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M.Y.S.I My Space Industry 1.0.3
Ipnotik Studio
Welcome in the « M.Y .S.I : My Space Industry»program.Harvest of Pirithium, a rare resource in extraordinarypropertiesand build your empire thanks to its exploitation.You will not be able to make everything on your own, formoreeffectiveness on the ground as in offices, employ of staff:- The Miners: brave workers who work relentlessly to increasetheproduction of Pirithium.- The Sellers: the cream of the traders of the galaxy putsitsknowledge at your disposal to sell always more, alwaysquickly.Spend you money efficiently to improve the Tools of yourMinersand the Places of your Sellers and invest in third activitiestoaugment your capital.If the money is not enough for you, take a look to thegeneralleaderboard to feel some power.Your quest for a prosperous space industry begins here, with«M.Y.S.I : My Space Industry.
Wiggiz: Little Wild Eggs 1.2.4
Ipnotik Studio
★ Découvres de mignons petits êtres sortistoutdroit de l'espace et plonge tout de suite dans l'universmerveilleuxdes Wiggiz!! ★★ Occupe toi de ton premier Wiggiz: utilise la brosse pourlelaver, donne lui le biberon et joue lui un air de flûtepourl'endormir! ★★ Participe à des mini-jeux pour gagner de l'argent danslaFoire. ★★ Achète des objets divers et de la nourriture et denouveauxœufs au Magasin. ★★ Fais un tour dans le dressing pour personnaliser tes Wiggizetachète les plus beaux chapeaux de l'espace. ★★ Si tu n'a pas peur de te salir, va donc piocher dans laMinepour récolter de nombreux bonus et peut-être décrocheras-tuleWiggiz spécial! ★★ Les Wiggiz t'attendent pour une nouvelle aventure aveceux,n'hésite plus! ★★ Discover cutelittlecreatures straight out of space and plunges straight intothewonderful world of Wiggiz !! ★★ Mind your your first Wiggiz: Use the brush to wash it, givehimthe bottle and he plays a tune on the flute to sleep! ★★ Participate in mini-games to earn money in the Fair. ★★ Purchase various items and food and new eggs Store. ★★ Make a trip to the dressing room to customize your Wiggizandbought the most beautiful hats in space. ★★ If you're not afraid to get dirty, go and dig into the minetocollect numerous bonuses and perhaps you décrocherasspecialWiggiz! ★★ The Wiggiz waiting for you on a new adventure with them, donothesitate! ★