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The Science of Getting Rich Fu 2
Full E-Book of the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
The 366 Day Savings Challenge 3
Now it's easier to save money than ever. Saving money is ahabit.Can you start by saving just one penny today? Absolutely! Ifyousave one penny today, followed by two pennies tomorrow, thenthreethe day after and so on, within a year you'd have $668. Ifinsteadyou opt for the more aggressive nickel challenge, you cansave upto $3,300. Here are the different money saving challengesavailablein the app: The Mini Challenge starts with $.01 per dayand savesyou $668 over a year. The Medium Challenge starts with$.02 per dayand saves you $1,336 in a year. The Nickel Challengestarts with$.05 and saves you $3,300 in a year. Which one you usedepends onyour current financial situation and how much you wish tosave overa year. We recommend that you set apart everything yousavethroughout the year either in a separate bank account, orhiddensomewhere in the form of coins or bills. If you want to makethiswork, remember to be consistent. Saving money is a habit, andthisapp will help you get started. If you enjoy the app pleaseconsidersharing it with your friends. Thanks!
The Game of Life and How to Pl 2
App containing the book "The Game of Life and How to Play It" byFlorence Scovel
$1,000 Savings Challenge 2
If you start by saving only one penny, you can save $1,000 injustsix months. $1,000 is the minimum amount required for anemergencyfund, so if you don't have an emergency fund (or you need$1,000for any other purpose), then this is the way to start saving.Thefirst week you'll save one penny, followed by two, thenthree.Eventually the amount will increase, but it will never gopast $7.Stick to the daily savings goals, and you'll have $1,000saved upin just six months. If you enjoy this app make sure toshare itwith your friends and leave us a review. Thanks for usingour app!
Acres of Diamonds - Full E-Boo 2
Full E-Book of Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell
One Thousand Ways to Make Mone 4.0
Contains the full contents of One Thousand Ways to Make Money byPage Fox.
The Richest Man in Babylon E-B 4.0
Full E-book of the 1926 book by George S. Clason.
The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin Full Ebook 4.0
The Way to Wealth was written in 1758 by Benjamin Franklin andisnow in the public domain. This app contains the full book. Hereisthe table of contents: Introduction Part I Part II Part III PartIVIn total, the book has over 3,000 words. Therefore, it's aquickread. If you enjoy this book, please consider sharing itwithothers and leaving us a good review. We truly appreciateyoursupport!
Where's My Money - Expense Tracker 2
Where's My Money is an expense tracking app that will provideyouwith insights on where your money is going and how you canbettermanage your finances. When you know where your money isgoing, itbecomes a lot easier to create a budget that works foryou. Hereare some of the features: - Add income/expenses - Keepstrack ofincome/expenses over the long term - At a glance view ofyour totalbalance - Add/delete/edit individual records - Completelyfree,with no restrictions and no annoying ads
Compound Interest Calculator A
Compound interest calculator with graphs, monthly additions,monthlybreakdown.
The Path to Prosperity Full E- 2
The Full E-book of the Path to Prosperity by James Allen.
The Art of Money Getting Full 1
Full E-Book of the Art of Money Getting by P.T. Barnum
Wealth Affirmations 2
Several collections of affirmations for building wealth.
Millionaire Affirmations 2
This app will help you attract immense abundance into your life.