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The Effective Team - Mind Map 0.2
John R
This is a Mind Map that shows the keyattributes of an effective / high performing team at work (and inother contexts too).You can use it as a reference point to determine how your team(as a team member or leader) compares to what would be consideredas 'high performing'. Then you can consider if there is anythingyou need to do about it.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’
Difficult Conversations -M/Map 0.1
John R
This Mind Map provides you with a practicalguide for preparing for, and holding, difficult conversations. Italso includes tips on how to deal with negative reactions.All this is shown on a single-screen Mind Map for ease ofreference and navigation.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’
Manage Your Boss - Mind Map 0.1
John R
This Keyfax Mind Map provides you with the keyfacts on managing your boss to help them get the best out of you.A one-page Mind Map as a quick reference guide on what you needto do to 'manage' your boss. It's all about how you can identifywhat makes them 'tick', or order to help them help you get moresatisfaction from your job role. It will give you some ideas on howyou can work with them, not against them, to get what you need.This Mind Map highlights the main areas where you will need tounderstand how your boss 'works' and what their wants, needs andways of working are. At the same time it also helps you to clarifyin your own mind what your wants, needs and preferred ways ofworking are.Once you have done this, you can begin to tailor your approachto your boss, and influence them to make your working life betterfor YOU.If you and your boss have a rocky working relationship, theinformation shown on the Mind Map can help provide a wayforward.The Mind Map shows the key information you need on a singlescreen. Just enlarge and scroll around to navigate.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’
Managing Meetings - Mind Map 0.2
John R
A Mind Map on the key elements of how to plan,prepare and manage meetings - and to be aware of the possible'hidden agendas' that people turn up with - including you!YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’ - and all on a single screen
Problem Solving - 5 Mind Maps 0.1
John R
This is a set of 5 one-page Mind Map referenceguides that can be used as problem solving tools and techniques.PROBLEM SOLVING METHODS - Shows you a number of differentapproaches to solving a problem including making sure it is reallyyour problem, then dealing with it in a way that's appropriate toits relative size and importanceIDEA GENERATION TECHNIQUES - Provides you with methods ofgenerating a large number of potential solutions to a problem fromwhich your 'diamond' solution(s) can be found.MIND MAPPING - Provides you with a method of identifying the'root causes' of problems to ensure that you are setting out tosolve the 'right' problemSIX THINKING CAPS - Is based on Edward de Bono's Six ThinkingHats and provides you with a method of dealing with problems. Forexample: Clarifying the problem (White Cap). Generating creative /potential solutions (Green Cap). Looking at the positives of eachpotential solution (Yellow Cap). Looking at the potential pitfallsand dangers of each potential solution (Grey Cap). Getting theemotional / gut feelings about the problems and potential solutions(Red Cap). Overseeing and directing the discussions (Blue Cap).APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY - Provides you with the key elements ofsolving problems by developing ways to strengthen at what already'works'; taking a positive view from the start rather thanconsidering what negatives have to be 'fixed'.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it. The key facts about each topic will beliterally ‘at your fingertips’
Body Language MindMap 0.2
John R
A Mind Map on the key elements of Non-verbalCommunication (Body Language). Learn the signs of when people areinterested and positive about what you are saying, or the tell-talesigns that indicate their (and your own) true state of mind.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’
Idea Generation MindMap 0.2
John R
A Mind Map on some essential techniques forgenerating creative ideas to solve everyday problems. Thetechniques shown are:- Warm Ups- Analogies- Consulting (different types of people)- Random Word- IncubationYOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’ - and all on a single screen.
Gestalt Psychology - Mind Map 0.2
John R
This Mind Map shows what a 'Gestalt' actuallymeans, the principles of how Gestalt psychology works, and thethings we can do to help recognise effects and causes of 'anincomplete Gestalt' in our lives.All this is shown on a single-screen Mind Map for ease ofreference and navigation.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’
Team Roles - Mind Map 0.2
John R
A Mind Map the 9 Team Roles as developed byMeredith Belbin. Use this handy app to help identify your own andyour colleagues' dominant team roles. See where the similaritiesand differences are - and why you might or might not always be inharmony with those you live and work with!This is a Mind Map of Meredith Belbin's 9 Team roles. A goodsoccer team needs strikers, midfielders, defenders and agoalkeeper. A team of 11 strikers might sound good, but they wouldnot come home with many trophies!Likewise, any team in a work environment needs people withdifferent skills and capabilities to make it perform at a highlevel. This Mind Map will help you identify your own and othersprimary and secondary roles, and the roles that you are leastcomfortable or effective with.For each of the 9 Team Roles, this Mind Map highlights theassociated:- PERSONALITY TRAITS- STRENGTHS AND APPROACHES TO WORK- ALLOWABLE WEAKNESSESFor managers, this knowledge of team roles can help you allocatework to team members that suits their preferred style, and thusmake them work more effectively, and with higher motivation.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’ - and all on a single screen.
Mind Mapping - Mind Map 0.2
John R
A Mind Map on how to Mind Map!This is a Mind Map that shows you the essentials of how to drawyour own Mind Map.It takes you through the 'rules' of producing a Mind Map thatwill help you to:Make notes - as preparation for Meetings / Presentations /Lessons / Project plans etc.Take notes - during Meetings / Presentations / Lectures / Lessonsetc.Mind Maps are superb tools for study and revision. They canreplace a whole paragraph of text with a few simple words astriggers to aid recall.Many people produce 'mind maps' that are not really Mind Maps atall. Produce them properly with this guide which is itself anexample of an effective Mind Map.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’ - and all on a single screen.
Writing to Persuade - Mind Map 0.2
John R
A Mind Map on the key elements of writingpersuasively using the AIDA technique. If you ever need to writesomething in order to 'sell' a product, a proposal or an idea, thenthis Mind Map will provide you with a method of doing thiseffectively - and all on a single screen.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’
Communication Barriers MindMap 0.2
John R
A Mind Map on the key elements of Barriers toCommunication. This Keyfax 'Mapp', show you the main barriers tocommunication that you can encounter, or be guilty of, andtherefore plan how to to deal with or avoid.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’
Teamworking - 4 Mind Maps 0.1
John R
This is a set of quick-reference one-page MindMap guides on what makes a 'High Performing Team'. The set is madeup of:- THE EFFECTIVE TEAM - The attributes of a team, and theirleader that make them work effectively.- TEAM DEVELOPMENT - The 4 stages of development that teams gothrough form 'Forming' to 'Performing', and how they match the lifestages of growing up from childhood to maturity.- TEAM ROLES - Meredith Belbin discovered that an effective teamis made up of people with a range of different talents and skillswho can carry out a range of different roles. This Mind Map willhelp you see what these roles are and help determine if you havethe right mix of people in your team.- SWOT ANALYSIS - A Mind Map showing the process of undertakinga SWOT (Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats) analysiseffectively. This Mind Map can help you produce a 'snapshot' ofwhere your team is 'at' at any particular moment in time. Manypeople do SWOT analyses incorrectly - this Mind Map shows you theright way to do one.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it . The key facts about each topic will beliterally ‘at your fingertips’.
Appreciative Inquiry- Mind Map 0.3
John R
A Mind Map of the key elements of AppreciativeInquiry (AI). This Mind Map shows you the main stages ofimplementing change and improvements through the AI process.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’
Communication Skills- MindMaps 0.1
John R
A set of 4 quick reference Mind Maps thatprovide you with information on the key elements of effectiveinterpersonal communication, especially when you need to undertakea serious conversations. The Mind Maps cover:- QUESTIONING SKILLS: This Mind Map provides information on 'typesof questions' and which are most / least useful. It also covers thethree 'Levels' of questioning where you may need to delve intopeople's inner thoughts and feelings.- LISTENING SKILLS: Information on what the 'indicators' are thatsomeone is listening along with guidance on how to undertake'Active Listening'. It also shows the difference between what wethink the listening process is, to what it actually is!- BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION: Information on the thoughts, feelings,behaviours, attitudes and external factors that can prevent amessage being effectively sent or received- NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION: This Mind Map shows how it's not WHATis said but HOW it is said that makes the difference betweeneffective and ineffective communication. It provides information onthe positive and negative types of body language, but also someguidance on the potential dangers of trying to interpret it.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSOTHER SETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’
Presentation Skills - Mind Map 0.2
John R
A handy, one-page reference Mind Map on thekey elements of planning, preparing and delivering presentations.It covers the key areas of:- BACKGROUND PREPARATION- PREPARING THE CONTENT & PROMOTING INTEREST- PLANNING & STRUCTURING THE DELIVERY- USING AN APPROPRIATE DELIVERY STYLEThis mind map gives you all the practical details of what toplan and prepare, and how to deliver a knockout presentation.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’ - and all on a single screen.
Presentation Planner 0.2
John R
This PRESENTATION PLANNER app will take youthrough all the preparation needed to make any presentation aninformative, dynamic and engaging one. It works on the old saying"Fail to prepare - Prepare to fail"This is NOT an app that just provides text on how to dosomething. This app is a TOOL for planning presentations.Whether you are planning a 10 minute presentation to a fewcolleagues, or an hour's presentation to an audience of a hundredor more, this app will enable you to prepare every detail.Through text boxes, checklists, and other interactive means,this app will let you input and prepare all the content of yourpresentation and how to present it. It also includes a 'Killer Tip'that almost all non-professional presenters fail to take intoaccount, and which can make the content of your presentation really'stick'.The app covers:BASIC PREPARATION:- Purpose & Aim- Time / Venue / Room Layout- Audience characteristics and expectationsCONTENT PREPARATION:- The preparation sequence- Topic areas for main body- The TQA (Topic Question Answer) technique- Detailed content planning (done within the app)INTRODUCTION:- Standard options- Attention grabbing options- Introduction planCONCLUSION:- Options- Conclusion planDELIVERY SEQUENCE:- Checking logical sequence- Checking estimated timings- Comparing estimated timing to time availableVISUAL AIDS:- Types / Options- Content- Hints & Tips- 'Killer Tip'!FINAL PREP:- Speaking notes- Materials & Equipment- Rehearsal- Final checklist
Get More Positive! 0.2
John R
- Easy-to-use app that can contribute to realpositive outcomes- No thinking required - just identify a positive from a number ofnegatives- Backed up by scientific research - it can change the way youthink - and the way your brain works- Start to see the positive things in life - not just thenegatives- Use for just 5 - 10 minutes per day and see what difference itmakesThis is a therapeutic application based on scientific researchby the University of East Anglia and reported upon in The Telegraphwebsite (July 2013) and in the BBC Horizon documentary 'The TruthAbout Personality'. This app is not a game.Studies of the brain have shown that the right side of the brainis more active in people who are more negative and anxious. It hasbeen discovered however that by applying simple exercises it ispossible to change the way the brain works and re-balance the rightand left sides of the brain.As reported on The Telegraph website in July 2013, researchersbelieve it is possible to teach yourself to have a more positiveoutlook by practising simple exercises such as meditation andclicking on images of smiling faces placed amongst images of angry,sad, unhappy faces..By making the left side of the brain more active, people candevelop a brighter attitude to life. The idea behind thisapplication is to train your brain to identify positives morereadily. The findings of the scientific studies were shown in a BBCHorizon documentary that followed a Mr Mosley who wanted to becomea happier person. Over the course of seven weeks he followed twoexercises aimed to make him more positive.The exercises involved meditating and looking at a screenshowing numerous blank or angry faces and one smiling one. MrMosley had to click on the happy face to train the left side of hisbrain to seek out positive images. After several weeks Mr Mosleytold the BBC 2 Horizon programme: ‘The Truth about Personality’that he felt happier.The scientists said the activity in both sides of his brain hadbecome more equal, a sign of growing optimism. He said: “I feelquite frankly astonished that you can notice that much change injust seven weeks. I set out to see if it was possible to change mymind and I think I might have done it.” This app provides a versionof the ‘smiley face’ part of the exercise for you to do for just 5- 10 MINUTES EACH DAYThis app is based upon the research and the information reportedby the Telegraph and the BBC. It is an app that can help youdevelop a more positive attitude to life. It also works on theprinciple that: YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SICK TO GET BETTER.
Workplace Skills - MindMaps 0.1
John R
A set of one-page Mind Maps on five keybusiness and management topics: - Project Management - TimeManagement - Managing Meetings - Presentation Skills - StressManagement.These Mind Maps are quick and handy reference guides to give youthe key facts, as and when you need them.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate around each map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it . The key facts about each topic will beliterally ‘at your fingertips’
Stress Management MindMap 0.2
John R
A Mind Map on the key elements of StressManagement - as an employee or as a manager. The map shows youwhere stress comes from, and ways to avoid, reduce, and minimiseits effects.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’ - and all on a single screen.
Managing People - 4 Mind Maps 0.1
John R
A set of 4 one-page, quick reference Mind Mapson four key topics relating to managing people. The topics coveredby each Mind Map are:- DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS: How to plan, prepare and undertakethem- MANAGE YOUR BOSS: How to establish what makes your boss (andyou) 'tick' so that you can help them get the best out of you.- COACHING SKILLS: How, as a manager, you can identifydevelopment needs, and use coaching and delegation of tasks to helpothers increase their knowledge, skills and experience.- FEEDBACK: The 'rules' of giving constructive feedback onperformance, and feedback on someone at a personal level. It alsoshows the rules for receiving feedback effectively.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it. The key facts about each topic will beliterally ‘at your fingertips’
Influencing Skills - Mind Maps 0.1
John R
A set of 4 quick reference Mind Map guides onhow to influence others to accept you, your proposals, or to getthem to come around to your way of thinking. The set consists of:- INFLUENCING SKILLS: How to present yourself, your ideas andhow to choose an appropriate influencing style (Push or Pull?). Italso provides information on the kinds of power that can be used tohelp get what you want.- PERSONAL POWER: This Mind Map develops the personal powertheme summarised in the Influencing Skills Mind Map. This guidehelps you identify which sources of personal power could be used toinfluence others - or what power others may use (or abuse) toinfluence you and others.- BEING ASSERTIVE: This provides information and guidance on howto make requests and get your views and opinions acrossassertively. It also provides guidance on how to say No, and how togive and receive criticism effectively.- WRITING TO PERSUADE: This Mind Map provides guidance on how toinfluence others through any kind of written medium using the AIDAmodel (Attention / Interest / Desire / Action.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it. The key facts about each topic will beliterally ‘at your fingertips’
Personality Types - Mind Map 0.1
John R
Are you an ESFJ? An ENTJ? An INTP?This Mind Map can help you determine your Personality Typeasdeveloped by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Cook BriggsThis Mind Map provides you with an outline of the 4 pairsofpersonality types:Extravert - IntrovertSensing - iNtuitionThinking - FeelingJudging - PerceivingEveryone will have a 'preference' of one of the pairs overtheother. Once you have identified your own and others'personalitytypes, you can begin to understand why some people getalongfamously, and others clash! This is a great tool forappreciatingpeoples' differences and diversity and this Mind Mapwill get youstarted in developing your understanding of thosedifferences.You will have:• All the key facts on a single page• A Mind Map that helps you appreciate peoples' differences• A great introduction to the Personality Types developed byIsabelMyers and Katherine BriggsYOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUSVARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread.Simply work outwards from the centre along the branchesandsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows outfromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branchesgrowingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, youwillread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, movingandscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘atyourfingertips’ - and all on a single screen
Creative Problem Solving 0.2
John R
As Edward De Bono said "A good idea only hastobe practical in hindsight".This is a practical tool for generating creative andlateralthinking ideas to solve real life problems.All you have to do is type-in your problem, then choose fromarange of different techniques to generate possible solutionsandapply them.This app helps you generate a large number ofpotentialsolutions, from which one or more 'diamonds' canemerge.You will be able to apply the analogy techniques of:> What's it like?> How's it like?> What kind of problem?You will also be able to apply the 'Consult' techniquesofusing:> A professional> A special individual> The Random Oracle> The Court JesterYou can then use the power of the subconsciousthrough'Incubation'This is an app to use when you need to solve a problem,whetherit be work related or something else.
Doggie Holiday - Picture Game 0.1
John R
A simple ADVERTISEMENT FREE game where youtapjumbled tiles to move them around and make a full picture. Inthisgame you make up pictures of Doggies on Holiday (vacation).Suitable for slightly older children - and adults too!
Action Learning - Mind Map 0.1
John R
This is a single-screen Mind Map providing youwith the key facts about Action Learning (AL). It covers what ALis, the background history of AL / the AL 'formula' for effectivelearning, the types of problems that AL can help to solve, and theprocess of running a typical AL group meeting.This, and all the Mind Maps in the series provide you with allthe key facts on one page as a quick reference guide.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’
Emotional Intelligence MindMap 0.2
John R
A one-page Mind Map on the key elementsofEmotional Intelligence. It provides you will details ofthePersonal and Social competences needed to demonstrateeffective'EI'.The effects of a lack of 'Emotional Intelligence' at workandelsewhere can be highly detrimental.This mind map provides you with a handy one-page reference guideonwhat Emotional Intelligence is, and the range of personalandsocial competencies that it covers i.e.EMPATHYSOCIAL SKILLSSELF AWARENESSSELF REGULATIONMOTIVATIONThis guide will help you identify your own and others'strengthsand weaknesses in these EI competences and provide adirection forpersonal development and growth.• A guide to help develop Emotional Intelligence (EI)• The EI competences shown in a mind map format• All the key facts on a single page and 'at your fingertips'YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUSVARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALFUSUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread.Simply work outwards from the centre along the branchesandsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows outfromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branchesgrowingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, youwillread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, movingandscrolling around it.
Project Management - Mind Map 0.2
John R
REVISED & UPDATED!A Mind Map on the key elements of planning and managingaproject. This Mind Map covers the 3 phases of:- Project Definition- Project Planning- Project ImplementationAll the key information you need on a single screen.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUSVARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread.Simply work outwards from the centre along the branchesandsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows outfromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branchesgrowingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, youwillread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, movingandscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘atyourfingertips’
Working Relationships MindMaps 0.1
John R
A set of 4 one-page Mind Map referenceguideson relationships at work (and beyond). The Mind Maps coverthetopics of:- EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Information on the Personal andSocialcompetences needed to promote well-balanced relationships- PERSONALITY TYPES: A Mind Map to help you identifyyourPersonality Type as developed by Isabel Myers andKatherineBriggs- MANAGING CONFLICT: A Mind Map to show the optionsandstrategies you can adopt to manage conflict between yourselfandanother, or between others- BEHAVIOUR ANALYSIS: A Mind Map that shows the various typesofbehaviours that can help or hinder working relationships andonethat can be used as a basis for constructive feedback.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUSVARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread.Simply work outwards from the centre along the branchesandsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows outfromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branchesgrowingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, youwillread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, movingandscrolling around it. The key facts about each topic willbeliterally ‘at your fingertips’
Six Thinking Caps - Mind Map 0.2
John R
A Mind Map of Edward de Bono's SixThinkingHats, with a slight variation.On this Mind Map you can view all the key information abouttheSix Thinking Caps on a single screen. Just zoom and slidetonavigate around the map.The information on each of the Six Thinking Caps iscomprisedof:- What the colour represents- It's use when running meetings- Examples of its useThe key facts about the Thinking Caps will be literally ‘atyourfingertips’ - and all on a single screen.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUSVARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread.Simply work outwards from the centre along the branchesandsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows outfromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branchesgrowingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, youwillread from right to left, rather than left to right.
Problem Solving - Mind Map 0.2
John R
A one-page Mind Map of applyingsystematicprocesses to solve everyday problems at work, orelsewhere.This Mind Map will provide you with the main problemsolvingprocesses, with additional details on how to undertake 'rootcause'analyses of problems - all on a single screen.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUSVARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread.Simply work outwards from the centre along the branchesandsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows outfromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branchesgrowingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, youwillread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, movingandscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘atyourfingertips’
Feedback Skills - Mind Map 0.1
John R
A Mind Map on the key elements of how togiveand receive feedback on both a work and personal basis. Beingableto give feedback effectively, and making it 'constructive' evenifit's negative is a key skill in today's working world, whetheryouare a manager or a member of a team.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUSVARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALFUSUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread.Simply work outwards from the centre along the branchesandsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows outfromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branchesgrowingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, youwillread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, movingandscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘atyourfingertips’ - and all on a single screen
Time Management - Mind Map 0.1
John R
This one-page Mind Map is a quickreferenceguide on how to manage your time most effectively.This Mind Map provides guidance on how to:- Think ahead about what you need to do- Prepare a simple plan of action and review progressagainstit- Prioritise your work in terms of its relevant urgencyandimportance- Deal with the main things that can waste your timeYOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUSVARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread.Simply work outwards from the centre along the branchesandsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows outfromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branchesgrowingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, youwillread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, movingandscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘atyourfingertips’
Team Development - Mind Map 0.1
John R
Have you ever wondered why your team can showsigns of internal conflict, or why when someone new joins, theatmosphere within the team changes? This Mind Map will show you whythat might be. This Mind Map shows the four stages of a team'sdevelopment from the time that it is first formed. As you'll see,it matches how we develop through life!The map shows the characteristics of each stage of developmentand the actions that can be taken to help achieve a 'highperforming' status.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each stage will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’ - and all on a single screen.
Questioning Skills - Mind Map 0.2
John R
A Mind Map on the key elements of how to askthe right questions at the right time when conducting importantconversations. The information will help you ask appropriate 'open'or 'closed' questions at the right 'level and how to usequestioning as a way of demonstrating that you are activelylistening.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’- and all on a single screen.
Managing Conflict MindMap 0.2
John R
A one-page Mind Map on the key elements ofmanaging conflict at a work or personal level. It helps youidentify an appropriate strategy from 'doing battle' to anhonourable 'surrender'.Conflict can arise at any time between people. There can beconflict between you and someone else, or between friends,colleagues or others around you. This Mind Map will provide youwith guidance on what strategy you could adopt to manage any kindof conflict between people that you want to resolve.The appropriate strategy to manage a conflict will depend uponhow important the outcome is, but also on how important therelationship is. This Mind Map provides you with a quick and handyreference guide to help you manage conflicts between others, andbetween yourself an another.• A one-page reference guide on managing conflict• Helps you identify the most appropriate strategy to adoptYOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUS VARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALF USUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread. Simply work outwards from the centre along the branches andsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows out fromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branches growingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, you willread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, moving andscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘at yourfingertips’ - and all on a single screen
Coaching Skills - MindMap 0.2
John R
A Mind Map on the key elements of carryingoutcoaching skills, as a mentor, guide or manager.With training budgets being continually tightened, managersarebeing asked more and more to support staff developmentthroughcoaching. This Mind Map provides you with a one-screen-guideof thekey actions to take as a coach in the work environment.The Keyfax 'Feedback Skills' Mind Map might also be ofinterestas this offers 'one-screen' guidance on giving feedbackonperformance, which is a critical part of the coachingprocess.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUSVARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: TIME ONLY - SET OF 30 MIND MAPS FOR £6.00 (HALFUSUALPRICE)If you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread.Simply work outwards from the centre along the branchesandsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows outfromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branchesgrowingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, youwillread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, movingandscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘atyourfingertips’
Personal Power - Mind Map 0.2
John R
Note: This is the same Mind Map as'YourPersonal Power' available in the 'Lifestyle' category.This Mind Map shows the range of personal powers that peoplecanuse - or abuse.To some extent or other we will possess thepowersat various times with colleagues, friends and family.This Mind Map will help you identify what power you areusing,and when, and if you are using or abusing it! It will alsohelp youidentify when you are being subjected to the use or abuseofsomeone else's power.YOU CAN SEE THE FULL SUITE OF OVER 30 MIND MAPS, PLUSVARIOUSSETS AT LOWER PRICES AT: you haven’t used mind maps before, they are very easy toread.Simply work outwards from the centre along the branchesandsub-branches and read each key word or phrase as it grows outfromthe previous one. This means that as you read the branchesgrowingfrom the centre towards the left hand side of the page, youwillread from right to left, rather than left to right.You can navigate the map simply by enlarging, movingandscrolling around it.The key facts about each topic will be literally ‘atyourfingertips’