Fluent Information Management Systems, Inc. برنامه ها

Who's Responding 2.3.0
Who’s Responding:With Who’s Responding your department will know immediately who isresponding to a call, whether they are going to the hall or thescene and know there ETA at a glance. Eliminate the guessing ofwhat personnel will arrive and be in the know. A simple click of abutton from virtually any phone and the screen at your departmentwill allow others to know you are on your way. This fast and easyinformation by Who’s Responding saves precious time inresponding.How it works:Once your pager has initiated the call you press the “Who’sResponding” App on your phone. This automatically populates ascreen within your department showing those who get to thedepartment before you immediately who is on their way. Optionallyit can also populate the screen showing your GPS coordinates soyour colleagues know how far out you are. It also has a featurethat allows a text to be sent and populate the screen within thedepartment sending valuable information to those getting ready torespond.In the bottom of the screen you will be able to see who is away soyou can be better prepared; helping a department know ahead of timeif they may be short personnel and a secondary call can beinitiated earlier.