Cinta Sang Fashionista 1.1.0
Cinta Sang FashionistaAuthor : Archie the Redcat, Gita Juwita, BijouRating : TeenGenre : DramaSynopsis:PanelArchie the RedcatPernah punya teman yang hobi sekali menggambar saat di kelas, ‘kan?Nah, Fey adalah orang seperti ini. Baginya, menggambar apalagimembuat komik adalah segalanya. Apalagi saat ia mendapat pujiandari komikus terkenal. Ia pun yakin sendirian bisa memenangkanlomba yang diadakan penerbit komik… sampai sekelompok teman Feymenghancurkan naskah komiknya!Cinta Sang Fashionista - Pakai Baju Apa Hari Ini?Gita JuwitaGhea dikenal sebagai orang yang paling punya fashion sense disekolahnya. Suatu hari ia bertemu Leoni, stylist terkenal artis,yang mau menerimanya bekerja sebagai asistennya, dengan syarat:Ghea harus bisa membuat Yanuar, adik Leoni yang culun jadi keren!Gawat! Soalnya Yanuar adalah salah satu anak yang masuk kategoricowok jangkis kronis: jangkung–kurus–najis!Between You and MeBijouUntuk kesepuluh kalinya, Erin dihukum jemur di depan tiang benderakarena telat datang ke sekolah. “Gantengnya” matahari pagi samasekali nggak seberapa… tapi malunya itu! Apalagi ditertawakan olehAditya sang kakak kelas paling cakep di sekolah. Anehnya, saatbertemu langsung Aditya esok hari, Aditya sama sekali jauh darisosok hangat yang menertawakan Erin dari kelas…Love The FashionistaAuthor: Archie the RedCat, Gita Juwita, BijouRating: TeenGenre: DramaSynopsis:PanelArchie the RedCatEver had a friend who once drew a hobby while in class, right?Well, Fey is such a person. For him, let alone make a comic drawingis everything. Especially when he gets praise from renownedartists. He also believes that alone could win the race heldpublisher of comics ... until a group of friends Fey destroy thecomic script!Love The Fashionista - Wear Clothes What Today?Gita JuwitaGhea known as the person who has the most fashion sense in school.One day he met Leoni, famed stylist artist, who will accept to workas his assistant, with the condition: Ghea should be able to makeYanuar, geeky sister Leoni is so cool! Serious! Because Yanuar isone of the children who enter the category of chronic jangkis guy:tall-skinny-unclean!Between You and MeBijouFor the tenth time, Erin was sentenced to dry in the sun in frontof the flag pole for coming late to school. "Gantengnya" morningsun at all no how ... but it's shame! Moreover, ridiculed by hisbrother Aditya most saucy class at school. Surprisingly, when faceto face tomorrow Aditya, Aditya completely away from the figure ofErin hearty laugh from the class ...
Nan Nans Daily Life : vol 02 1.1.0
Nan Nan’s Daily Life vol 02Author : AnandaRating: Remajasynopsis:Cerita Kali ini* Dia Datang! .... Akhirnya-oh-akhirnya... Hans sampai juga kerumah Nan Nan!* Paranoid .... Akhir pekan Halloween bersama Nan Nan, Tako danFugu.* Lady Wanna Be .... Seandainya Fugu punya tangan...* It's Christmas .... Bagi Tako dan Fugu Natal berarti membuatdaftar hadiah! Tentu saja ini akan merepotkan Nan Nan. Lalu apaharapan mereka bertiga untuk tahun 2013?Nan Nan's Daily Life vol02Author: AnandaRating: Teensynopsis:This time story* He's Coming! .... Finally-finally-oh ... Hans arrived home to NanNan!* Paranoid .... Halloween weekend with Nan Nan, Tako andFugu.* Lady Wanna Be .... Fugu has hand if ...* It's Christmas .... For Fugu and Tako means making a Christmasgift list! Of course this would be troublesome Nan Nan. And whatthey all hope for in 2013?
Cinta Sang Fashionista Preview 1.1.0
Cinta Sang FashionistaAuthor : Archie the Redcat, Gita Juwita, BijouRating : TeenGenre : DramaSynopsis:PanelArchie the RedcatPernah punya teman yang hobi sekali menggambar saat di kelas, ‘kan?Nah, Fey adalah orang seperti ini. Baginya, menggambar apalagimembuat komik adalah segalanya. Apalagi saat ia mendapat pujiandari komikus terkenal. Ia pun yakin sendirian bisa memenangkanlomba yang diadakan penerbit komik… sampai sekelompok teman Feymenghancurkan naskah komiknya!Cinta Sang Fashionista - Pakai Baju Apa Hari Ini?Gita JuwitaGhea dikenal sebagai orang yang paling punya fashion sense disekolahnya. Suatu hari ia bertemu Leoni, stylist terkenal artis,yang mau menerimanya bekerja sebagai asistennya, dengan syarat:Ghea harus bisa membuat Yanuar, adik Leoni yang culun jadi keren!Gawat! Soalnya Yanuar adalah salah satu anak yang masuk kategoricowok jangkis kronis: jangkung–kurus–najis!Between You and MeBijouUntuk kesepuluh kalinya, Erin dihukum jemur di depan tiangbendera karena telat datang ke sekolah. “Gantengnya” matahari pagisama sekali nggak seberapa… tapi malunya itu! Apalagi ditertawakanoleh Aditya sang kakak kelas paling cakep di sekolah. Anehnya, saatbertemu langsung Aditya esok hari, Aditya sama sekali jauh darisosok hangat yang menertawakan Erin dari kelas…Love The FashionistaAuthor: Archie the RedCat, Gita Juwita, BijouRating: TeenGenre: DramaSynopsis:PanelArchie the RedCatEver had a friend who once drew a hobby while in class, right?Well, Fey is such a person. For him, let alone make a comic drawingis everything. Especially when he gets praise from renownedartists. He also believes that alone could win the race heldpublisher of comics ... until a group of friends Fey destroy thecomic script!Love The Fashionista - Wear Clothes What Today?Gita JuwitaGhea known as the person who has the most fashion sense in school.One day he met Leoni, famed stylist artist, who will accept to workas his assistant, with the condition: Ghea should be able to makeYanuar, geeky sister Leoni is so cool! Serious! Because Yanuar isone of the children who enter the category of chronic jangkis guy:tall-skinny-unclean!Between You and MeBijouFor the tenth time, Erin was sentenced to dry in the sun infront of the flag pole for coming late to school. "Gantengnya"morning sun at all no how ... but it's shame! Moreover, ridiculedby his brother Aditya most saucy class at school. Surprisingly,when face to face tomorrow Aditya, Aditya completely away from thefigure of Erin hearty laugh from the class ...
Pandora Restaurant 1.1.0
Pandora RestaurantAuthor : Riri SagaraRating: Remajasynopsis:Ada yang bergaya klasik. Ada pula yang modern. Karakter berwatakkeras bertemu dengan yang lembut. Semua karakter ini bertemu diPandora Restaurant untuk menyiapkan dan menyajikan masakan bermutu.Pandora RestaurantAuthor: Riri SagaraRating: Teensynopsis:There are classic style. Some are modern. Rampart character metwith a soft. All of these characters meet at Pandora Restaurant forpreparing and presenting high quality dishes.
Kelas Khusus Naga Bab 2 1.1.0
Kelas Khusus Naga - Bab 2Author : Norifusa Mita, Cork, TG, m&c!, Lesehan StudioRating : TeenGenre : Slice of Life, School Drama/Actionsynopsis:Donny Wirianaga adalah seorang pengacara kelas teri yang tinggaldalam rumah kantornya, yang itu pun sudah terlambat sewanya. Demibisa bertahan berpraktik di Jakarta, ia pun berupaya membuat SMAWijaya, sekolah yang di ambang kebangkrutan, menjadi sekolahunggulan. Donny mulai menjalankan rencananya! Ruang kelas tempatnyamengajar sudah ia dapatkan, tinggal mengisinya.Demi menagih hutang Donny sebesar 200 ribu rupiah, Riani punbersedia menjadi murid pertama kelas khusus Donny.Sungguhkah tak ada motivasi lain yang menggerakkan kakinya ke kelasitu?Special Classes Dragon -Chapter 2Author: Norifusa Mita, Cork, TG, m & c!, LesehanStudioRating: TeenGenre: Slice of Life, School Drama / Actionsynopsis:Donny Wirianaga is a petty lawyer who lives in the home office,which it was already too late rent. For the sake of practice cansurvive in Jakarta, he also tried to make Wijaya High School, theschool that is on the verge of bankruptcy, into a superior school.Donny started running plans! Classrooms where he taught he had got,live fill it. For the sake of getting a debt amounting to 200 thousand dollarsDonny, Riani was willing to be a student's first special classDonny.Had it really no other motivation that drives his foot into theclassroom?
Real Masjid : vol 02 Preview 1.1.0
Real Masjid 2Author : Tony Trax, Faza Meonk, Thoma P.Rating: Semua umurGenre : Religi, humor, edukasisynopsis:Setelah tahun lalu sukses berkolaborasi dengan komikus GalangTirtakusuma dalam hal membidani kelahiran komik strip religi danpekerti "Real Masjid", tahun ini @tonytrax menggandeng komikus mudaFaza Meonk dan Thoma Prayoga untuk membuat sequelnya, "Real Masjid2".Tema yang diangkat buku kedua ini masih sama dengan buku pertama:mengangkat fikih sehari-hari yang seringkali terlupakan ummat.Mulai dari soal bau rokok di masjid, pentingnya sholat (berjamaah),adab masjid, mudah datang dan perginya pahala, sampai kisah-kisahsahabat @tonytrax yang inspiratif.Real mosque 2Author: Tony Trax, Faza Meonk, P. ThomaRating: All agesGenre: Religion, humor, educationsynopsis:After last year's successful collaboration with artists GalangTirtakusuma in terms of the birth of religion and the comic stripcharacter "Real mosque", this year's young artists @ tonytrax tookFaza Meonk and Thoma Prayoga to make a sequel, "Real mosque2".The theme of this second book is still the same as the first book:lifting everyday fiqh often forgotten ummah. Starting from aboutthe smell of cigarettes in the mosque, the importance of prayer (incongregation), adab mosque, easy comings and goings of reward, tothe stories of friends @ tonytrax inspiring.
Real Masjid : vol 02 1.1.0
Real Masjid 2Author : Tony Trax, Faza Meonk, Thoma P.Rating: Semua umurGenre : Religi, humor, edukasisynopsis:Setelah tahun lalu sukses berkolaborasi dengan komikus GalangTirtakusuma dalam hal membidani kelahiran komik strip religi danpekerti "Real Masjid", tahun ini @tonytrax menggandeng komikus mudaFaza Meonk dan Thoma Prayoga untuk membuat sequelnya, "Real Masjid2".Tema yang diangkat buku kedua ini masih sama dengan buku pertama:mengangkat fikih sehari-hari yang seringkali terlupakan ummat.Mulai dari soal bau rokok di masjid, pentingnya sholat (berjamaah),adab masjid, mudah datang dan perginya pahala, sampai kisah-kisahsahabat @tonytrax yang inspiratif.Real mosque 2Author: Tony Trax, Faza Meonk, P. ThomaRating: All agesGenre: Religion, humor, educationsynopsis:After last year's successful collaboration with artists GalangTirtakusuma in terms of the birth of religion and the comic stripcharacter "Real mosque", this year's young artists @ tonytrax tookFaza Meonk and Thoma Prayoga to make a sequel, "Real mosque2".The theme of this second book is still the same as the first book:lifting everyday fiqh often forgotten ummah. Starting from aboutthe smell of cigarettes in the mosque, the importance of prayer (incongregation), adab mosque, easy comings and goings of reward, tothe stories of friends @ tonytrax inspiring.
Real Masjid : vol 01 1.1.0
Real Masjid 1Author : Tony Trax & Galang TirtakusumaRating: Semua umurGenre : Religi, humor, edukasisynopsis:"Komik strip, religi, dan pekerti ini berisi kisah-kisah sederhana.Cerita Tony Trax sederhana, tarikan-tarikan garis Galang TirtaKusuma sederhana. Tak mesti mengernyitkan kening, buat mencernanya.Sebaliknya, Anda harus mengendurkan otot-otot wajah dan perut, agartak kram saat mulai membalik halaman-halamannya."Hagi HagoromoJurnalisReal Masjid 1Author: Tony Trax & Galang TirtakusumaRating: All agesGenre: Religion, humor, educationsynopsis:"Comic strips, religion, and this character contains simplestories. Story Tony Trax simple, pull-pull line Tirta Kusuma Galangsimple. Tak must frowned, create digest. Instead, you have toloosen the muscles of the face and stomach, so that no cramps beganto turn the pages. "Hagi HagoromoJournalist
Satu Atap 1.1.0
Satu AtapAuthor : Azisa NoorRating: Remajasynopsis:Arriving in Bandung, Putri thinks that living in a boarding housefor the first time would be a blast! But when it turns out none ofher housemates are exactly human, it becomes another matterentirely...From a half demon playboy who (apparently) strives for true love, agenius yet socially inept weretiger, to a stranded lovesick merman,the inhabitants of the house pulls Putri into a series of weirdadventures and love stories.One RoofAuthor: Noor AzisaRating: Teensynopsis:Arriving in London, Princess thinks that living in a boarding housefor the first time would be a blast! But when it turns out none ofher housemates are exactly human, it Becomes another matterentirely ...From a half demon playboy who (apparently) strives for true love, asocially inept genius yet weretiger, to a stranded Lovesick Merman,the inhabitants of the house pulls daughter into a series of weirdadventures and love stories.
Wayang Ybliz - Ultimate Saga 1.1.0
Wayang YblizAuthor : Handri Satria Handjaya & Key-BarRating : RemajaGenre : Sentai, Superhero, Actionsynopsis:Sejarah bermula saat perbauran energi astral dan teknologimutakhir berpadu dengan pesatnya. Senjata pemburu virus emosiakhirnya berhasil diwujudkan. Misi yang di luar akal logika punsiap diemban.Bencana pun datang di saat sang pengguna tak mampu mengendalikanderasnya energi yang mengikatnya.Persekutuan antara umat manusia dan kaum klenik Nusantara menjadititik awal kisah ini. Albert yang kini putusasa kehilanganpekerjaannya, mencari sandaran kepada dukun. Ia ingin memperkayadiri dan ingin segera menikahi pujaan hatinya. Tetapi Mayang, sangkekasih, tampak semakin resah dan ketakutan hingga akhirnya Mayangmenemui seseorang untuk membantunya. Ia adalah seorang anakkuliahan yang sangat biasa, namun memiliki keberuntungan yang cukupluar biasa.Dengan mengubah diri menjadi Ksatria Wayang, dia menjelmamenjadi pelindung kaum lemah. Dialah Hander sang WAYANGYBLIZARUNA.Puppet YblizAuthor: Handri Satria Handjaya & Key-BarRating: TeenGenre: Sentai, Superhero, Actionsynopsis:History began when assimilation astral energy and cutting-edgetechnology combined with rapid. Virus hunter weapon emotionsfinally realized. Mission beyond any reasonable logic is ready toembrace.Disaster came in when the user is not able to control thebinding energy rush.Communion between mankind and the occult archipelago became thestarting point of this story. Albert, who is now desperate to losehis job, looking back to the shaman. He wanted to enrich himselfand wants to marry her idol. But Mayang, the beloved, lookingincreasingly restless and frightened until finally Mayang meetsomeone to help her. He is a college student who is very ordinary,but has a pretty incredible luck.By turning into Knight Puppet, he was transformed into aprotector of the weak. He is the WAYANGYBLIZ ARUNA Hander.
Grey & JinggaAuthor : Sweta KartikaRating : TeenGenre : DramaSynopsis:Jika cinta itu mudah terucap, maka takkan ada kisah cinta yangberliku. Grey dan Jingga adalah bukti bahwa cinta adalah rasa yangsulit tersamar.Grey & OrangeAuthor: Sweta KartikaRating: TeenGenre: DramaSynopsis:If love was easy spoken, then there would not be a complicated lovestory. Grey and Orange is proof that love is a difficult flavorsubtle.
Pelangi Di Naungan Mentari 1.1.0
Pelangi di Naungan MentariAuthor : Tim IRREGULARSRating : TeenGenre : DramaSynopsis:Guntur bukanlah berasal dari keluarga yang berkecukupan. Demimembayar keperluan sekolah ia harus bekerja paruh waktu membantuayahnya di proyek konstruksi bangunan. Akibatnya Guntur beberapakali tinggal kelas. Namun Guntur tak keberatan dengan keadaannya.Toh, uang hasilnya bekerja masih bisa ditabung untuk biaya kuliahNisa, adik perempuannya yang lebih pandai. Namun… adilkah Gunturmengorbankan masa depannya untuk sang adik?Pelangi di Naungan Mentari adalah kumpulan beberapa ceritapendek tentang cinta, persahabatan, dan rasa kemanusiaan yangromantis sekaligus menyentuh hati.The sun in the shade ofthe rainbowAuthor: Tim IRREGULARSRating: TeenGenre: DramaSynopsis:Thunder does not come from affluent families. To pay for schoolpurposes he had to work part-time helping his father in buildingconstruction projects. Consequently Thunder several timesrepetition. But the Thunder did not object to the situation. Afterall, money can still be saved result works for tuition Nisa,smarter sister. However ... it fair Guntur sacrificing his futureto his brother?The sun in the shade of the rainbow is a collection of shortstories about love, friendship, and romantic sense of humanity atthe same time touching.
Nan Nans : vol 01 Preview 1.1.0
Nan Nan's Daily Life 1Author : AnandaRating : TeenGenre : Comedy, Slice of LifeSynopsis:Suka menggambar? Mungkin kau suka menggambar tokoh khayalan gayamanga? Apa jadinya bila tokoh khayalan itu muncul jadi nyata?Itulah yang terjadi dengan Nan Nan.Saat sedang kesepian, Nan Nan akan asyik dengan “Tako” dan“Fugu” – dua karakter kartun ciptaannya. Kalau cewek lain seusiaNan Nan sibuk mengekspresikan diri dengan nge-Tweet, Nan Nan merasalebih sreg melepaskan emosinya dengan ngomik. Tersentuh olehketulusan Nan Nan, dewa dan dewi di kahyangan memutuskan untukmenghidupkan Tako dan Fugu untuk menemani Nan Nan.Ikuti keseharian Nan Nan dengan Tako dan Fugu yang kocak, mulaidari trik mengatasi habisnya uang bulanan, cosplay, sampai soal “kkganteng” yang suka jogging di taman.Nan Nan's Daily Life1Author: AnandaRating: TeenGenre: Comedy, Slice of LifeSynopsis:Like to draw? Maybe you love to draw manga-style fantasy character?What happens when the imaginary figures appearing so real? That'swhat happened with Nan Nan.As I was lonely, Nan Nan will preoccupied with "Tako" and "Fugu"- two cartoon character creation. If another girl the same age Nanexpress themselves busy jamming Tweets, Nan Nan felt morecomfortable with releasing emotions Ngomik. Touched by thesincerity Nan Nan, gods and goddesses in heaven decided to turnTako and Fugu to accompany Nan Nan. Follow daily Nan Nan with Tako and Fugu hilarious, rangingfrom tricks to overcome endless money monthly, cosplay, until thematter "kk-looking" who likes to jog in the park.
Nan Nans Daily Life : vol 01 1.1.0
Nan Nan's Daily Life 1Author : AnandaRating : TeenGenre : Comedy, Slice of LifeSynopsis:Suka menggambar? Mungkin kau suka menggambar tokoh khayalan gayamanga? Apa jadinya bila tokoh khayalan itu muncul jadi nyata?Itulah yang terjadi dengan Nan Nan.Saat sedang kesepian, Nan Nan akan asyik dengan “Tako” dan“Fugu” – dua karakter kartun ciptaannya. Kalau cewek lain seusiaNan Nan sibuk mengekspresikan diri dengan nge-Tweet, Nan Nan merasalebih sreg melepaskan emosinya dengan ngomik. Tersentuh olehketulusan Nan Nan, dewa dan dewi di kahyangan memutuskan untukmenghidupkan Tako dan Fugu untuk menemani Nan Nan.Ikuti keseharian Nan Nan dengan Tako dan Fugu yang kocak, mulaidari trik mengatasi habisnya uang bulanan, cosplay, sampai soal “kkganteng” yang suka jogging di taman.Nan Nan's Daily Life1Author: AnandaRating: TeenGenre: Comedy, Slice of LifeSynopsis:Like to draw? Maybe you love to draw manga-style fantasy character?What happens when the imaginary figures appearing so real? That'swhat happened with Nan Nan.As I was lonely, Nan Nan will preoccupied with "Tako" and "Fugu"- two cartoon character creation. If another girl the same age Nanexpress themselves busy jamming Tweets, Nan Nan felt morecomfortable with releasing emotions Ngomik. Touched by thesincerity Nan Nan, gods and goddesses in heaven decided to turnTako and Fugu to accompany Nan Nan. Follow daily Nan Nan with Tako and Fugu hilarious, rangingfrom tricks to overcome endless money monthly, cosplay, until thematter "kk-looking" who likes to jog in the park.
Psy Detective Yakumo : vol 01 1.1.0
Psychic Detective Yakumo 1Author : Suzuka Oda & Manabu KaminagaRating: RemajaGenre : Detective, Supernaturalsynopsis:Demi menolong teman yang kerasukan roh, Ozawa Haruka mendatangiSaitou Yakumo, seorang “detektif” dengan mata kiri berwarna merahyang memiliki kekuatan gaib. Awalnya Haruka tak yakin padakemampuan Yakumo, sampai Yakumo memberitahu sesuatu yang hanyadiketahui Haruka dan kakaknya yang telah meninggal.Bersama mereka pun membuka tabir serangkaian peristiwa misteriusyang melingkupi universitas tempat Haruka belajar. Namun apa yangmereka temukan, nampaknya hanya awal dari sesuatu yang lebihbesar...Psychic Detective Yakumo1Author: Suzuka Oda & Manabu KaminagaRating: TeenGenre: Detective, Supernaturalsynopsis:In order to help a friend possessed by a spirit, Ozawa Harukacame Saitou Yakumo, a "detective" with a red left eye that hassupernatural powers. At first Haruka is not confident in theability Yakumo, Yakumo to tell something known only to Haruka andher brother who had died.Together they unveil a series of mysterious events surrounding theuniversity where learning Haruka. But what they find, it seems onlythe beginning of something bigger ...
Komik Cihuy Anak Band 1.1.0
Komik Cihuy Anak BandAuthor : Indra Prasta, Aang AnggoroRating : TeenGenre : Komedi, satir, slice of lifeSynopsis:Komik Cihuy Anak Band mengangkat berbagai realita dunia anakband di Indonesia, yang seringkali seru, kocak, gokil dan kadangmengharukan. Komik ini adalah hasil kerjaan Indra Prasta & AangAnggoro, dua musisComics Kids Cihuy BandAuthor: Indra Prasta, Aang AnggoroRating: TeenGenre: Comedy, satire, slice of lifeSynopsis:Comics Kids Cihuy Band reality of the world lifting many boybands in Indonesia, which is often exciting, hilarious, andsometimes poignant gokil. This comic is the result of work of IndraPrasta & Aang Anggoro, two Musis
Seer - The Gen Children vol 02 1.1.0
SEER – THE GEN CHILDREN VOL 2Author : C. Suryo LaksonoRating : TeenGenre : FantasySynopsis:Abi, salah seorang anak indigo Indonesia yang dilemparkan kemasadepan, sampai ke negeri Yenom yang dipimpin oleh robot besarbernamaBig B-055.Krisis menyelimuti seluruh negeri Yenom. Pertemuan langsungantaraAbi dan Tio menciptakan konfrontasi di antara merekaberdua.Sementara itu, kelompok ‘Partai Pengemis’ dihadapkan padabencanabesar akibat terungkapnya identitas Tio. Sebagian kecilmisteri‘Anak Dewa’ mulai terkuak bersamaan dengan terungkapnya masalaluTio.Misteri apa yang ada dibalik sosok ‘Anak Dewa’?Bagaimanakahnasib mereka selanjutnya?SEER -GENTHE CHILDREN VOL 2Author: C. Suryo LaksonoRating: TeenGenre: FantasySynopsis:Abi, one of the Indonesian indigo children are thrown intothefuture, up to Yenom country led by a huge robot namedBigB-055.Yenom crisis enveloped the whole country. Direct meeting betweenAbiand Tio creating confrontation between the two of them.Meanwhile,the 'Party Beggars' faced with catastrophic Tio'sidentity. A smallpart of the mystery of 'God Son' began to unfoldsimultaneously withthe unfolding of the past Tio.The mystery of what is behind the figure of 'God Son'? How dotherest of their fate?
The Butterfly Ink (Bahasa) 2 1.1.0
The Butterfly Ink 2Author : Anisa Fadila Yusuf, Wina OktaviaRating: Remajasynopsis:Mona dan Ean berbagi ikatan yang dalam sejak mereka bertemu.Tapi dengan perjanjian darah, semuanya justru berubah.Ekspektasi dan perbedaan latar belakang keduanya tidak bisabersatu. Mona marah dan kecewa, terutama pada dirinya sendiri.Akibatnya hubungan mereka merenggang untuk beberapa lama. Suatuhari, Mona mendengar Eam akan pergi menjalankan misi. Tergerak olehhal tersebut, Mona mengejar Eam tanpa banyak berpikir.Namun, yang ternyata menunggunya bukan hanya masalah di antaramereka berdua...The Butterfly Ink 2Author: Anisa Yusuf Fadila, Vienna OktaviaRating: Teensynopsis:Mona and Ean share a deep bond since they met.But the blood covenant, everything just changed. Expectationsand different backgrounds they can not be united. Mona angry anddisappointed, especially to himself. As a result of theirrelationship for a long stretch. One day, Mona heard EAM will go ona mission. Moved by this, Mona pursue EAM without much thought.However, that apparently is not just a matter of waiting inbetween them ...
Dharmaputra Winehsuka 1.1.0
Dharmaputra WinehsukaAuthor : Alex IrzaqiRating: RemajaGenre: Historical Action, Kungfu, Silatsynopsis:Sebuah epik tentang kekacauan di bumi Majapahit pada tahun1309.Setelah berakhirnya masa kekuasaan Sanggramawijaya Majapahitmenjadi sebuah kerajaan yang besar. "Istana berjaya, raja dimakanusia" ... generasi pun berganti...Di usianya yang ke-28, putra Sanggramawijaya naik tahtamenggantikan ayahandanya sebagai raja Majapahit generasi kedua.Dialah sang prabu Jayanegara.Sang raja, dilindungi oleh satuan khusus yang dibuat olehSanggramawijaya sebelum ia mangkat. Mereka adalah DHARMAPUTRAWINEHSUKA, pasukan elit pelindung raja beranggotan 7 pendekar tanpatanding, yang memegang sumpah "SATYA BELA BAKTI PRABU", melindungiraja dengan taruhan nyawa.Namun apa yang terjadi, bila sang raja yang mereka lindungihanyalah si dungu yang cukup beruntung menjadi seorang raja?.DharmaputraWinehsukaAuthor: Alex IrzaqiRating: TeenGenre: Historical Action, Kung Fu, Silatsynopsis:An epic about the chaos on earth Majapahit in 1309.After the end of the reign of Majapahit Sanggramawijaya into agreat empire. "Triumphed Palace, the king with age" ... changedtheir generation ...At the age of 28, son Sanggramawijaya replace his father ascendedthe throne as king of Majapahit second generation. He is the prabuJayanegara.The king, protected by a special unit created by Sanggramawijayabefore he died. They are Dharmaputra WINEHSUKA, the eliteprotectors king beranggotan 7 swordsman without equal, who wouldkeep the oath "BELA BAKTI PRABU SATYA", protecting the king theface of death.But what happens, when a king they protect only the fool who islucky enough to be a king?.
Seer - The Gen Children vol 01 1.1.0
SEER – THE GEN CHILDREN VOL 1Author : C. Suryo LaksonoRating : TeenGenre : FantasySynopsis:2375. Abi, seorang anak indigo, berkelana mencari adiknya yangterpisah darinya setelah riset para ilmuwan Indonesia melemparmereka ke masa depan. Perjalanannya tidak mudah, karena ternyatasebuah organisasi misterius menghadang usahanya. Belum lagi kutukangenetis akibat lemparan mesin waktu menyebabkan tubuhnya kerapberpindah secara tak terkendali. Pencapaian Abi pun serasamustahil.Bagaimanakah nasib Abi yang sendirian menjelajahi dunia yangasing baginya?SEER - GEN THE CHILDRENVOL 1Author: C. Suryo LaksonoRating: TeenGenre: FantasySynopsis:In 2375. Abi, indigo child, wandering looking for his brotherwho separated from him after the Indonesian research scientiststhrow them into the future. His journey was not easy, because itturns out a mysterious organization to block his effort. Not tomention the result of a genetic curse causes a time machine throwshis body often move uncontrollably. Achievement Abi also seemedimpossible.How fate Abi alone exploring an alien world to him?
High Jump!Author : Chuya Koyama / CorkRating : TeenGenre : Action, Drama, ComedySynopsis:“Siswa SMA Ushi sudah sewajarnya bisa melompat”.Sudah lama ada anggapan seperti itu karena nyaris semua siswaSMAUshi gemar melakukan rooftop diving, meloncat dari atap gedungkeatap gedung sebelah. Hanya satu siswa yang tidak bisamelakukannya,yaitu Haruki Umeda yang takut ketinggian. Berulangkali ia mencoba,namun selalu urung melompat di detik terakhir.Sampai suatau haridating Yojiro Ozaki, guru baru yang inginmenghidupkan lagi timlompat SMA Ushi. Berhasilkan Ozaki membuatUmeda mengatasiacrophobianya ?.High Jump!Author: Chuya Koyama / CorkRating: TeenGenre: Action, Drama, ComedySynopsis:"High school students can naturally jump Ushi".It's been such a long time it was thought that because almostallhigh school students like to do a rooftop Ushi diving, jumpingfromroof to roof of the building next door. Only one student whocan notdo, namely Haruki Umeda is afraid of heights. Again andagain hetried, but always failed to jump at the last second. Untilthe daysuatau dating Yojiro Ozaki, new teachers who want to relivethe highjump team Ushi. Ozaki makes Umeda overcomeBerhasilkanacrophobianya?.
Seer - The Gen Children 2 Prev 1.1.0
SEER – THE GEN CHILDREN VOL 2Author : C. Suryo LaksonoRating : TeenGenre : FantasySynopsis:Abi, salah seorang anak indigo Indonesia yang dilemparkan kemasa depan, sampai ke negeri Yenom yang dipimpin oleh robot besarbernama Big B-055.Krisis menyelimuti seluruh negeri Yenom. Pertemuan langsung antaraAbi dan Tio menciptakan konfrontasi di antara mereka berdua.Sementara itu, kelompok ‘Partai Pengemis’ dihadapkan pada bencanabesar akibat terungkapnya identitas Tio. Sebagian kecil misteri‘Anak Dewa’ mulai terkuak bersamaan dengan terungkapnya masa laluTio.Misteri apa yang ada dibalik sosok ‘Anak Dewa’? Bagaimanakahnasib mereka selanjutnya?SEER - GEN THE CHILDRENVOL 2Author: C. Suryo LaksonoRating: TeenGenre: FantasySynopsis:Abi, one of the Indonesian indigo children are thrown into thefuture, up to Yenom country led by a huge robot named BigB-055.Yenom crisis enveloped the whole country. Direct meeting betweenAbi and Tio creating confrontation between the two of them.Meanwhile, the 'Party Beggars' faced with catastrophic Tio'sidentity. A small part of the mystery of 'God Son' began to unfoldsimultaneously with the unfolding of the past Tio.The mystery of what is behind the figure of 'God Son'? How dothe rest of their fate?
Laut Milik Semua - KKI 1.1.0
Laut Milik SemuaAuthor : Sheila Rooswitha Putri, Erastiany HenawatiRating : TeenGenre : -Synopsis:Finalis kompetisi komik indonesia 2013Marine Reserved AllAuthor: Sheila Rooswitha daughter, Erastiany HenawatiRating: TeenGenre: -Synopsis:Indonesian comic competition finalists 2013
Bocah : vol 01 1.1.0
Bocah Vol 01Author : Ockto Baringbing, Seta, BayuRating: RemajaGenre: historical adventure, action, fantasysynopsis:BOCAH-BOCAH ini memang kelihatannya sama seperti anak kecillainnya, tapi coba dicek lagi, apakah anak kecil pernahdikejar-kejar anjing gara-gara ngelempar BATU GEDE? menangkapmaling rambutan dengan airsoft gun? mengatasi banjir di ibukotadengan menggunakan KACA PEMBESAR RAKSASA? Serta belajar bersepedadengan menuruni bukit sekitar DANAU TOBA?Kalau BOCAH-BOCAH ini sih pernah... tapi dengan penuh KEGILAAN.Boy Vol 01Author: Ockto Baringbing, Seta, BayuRating: TeenGenre: historical adventure, action, fantasysynopsis:BOY-BOY is it looks the same as other children, but try to checkagain, whether a child ever being chased dog because ngelempar BIGSTONE? rambutan thief caught with airsoft gun? tackle flooding inthe capital by using GIANT MAGNIFYING GLASS? And learn aboutdownhill biking with LAKE TOBA?BOY-CHILD if this does ever ... but with full MADNESS.
The Butterfly Ink (English) 2 1.1.0
The Butterfly Ink 2 (English)Author : Veleries & FairskyRating : TeenGenre : Comedy, Slice of LifeSynopsis:Mona and Eam shared a deep bond since the first they met.But,with the blood oath, everything just changed. Differencesinbackground and expectations just can not be met. Mona getsangryand disappointed, especially to herself. As the result,theirrelationship is stretched for some time.One day, Mona heard Eam will go on a mission. Moved by this,Monapursue Eam without much thought. However, what is waiting isnotjust only problems between the two of them...The Butterfly Ink2(English)Author: Veleries & FairskyRating: TeenGenre: Comedy, Slice of LifeSynopsis:Mona and EAM shared a deep bond since the first they met.But,with the Blood Oath, everything just changed. Differencesinbackground and expectations just can not be met. Mona getsangryand disappointed, especially to herself. As the result,theirrelationship is stretched for some time.One day, Mona heard EAM will go on a mission. Moved by this,Monapursue EAM without much thought. However, what is waiting isnotjust only problems between the two of them ...