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Tri-Fei-2 - 5D Platformer 1.1.8
James Kirk
Tri-Fei-2 is a classic-retro style platformgame, for people who like a game with a challenge. With a Mariostyle feel to it, this platformer is unlike any other. It may atfirst look like a 2D style retro platformer, though once youprogress you will begin to uncover all 5 dimensions.STORY• They say that there's a whole other dimension occupying the samespace as ours, but we can't perceive of it. Well, Tri-Fei-2 can!Tri-Fei-2 is from the planet Osteros, a planet where they havemastered this ability and have built a whole other world in theother dimension.GAMEPLAY• Use the 2 dimensions to navigate around the world and pass thelevels!• Walk through walls using the other dimension!• There are 7 planets to explore, each with their own littlequirks... Can't make that jump? Maybe gravity is lower in the otherdimension... Only one way to find out!• Swap dimensions as often as you want! (Tip: try jumping beforeyou swap dimension, just in case there's no platform below you.That way you can take a peek in the other dimension withoutfalling)• Control Time! (Tip 2: Time only ticks in the dimension you arein! Useful for those moving platforms)• 49 Challenging Levels, split among 7 planets (and more on theirway)• 98 Levels, if you count the extra dimension in each level!• Level completion perks! Finished the game? Don't worry, we'llequip you with the game completion perk of your choice!• Lots more ideas planned for the future! Just keep an eye out forupdates.• Survival mode, with leaderboard.FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/trifei2TWITTER: https://twitter.com/trifei2
God of Evolution
James Kirk
We all evolved from very basic cells, which grew and multiplied,andhad children. The children they had were like their parents,oftenwith mutations. Over millions of years, the mutations mouldedusinto what we are today. But what if we could speed up thatprocess,and make every single child be different in an effectiveway to itsparent. Even with todays best computers, it would be ahuge struggleto control enough atoms to allow evolution as far assomething ascomplex as todays life, even just by using cells. 'Godof Evolution'is an attempt to allow us to speed up the process,and watchevolution in action without having to wait millions ofyears, and ina way which allows computers to be able to cope withall thathappens. So, how do we achieve that? Cells: Life is brokendown intothe most important parts of what makes a creature able tolive.These parts are; Mouth (the ability to eat) Nose (the abilitytosense food) Ears (the ability to sense predators and prey)Movement(the ability to move around the world) Defense (toughersurfaces tohelp a creature survive) Attack (the ability to killanothercreature, in order to turn it into food) Sight (thisfeature is notimplemented yet, but is planned for the future)Birth: When acreature gives birth, its child will be the same asit, with onesmall difference. It will have an extra cell on itsbody. Now thiscell could be any of those mentioned above, so thefirst creature,for example, can only move in a straight line, butits child mayhave a nose cell, meaning it can smell food that isnearby. So thenose cell tells the brain, and the creature may gotowards it,meaning it will live longer and have more children. Sothe nextchild may have a nose and an ear. The nose may tell thebrain/lifecell to go towards the food, but the ear cell may hearanothercreature nearby, which will affect the decision the brainmakes.Evolution: Evolution will take care of what is best forthecreatures, simply because the weak creatures, the ones thatcan'tfeed, will eventually get eaten by stronger creatures, or theywillrun out of food. Evolution will mould the creatures to be abletosurvive based on the conditions of the world. Only the fittestwillsurvive. So how can I help? 'God of Evolution' was made asanexperiment, in order to recreate evolution in a computer. Lifethatcould evolve, and grow and become the best alive based onitsconditions. Once all the bugs were fixed, there still liedoneproblem. How do i decide what amount of food to give thecreatures?How can i decide how much food they need in order tosurvive? Howcan i decide how long it will take to give birth? Howmuch foodthey can store? How long before they die of hunger? Howlong foodlasts until it decays? This presented lots of problems.Changingany of these factors always affects how well the creaturesevolve,whether they evolve at all, or if they all just die ofstarvation,or can simply never give birth. Finding the rightcombination ofthese things is the remaining challenge. So, once allthe bugs werefixed, why not let the world try and find out? So Ichallenge youto try and find the best way to make life! There is noend goal, nocompleting this, this is not a game, this is achallenge to findthe perfect conditions in which life can thriveand evolve. Yourchance to be God! Try different combinations ofeverything and seehow it turns out. Do things simply starve? Isthere so much food orsmaller creatures that your computer simplycan't handle it? Solet's work together, find a good solution, shareyour solution soothers can try it and see if it works for them!Let's try changingthings and see what different worlds we end upwith! Can we createa world in which we have the perfect fighter? Ora world whereeverything is in harmony, and the creatures roamaround freely withno predators. Your choices will decide. Goodluck, and please shareyour results with the world!