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Who Hacked My Skype? 1.0
° Who Hacked My Skype? °This app will finally give you the opportunity to find out ifsomebody else besides you is using your Skype App/Account. Did youalways mistrust your boyfriend/girlfriend or even your family orfriends? Have yousometimes not been quite sure, if maybe.. somebody is checking yourphone? For example, to check your latest Skype chats or calls, orto look through your contacts.This app will finally assure you in your doubts- or convince youof the contrary!So, how does it work?This app will create a seperate report for each start of the Skypeapp on your phone. The reports thereby containsthe date and time when Skype was started. Most important however, aphoto is taken at the moment Skype is opened.For each Skype start up, a photo will be taken and attached to thecorresponding report. That way, you will receivea 100% proof of the innocence or blame of the person you raise toquestion.»Check for reports by clicking on "Who Accessed My Skype"»Find out who is abusing your phone to spy on you»Enable/Disable Observation (Go to "Settings" => "ActiveObservation")»Delete Reports (Go to "Settings" => "Delete All Reports")Finally find out, whom to trust (and whom not to!).