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Digital Chocolate 0.0.1
Digital Chocolate is a simple application forthose who enjoy eating chocolate and want to try it in digital way.The main concept of this app is to eat chocolate by touchingit.You can choose different chocolate types:- Milk Chocolate- Dark Chocolate- White ChocolateMore Chocolate types coming soon!You can see the number of times you bit the chocolate.This application supports Multitouch!This app was made just for fun :)So.... Have fun eating chocolate!
A6W Osobisty Trener PRO 1.0b
Wersja PRO aplikacji A6W Osobisty Trener nieposiada żadnych reklam oraz posiada dodatkowe opcje (zmiana czasuodpoczynku między seriami i powtórzeniami). W planach jest męskawersja głosu trenera(wybór: Męska/Damska). Opcja ta będzie w jaknajszybszym czasie dodana do tej wersji.Warto zakupić tą wersję, ponieważ nie zawiera ona denerwującychreklam oraz posiada pełne wsparcie programistyczne(szybka naprawazgłoszonych błędów w aplikacji).A6W Osobisty Trener PRO to aplikacja, która pomoże Ci w treningumięśni brzucha.Aplikacja wykorzystuje znany system, zwany "Aerobiczną SzóstkąWeidera".Aerobiczna Szóstka Weidera to 42 dniowy program ćwiczeniowy,który pomoże Ci w wyrzeźbieniu brzucha i spaleniu zbędnegotłuszczu.Głównym celem aplikacji jest ułatwienie wykonywania ćwiczeń zprogramu Aerobiczna 6 Weidera, poprzez zastosowanie głosu(trenera),dzięki czemu użytkownik może się skupić na samym ćwiczeniu, a nie,jak dotychczas na liczeniu.Interfejs jest bardzo prosty i przejrzysty, bez zbędnychfunkcji.Co jest na ikonie aplikacji?- Kaloryfer!Początkowo miał być to bardzo dobrze wyrzeźbiony brzuch, leczpomysł jest oklepany, więc mamy Kaloryfer (nawet z regulacją!):)PRO version A6W PersonalTrainer app has no ads and has additional options (change of resttime between sets and repetitions). The plans for the masculineversion of voice coach (range: Men / Women). This option will beadded as soon as possible to this version.You can purchase this version because it does not contain anyannoying ads, and has full support software (quick fix reportedbugs in the application).A6W Personal Trainer Pro is an application that will help you intraining your abdominal muscles.The application uses the well-known system, called "AerobicznąWeider Six".Aerobiczna Weider Six to 42-day program of exercises that willhelp you in carving the abs and burn excess fat.The main purpose of this application is to facilitate theexercise of the Aerobiczna 6 Weider, through the use of voice(coach), so you can focus on the exercise, and not, as before thecount.The interface is very simple and clear, without unnecessaryfeatures.What is the application icon?- Heaters!Originally supposed to be a very well-sculpted abdomen, but theidea is stale, so we Heaters (even with adjustable!) :)
Defender: Unusual Knights 1.0.4
This game uses pixel art to give you thefeellike you're playing an really old game.WARNING! This game contains offensive language!If that offends you, please don't install Defender (Garbage levelofjokes can melt your brain).Defender is a simple arcade game, which takes you to themedievaltimes in which as is well known swords were thrown to theleft andto the right in the direction of brave warriors, who hadno betteractivities than deflecting them and raping virgins.Game has 3 types of gameplay(3 modes):Classic:Deflect incoming swords by tapping the line on which there isaknight.Every 10 deflected swords, a new knight arises on thebattlefield(max 4).When any of knights dies the game is over.You can use 3 special abilities:- Bullettime allows you to slow down the time. It gives youmoretime to react.- Together when activated irrespective of the tapped line,allknights defend themselves at the same time.- Sixth Sense shows where will fly the next sword.Extra:Just like Classic, besides:- You start the game with all 4 knights alive.- Game ends when the last knight dies.You can use your special abilities just like in Classic.Multi:Multiplayer mode is an awesome way to challenge yourdrunkfriends.Works great on parties :)Two players deflect the sword between each other.Dwóch graczy odbija mieczyk w stronę przeciwnika, ruleissimple:If your opponent dies, YOU WIN!The game has built it shop, in which you can spend yourdeflectedswords on upgrades and special abilities.Enjoy! ;)
Kalkulator VAT - Brutto Netto 1.0
Kalkulator VAT brutto-netto przeliczakwotębrutto na netto oraz kwotę netto na brutto przyzastosowaniuodpowiedniej stawki VAT. Oblicza także kwotę podatkuVAT.Bardzo proste narzędzie, przejrzysty interfejs.Co to jest podatek VAT?Podatek od towarów i usług, PTU (ang. Value Added Tax, VAT)–podatek od wartości dodanej, podatek pośredni, pobierany nakażdymkolejnym etapie obrotu towarami lub usługami (podatekobrotowy),którego konstrukcja zakłada brak kaskadowego nakładaniasię podatkupoprzez zastosowanie mechanizmu odliczenia podatkupobranego wpoprzednich etapach obrotu.Tax Calculatorcalculatesthe gross-net amount of gross and net amount of net taxusing theappropriate VAT rate. Also calculates the amount of VAT.Very simple tool, clear interface.What is VAT?Value-added tax, PTU (ang. Value Added Tax, VAT) - value addedtax,indirect tax, levied at every subsequent stage of the marketingofgoods or services (sales tax), whose structure assumes nocascadeof overlapping tax through the mechanism deduction of taxlevied inthe previous stages of marketing.
Ramp Hero: Rolling Ball Game 1.1.0
Ramp hero is an exciting rolling ballgamewhere you have to play with a virtual ball in a way where youhaveto keep the ball within a marked area. This is a simple toplaygame but the game has awesome dynamics to offer for allitsplayers.How to play the game?The free app Ramp Hero has an extremely easy game playbutmastering the control over the rolling ball is reallychallenging.The sole objective of the players is to put the ballwithin themarked area on the screen. The ball should be placed asmaximum aspossible closer to the marked area: closer will be theball’sposition to the marked area, you will get to accumulate morescorein your account.Apps feature:- Before you download the app Ramp Hero take a look atitsinteresting features:- Simple but attractive user interface,- There are 4 backgrounds to play this rolling ball game,- The game play is easy to understand but challengingtomaster,- Closer the ball gets to reach near the marker, player willscoremore: scoring options are 3, 2, 1- You can share the game score in your socialnetworkingsites,- Players can access scoreboard: check how other online playersareplaying this roller coaster roll ball game.- You can rate and review the game: let other users know youdelightin playing the app.Download the app Ramp Hero and start playing the roll ballgameat your fingertips.You can play the game offline once downloaded, but for accessingappintegrated scoreboard, you need internet support onyoursmartphone.App made by KUTsoft and Ł. B.