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Soccer World Cup TV 1.0
Ihab Elmeniawi
For All the soccer or football league fans,here is an awesome App to indulge yourself with everything thatconcern the Football sport and FIFA world. This App has fullmatches of the biggest international teams and league with bestshoot, also the qualifier games for the world Cup 2014 competitionor tournament in Brazil. Also you can watch the latest from FIFA TVChannel on your phone or your tablet 24 hr. Not to mention readingthe latest news of football world, the FIFA and your favouritechampions, Best score, goals, top players, competition, tournament,Facebook.We also included lots of awesome soccer training workouts and sometips and tricks to improve your skills in soccer. Add to that, lotsof videos from the Brazilian Soccer School.And if you still need more and you are a true fan, you can getconnected to the FIFA Facebook page and meet your fellow fan andfanatics from around the world. After what we have mentioned above,we included some exciting trivia games, awesome gifs store and ofcourse more free Apps to download and to enjoy.Download our App and have a great experience.
Soup Recipes Healthy Delicious 1.0
Ihab Elmeniawi
50 Delicious Healthy Soup New Recipes fromaround the world. Every soup is a unique adventure. The recipeshave the value of soup in the meal.You can make a super delicious dinner like soup and salad with someappetizer for a warm up your nights in the cold winter. Thiswonderful app will helps you a lot in the kitchen with a really newfancy soup ideas, it is like taking a free cooking class in abetter comfortable way.There are lots of soup varieties, from chilli, chicken, seafood,meat, noodles to vegetarian recipes.Go ahead download and claim your cookbook app for free and spice upyou life and enjoy a new tasty and health easy to make soups.
Toronto Beaches Community 1.403
Ihab Elmeniawi
Toronto Beaches community is an App thatservesthe Toronto beaches community, which located on the eastside of the"Old" City of Toronto and extend from Victoria ParkAvenue on theeast to Kingston Road on the north, to WoodbineAvenue on the west,south to Lake Ontario. The Beaches is part ofthe east-centraldistrict of Toronto.This app is necessary for anyone who lives in the beaches areaorinterested to visit the beaches and have a lovely, niceexperienceas it provides mobile ready information as it relates toEvents,Local and Regional News, Local Businesses, police warning,and muchmore.Submit your Events, List your Business, Send Us Your LocalPhotosand interact with the community within the app.• A Comprehensive List of Local and Regional Events• Local and Regional News• Car Finer: Plot your location, take a photograph andremindyourself of where you parked•Tip Calculator: When dining out, quickly and accurately figureoutyour bill and how much each member of the dining partyshouldcontribute to your tip• Local Directory: Discover and Frequent Local Businesses! ListYourEvents and Reach Thousands of people with yourInformation!• Submit Your Business! Offer Deals and attract more of themembersof the community• Stay aware of your local Emergency Services like the Fire,PoliceDepartments as well as the local Utilities andhospitals.• Get all the TTC updates and plan your trips• Get in touch with your locals and your neighbors throughimportantlocal Facebook pages• If your are single you can try out our simplematchingservice.• Also if you are looking for work or a job or looking to hire,youdefinitely need to check out our App.• You can also checkout the gallery with lots of beautifulpicturesfrom the beaches not to mention the videos.• You can also shop for some hot deals from inside the App juststaytunes.• There is a nice map of the beaches to help you to get toyourdistention plus another one for bike ride.
Naturalis Cafe 1.399
Ihab Elmeniawi
Naturalis cafe App is about a cafe locatedatthe east end of queen street in Toronto. It has lots ofgreatproducts and awesome coffee from around the world with lotsofunique flavours blended by our coffee experts. Wealsodistinguished with our great selection of pastries, sandwichesandour real Montreal style bagels. The has our menus, direction toourlocation, our latest specials, you will be notified with ourdeals,updated news and tips about health and nutrition. You canalsocheck out our galleries for our great election of cakes andpastryproducts. We always have different coupons with greatdeals.You can add your comments or your picture on our fan wall plusyoucan share the app on the social media. And many otherawesomefeatures…… download our App and have a glimpse of the eastend ofQueen street.If like the App and you want one for your business, contactthedeveloper from within the App.View our delicious food and drinks menu on the goStay up to date with our cafe at anytimeUnlock coupons rewards for frequent visitsReceive exclusive mobile couponsEmail us photos to appear inside our restaurant.If like the App and you want one for your business, contactthedeveloper from within the App.
4 Pictures 1 word Logo Game 1.0
Ihab Elmeniawi
4 Pictures 1 word Logo Game Style isachallenge that you have to guess the logo by re arrange the 4pics.Share it with friends and family and have a good fun timesolvingthe puzzles. it is a good workout for your brain andalsoentertaining. Don't use caps.لعبة مسليه لتخمين ما هو اللوجو عن طريق ترتيب الصور
Round Table Music Radio 1.400
Ihab Elmeniawi
inally in the iTunes App Store the numberonemusic radio station from Toronto. WELCOME TO THE NEW ANDIMPROVEDROUND TABLE RADIO App! WHERE YOU CAN NOW PICK AND CHOOSESONGS ANDPLAYLISTS!This free App has a lot to offer to all the music fans, fromallover the world like listening to the continuouslyupdatedplaylists, live feed, radio shows, Photos from ouradventures,watching videos of concerts and interviews withartists.You can also connect with us through our fan wall, send usyourpicture and we will publish it for you in our app.We always organize concerts and music events and we willannouncethem in our App and we might give away free tickets.Also you will find schedule of our radio shows.Definitely you don’t want to miss this great App, feel free tosharethis app with friends and family ……why you keep all the funjust toyourself!!!
Ihab Elmeniawi
This Kickboxing MMA App is one of these Appsthat has everything in it. So if you are a UFC or a kick boxing,muay thai, thai boxing, Martial Arts, taekwondo, aikido, Karate,jiu jitsu fan, this app definitely for you. You can watch thelatest fights or championship videos and photos or pictures of yourfavourite fighters, Also you can watch TV interviews, KickboxingWorkouts video to improve your physical fitness training, enhanceyour punch moves, lose weight, read some articles, get the latestnews about UFC and Kickbox. and if you want to play some games, youhave few quizzes to knock out, each quiz is a challenge triviagame. Also you can connect with UFC's Facebook fans and community.And if you like this app you can always share with your friends andfamily through share via email or via SMS.If you are looking for being a good athlete and have an improvementin you sportive athletic life style and upgrade your level ofknowledge about UFC world, kick box and Martial arts.UFC Ultimate world App is a sports, free to download full ofentertainment and excitement . You can make a sports bar night justright in you phone, you just grape your favourite drink.So Here you go, a great addition to the google play store.Compatible with phones and tabletsGreat stuff in the App like: muay thai, Kick Boxing, MartialArts, jiu jitsu, fighting games, la fitness, athlete, quiz,taekwondo, cage fighting, ufc online, UFC Gym, UFC Champions, UFCRanking, UFC Results, UFC TV, UFC TonightEste UFC MMA App es una de esas aplicaciones que tiene todo loque hay en él. Así que si usted es un UFC o un kick boxing, muaythai, boxeo tailandés, artes marciales, taekwondo, aikido, Karate,jiu jitsu ventilador, esta app definitivamente para usted. Ustedpuede ver las últimas peleas o campeonato videos y fotos o imágenesde sus luchadores favoritos, también se puede ver la televisión lasentrevistas, El Kickboxing video ejercicios para mejorar suentrenamiento con ejercicios físicos, mejorar su inserción semueve, a perder peso, leer algunos de los artículos, obtenga lasúltimas noticias sobre boxeo y UFC. y si quieres jugar a algúnjuego, tiene algunas preguntas para sacar, cada quiz es un retojuego de trivia. También puede conectar con Facebook de UFC losaficionados y la comunidad. Y si te gusta esta aplicación siemprepuede compartir con sus amigos y familiares a través de acciones através del correo electrónico o por SMS!Si lo que buscas es ser un buen deportista y tiene una mejora en suestilo de vida deportiva atlética y actualizar su nivel deconocimientos acerca de UFC mundo, kick box y artes marcialesUFC Ultimate mundo App es un deporte, descarga gratis llena dediversión y emoción. Usted puede hacer un bar de deportes nochejusto a la derecha en teléfono, uva que acaba su bebidafavorita.Así es que aquí te vaya, una gran adición a la google play store.Compatibles con los teléfonos y las tabletasgrandes cosas en el App como: muay thai, Kick Boxing, artesmarciales, jiu jitsu, juegos de lucha, la fitness, atleta, quiz,taekwondo, peleas en jaulas, ufc, UFC Gimnasio en línea, UFC, UFCRanking Campeones, UFC, UFC TV, UFC Esta Noche
Christmas Songs and Carols 1.0
Ihab Elmeniawi
Christmas songs and carols App is allaboutXmas spirit and the fun and happiness that involved in thismerrytime. This small size easy to download App has best ofChristmasSongs. You can also listen to Christmas stories while youaredrinking your favorite eggnog. Not to mention that you canreadsome Christmas stories of Charles Dickens book. It is acelebrationday and you should celebrate it wellAlso there are lots of funny pranks videos to add to the joy oftheChristmas time especially in family or friends gathering.Alsodidn’t forget to include some trivia games to add someexcitementand challenge. Also there are a huge endless gallery ofChristmaspictures that you can use as a wallpaper or get ideasaboutChristmas decoration and ornament.Last but not least, Christmas is about giving, so why youdon’tcheckout our Christmas gifts store and send someone you dearorlove a unique gift from our awesome gifts deals thatwilldefinitely make a great impact on whoever you send it to himorher.Everyone can enjoy this App; boys, girls, Kids and old peopleThere are about 20 of the best christmas Songs old and new:Jingle Bells Ringing12 Daysets celebrate Xmas eveBe homeThe Smurfs Christmas SpiritThe first noelJoy to the World themeGangnam - Xmas StyleXmas is comingJingle Bell themeChristmas ImproBullette - Christmas BlankJonathan Coulton - Podsafe Christmas SongBullette - The Finest GiftRobert Gayler - Christmas BellsShira Kammen - Christmas Day in the MorningAnd More...Chants de Noël et chants App est tout esprit de Noël etleplaisir et le bonheur que impliqué dans ce moment joyeux .Cettepetite taille faciles à télécharger l'appli a le meilleurdeschansons de Noël . Vous pouvez également écouter des histoiresdeNoël pendant que vous buvez votre lait favori . Sans compterquevous pouvez lire des histoires de Noël de livre de CharlesDickens. C'est un jour de fête et vous devriez célébrer bienIl ya aussi beaucoup de vidéos drôles de farces à ajouter à lajoiede la période de Noël en particulier en famille ou entre amis.Aussi ne pas oublier d'inclure des jeux-questionnaires àajouterune certaine excitation et de défi. Il ya aussi une immensegaleriesans fin d'images de Noël que vous pouvez utiliser commefondd'écran ou obtenir des idées sur la décoration de Noël etdel'ornement .Last but not least , Noël est de donner , alors pourquoi vousn'avezpas commander notre magasin de cadeaux de Noël et envoyezquelqu'unque vous aimez ou cher un cadeau unique de noscadeauximpressionnants offres qui va certainement faire un grandimpactsur celui qui vous l'envoyez à l' ou elle.Tout le monde peut profiter de cette appli , garçons, filles,enfants et personnes âgéesCanciones navideñas y villancicos App tiene que ver conelespíritu de Navidad y la diversión y la felicidad que participaeneste tiempo alegre. Este pequeño tamaño fácil de descargarApptiene lo mejor de Canciones de Navidad . También se puedeescuchara las historias de Navidad , mientras que usted estábebiendo suponche favorito. Por no hablar de que se puede leeralgunos cuentosde Navidad de libro de Charles Dickens . Es un díade celebración yse debe celebrar bienTambién hay un montón de videos divertidos bromas a añadir alaalegría de la época de Navidad , especialmente en la familiaoamigos . También no se olvide de incluir algunos juegos detriviapara añadir un poco de emoción y desafío. También hay unaenormegalería interminable de fotos de Navidad que se puedeutilizar comofondo de pantalla o conseguir ideas sobre decoraciónde Navidad yornamento.Por último, pero no menos importante , la Navidad es acerca de dar,¿por qué usted no lo hace comprobación nuestra tienda de regalosdeNavidad y enviar a alguien querido o ama un regalo único denuestrosregalos increíbles ofertas que sin duda hará un granimpacto en elque lo envía a él o ella.