EvolutionApplications برنامه ها

Battery Checkup Status 2.0
Battery Checkup Status - And healthy statusThis applications shows details about your battery. It shows thecurrent voltage, level, real temperature (Very Important), thetechnology used to build your battery, the charging status, and thehealth status.It may look simple, but this is a powerful toll that can saveyou time and even your life.1. Knowing the temperature even before you can feel on yourhands is very important. A problem with your battery may make itexplode. It should not be much greater than 100F or 40C2. Knowing the technology used by your battery will let you knowif you should discharge it totally or can use it with incrementalchanges. For instance, Li-ion batteries do not have the memoryproblem. It can be recharged at any point.
Speak Up Text To Speech TTS 3
Speak Up Text To Speech TTSSpeak Up synthesizer uses Text To Speech technology to transformtext into sound. It uses the data the device already has. If thedevice still does not have the TTS data, the program will showgoogle data to download. You have to restart the program afterit.TTS - Text to speech for android. Simple, fun and easy.
WiFi Discover Information 3.0
WiFi Discover Information (IP MAC SSID...)Do you know your IP Address? Wish to know better about the WiFi youare connected to? With this free app you can check several dataabout your connection and see others available. Discover IpAddress, MAC Address, SSID WiFi Name, Speed and so on.
Is today friday yet? 1.0
Is is Friday yet?Very nice quotes and messages for you that waits for that beautifulday to come: Friday! Every time you open the program, you will seea different message.
Memory Information for Android 1.0
Memory Information for AndroidWith this application, you will be able to see all sort ofmemorystatus from your android device. You would never image howmanykinds of memories it has. For instance:- Internal memory- Total ram memory- Total free memory- Buffers- Cached- Swap Cached- Active memory- Inactive memory- Unelectable- Dirty memory- Slab- Page tables- Bounce- Commit Limit... and dozen more information.This is a good application to have to find out the realmemoryyou have. Do not let anyone to try to still you sayingcertaindevice has more memory than what it really has.Enjoy, and thanks for downloading. Please, rate it :)
Bird Hanting Game 4.0
Bird Hanting Game is a game where youwillpractice your reflex skills. Hit the GREEN bird and keep goingupon levels. Every 5 level you can get a life back. Levelswillincrease the number of animals on screen and the speed.Enjoy this Bird Game and let me know your ideas.
Find out your device sensors 1.0
Find out your device sensorsA fantastic tool! Know what sensors your device has! Now youcanknow if you have acceleration sensor, or compass, and so on.Veryuseful tool to know more about your own device.For instance, a Samsung Galaxy y has:1. Acceleration2. Magnetic sensor3. Combo orientation sensor4. Proximity sensor5. Gravity sensor6. Linear Acceleration sensor7. Rotation vector sensorIf this simple cell phone has it all, find out what yourshave.It is always nice to know.
Be Quiet 1.0
Are you tired of co-works making noise?Usethis free app to make them quiet. Shh Shh! With this app, youwon`thave to keep saying shh to anyone anymore.It uses sound control taking a very small sample any analyzingitand then deciding if the noise is acceptable or not.We took all the difficult part from you and left only the fun part-just 3 controls. Enjoy!Be quiet!
whip - whip sound using accele 1.0
whip - whip sound using accelerationThe good old whip. Use this funny application to whipyourfriends. I made it very responsive so you wont have to shakeithard to get the whip sound.Play with your friends and let me know if there is anythingtoadd to it.Please, rate it. It has what it says.Please, when the application opens, if you like the add onthebanner, click on it. You will get a good deal.Thanks for downloading this free application.
Flashlight LED Light 1.0
No need for a flashlight when you alreadyhavea LED one.All that you need in a LED Light (flashlight): A Button.No fancy and unnecessary items. Enjoy this free App.A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor lightsource.[6]LEDs are used as indicator lamps in many devices andareincreasingly used for other lighting. Appearing aspracticalelectronic components in 1962,[7] early LEDs emittedlow-intensityred light, but modern versions are available acrossthe visible,ultraviolet, and infrared wavelengths, with veryhighbrightness.
SIM Card Info, IMEI and Phones 13.0
SIM Card Info, IMEI and PhonesAll you need to know about your SIM card information. !! Beawarethat some devices do not provide the its own telephone number!!.Enjoy this free app. It also shows the list of yourcontactnumbers.Some people complain saying they can not see their number.Noticethat not all SIM cards or operators display thisinformation. !! Itis not a problem with the application !!Also, dual phones are not supported on android. Themanufactureadds this capability to it, so it is not possible to anapp to getthis information: only the manufacture of your cell phonehas thiscapacity. You can still change the SIM on your device andit willshow automatly on the app.- Ability to filter your contacts- Signal intensity- Dual SIM Real time read (only for phones with a SIMswitchbutton)- Ability to send SMS directly from your contact list tab- Ability to make calls directly from your contact list tab- Phone list in alphabetical order- Better Design- Telephone list in a separate tab- Added the Network state. It now shows the name insteadofnumber.- Added the remaining codes, disclaimer, and menu. Also addedascroll bar as some phones could not see all the information.
SMS BLOCKERNO MORE UNWANTED SMSEnjoy the freedom of NOT receiving SMS from people outsideyourcontact's list.You can not, and should not wast time creating a black list.Just use your current contact list as a white one and youaregood!This is a service APP. Once you open it, it starts workingforyou.