GeronDesign برنامه ها

Fast Poll 1.1.10
The Fast Poll is a complete application towardconducting research of any size. There are four types of surveys(satisfaction, Alternative, multiple-choice and Discursive ) foryou to know the opinion of people in general about their products,services, employees, etc. Besides being a great post-sale, know theopinion of your customers about your products/services is criticalto maintaining the quality or discover where to improve. Andimprove results in gross over!>> To log in for the first time, leave the username blankand enter the password 5387a <<Explore the resources available in the app:- USER REGISTRATION: There are two user profiles: ProfileDevelopers who have access to the customer base, vote and view theresults of the research; Profile Manager, which has access to allfunctions of the app.- REGISTRATION CUSTOMER: Surveys can be anonymous or identified.For this, you can register customers and know the opinion recordedin the surveys.- REGISTER SEARCH: Choose from four types of research to knowthe opinions of those who use their products/services.The PROFIT - SHARE ON FACEBOOK: Share the result on yourfacebook timeline.- EXPORT DATA TO EXCEL: You can perform searches directly intotheir Excel applying filters to your liking.- IMPORT DATA FROM EXCEL: If you have many clients or searchesfor registering, import data from an excel file directly to thedatabase app.- BACKUP OF DATA: The app has a database to help you avoidlosing your data. The backup is performed automatically everyinsert that you do in the app.- SETTINGS: You can configure profile access and control ofContributor login app.- REPORTS: Express Customer Reports and Surveys.Questions, compliments, suggestions or complaints:GeronDesign Technology and InformaticsDeveloper: Geronildo JuniorE-mail: gerondesign@gmail.comSkype: geronildojr
Paired Bluetooth Devices 1.0.4
This application displays a list all Bluetoothdevices that are paired with your device. You can check the name,MAC address, type of unit and the status of the pairing. You canexport the list of paired devices to an Excel file (.xls).Simple, fast and easy. Just open the app.GeronDesign Technology & InformaticsDesenvolvedor: Geronildo JuniorE-mail: gerondesign@gmail.comSkype: geronildojr
No Meu Cartão 1.1.1
Estive observando uma necessidade de pessoas que costumam"emprestar" seus cartões de crédito para parentes e amigosrealizarem compras neles e pagar posteriormente. Dependendo daquantidade de compra e pessoas comprando, você acaba perdendo ocontrole e, quando a fatura chega, não sabe a quem cobrar pelascompras realizadas. Pensando nisso, desenvolvi o app No Meu Cartãopara você registrar as compras e saber exatamente de quem cobrar nofinal do mês. No app você salva os dados do comprador, como nome,apelido e os dados de contato. Quando for efetuar uma compra paraseu irmão, por exemplo, você vai informar a loja, o produtocomprado, a data que ele lhe prometeu pagar e em qual cartão foifeita a compra. Tudo pode ser filtrado por data, mês ouselecionando o "comprador". Agora você não precisará se preocuparcom essas comprinhas que aparece na fatura do seu cartão, poissaberá exatamente quem deve pagar por ela. Chega de se estressar!Funcionalidades do app: - Cadastro dos Compradores - Visualizaçãodos Compradores cadastrados - Registro da Compra - Registro deParcelas - Visualização das Compras realizadas - Visualização dasParcelas para gerenciamento - Fale conosco para sugestões, dúvidase reclamações! Filtre as compras e as parcelas por data, mês oucomprador. Super fácil e rápido! [ Importante: Você não informanenhum dado do seu cartão ] Dúvidas, elogios, sugestões oureclamações para suporte nacional, direto com o desenvolvedor:GeronDesign Tecnologia e Informática Desenvolvedor: GeronildoJunior E-mail: Whatsapp (81) 9.8536-0787Skype: geronildojr
Serial 1.0.1
The Serial app is designed for you who need to know quickly whichthe serial number of your machine, be smatphone or tablet. Veryfast and easy, just open the app and go.
Fast Cash PRO (Trial) 1.1.5
The Fast Cash PRO app has been developed equalto its paid version so that you, who are looking for an app moresuitable to your business, can test it before buying. You paynothing to download this app; Is totally free.It already comes with some products registered for you to simulatethe sales and follow the reports.You can find all the app information on the page: questions, I am available in the contacts below.GeronDesign Tech e InfoDeveloper: Geronildo JuniorE-mail:
Paired Bluetooth Devices 1.1.2
This application displays a list all Bluetooth devices thatarepaired with your device. You can check the name, MAC address,typeof unit and the status of the pairing. You can export the listofpaired devices to an Excel file (.xls). Simple, fast and easy.Justopen the app. GeronDesign Developer: Geronildo Whatsapp: +55 (81) 9.8536-0787
Fast Cash 1.3.15
The Fast Cash Application is ideal for those who have a smallbusiness.
IMEI 2.1.8
View IMEIs from your smartphone or tablet. Just open the app andyou're done.
Caixa Rápido PRO
The app to facilitate your daily life as a seller and serviceprovider.
Weight Price 2.4.0
App to report the total amount based on your weight.