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Japanese-English Translator 1.13.0
With “Japanese-English Translator”, just byentering your text once, you can search multiple translationwebsites. For example, even when Google’s translation results don’tmake sense, you can switch between tabs to see the results fromExcite’s translator as well as Livedoor’s translator.Online translation sites are useful, but the quality is not yet tobe satisfactory and a lot of times you cannot get the results thatactually make sense. However, if you compare the results ofdifferent translation sites, you will be able to grasp themeanings. Searching different translation sites could be tiring,but if you install “Japanese-English Translator” app, you don'thave to be bothered anymore. Just by switching tabs, you can easilyview and compare results from Google, Excite, Dictionary.com andnifty translation sites.When you would like to look something up in a dictionary you caneasily search the English-Japanese, Japanese-English andEnglish-English dictionaries included in the Naver EnglishDictionary and Nihongodict.You can translate from Japanese into English as well as fromEnglish into Japanese. Use “Japanese-English Translator” forstudying, work or even to communication with your friendsoverseas!* Due to the changes in the Translation site, it is possible thatsome of the translation site would no longer function in the futureso please be forewarned.* Please press and hold the screen and select the correspondingparagraph to be copied. However, there might be some difficultieswhen operating with the Android version and the Website.* There is a need to install the Japanese input IME app to be ableto input in Japanese.
Japanese Quiz (JLPT N1-N5)
"Japanese Quiz" is a perfect application toanyone who studies Japanese.You can learn vocabulary, Kanji, postpositional particles, grammar,and daily conversation while you answer the quiz questions.Each quiz consists of 20 questions - just the right volume for ahandy study-tool - and you can take it anytime anywhere!If you have something to ask, you can share the quiz on Twitter orFacebook!Have fun and get better with Japanese:-)"Japanese Quiz" offers three different levels and can be used as astudy tool for JLPT tests:Level 1: Beginners - JLPT N4/N5 levelLevel 2: Intermediate - JLPT N2/N3 levelLevel 3: Advanced - JLPT N1 level* Japanese Quiz can only be used online.
Traducteur Japonais-Français 1.5.0
Avec le "traducteur japonais-français", vouspourrez faire vos recherches sur de nombreux sites de traduction enentrant votre texte une fois seulement.Par exemple, même si les traductions proposées par Google n'ontaucun sens, vous pouvez basculer entre les onglets pour voir aussibien les propositions du traducteur Excite que celles deSubpedia.Les traducteurs en ligne sont extrêmement utiles, mais leur qualitéest rarement satisfaisante et la plupart du temps, il est difficilede trouver la traduction qui correspond parfaitement au contexte.Cependant, comparer les résultats de traducteurs différents, vouspermettra de saisir les différentes significations possibles.Utiliser conjointement différents traducteurs peut s'avérerfatigant, mais grâce à l'application "traducteurfrançais-japonais", vous n'aurez plus à vous en soucier. Basculerentre les onglets vous permettra de facilement avoir accès et decomparer les propositions des traducteurs en ligne de Google,Excite, Subpedia et Dictionary.com.Vous pourrez aussi bien traduire du japonais vers le français quedu français vers le japonais. "Traducteur japonais-français" voussera utile dans le cadre de vos études, de votre travail ou mêmepour correspondre avec vos amis à l'étranger !With the "Japanese-Frenchtranslator," you can do your research on many translation sites byentering your text only once.For example, even if offered by Google translations do not makesense, you can switch between the tabs to see the proposals as wellas those of Excite translator Subpedia.Online translators are extremely useful, but their quality israrely satisfactory and most of the time, it is difficult to findthe translation that perfectly matches the context. However,comparing the results of different translators, you will capturethe different possible meanings. Joint use different translatorscan be tiring, but through the application "French-Japanesetranslator," you will not have to worry. Switch between tabs youcan easily access and compare proposals online translators Google,Excite, and Subpedia Dictionary.com.You can also translate well from Japanese to French and from Frenchto Japanese. "Japanese-French translator" will be useful in yourstudies, your work or even to match with your friends abroad!
広告削除(一挙に韓国語翻訳) 1.0.0
『一挙に韓国翻訳』のブラウザ下部に表示されるバナー広告を非表示にします。このアプリは単体では動作しません。『一挙に韓国翻訳』のバージョン1.4.0以上が別途インストールされている必要があります。http://bit.ly/KoJaPs翻訳サイトの内に表示される広告は、非表示にできませんのでご注意ください。You can hide the bannerads that appear on the bottom of the browser, "Korean translationin one fell swoop".This app does not work by itself. You need version 1.4.0 or higher"Korea translated in one fell swoop" is installed separately.http://bit.ly/KoJaPsPlease note ads that appear within the translation site, so cannot be hidden.
JAPANESE 5 Lite (JLPT N1) 1.2.5
"JAPANESE 5 Lite" is a perfect application forupper intermediate advanced Japaneselearners.You can learn Kanji, vocabulary, and grammar of JLPT N1 level byansweringquestions.This application is best to prepare for JLPT and to advance yourlevel of Japanese skill.The Lite version consists of 40 Kanji questions, 30 vocabularyquestions and 30grammar questions. 20 questions will be randomly delivered eachtime. It’s justthe right volume for a handy study-tool - and you can do it anytimeanywhere!Have fun and your Japanese will be improved before you knowit;)
アンドロイド新聞 1.0.2
アンドロイドに関する最新ニュースを配信します。配信元は、TechCrunch、マイナビニュース、ITmedia、@IT、SankeiBiz、GIGAZINE、ガジェット通信、InfoQJapan、PC Watch、AV Watch、などなど。ニュースの記事を、使い慣れたデフォルトのブラウザ上に表示する仕組みです。
Remove Ads (English-Japanese) 1.0.1
Hide the banner advertisements shown in thebottom portion of the browser of "Japanese-English Translator".http://bit.ly/EnJaTrThis application does not work on its own. It is necessary tohave Japanese-English Translator (v1.4.0+) installedseparately.Furthermore, because it cannot hide the advertisements displayedinside the translation websites, please be careful beforepurchasing.
Remove Ads (Russian-Japanese) 1.0.0
Hide the banner advertisements shown in thebottom portion of the browser of "Japanese-Russian Translator".This application does not work on its own. It is necessary tohave Japanese-Russian Translator installed separately. http://bit.ly/trRuJaFurthermore, because it cannot hide the advertisements displayedinside the translation websites, please be careful beforepurchasing.
Remove Ads (Italian-Japanese) 1.0.0
Hide the banner advertisements shown in thebottom portion of the browser of "Japanese-Italian Translator".This application does not work on its own. It is necessary tohave Japanese-Italian Translator installed separately. http://bit.ly/trItJaFurthermore, because it cannot hide the advertisements displayedinside the translation websites, please be careful beforepurchasing.
原発ニュース 1.0.1
原発に関する最新ニュースを配信します。ニュースの詳細は、使い慣れたブラウザでお読みいただけます。I will deliver the latestnews about the nuclear power plant.Details of the news, you can read in the browser of yourchoice.
Remove Ads (French-Japanese) 1.0.0
Hide the banner advertisements shown inthebottom portion of the browser of "Japanese-French Translator".This application does not work on its own. It is necessarytohave Japanese-French Translator installed separately. http://bit.ly/trFrJaFurthermore, because it cannot hide the advertisementsdisplayedinside the translation websites, please be carefulbeforepurchasing.
Remove Ads (German-Japanese) 1.0.0
Hide the banner advertisements shown inthebottom portion of the browser of "Japanese-German Translator".This application does not work on its own. It is necessarytohave Japanese-German Translator installed separately. http://bit.ly/trDeJaFurthermore, because it cannot hide the advertisementsdisplayedinside the translation websites, please be carefulbeforepurchasing.
SmallLight (Morse Code LED)
This is a simple flashlight app thatutilizesthe device's LED flash light. Turn your phone into ahandyflashlight by downloading this app.Using this app, you can send Morse code message as well. Itcanconvert any alphabetical text into Morse code. In the caseofemergency, it can convert "SOS" into LED flashlight blink.If your device doesn't have a LED light, the app turns onthescreen bright.
Strobe Therapy 1.2.5
It regulates your brainwave with flickering lights and makes yourelaxed.
Japanese-Chinese Translator 1.13.0
With “Japanese-Chinese Translator”, just by entering your textonce,you can search multiple translation websites. For example,even whenGoogle’s translation results don’t make sense, you canswitchbetween tabs to see the results from Excite’s translator aswell asSo-net’s translator. Online translation sites are useful,but thequality is not yet to be satisfactory and a lot of timesyou cannotget the results that actually make sense. However, ifyou comparethe results of different translation sites, you will beable tograsp the meanings. Searching different translation sitescould betiring, but if you install “Japanese-Chinese Translator”app, youdon't have to be bothered anymore. Just by switching tabs,you caneasily view and compare results from Google, Excite,Fresheye,Weblio, Dictionary.com and Babylon translation sites.When you wouldlike to look something up in a dictionary you caneasily search theChinese-Japanese, Japanese-Chinese dictionariesincluded in theNaver Dictionary. You can translate from Japaneseinto Chinese aswell as from Chinese into Japanese. Use“Japanese-ChineseTranslator” for studying, work or even tocommunication with yourfriends overseas! * We offer“Japanese-English Translator” and“Japanese-Korean Translator” aswell.
Japanese-Korean Translator 1.13.0
With “Japanese-Korean Translator”, just by entering your textonce,you can search multiple translation websites. For example,evenwhen Google’s translation results don’t make sense, you canswitchbetween tabs to see the results from Excite’s translator aswell asWeblio’s translator. Online translation sites are useful,but thequality is not yet to be satisfactory and a lot of times youcannotget the results that actually make sense. However, if youcomparethe results of different translation sites, you will be abletograsp the meanings. Searching different translation sites couldbetiring, but if you install “Japanese-Korean Translator” app,youdon't have to be bothered anymore. Just by switching tabs, youcaneasily view and compare results from Google, Excite, WeblioandDictionary.com translation sites. When you would like tolooksomething up in a dictionary you can easily searchtheKorean-Japanese, Japanese-Korean dictionaries included intheWeblio Dictionary. You can translate from Japanese into Koreanaswell as from Korean into Japanese. Use “Japanese-KoreanTranslator”for studying, work or even to communication with yourfriendsoverseas!
価格検索:バーコードスキャンで価格比較! 1.9.0
韓国語単語帳 2.0.0
The definitive vocabulary app for Korean learners! 3000 wordsrecorded
JAPANESE 1 (JLPT N5) 1.5.5
"JAPANESE 1" is a perfect application for beginnerJapaneselearners. You can learn basic Japanese (Hiragana,Katakana,Kanji,vocabulary, and grammar ) by answering questions.This app isavailable in Japanese, English, Korean, Chinese(Mandarin andTaiwanese). Each quiz consists of 20 questions - justthe rightvolume for a handy study-tool - and you can do it anytimeanywhere!If you have something to ask, you can share the quiz onTwitter orFacebook. Have fun and your Japanese will be improvedbefore youknow it ;) Category ■Let's Start! ・Hiragana・Katakana・Hiragana・Katakana ・Number ・Greetings ・Words ■JLPT N5Level ・Kanji・Grammar ・Particle ・Vocabulary
JAPANESE 2 (JLPT N4) 1.5.5
"JAPANESE 2" is a perfect application for elementary tointermediateJapanese learners. You can learn basic Kanji,vocabulary, andgrammar (JLPT N4 Level) by answering questions. Thewords andsentences in this level are those widely used in everydaylife, andto study repeatedly until you can answer every questionis essentialto further advance your Japanese ability! This app isavailable inJapanese, English, Korean, Chinese (simplified Chinesecharacter andoriginal Chinese character). Each quiz consists of 20questions -just the right volume for a handy study-tool - and youcan do itanytime anywhere! Have fun and your Japanese will beimproved beforeyou know it;) ■JLPT N4 Level ・Kanji ・Vocabulary・Grammar