의해 조심스럽게 준비되었습니다. 주제들은 일상 생활 속에서일반적으로 연출되는 상황에 근거하고 있습니다.방법의 강점:*독립 단어 벼락공부를 안 하셔도 됩니다*지루한 문법 공부를 안 하셔도 됩니다* 사전이 필요 없습니다 (단어 대 단어 번역이 있습니다)* 영어 문장을 어떻게 구성하는 지를 쉽게 이해하게 됩니다SmartLanguage는 사용이 매우 간단하고 친숙합니다.강좌 세트 내용:* iSmartLanguage로 어떻게 공부하는가?: 8분, 44문장, 264개의 특이 단어* 발음과 스펠링: 7분, 18문장, 158개의 특이 단어* 행동, 감정, 느낌: 45분, 334문장* 오락: 40분, 252문장* 전화하기: 13분, 222문장* 취직 면접: 18분, 245문장다른 강좌 구입을 희망하시면, 일상 영어 어플리케이션이나 비즈니스 영어 어플리케이션을 사용해 보세요. 구입시보너스로 불규칙 동사 + 발음과 스펠링도 무상으로 받으실 수 있습니다.애플리케이션의 학습법에 대한 더 자세한 정보를 원하시면 가벼운 마음으로 제품 사이트www.Smart-Language.com를 방문해 주십시오만약 당신이 저희에게 뭔가 표현하고자 한다면 애플리케이션에서 직접 [지원]에 메시지를 보내주십시오 – 저희가 회신할수 있는 유일한 방법입니다.# 1 English learningapplication - an interesting studying English look - do not cramthe natural learning now!Mastery of a foreign language in a foreign language, thinkingdirectly, ie, native speakers to hear the words out exactly do hopeto speak fluent pronunciation? So please read the followinginformation carefully!We offer a completely unique way to learn English, and made byscientific method is based. By customers around the world alreadyhas been confirmed that efficiency. Foreign language learning as away for learners magnetism that efficiency is the highest learning.To engage your senses with 97% of the efficiency of the memory ofyour highest logical configuration information is stored in unitsof logical memory, and enjoy. (The whole sentence, story). In amanner similar to the children to learn their own language, whichused the same way, even if you do you are?! Adults after the firstlisten and follow the words of phrases and sentences, and finallytry to make yourself. Learning the correct pronunciation, butwill'll join - native speaker, only to say that you can hear.Each of the lessons of English from the United States and theUnited Kingdom has been prepared carefully by a native speaker.Topics in everyday life situations in general is based on thedirection.Strengths of the method:* Do not cram the word independent is acceptable* You may not study grammar is boring* Does not need a dictionary (word-for-word translation is)* How to organize how English sentences are easier tounderstandSmartLanguage is a very easy to use and familiar.Course Includes:How do you learn to * iSmartLanguage?: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264unique words* Pronunciation and spelling: 7 minutes, 18 sentences, 158 uniquewords* Behavior, emotions, feelings: 45 minutes, 334 text* Entertainment: 40 minutes, 252 text* Call me: 13 minutes, 222 text* Job Interview: 18 minutes, 245 textIf you want to buy other courses, everyday English applicationsand business applications, try using English. As a bonus, when youpurchase an irregular verb + pronunciation and spelling are alsoavailable free of charge.For more information on learning of the application for alight-hearted, please visit the product sitewww.Smart-Language.comIf you want to express something, if you application to usdirectly from the Support to send a message - we are the only wayyou can reply.
Angielski w biznesie
#1 English language learning application -Business English for Polish-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Business English is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* 2,5 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 9 lessonsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Priručnik za konverzaciju
Priručnik za konverzaciju - jezični vodič ucijeli svijetAplikacija je dostupna BESPLATNO na Google Play. Nakon toga kadovu skinete na svoj uređaj i nakon puštanja je odmah raspoloživtekst sadržaj cijele aplikacije u cijelosti. Zvučni zapisi supredmet kupnje.Putujete na odmor ili na službeno putovanje u inozemstvo, ali negovorite mjesnim jezikom? U stranoj zemlji se krećete po nepoznatojsredini, morate i kupovati, hraniti se u restoranu, negdjestanovati, iznajmiti auto ili se navečer negdje zabavljati. Upravozato je Priručnik za konverzaciju neophodni pomoćnik na putovanju,u svim zemljama, čiji jezik ne znate. Štoviše, mjesno stanovništvouvijek će biti obradovano, ukoliko se barem pokušate sporazumjetina njihovom vlastitom jeziku.Engleskim jezikom se možete dogovoriti u 89 zemalja, njemačkim u10 te talijanskim skoro u 7 zemalja, ali ovaj Priručnik zakonverzaciju pomoći će vam da se dogovorite praktično bilo gdje nasvijetu.S kompletnom kolekcijom Priručnika za konverzaciju, koji sadrži22 jezika sporazumjet ćete se u otprilike 215 zemalja (vidiše nećete trebati nikakve druge priručnike ni rječnike.Svaki priručnik za konverzaciju podijeljen je u 31 temu, koje senajčešće koriste tijekom putovanja, ali i uobičajeno (npr. pozdravii predstavljanje, vremenska prognoza, javni prijevoz,ugostiteljstvo, smještaj, banka).Pojedine teme sadrže rečenice (fraze ili riječi) koje supripremili govorni izvornici. Opseg tema sadrži najuobičajenijesituacije s kojima se tijekom putovanja možete susresti. Isterečenice može pročitati, ali uglavnom ih poslušati, tako da ćevježbanje izražavanja biti zabavno. Naime, ukoliko se unatoč tomene usuđujete govoriti, možete pustiti rečenicu izgovoriti na glas,tako da će aplikacija „govoriti“ umjesto vas.Nakon kupovine pojedinih jezika ili po povoljnijoj cijeni zacijelu kolekciju, fraze će biti spremne za preuzimanje u vašuređaj. Nakon toga ne morate biti online – fraze bilo kada imate naraspolaganju. Pojedine fraze se ponekad razlikuju, jer uzimaju uobzir obilježja pripadajuće zemlje (geografska, gastronomska,kulturna, itd.).U svim jezicima naći ćete slijedeće 31 teme:* OPĆI IZRAZI* POZDRAVI I PREDSTAVLJANJE* PITANJA I OPĆI UPITI* RIJEČI SUPROTNOG ZNAČENJA* HOTEL, SMJEŠTAJ* RESTORAN* DORUČAK* PREDJELA* JUHE* MESO* RIBE I PLODOVI MORA* PRILOZI* POVRĆE I SALATE* VOĆE I KOLAČI* PIĆA* ŽALBE* PUTOVANJE VLAKOM* PUTOVANJE ZRAKOPLOVOM/ AVIONOM* PUTOVANJE BRODOM* PUTOVANJE GRADSKIM PRIJEVOZOM* TAKSI* RENT-A-CAR* RAZGLEDAVANJE ZNAMENITOSTI* ZABAVA I KULTURA* PRODAVAONICE I USLUGE* BANKA* POŠTA* TELEFON* DATUM, SATI I VRIJEME* BROJEVI* PRVA POMOĆSvaki priručnik za konverzaciju sadrži otprilike:* 600 rečenica (ovisi o konkretnom jezičnom paketu)* 30 minuta reprodukcije* 770 jedinstvenih riječi (fond riječi)Manual for conversation -language guide to the entire worldThe application is available for free on Google Play. Afterthat, when this download on your device, and after his releaseimmediately available text content of the application in itsentirety. Sound recordings are the subject of purchase.Traveling on vacation or on a business trip abroad, but do notspeak the local language? In a foreign country navigating the newenvironment, and you need to shop, dine in the restaurant,somewhere to live, rent a car, or in the evening somewhere fun.That's why Handbook conversation indispensable assistant during thetrip, in all countries, whose language you do not know. Moreover,local residents will always be happily with, should at least try tocommunicate in their own language.English language can be arranged in 89 countries, in 10 Germanand Italian almost 7 countries, but this Handbook conversation willhelp you to arrange virtually anywhere in the world.With the complete collection of the Handbook for theconversation, which contains 22 languages ​​agreement will be inapproximately 215 countries (see will no longer need any other manuals or dictionaries.Each manual conversation is divided into 31 topic, that arecommonly used during the trip, but also common (eg greeting andintroduction, weather, public transport, catering, accommodation,bank).Some topics include sentences (phrases or words) that areprepared speech originals. The scope of topics includes the mostcommon situations that you may encounter while traveling. The samesentence can be read, but mainly listen to them, so it will be afun exercise expression. Namely, if despite not dare to speak, youcan let the sentence out loud, so that the application will "speak"for you.After purchasing a particular language, or at a better price forthe entire collection, the phrase will be ready for download toyour device. After that, you do not need to be online - phrasesanytime you have available. Some phrases are sometimes different,because they take into account the characteristics of therespective countries (geographical, culinary, cultural, etc.).In all languages, you will find the following 31 topics:* GENERAL TERMS* Greeting and introduction* QUESTIONS AND GENERAL INQUIRIES* Words of opposite meaning* HOTEL, ACCOMMODATION* RESTAURANT* BREAKFAST* STARTERS* SOUPS* MEAT* Fish and Seafood* ATTACHMENTS* Vegetables and Salads* Fruit and cakes* BEVERAGES* APPEAL* Train travel* Air Travel / PLANE* Boat trip* JOURNEY urban transport* TAXI* RENT-A-CAR* Sightseeing* ENTERTAINMENT AND CULTURE* SHOPS AND SERVICES* BANK* Posts* PHONE* Dates, hours and* NUMBERS* FIRST AIDEach manual contains a conversation about:* 600 sentences (depending on the specific language pack)* 30 minutes of play* 770 unique words (vocabulary)
Χρήσιμες ταξιδιωτικές φράσεις
Χρήσιμες ταξιδιωτικές φράσεις - Οδηγός γλώσσαςσε όλον τον κόσμοΗ εφαρμογή είναι διαθέσιμη ΔΩΡΕΑΝ στο Google Play. Μετά τοκατέβασμά της στη συσκευή σας και εκκίνηση είναι αμέσως διαθέσιμοτο περιεχόμενο του κειμένου ολόκληρης της εφαρμογής στο σύνολό της.Οι ηχογραφήσεις αποτελούν αντικείμενο της αγοράς.Έχετε προγραμματίσει διακοπές ή επαγγελματικό ταξίδι στοεξωτερικό και δε γνωρίζετε την τοπική γλώσσα; Σε μια ξένη χώραβρίσκεστε σε ένα άγνωστο περιβάλλον, αλλά παρόλα αυτά εκεί θαπρέπει να πάτε στο κατάστημα για αγορές, να φάτε σε ένα εστιατόριο,να ενοικιάσετε αυτοκίνητο ή να πατέ κάπου το βράδυ να διασκεδάσετε.Για αυτό οι χρήσιμες ταξιδιωτικές φράσεις είναι απαραίτητο βοήθημασε όλες τις χώρες εκείνες που δεν χειρίζεστε την γλώσσα.Με την αγγλική γλώσσα μπορείτε να συνεννοηθείτε σε περισσότερεςαπό 89 χώρες, με τα γερμανικά σε 10 και με τα ιταλικά περίπου σε 7χώρες, αλλά με τις συγκεκριμένες χρήσιμες ταξιδιωτικές φράσειςμπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο.Με την πλήρη συλλογή των Χρήσιμων ταξιδιωτικών φράσεων, η οποίαπεριλαμβάνει 22 γλώσσες, θα επικοινωνήσετε σε 215 χώρες (βλέπεΟι κάθε Χρήσιμες ταξιδιωτικές φράσεις χωρίζονται σε 31 θέματαανάλογα με τις ανάγκες τους ταξιδιού ή της καθημερινής ζωής (π.χ. οχαιρετισμός και οι συστάσεις, ο καιρός, τα μέσα μαζικής μεταφοράς,τα γεύματα, η διαμονή, οι τράπεζες).Τα θέματα περιλαμβάνουν φράσεις (προτάσεις ή λέξεις), τις οποίεςπροετοίμασαν άτομα με μητρική γλώσσα. Τα περιεχόμενα των θεμάτωνκαλύπτουν τις συνηθέστερες περιπτώσεις που μπορεί να συναντήσετεστο δρόμο. Τις προτάσεις έχετε τη δυνατότητα όχι μόνο να τιςδιαβάσετε αλλά και να τις ακούσετε, η προφορά θα είναι για σας έναπαιχνίδι. Αν δεν είστε έτοιμοι να μιλήσετε η εφαρμογή θα „μιλήσει“για σας.Μετά την αγορά των διαφόρων γλωσσών, ή της φτηνότερης συλλογής,οι φράσεις είναι έτοιμες για το κατέβασμα στη συσκευή σας. Στησυνέχεια δε χρειάζεται να είστε απευθείας συνδεδεμένη – έχετε τιςφράσεις οποιαδήποτε στιγμή στη διάθεσή σας. Οι χρήσιμεςταξιδιωτικές φράσεις διαφέρουν από χώρα σε χώρα, διότι υπάρχουνδιαφορές (γεωγραφικές, γαστρονομικές, πολιτιστικές κ.αΣε όλες τις γλώσσες θα βρείτε τα εξής 31 θέματα:1. ΓΕΝΙΚΕΣ ΕΚΦΡΑΣΕΙΣ2. ΧΑΙΡΕΤIΣΜΑΤΑ KAI KAΛΩΣΟΡΙΣΜΑ3. ΕΡΩΤΗΣEΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΓΕΝΙΚΑ ΡΩΤΗΜΑΤΑ4. ΛΕΞEΙΣ ΑΝΤΙΘΕΤΕΣ5. ΞΕΝΟΔΟΧΕΙΟ, ΚΑΤΑΛΥΜΑ6. ΕΣΤΙΑΤΟΡΙO7. ΠΡΩΪΝΑ8. ΜΕΖΕΔΕΣ9. ΣΟΥΠΕΣ10. ΚΡΕΑΣ11. ΨΑΡΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΘΑΛΑΣΣΙΝΑ12. ΓΑΡΝΙΤΟΥΡEΣ13. ΛΑΧΑΝΙΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΣΑΛΑΤΕΣ14. ΦΡΟΥΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΓΛΥΚΑ15. ΠΟΤΑ16. ΠΑΡΑΠΟΝΑ17. ΤΑΞΙΔΙ ΣΙΔΗΡΟΔΡΟΜΙΚΩΣ18. ΤΑΞΙΔΙ ΑΕΡΟΠΟΡΙΚΩΣ19. ΤΑΞΙΔΙ ΑΤΜΟΠΛΟΪΚΩΣ20. ΤΑΞΙΔΙ ΜΕ ΑΣΤΙΚΗ ΣΥΓΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ21. ΤΑΞΙ22. ΕΝΟΙΚΙΑΣΤΗΡΙΟ ΑΥΤΟΚΙΝΗΤΩΝ23. ΕΠΙΣKΕΨΗ ΑΞΙΟΘΕAΤΩΝ24. ΔΙΑΣΚΕΔΑΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΥΛΤΟΥΡΑ25. ΚΑΤΑΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ26. ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ27. ΤΑΧΥΔΡΟΜΕΙΟ28. ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ29. ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΑ, ΩΡΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΙΡΟΣ30. ΝΟΥΜΕΡΑ31. ΑΜΕΣΗ ΒΟΗΘΕΙΑΚάθε φρασεολογία ταξιδιού περιλαμβάνει περίπου:* 600 προτάσεις (εξαρτάται από τη συγκεκριμένη γλώσσα)* 30 λεπτά ηχογραφήσεων* 770 μοναδικές λέξεις (λεξιλόγιο)Useful travel phrases -Guide language worldwideThe app is available for free on Google Play. After the loweringof your device and start it immediately available the content textof the entire application as a whole. The recordings are thesubject of the market.You plan a vacation or business trip abroad and do not know thelocal language? In a foreign country you are in an unfamiliarenvironment, but nevertheless there will need to go to the storefor shopping, eat at a restaurant, rent a car or go somewhere inthe evening to enjoy. Therefore the useful travel phrases arenecessary aid to all those countries that do not handle thelanguage.With the English language can be arranged in more than 89countries, with 10 German and Italian approximately 7 countries,but with these useful travel phrases can be contacted around theworld.With the complete collection of useful travel phrases, whichincludes 22 languages, will be contacted on 215 countries (see each useful travel phrases divided into 31 themed accordingto their needs travel or everyday life (eg greeting andrecommendations, weather, public transportation, meals,accommodation, banks).Topics include phrases (sentences or words), which paved nativespeakers. The contents of topics covering the most commonsituations you may encounter on the road. These proposals have thepotential not only to read but also to hear the accent will be foryou a game. If you're not ready to talk implementation will "talk"to you.After the purchase of various languages, or cheaper, collectors,phrases are ready for downloading to your device. Then you do notneed to be directly connected - you've phrases anytime at yourdisposal. The useful travel phrases differ from country to country,because there are differences (geographical, culinary, cultural,etc.In all languages ​​will find the following 31 topics:1. GENERAL EXPRESSIONSTwo. CHAIRETISMATA KAI KALOSORISMAThree. EROTISEIS AND GENERAL Roti4. LEXEIS OPPOSITE5. HOTEL, ACCOMMODATION6. ESTIATORIO7. Breakfast8. MEZEDES9. SOUPS10. MEAT11. Seafood12. GARNITOURES13. VEGETABLES AND SALADS14. FRUITS AND SWEETS15. DRINKS16. COMPLAINTS17. RAIL JOURNEY18. AIR TRAVEL19. JOURNEY ATMOPLOIKOS20. JOURNEY TO URBAN TRANSPORTATION21. TAXI22. Lease CAR23. EPISKEPSI AXIOTHEATON24. ENTERTAINMENT AND CULTURE25. SHOPS AND SERVICES26. BANK27. MAIL28. PHONE29. DATE, TIME AND WEATHER30. NUMBERS31. IMMEDIATE HELP Each trip includes about phraseology:* 600 proposals (depends on the particular language)* 30 minutes recording* 770 unique words (vocabulary)
Inglés básico 2
#1 aplicaciones para el aprendizaje del inglés– ¿cómo digerir el inglés de forma divertida? – ¿cómo aprender demanera natural sin tener que empollar?¿Quiere DOMINAR CON SEGURIDAD LA LENGUA EXTRANJERA, es decir,PENSAR en ella sin tener que traducir de su lengua materna,entender a los hablantes nativos y pronunciar con un acentocorrecto? ¡En este caso LEA CON ATENCIÓN lo que sigue acontinuación!Se trata de un aprendizaje del inglés a través de un métodoúnico, basado en investigaciones científicas, y aprobado pornuestros clientes del mundo entero. ¡Este método de aprendizaje delenguas extranjeras es considerado como uno de los más eficientespara autodidactas! Aproveche hasta el 97 % de sus sentidos y de sumemoria lógica, la más eficiente clase de memoria, en la que lasinformaciones se guardan en conjuntos lógicos (frases enteras,historias). De una forma similar aprenden su lengua materna tambiénlos niños pequeños. Así que ¿por qué usted debería ser unaexepción? Los niños primero escuchan, después imitan a los adultosy al final tratan de formar sus propias uniones de palabras yoraciones. Aquí aprenderá ÚNICAMENTE la pronunciación correcta, yaque escucha solamente a hablantes nativos.Cada lección está cuidadosamente preparada por hablantes nativosde EE.UU. y Reino Unido. Los temas se basan en el tipo desituaciones que son más comunes en la vida real.Ventanjas del método SmartLanguage:* no se aprende de memoria* usted subconscientemente también aprenderá la gramática mediantela repetición de una gran cantidad de sentencias* no hay necesidad de un diccionario* fácil de entender cómo construir frases en inglésSmartLanguage es tan simple y fácil de usar.El curso contiene las siguientes lecciones:* ¿Cómo estudiar? - 8 minutos, 44 oraciones, 264 palabrasnuevas* Pronunciación y deletreo - 7 minutos, 18 oraciones, 158 palabrasnuevas* Comportamiento, emociones, sentimientos - 45 minutos, 334oraciones* Diversión - 40 minutos, 252 oraciones* Telefoneando - 13 minutos, 222 oraciones* Entrevistas de trabajo - 18 minutos, 245 oracionesSi desea tener más lecciones puede probar las aplicacionesInglés cotidiano o Inglés de Negocios con las que recibiráGRATUITAMENTE las aplicaciones Verbos irregulares + Pronunciación ydeletreo.Para obtener más información por favor no dude en visitar elsitio del producto en usted desea expresar algo a nosotros, por favor, envíe unmensaje a nuestro soporte técnico directamente desde la aplicación,es la única manera en la que somos capaces de responder.# 1 apps for learningEnglish - how digest English in a fun way? - How to learn naturallywithout having to hatch?Want DOMINATE FOREIGN LANGUAGE SAFE, ie THINK about it withouthaving to translate from their native language, understand nativespeakers and speak with an accent right? In this case READCAREFULLY what follows!This is an English learning through a unique method, based onscientific research and approved by our customers worldwide. Thismethod of learning foreign languages ​​is considered one of themost efficient self-taught! Take up to 97% of his senses and hismemory logic, memory efficient class, in which the information isstored into logical sets (whole sentences, stories). In a similarway also learn their mother tongue young children. So why youshould be an exception? Children First listen, then imitate adultsand finally try to form their own unions of words and sentences.ONLY then will you learn the correct pronunciation, and listeningonly to native speakers.Each lesson is carefully prepared by native speakers U.S. andthe UK. The topics are based on the kinds of situations that aremore common in real life.Ventanjas SmartLanguage method:* Memory is not learned* You will also learn the grammar subconsciously by repeating a lotof sentences* No need for a dictionary* Easy to understand how to construct sentences in EnglishSmartLanguage is so simple and easy to use.The course contains the following lessons:* How to study? - 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264 new words* Pronunciation and spelling - 7 minutes, 18 sentences, 158 newwords* Behavior, emotions, feelings - 45 minutes, 334 sentences* Fun - 40 minutes, 252 sentences* Telephoning - 13 minutes, 222 sentences* Job interviews - 18 minutes, 245 sentencesIf you want more lessons can test applications or everydayEnglish Business English with which applications receive FREEIrregular verbs + pronunciation and spelling.For more information please feel free to visit the product sitein you want to say something to us, please send a message to oursupport directly from the application, is the only way in which weare able to respond.
Inglés de pub
Pub English is a great helper, and not only inthe cheapest pubs. This guide to very – really very – informalEnglish will fill the gaps in your education. They certainly didn’tteach you this in school!The Pub English application will give you a window into thevocabularies of British teenagers, yokels, revellers and drunks.But be careful! In Great Britain, going to the pub is a widespreadritual where even “respectables” pick up girls, malign theircolleagues, talk up a heap of rubbish, and in the end getcompletely pissed, and if they’re lucky they even “get it on” withone of the girls. Nor do they forget to complain about their “oldladies” at home, who didn’t want them to come to the pub.Thanks to Pub English, you’ll have something to say even in veryintimate situations, and with your vocabulary you’ll even trumpBritish bricklayers. Pub English can be unbelievably colourful,after all…The application contains:* 51 minutes of recordings* 897 sentences* 8,543 words* 1,979 unique words (vocabulary)Attention: Contains too much vulgarity – not suitable forjuveniles!!!For more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Inglese commerciale
#1 English language learning application -Business English for Italian-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Business English is carefully preparedby native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based on suchsituations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* 2,5 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 9 lessonsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
#1 English language learning application -English PREMIUM for Italian-speaking* Would you like to know a meaning of a word? -> Use adictionary.* Would you like to translate a sentence? -> Use atranslator.* Would you like to analyze a foreign language? -> Learngrammar.* Do you need to remember single words? -> Use a flashcardssystem.* Are you really going to SPEAK and UNDERSTAND ENGLISH and evenbetter directly THINK in ENGLISH?If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Every single lesson of the Everyday English is carefullyprepared by native speakers from US and UK. Topics are based onsuch situations that are common in real life.Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsYou will get:* Ability to understand native speakers and will speak with correctpronunciation* Easy to understand how to construct English sentencesSmartLanguage is so simple and friendly to use. There are nounnecessary “nice to have” features (such as pictures, icons,animations, etc).FREE – just as a sample lesson - How to study English:* 8 minutes* 44 sentences* 264 unique words (vocabulary)The Complete course consists of:* Everyday English + Business English* 9 hours of voice records (a subject of purchase from within theapplication)* in total 27 lessons, 4085 sentences, 58543 wordsFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Inglês para viagens
#1 English language learning application -Travel English for Brasilian Portuguese native speakersSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of 6 lessons:* How to study with SmartLanguage?: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264unique words* Travel: 51 minutes, 289 sentences* Hotel: 22 minutes, 165 sentences* Snowboarding: 8 minutes, 41 sentences* River rafting trip: 16 minutes, 94 sentences* Trip to an aquarium: 11 minutes, 61 sentencesFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.
Englisch für unterwegs
#1 English language learning application -Travel English for German-speakingSmartLanguage is the newest and the fastest language learningmethod. It is similar to the learning method adopted by childrenwho learn to speak their mother language. At first they listen toadults then they learn to imitate them and finally they createtheir own sentences and phrases.If you are interested to understand native speakers, speak witha correct and authentic pronunciation and without any need oftranslation or learning it by heart, then this application is thebest for you!Top features of the SmartLanguage methods:* Absolutely natural method of learning - NO learning byheart* You will subconsciously learn grammar by repeating of a largeamount of sentences* New 'vocabulary' is presented in the context of dialogue - thisis also helpful for learners to feel how spoken English works insentence and dialogue.* It's also done in the format of a story with a plot - so this iscohesive, as you get to 'know' the characters and get emotionallyinvolved* No need of a dictionary (there is a word by wordtranslation)* The study plan is completely in your handsThe Complete course consists of 6 lessons:* How to study with SmartLanguage?: 8 minutes, 44 sentences, 264unique words* Travel: 51 minutes, 289 sentences* Hotel: 22 minutes, 165 sentences* Snowboarding: 8 minutes, 41 sentences* River rafting trip: 16 minutes, 94 sentences* Trip to an aquarium: 11 minutes, 61 sentencesFor more information about the method and application, pleasefeel free to visit the product site on you would like to express anything to us, please send amessage to our support directly from the application – that’s onlyway where we are able to respond.In case you like this application then leave your feedback onGoogle Play – we really appreciate that.