Kidzapplanet:無料のアプリで感性と考える力が養える!幼児・子供向け知育アプリブランド! برنامه ها

赤ちゃんの寝かしつけにも!童謡アプリ|ママの魔法のうた 7.1
ママが童謡を子どもたちに歌ってあげたり、一緒に歌ったり…、赤ちゃんや子どもたちとママを「うた」で結ぶ、子育て真っ最中のママのために作った親子のコミュニケーションアプリです。赤ちゃんにとって、人生で最初に触れる音楽。そんなママのうた声は、赤ちゃんや子どもたちにとって何よりも心地よく、発育にも大きな影響を与えます。赤ちゃんを寝かしつけるとき、泣き止ませるとき、子どもと一緒に遊ぶとき、いろんな場面でママのうたを歌ってあげましょう。「童謡を知らない」「聴いたことがあるけど、歌詞を知らない」「どうやって遊んでいいかわからない」。そんな童謡を知らないママでも大丈夫!『ママの魔法のうた』なら歌と歌詞が一緒に流れるので、音楽に合わせて歌詞を見ながら歌えます。また、手あそびや振付がある童謡は、振りを見ながら一緒に遊べます。★今なら、無料で全曲お使いいただけます!★■対象■0歳から5歳までの子育てをするママ(ママの魔法のうたは、ママが子どもたちの歌をうたうためのサポートをするため、子ども向けではなく、ママ向け仕様となっております)━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【アプリの特徴】① 本物の楽器によるハイクオリティな楽曲に合わせて歌えます② 見やすい歌詞表示③ 「てあそび」や「あそびうた」の振付が見られます④ 「うた日記」で、「泣き止んだ」「歌えた」などの記録を残せます━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━■魔法のうたの『使い方』■・うたメニューママが歌うシチュエーションに合わせて、童謡を選べます。「ねんね」… 子守歌や赤ちゃんが眠くなるような寝かしつけのうた「なきやみ」… やさしい歌や、気分を変えられるような、泣き止みうた「うたう」… 一緒に楽しく歌えるうた「おどる」… 一緒に手あそび、おどれるうた・マイページ「お気に入り」好きな曲をお気に入りにクリップできます。クリップ曲が我が家のヘビーローテーション。アプリを立ち上げて簡単にに曲が探せます。「日記」歌をうたいながら、日記や記録をつけることができます。寝かしつけができたら、「ねんね」ボタンを、他には、「なきやみ」「うたえた」「おどれた」を押すと、今までのできた回数が記録されます。その日の様子も日記としてに残せますよ。■こんな時、こんなママにオススメ■【★ 生後3ヶ月 ~ 新人ママの寝かしつけに ~】生後3ヶ月、ねんね落ち着いてきましたか?抱っこでねんね後、ベッドにおろしたら「ギャー」で最初からやり直し。バウンサーで揺らしたり、スクワットをしたり、車でちょっとドライブしたり。赤ちゃんを寝かしつけるのって、大変ですよね。月齢の早い時期から、赤ちゃんの入眠の儀式を作っておくと、ねんねの習慣がうまくつき、ママも赤ちゃんも楽にねんねすることができますよ。まずは、薄暗い部屋で子守歌をやさしく歌いながらトントン…。ママがねんねの歌を歌って 寝かしつけしてみてくださいね。【★ 1歳6か月 ~ フルタイムで働くママに ~】仕事が終わって、バタバタと保育園のお迎え。お迎えが済んだら、夕飯準備、夕飯~お風呂が済んだらもうねんねの時間!ワーママが、子どもと一緒に遊べる時間は限られています。そこで、保育園の帰り道、キッチンでママがご飯を作っている最中、お風呂の中…。少し離れて家事をしているときでも、ママと一緒にお歌を歌えばさみしくありません。ママの言っている言葉もわかってくる頃。童謡の歌詞は、子どもも覚えやすい単語がいっぱい。ことばの勉強も一緒にすることができますよ。「ママと一緒に、歌おうか?」で親子の時間のはじまり!是非、一緒に歌って踊ってみてくださいね。【★ 3歳 ~ 踊るのが大好きっこのリクエストに ~】保育園で習った踊りが大好きなうちの子。「ママ、見て!」とお披露目したいお年頃。たくさん歌って楽しい踊りも一緒に踊れるように「これ知ってる?」と事前に予習した踊りを一緒に踊ってみませんか?親子のリズムで、早く歌ったり、ゆーっくり踊ってみたり、一瞬で楽しい時間になりますよ。「このお歌、知ってる?」とママも負けじと歌って踊ってみてくださいね。【★『番外編①』 ~ パパの運転で、初めてのドライブ ~】チャイルドシートで寝ていた赤ちゃんが急に泣きだしました。久しぶりのお出かけも、泣き止まないから引き返そうか…。そんな時は、是非!泣き止みうたをママが歌ってあげてください。何で泣いているのか自分でもわからなくなる赤ちゃんだから、なるべく赤ちゃんの泣き声より大きな声で歌ってあげると、いいですよ。【★『番外編②』 ~ パパと初めてのふたりきりの日 ~】今日はママが久しぶりのお出かけなので、6か月の赤ちゃんとパパは初めてのお留守番。お昼寝の時、うまく寝かしつけられるかな?急に泣き出して、泣き止まなかったらどうしよう。パパもうまくコミュニケーション取りたいな。そんな時は、ママに教わった「ママの魔法のうた」が大活躍。寝かしつけは、出かける前のママに「どの歌でいつもねんねしているか」を聞いておいてくださいね。★もっとコミュニケーションを「ママの魔法のうた」は、赤ちゃんや子どもにスマートフォンを渡して、遊ばせるアプリではありません。子どもにスマホで遊ばせるのをためらうママやパパも多いはず。だから、子ども用ではなく ママ(パパ)用に作りました。あくまでも、主役は、ママ(パパ)!寝かしつけ、子守歌、泣き止み、ぐずぐずしたときの気分転換、とうたは子育てに欠かせないものだから、ママが『魔法のうた』を歌うためのサポートをします。★収録曲についてうたは、全て日本コロムビア社のロングランヒットシリーズ、「年齢別どうようシリーズ」「年齢別あそびうたシリーズ」収録曲を使用。本物の楽器にこだわって制作された童謡は、小さな頃から楽器の音に親しむことで、「本物の音」を聴き分けられるような耳を育てます。「音育」が注目される中、ハイクオリティな童謡をお楽しみいただけます。━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━■対応端末■Android OS 4.0以降のスマートフォン■収録曲■・かたつむり・しゃぼんだま・ななつのこ・ゆりかごのうた・どんぐりころころ・しょうじょうじのたぬきばやし・いっぽんばしコチョコチョ・アルプスいちまんじゃく・おべんとうばこのうた・ひげじいさんのうた・あたまかたひざポン・バスごっこ・はじまるよはじまるよ ほか随時更新(全て 日本コロムビアCDより)
TINY TWIN BEARS' Paint Book 2.0
LULU & LOLO paint app is out now!Enjoy this paint app with LULU & LOLO -- TINY TWIN BEARS fromthe popular TV program based on the best-selling picture book thebears' school!Twin bear sisters Lulu and Lolo' challenges appear in color asyou swipe the screen and kids can enjoy their challenges.This app contains no letters, no description. Children can usethis app intuitively and learn how to use this app naturally bydiscovering the game rules with its sound and picture bythemselves.[Who can enjoy this app?]Children aged between one to five.[HOW TO PLAY]*Paint Mode*Select a color button on the top of the screen and swipe where youwant to paintTap other color button to change paint color.Use the Eraser button next to color buttons, if you want to tryanother color.Pinch in and out the picture to paint fine parts.*Automatic paint* (Paint with water)Select the rainbow color button and rub the screen, and you canchange the colors automatically and paint the picture like the onein a picture book.*Auto-Fill Mode*Select the Paint an button from the menu on the bottom right of thescreen and tap where you want to paint, and you can fill the partautomatically.To change to Paint Mode, select the palette button.*Paint Camera*You can paint photos too!Take family photos and enjoy the coloring.You can take photos of your kid's drawings and let them enjoypainting their drwaings.You can save the photo paintings and send them to your grandparentsand friends.The app contains 10 pictures of the most popular Lulu and Lolo'schallenges.You can save the pictures when you paint them in your favoritecolors.[Especially recommended for]- those who love Lulu and Lolo- kids who love paintings and drawings.- toddlers who are interested in colors but yet to know how toselect and paint colors.- parents wanting to fill kids' attention in the queue or intransport.- family members wanting to have a great time together.How much you enjoy this app depends on you.[About TINY TWIN BEARS]LULU & LOLO -- TINY TWIN BEARS is a popular and famous TVanimation program based on the best-selling picture book the bears'school. The main characters are called Lulu and Lolo. They are twingirl bears; the orange bear is Lulu and the yellow one isLolo.It is a heart-warming family story with Lulu and Lolo trying newtasks every day such as shopping and cleaning.(c) BANDAI / LuluLoloProject[About Kidzapplanet]Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of 0 and 6 to helpthem develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.
The official LULU & LOLO TINY TWIN BEARSapplication!Find Lulu and Lolo and toys hidden in Lulu and Lolo's house witha magnifiying glass!When you find out Lulu and Lolo, they will speak to you!This app contains no letters, no description. Children can usethis app intuitively and learn how to use this app naturally bydiscovering the game rules with its sound and picture bythemselves.[Who can enjoy this app?]Children aged between three to six.If you are older and love Lulu and Lolo, you can enjoy this apptoo![HOW TO PLAY]How this app work is very easy and simple.If you tap the screen, a magnifiying glass appears and you canexplore Lulu and Lolo's world.On top of the screen, you can see the shape of the items hidden ineach stage.Please look very carefully to get a clue, as Lulu and Lolo may behinding!Lulu and Lolo will give you a message, when you find them.* Select the stageYou have three stages to select; Kitchen, Lulu and Lolo's room, andStreet.Choose your favorite stage and find Lulu and Lolo!*Items hidden in stagesKitchen: Lulu wearing salopette, Lolo wearing salopette, Luluwearing apron, Lolo wearing apron, Cake, Coffee, Pulling cartLulu and Lolo's room: Lulu wearing pajamas, Lolo wearing pajamas,Lulu wearing tutu, Lolo wearing tutu, Doll, Alarm ClockStreet: Lulu wearing uniform, Lolo wearing uniform, Lulu wearingdress, Lolo wearing dress, Magie, Bird, TricyleCan you find all the items??*Messages from Lulu and LoloLulu and Lolo will give you following messages.- Give you a kiss for welcoming home- Give me a thousand kisses- I'm cooking feast- Don't look till I finish cooking- Hurray! Good night- Lolo had a wonderful dream- Look at me- Don't stare at me. I'm not a very good dancer.- Well, today's task is...- This is my favorite dress- I'm Magenda Francoise[Especially recommended for]- both kids and adults who love Lulu and Lolo- those who want to explore cute and lovely Lulu and Lolo'sworld- parents wanting to stop children crying- parents wanting to fill kids' attention in the queue or intransport.- family members wanting to have a great time together.How much you enjoy this app depends on you.[About TINY TWIN BEARS]LULU & LOLO -- TINY TWIN BEARS is a popular and famous TVanimation program based on the best-selling picture book the bears'school. The main characters are called Lulu and Lolo. They are twingirl bears; the orange bear is Lulu and the yellow one isLolo.It is a heart-warming family story with Lulu and Lolo trying newtasks every day such as shopping and cleaning.(c) BANDAI / LuluLoloProject[About Kidzapplanet]Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of 0 and 6 to helpthem develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.
Maze adventure :For kids(Free) 1.1
Mr. Mouse's adventure!When Mr. Mouse ate cheese, he suddenly got smaller!He needs to get out of the maze to get his size back!Please guide Mr. Mouse with his favorite candy to the exit of themaze.This application helps children develop their ability tounderstand structure and sensitivity by means of maze puzzles withdifferent challenge levels. This is also ideal for trainingchildren's fine moter skills with finger movement over mazepuzzles.This app contains no letters, no descriptive text. Children canuse this app intuitively and understand how to use this app ontheir own by finding its game rules with its sound andpictures.Children can not only play the game, but also experience fun ofdiscovering and learning rules.[Who can enjoy this app?]Children aged between 3 to 6.This app contains adrable pictures.Parents and children at any age can try and enjoy this app.[HOW TO PLAY]-- Guide Mr. Mouse --Drag Mr. Mouse's favorite candy to guide Mr. Mouse to thegoal.The candy can move even if your finger is not on it. Touchsomewhere else to move candy if your finger hide the route.-- Use Maginifying Glass! --If you can't see the maze well with the candy and Mr. Mouse, or ifthe candy is stuck to the maze walls, use the magnifying glass onthe upper right of the screen.-- Fresh Start Button --Tap Eraser button on the upper right of the screen to make a freshstart.If you are stuck at some point, please don't hesitate to return tothe start point.[STAGES]You have 40 stages to enjoy! from fruit and animals to popularplaces and world heritage sites!-- Stage 1 -- at homeEmmental cheese, Banana, Melon, Dog, Cat, Clock, House, Waterdrain-- Stage 2 -- OutdoorSewerage, Mole's nest, Flower field, Honeycomb, Town, Car engine,Beach, Ship-- Stage 3 -- Popular sitesStatue of Liberty, Japanese castle, Taj Mahal, Canals in Venice,Maze Garden, Pinapple Field, Asian market, Merlion-- Stage 4 -- Histric sitesPyramid and Sphinx, Angkor Wat, Parthenon, Crop circle, NazcaLines, Cappadocia, Xcaret, Machu Picchu-- Stage 5 -- Fairy talesAlice in Wonderland, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Hansel and Gretel,Town Musicians of Bremen, Sindibaad, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Jack andthe Beanstalk[Especially recommended for]- kids who love painting and puzzles for activating the rightbrain- kids who are interested in fairy tales and foreigncountries- boys who dreams of becoming Peter Pan and living in the candyhouse- parents wanting to fill kids' attention in the queue or intransport.- family members wanting to have a great time together.How much you enjoy this app depends on you.[About Kidzapplanet]Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of 0 and 6 to helpthem develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.
骨盤ヨガダイエット:自宅で出来る簡単綺麗なYogaダイエット 1.1.0
1日3分からできる!自宅で毎日無理なく続けられる骨盤ダイエットヨガ!骨盤を綺麗に整えることで太りやすい体質を解消し、ココロもカラダも美しく、健康になりましょう。日本におけるヨガの第一人者、綿本彰がプロデュースする新たなダイエットエクササイズプログラム!“綿本ヨーガスタジオ”を主宰する綿本先生が、日々生徒さんを教える中でつちかってきた様々なノウハウを込め、初心者でも自宅で無理なくできる自分に合ったプログラムを提供するアプリです。それぞれのプログラムに初心者向けと、上級者向けのお手本を収録していますので、自分に合ったポーズで無理なく毎日続けることができます。監修及び指導は綿本ヨーガスタジオ講師であり女性誌等のメディアにてヨガの普及を務めるGORI宮下にて担当。女性の悩みを解決するために作成されたヨガプログラムとなります。■毎日最短3分からのエクササイズで骨盤を整え簡単ダイエット骨盤のゆがみ方は人それぞれ。まずは4つのチェックポイントで、自分では気づいていない骨盤の問題点を見つける事で、ヨガスタジオでは体験出来ない自分だけのヨガを実践することが出来ます!-骨盤チェック-あなたの骨盤はどんなタイプ?まずは4つのチェックポイントで、骨盤の問題点を見つけます。-ワンポイントヨーガ-1日たった3分で効率よく骨盤のバランスを整えます!あなたの骨盤にピンポイントで効く、4つのポーズを収録。-エクササイズ-「おこす」「ゆるめる」「しめる」「のばす」がポイント!4つの動きを盛り込んだヨガで、骨盤のゆがみを解消します。自分の骨盤の状況に合わせた4つの動きで骨盤のゆがみを全て解決し、毎日無理なく続けることが出来るポージングを解説しています。■自分のライフスタイルに合わせたタイプ別プログラムこころと身体をリラックスさせるオリジナルのBGMに、動きやポーズの説明はもちろん、ヨガの重要な要素である呼吸法も取り入れたここちの良い解説を聞きながら目と耳と体全体で素晴らしいヨガの世界を体感できるエクササイズプログラムです。プログラム中にポーズの解説や特定のポージングへのスキップをすることもできます。-時間が無い方や初心者にオススメ 寝たまま出来る20分エクササイズ(無料)プログラム内容:股関節を調整するシークエンス/ねじり腹筋のポーズ(おこす)/仰向け合せきのポーズ(ゆるめる)/太鼓橋のポーズ(のばす)/ワニのポーズ(ゆるめる)/無空のポーズ-毎日続けてキレイにダイエットが出来る 40分エクササイズプログラム内容:体側をのばすポーズ/背中を伸ばすポーズ(のばす)/ネコのポーズ(おこす)/下を向いた犬のポーズ(のばす)/英雄のポーズ2(骨盤全体の調整)/ピラミッドのポーズ(しめる)/立ち木のポーズ(しめる)/仰向け合せきのポーズ(ゆるめる)/ボックスストレッチのポーズ(ゆるめる)/太鼓橋のポーズ(のばす)/股関節を調整するシークエンス/無空のポーズ-骨盤調整はもちろん、ヨガの楽しさを満喫できる 60分エクササイズプログラム内容:腹式呼吸/体側をのばすポーズ/背骨を前後に伸ばすポーズ/背中を伸ばすポーズ(のばす)/股関節を調整するシークエンス/ねじり腹筋のポーズ(おこす)/ネコのポーズ(おこす)/ネコのポーズ【バリエーション】(のばす)/英雄のポーズ2(骨盤全体の調整)/ピラミッドのポーズ(しめる)/ワシのポーズ(しめる)/立ち木のポーズ(しめる)/下を向いた犬のポーズ(のばす)/太鼓橋のポーズ(のばす)/仰向け合せきのポーズ(ゆるめる)/ボックスストレッチのポーズ(ゆるめる)/ワニのポーズ(ゆるめる)/無空のポーズ■ポーズごとの効果がわかる嬉しい解説各ポーズごとの美容ポイントや注意点等を事細かく紹介!気になるポーズをチェックして効果を認識しながら実践することで、気になる部分の強化や自分だけのプログラムを作り上げることも可能になります。■リラックスに最適なここちの良いヨガ音楽日本におけるヨガの第一人者、綿本彰が、自らが本当に納得してヨガのBGMとして使用できる音楽を求め、そしてBGMとしてのみならず楽曲としてのクオリティも追及して作り上げた、癒しのヨガ・ミュージック。WATAMOTOYOGASTUDIOによるDVDシリーズ「骨盤ヨガ・ダイエット」「ヨガベーシック」のBGMのためにオリジナルで制作した音楽を、さらに構成しなおした楽曲をご提供。ヨガエクササイズだけでなく普段のリラクゼーションBGMとしてもご活用頂けるほか、購入いただいた楽曲はプログラム内のBGMとして個別に設定を行い自分だけのエクササイズプログラムとして活用頂くこともできます。■綿本彰(プロデュース)プロフィール日本ヨーガ瞑想協会 会長。綿本ヨーガスタジオ主宰。全米YOGAアライアンス 500時間YOGA指導者トレーナー(E-RYT500)。大阪生まれ。幼い頃より、父であり、同協会の名誉会長である故綿本昇師からヨガを学ぶ。神戸大学システム工学科卒業後、インドに渡り各地でヨガ、アーユルヴェーダを研修し、帰国後同師に師事しながら、1994年にヨガの指導をスタート。2000年以降は、ロサンゼルスやニューヨーク、ロンドンなど、世界各地でハタヨガ、ラージャヨガ、パワーヨガ、クリパルヨガ、ヴィニヨガ、チェアヨガ、リストラティブヨガ、陰ヨガ、ヨガニドラなど、様々なスタイルのヨーガを研修。2003年には、日本初となるパワーヨガ専門スタジオ「綿本パワーヨガスタジオ」をオープン。現在は、トラディショナルスタイルのスタジオと合併して総合ヨガスタジオとし、同スタジオにてヨガの指導、指導者の育成にあたる。この他、より多くの方にヨガの魅力を伝えるため、様々な切り口で出版物をリリースし、同時にテレビや雑誌などを通して、積極的にヨーガの普及を行いながら、興味を持っていただいた方を、さらなる深みへといざなうための方法を日々模索している。■GORI宮下(監修)プロフィール綿本ヨーガスタジオ講師。出版社勤務を経て、整体師の道へ。心と体のバランスを大事にするヨガに惹かれ、指導者資格を取得。『DVDでよくわかる5分間パワーヨーガ』他著書も多数。■AVI(出演)プロフィールファッションモデル。日本および海外で雑誌、広告、CM、ファッションショー等でモデルとして活躍。米国ヨガアライアンス認定ヨガ講師『RYT200』の資格を取得。★Kidzapplanetに関して★Kidzapplanetは0歳~6歳の未就学児及びその両親を対象に、スマートフォンを通じて感性や思考能力を育て、楽しみながら健康的に学べる環境を提供する知育アプリケーションブランドです。
TINY TWIN BEARS' Wonderrhythm 1.2
The most popular Kids app "Touch and PlayWONDER RHYTHM" makes collaboration with "TINY TWIN BEARS"!!Children can enjoy many sounds by tapping Tiny Twin Bears andfuniture to the rhythm of the theme songs of Tiny Twin Bears andother children's songs.Tapping the icon on the upper right allows you to choose songs andscenes.This app contains no letters, no description. Children can usethis app intuitively and learn how to use this app naturally bydiscovering the game rules with its sound and picture bythemselves.[Who can enjoy this app?]Children aged between one to three and parents.[HOW TO PLAY]Choose your favorite scenes from 3 scenes; "Lulu and Lolo's house","the bridge over the water", and "the kitchen".Items in the scenes[Lulu and Lolo's house] Lulu and Lolo, tricycle, car, bird,door[the bridge over the water] Lulu and Lolo, 8 frogs (sol-fa)[the kitchen] Lulu and Lolo changing costumes, stew pot, faucet,toaster, cakesChildren can enjoy many real sounds and movements of charactersby touching screens or shaking phones.Tapping the icon on the upper right allows you to choose songs andscenes.Touching with the beat will develop children's sense ofrhythm.Of course, it is one of good way to play only sounds, and also,this application is suited for rhythmique.*This application contains many famous songs that everyoneknows.These songs will develop children's sense of rhythm, and characterswill develop children's knowledge about the things around us.All songs are free of charge and we never press you to buy anothersongs.- Lulu and Lolo's theme- If You're Happy and You Know it, Clap Your Hands- J'ai perdu le do de ma clarinette- The Music Man- Heigh-Ho- Mary Had a Little Lamb- The Other Day I Met a Bear- Picnic- Frog song- I've Been Working on the Railroad10 songs in total.[Recommended use for this app]- as a tool for intellectual education- rhythmique on the rhythm- as an educational tool for kids interested in kitchenware- as a toy for children who like making sounds- as a present for children who loves songs and music- for helping kids stop crying- for helping parents when they are tired or don't have enough timeto play with kids- for helping parents fill kids' attention in the queue or intransport.[About TINY TWIN BEARS]LULU & LOLO -- TINY TWIN BEARS is a popular and famous TVanimation program based on the best-selling picture book the bears'school. The main characters are called Lulu and Lolo. They are twingirl bears; the orange bear is Lulu and the yellow one isLolo.It is a heart-warming family story with Lulu and Lolo trying newtasks every day such as shopping and cleaning.(c) BANDAI / LuluLoloProject[About Kidzapplanet]Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of 0 and 6 to helpthem develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.
The 2nd series has already become cutestamps!You can meet not only the cute tiny twin sisters Lulu and Lolo butalso twinbrothers Paku and Pelo as well![complete free of charge] Happily cognitive education learningin the smartphone!It is a infant towards app of 0-3-year-old For pleasurable studyfor a game sense the sound is sound children is to stamp favoriteanimal, the such as vehicle!■ How to Play ■- Stamp is pushed along with the effect sound Touch the character,when you tap the screen.- Guests can enjoy a and movement effect sound When you tap onceagain the stamp of character that was pressed.- Can be enjoyed in the favorite situations scene music and BecauseI can selection When you tap the icon in the top right-handcorner.- It is effective to finger movement of children by press down onit or the stamp to match the rhythm of the music, to can push thestamp of up to 30.- Please play to suit to environment or age of the month of childBecause I can also be learn in a pure sound in the music without ofcourse.■About TINY TWIN BEARS■LULU & LOLO -- TINY TWIN BEARS is a popular and famous TVanimation program based on the best-selling picture book the bears'school. The main characters are called Lulu and Lolo. They are twingirl bears; the orange bear is Lulu and the yellow one isLolo.It is a heart-warming family story with Lulu and Lolo trying newtasks every day such as shopping and cleaning.(c) BANDAI / LuluLoloProject■About Kidzapplanet■Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of 0 and 6 to helpthem develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.■"TINY TWIN BEARS" official apps are available atKidzapplanet.■TINY TWIN BEARS' WonderrhythmTINY TWIN BEARS' Paint BookTINY TWIN BEARS' ScopeTINY TWIN BEARS' Sort the shapes
Let's explore! Animal scope 3+ 1.1
Free Game App for kids education. Children candevelop curiosity and recognition through searching and discoveringliving creatures in various habitats with this app.Kids can learn species in connection with their living environment,such as tropical rain forest and sea. You can use this app for apictorial book as well.This app gives inspiration especially to children living in a cityand having less opportunity encountering animals and insects.You can enjoy all of these features for free. No add-ons, Noadditional cost required.[Who can enjoy this app?]Children between the age of three and six.The app is suitable for kids of all ages. Images in the app aresimple and recognizable for infants and the app contains lots ofpopular objects among children.[How To Play]Tap the screen to enlarge the image. Tap where you think animalsare hiding.You can find different animals in each stage. Refer to the top ofthe screen for animals living in the stage. Think where they liveand explore their habitat. Some of the creatures are not alwayshiding in the same place. Search thoroughly or you cannot find someof the animals. If you find all animals in the stage, you can moveto the next one! Can you find all the animals?*Select the stage*You have 3 Stages to choose from, Mountain, Ocean, Jungle*Living Creatures in stages*(Mountain) Animals and Insectscow, dog, cat, sheep, chick, beetle, flog(Ocean) Marine animalscrab, turtle, dolphin, seal, shellfish, anemone fish, hermitcrab(Jungle) Animalslion, monkey, elephant, gorilla, flamingo, sloth, snake[What can you expect from this app?]- provide kids living in an urban area with an opportunity to seethe animals and their living environment.- fulfill kids’ adventurous spirit, especially for boys lovinganimals and insects.- stop your child from crying.- fill your kid's attention when you are busy- help you pass the time when you are in the queue or intransport.- help you have a great time with your kids.How much you enjoy this app depends on you.○About Kidzapplanet○Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of zero and six tohelp them develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.
Kids Puzzle:Connect Dot To Dot 2.3
[Free] An intellectual learning experience onyour smartphone! Enjoy drawing by tapping numbers! Learning numbersis fun when children can draw the animals and vehicles that theylove!As they tap numbers in sequence, children draw the animals andvehicles that they love!This is an educational app, based on "connect dot to dot", aimed atchildren aged three or over, who have started to learn numbers.★How to play★1. Select a picture of an animal or vehicle.→ [Intellectual education point] Children can learn to recognizefamiliar objects such as animals and vehicles from illustrationsaimed at preschoolers.2. Tap the dots starting from 1 up to 20, in order.→ [Intellectual education point] Children can learn numbers from 1to 20.→ [Intellectual education point] Connecting the dots together whileimagining how the illustration will look once complete will developa child's "ability to imagine" and "ability to form".3. Complete the illustration within 60 seconds to clear thechallenge! Fun music plays in the background, and there is a soundeffect every time you tap the illustration.→ [Intellectual education point]Develops a child's "ability tochallenge", as they want to complete the puzzle within the timeframe.4. If you cannot complete the puzzle within 60 seconds, acomical sound effect is played to amuse you.→ [Intellectual education point] This will develop a child's"ability to persist", making them want to give it one more try.★Recommended ages★Children aged 3 to 6Both a parent and child can enjoy playing it together.★Feature 1★- Offers 18 different illustrations of animals and vehicles thatchildren and infants love!Car, boat, sandwich, smartphone, monkey, elephant, birthday cakes,shaved ice, house, pencil, chick, whale, train, bicycle, airplane,umbrella, dog, cat→ What's more, each illustration has its own sound effects, so theyare full of fun elements that you can enjoy even after you havecompleted the puzzle! The app uses colors that are easy for infantsto recognize, so it can be used as educational material to helpeven infants of only 36 months to learn their numbers.★Feature 2★- Adds game elements to "connect dot to dot"!By requiring a child to clear the puzzle within the prescribed timeframe of 60 seconds, this app can provide them with a "feeling ofaccomplishment".What's more, the app offers a help mode with a "rubi" (readings)function for preschoolers, who have difficulty recognizing numbers!This number-learning material helps children to learn numberswillingly, rather than forcing them to memorize numbers againsttheir will.This is a free app and you will never be prompted to add pay songsor be concerned about your child purchasing them by mistake. Youcan use it without worry.★Recommended uses★・As an educational app for teaching numbers to children・As an app for developing the sensitivity of children who likedrawing・As an app for developing a child's "ability to imagine", "abilityto form", and "ability to associate"・As educational material for children who love animals andvehicles・For children who love objects that produce sound whentouched・As a fun tool for children who won't stop crying・As a tool to give to your child on holidays when you are too tiredto play with him or her・As a tool for children to kill time while waiting ortraveling・As a tool for a parent and child who want to play togetherBesides the uses listed above, you can enjoy learning and playingwith the app in many other ways!
Kids Paint & Camera (Free) 1.5
"Kids Paint & Camera" is a freeintellectual education app for children. It can help your kidsenrich the sense of color and sensibility through coloring picturesof animals, vehicles and landscape.With this app, you can take photos, paint them, and save themfor your record or picture diary.You can enjoy all of this feathre for free. No add-ons, Noadditional cost required. We don't provide no-ad version of thisapp, so you don't have to worry your child may accidentally tap"Buy" button and pay for no-ad version of the app.○Who can enjoy this app?○Children between the age of one and six and up. Babies and toddlerscan enjoy this app!Parents can enjoy the app with children as well.○HOW TO PLAY○*Paint on your own*Select a color button on top of the screen and rub where you wantto paintTap other color button to change paint color.Use eraser if you want to try another color.Pinch in and out the picture to paint fine parts.*Automatic paint*Select the rainbow color button and rub the screen, and you canchange the color automatically and paint the picture like a picturebook.*Auto-Fill mode*Select the paint can button from Menu on the bottom right of thescreen and tap where you want to paint, and you can fill the partautomatically.To change to Paint mode, select the palette button.*Paint camera*You can paint photos.Take a family photos and enjoy the coloring.You can take photos of your drawings and enjoy painting them.You can save the photo paintings and send them to your grandparentsand friends.*Select a picture to paint*Select a picture of an animal or a vehicle, next to the menu on thebottom right of the screen and start coloring.<>Lion, Elephant, Octopus, Dinosaur, Police Car, Ambulance, LoadingShovel, Train, Airplain, Rocket, Helicopter, Racing Car, UFO,Helo<>Rabbit, Deer, Dog, Bear, Cat, Dolphin, Penguin, Princess,Butterfly, Flower Garden, Fairy, Bus, Cake and Doughnut, Fruit,Girl<>Christmas, Animals in forest, Toy March, Picnic, Sea Bathing,Autumn Leaves, Ski, Soccer, Climbing, Fishing, Insect Catching,Diving, Wind mill, Ninja, Cowboy○What can you expect from this app?○- enhance your child's sense of color and creative skills.- stop your child from crying.- fill your kid's attention when you are busy- help you pass the time when you are in the queue or intransport.- help you have a great time with your kids.How much you enjoy this app depends on you.○About Kidzapplanet○Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of zero and six tohelp them develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.
Enjoy Action!Rhythm Stamp 0+ 1.3
[Free of charge] Lets you place stamps in theshape of a variety of objects in time to the music loved bychildren and infants, while enjoying the sound and motion!You can enjoy the app in a variety of ways, such as letting yourchild touch according to his or her age (in months) and behaviorand letting him or her position stamp after stamp to relievestress, which develops your child's sensitivity.★How to play★Touch a character and tap the screen to place a stamp with a soundeffect.Tap the stamp that you've just placed, and you'll be rewarded witha sound effect and a motion.Tap the upper right icon to select a song and a scene, to enjoythem in your favorite situation.Stamps are placed to the rhythm of the music, up to a maximum of30, so this is an effective exercise for training your child'sfinger dexterity.Needless to say, the app enables you to learn pure sounds withoutmusic, so you can play it according to your child's age (in months)and his or her environment.Both a parent and child can play eurhythmics together to the rhythmof the music.★Recommended ages★Children and infants aged 0 to 3Both a parent and child can enjoy playing it together.★Feature 1★You can select one of three types of scene, namely, children'sfavorite "mountain", "sea", and "town", and can enjoy realisticsounds and motions.[Mountain] Dog, chick, lion, elephant, monkey, horse, pig, cow,cat, bear[Sea] Crab, whale, penguin, turtle, dolphin, seal, fish, scallop,starfish, shark[Town] Car, patrol car, UFO, helicopter, train, bicycle, motorbike,ambulance, airplane, rocketThe app uses colors that are easy for infants to recognize, so itcan be used as learning material even by infants of only a fewmonths to develop their sense of rhythm and sensitivity.★Feature 2★Full of songs that both a parent and child can enjoy together andwhich everyone knows!The app not only lets you place stamps, but also offers a varietyof elements with which you can enjoy playing with music.This is a free app and you will never be prompted to add pay songsor be concerned about your child purchasing them by mistake. Youcan use it without worry.[Songs used]- HEIGH-HO -SNOW WHITE-- LITTLE APRIL SHOWER -BAMBI- PUPPY LOVE(3 songs in total)★Recommended uses★・For a parent and child who want to play eurhythmics together tothe rhythm of music・As an educational app for children who love animals andvehicles・As a fun tool for children who won't stop crying・As a tool for a parent and child who want to play togetherBesides the uses listed above, you can enjoy learning and playingwith the app in many other ways!
mimory for teacher(ミモリ―先生用) 1.2
mimory forteacherは保育園・幼稚園や塾・習い事の先生が児童の家庭と情報を共有し簡単に連絡が出来るアプリです。日々の保育内容や子供の成長を家庭と共有することで、共働き家庭との“協育環境”を実現し、共に子供の可能性を広げられるコミュニケーション環境を創り上げたいという想いでアプリの開発をいたしました。■mimory3つの特徴①見える化機能日々の保育内容をタイムラインで簡単に共有。毎日お散歩やお絵かきなどいろんな遊びをしているけどなかなか保護者に伝えきれない先生の悩みを解決します。連絡ノートの書き方などにとらわれず、こまめにタイムラインで一日の報告をすることで保護者とのコミュニケーション活性化します。・ポイント投稿は面倒な文字入力なしに項目から選択するだけ!写真を撮って送信すればたった10秒程度で簡単送信。②連絡機能日々の連絡業務を簡単に一斉告知できます。普段、連絡頻度の高い項目の定型文があるので一から文字を入力しなくても簡単に連絡することが出来ます。・ポイント- 朝と夕方の保護者からの遅刻や延長などの連絡業務の効率化- 忘れ物や落し物等の全家庭への電話連絡の業務削減- 保護者会の出欠確認のプリント配布・収集・集計業務の削減- 共働き家庭で電話連絡が付きにくい保護者との意思の疎通- 保護者への連絡事項の確認状況を見える化などの保育士・幼稚園の先生の悩みを解決します。重要なお知らせはプッシュ通知で保護者に通知できるので安心!③教材共有機能普段、教育で活用している子供の絵本やお歌の情報を活動と一緒に共有する事で家庭での学習をサポートします。保育園・幼稚園で習った歌を知りたい・園で読んでいる絵本が欲しいなどの保護者からのニーズに答え、園と家庭の双方で同じ教材に触れることでの児童の理解力の向上をサポートします。・ポイント見える化機能のタイムラインで曲や絵本を検索して選択するだけ!幼稚園・保育園で練習したお歌や子供たちの好きな絵本などの情報をわかりやすくタイムラインで共有。従来の連絡ノートよりも簡単に保護者とコミュニケーションを作るきっかけになります。■こんな施設におすすめ・保育内容を家庭と共有してコミュニケーションをとり、保護者との信頼関係の築きたい・日々の集計や自治体への報告書作成などの手間を省き、子どもと接する時間を増やしたい・施設の活動を家庭に取り入れることでの子供の理解力の向上など、他の園との差別化がしたい■導入をご検討の施設様ご利用にはお申込み(無料)が必要となります。資料請求・お申込みなど、下記メールより、お気軽にお問い合わせください。お問い合わせ先:
Kids Paint & Camera:for infant 1.0
"Kids Paint & Camera" is intellectualeducation app for children. It can help your kids enrich the senseof color and sensibility through coloring pictures of animals,vehicles and landscape.With this app, you can take photos, paint them, and save them foryour record or picture diary.This app is a paid version there is no external links andadvertising.○Who can enjoy this app?○Children between the age of one and six and up. Babies and toddlerscan enjoy this app!Parents can enjoy the app with children as well.○HOW TO PLAY○*Paint Mode*Select a color button on the top of the screen and rub where youwant to paintTap other color button to change paint color.Use the Eraser button next to color buttons, if you want to tryanother color.Pinch in and out the picture to paint fine parts.*Automatic paint*Select the rainbow color button and rub the screen, and you canchange the colors automatically and paint the picture like the onein a picture book.*Auto-Fill Mode*Select the Paint an button from the menu on the bottom right of thescreen and tap where you want to paint, and you can fill the partautomatically.To change to Paint Mode, select the palette button.*Paint Camera*You can paint photos too!Take family photos and enjoy the coloring.You can take photos of your kid's drawings and let them enjoypainting their drwaings.You can save the photo paintings and send them to your grandparentsand friends.*How to select a picture to paint*Tap a picture icon of an animal or a vehicle, next to the menu onthe bottom right of the screen and start coloring.<>Lion, Elephant, Octopus, Dinosaur, Police Car, Ambulance, LoadingShovel, Train, Airplain, Rocket, Helicopter, Racing Car, UFO,Hero<>Rabbit, Deer, Dog, Bear, Cat, Dolphin, Penguin, Princess,Butterfly, Flower Garden, Fairy, Bus, Cake and Doughnut, Fruit,Girl<>Christmas, Animals in forest, Toy March, Picnic, Sea Bathing,Autumn Leaves, Ski, Soccer, Climbing, Fishing, Insect Catching,Diving, Wind mill, Ninja, Cowboy○What can you expect from this app?○- enhance your child's sense of color and creative skills.- stop your child from crying.- fill your kid's attention when you are busy- help you pass the time when you are in the queue or intransport.- help you have a great time with your kids.How much you enjoy this app depends on you.○About Kidzapplanet○Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of zero and six tohelp them develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.
Drag & connect ! Train puzzle 1.1
Connect the rail tracks to to run the train tothe goal!This app is a simple and exciting puzzle game.All you need to do is avoid obstacles and place rail tracks.[About Kidzapplanet]Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of 0 and 6 to helpthem develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.
Kids Edu:Let's clean up! 3+ 2.0
[Free] An intellectual learning experience onyour smartphone! Enjoy "messing objects up" and "putting objectsaway" that children love with comical sounds and motions!Great for mom and dad raising their child! Intellectual learningmaterial for parents and children to enjoy☆You can enjoy learninghow to clean up by tapping toys, books, and clothes!Shake your smartphone to mess things up, and then tap the toys,books, and clothes to put them away!★How to play/Points★1. Select a stage. Tap the top-right toy icon, and then select afavorite scene from [Room], [Yard], and [Bathroom].[Intellectual education point] Using everyday scenes makes it easyfor children to associate the game with putting things away in thereal world, enabling you to further develop their "ability to putthings away" and to foster a “good lifestyle".2. Tap a scattered object and, while continuing to touch it,slide it to put it away on the book shelf or in the box.[Intellectual education point] Making children recognize that theyare "putting things away" and making them do so by sliding them onthe screen should improve the "finger skills" of children andinfants.This satisfies children's desire to "mess things up" and, at thesame time, develops their "ability to recognize objects".3. Put everything away, and you will clear the stage! By puttingaway all the objects that are scattered around, you will clear thestage.[Intellectual education point] This develops children's"challenging spirit" and teaches them the joy ofaccomplishment.★Recommended ages★Children aged 3 to 6 (preschoolers)Lots of lovely illustrations that children and infants love, suchas toys and clothes, are offered.●Pretty child's roomBook, trumpet, rattle, kitchen play set (frying pan, pot, ladle,etc.), tambourine, children's clothing, stuffed toy●Yard that a child might dream ofSand playing toys (water pot, shovel, etc.), car, ball, hula-hoop,jumping rope, racket●Bathroom that makes bathing funDuck, bucket, wash basin, boat, water pot, bottles of variousshapes (such as shampoo bottles). Each illustration has a soundeffect attached to it. They use colors and sounds that are easy forchildren to recognize and are effective in developing children's"ability to recognize".This is a free app and you will never be prompted to add pay songsor be concerned about your child purchasing them by mistake. Youcan use it without worry.★Recommended uses★・For mischievous children who love taking things off shelves andscattering them about・As an app for making children imagine that they are "puttingthings away"・As an app for developing a children's "ability to recognizeobjects", "ability to recognize space", "ability to put thingsaway", and "challenging spirit"・For children who love objects that produce sounds andmovement・As a fun tool for children who won't stop cryingThis is an intellectual learning application that lets children whoinsist on scattering things about no matter how often you put themaway, as well as boys and girls who have begun to take interest inobjects and become mischievous, enjoy "putting things away".We encourage mom and dad to play it with your child.
Sort animal puzzle : for kids 1.0
An intellectual educational app for kids thatlets your kids sort out animals based on their habitats.-How To Play-Animals fall down from sky. Let's guide them according to theirhabitat; marine animals to the sea, land animals to the land. Howmany animals can you guide in time limit?The app has three challenge level; Easy, Normal, and Hard.You can select only "Easy" level when you first launch theapp.If you complete a level, the next level will becomeavailable.In "Hard" level, the land and sea areas suddenly switchpositions.Animals in strange color may come up!If you guide an animal to the right area, your remaining time willbe added but the falling speed will become faster for a while.The app will help your kids gain abilities of quickly judgingobjects and response to changes.If you are a parent of small children and you can tell your kidswhat an animal's habitat is like, your kids can enjoy this app allthe more and get knowledge about the animals.In this way, you can use this app as an communication tool betweenparents and children.Let's hold a competition with your mother, father or friends overthe number of animals guided correctly!Recommended for:2-5 year old toddlers and children.You can enjoy all feature for free. No add-ons, No additionalcosts required. You don't have to worry your child may accidentallytap "Buy" button for an extra stage or another apps.Animals appeared in the game[Land Animals]Elephant, Lion, Horse, Pig, Dog, Cat, Mouse[Marine Animals]Whale, Fish, Octopus, Squid, Lobster, AsteroidWhat can you expect from this app?- train your child's sense of judgement and response.- refine sensitivity while playing a game- stop your child from crying.- fill your kid's attention when you are busy or tired.- help you pass the time when you are in the queue or intransport.Kids and adults can enjoy learning the surrounding environmentof animals in the game.About KidzapplanetKidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of zero and six tohelp them develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.
Akubigirl's Scope: free game 3.0
The daughter of The Genie Family, Akubi-chan,is now on the educational app!The sweet girl Akubi appears out of a bottle when someone yawns infront of the bottle.Akubi transform herself with the magic. Find her hidden in the seaand mountains with a magnifiying glass!When you find Akubi, she will speak to you!This app contains no letters, no description. Children can usethis app intuitively and learn how to use this app naturally bydiscovering the game rules with its sound and picture bythemselves.This app is free. There is no charge for additional stages oritems.[Who can enjoy this app?]Children aged between three to six.If you are older and love Akubi, you can enjoy this app too![HOW TO PLAY]How this app work is very easy and simple.If you tap the screen, a magnifiying glass appears and you canexplore the scene to find Akubi.On top of the screen, you can see the shape of the items hidden ineach stage.Please look very carefully to get a clue, as Akubi may behinding!Akubi will give you a message, when you find them.* Select the stageYou have three stages to select; Jungle, Sea and Mountain.Choose your favorite stage and find Akubi!*Animals Akubi transforms herself to in each stageJungle: Lion, Monkey, Elephant, Bat, Flamingo, Sloth, SnakeSea: Crab, Turtle, Dolphin, Seal, Scallop, Anemone fish, HermitcrabMountain: Chick, Cow, Mouse, Frog, Cat, Dog, ButterflyAkubi transforms herself to a lot of animals! Can you find allAkubi??*Messages from AkubiAkubi will give you following messages."Demashite,kimashite,Akubichande-su""Arapin,~pin,sukanpi-n""Arapinltu""Yumegakanattadesu-""Haihhailtu""Panppanltu""Kishishishi""Haidesu-""Gomendesu-""Tererudesu-""Yareyaredesu-""Shobondesu-""Naruhododesu-""Yokattadesu-""Omakenomahoudesu-""Waーkattadesu-""Shuppatushinkoudesu-""Haiha-i,oyasuigoyoudesu-""Kyouhadonnagoyoudesuka?""Akubinionegaidesuka?""Gomanzokuitadakemashitadeshouka?"[Especially recommended for]- both kids and adults who love The Genie Family andAkubi-chan- parents wanting to stop children crying- parents wanting to fill kids' attention in the queue or intransport.- family members wanting to have a great time together.How much you enjoy this app depends on you.[About Akubigirl]Akubigirl is a spin-off from the popular and famous TV animationprogram "The Genie Family". The main character is a daughter of thegreat genie, Akubi, who appears out of a bottle when someone yawnsin front of it. As she is still too young to be a proper genie orwitch, her father sends Akubi to a modern family for training.Akubi loves playing a trick and her adorable character attracts alot of funny trouble.(C)Tatsunoko / Kids・AGPIllustrated by Azumi Shion[About Kidzapplanet]Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of 0 and 6 to helpthem develop their sensibility and intellectual ability."
TINY TWIN BEARS' Sort Shapes 2.3
The 2nd series has already become a cutepuzzle game!You can meet not only the cute tiny twin sisters Lulu and Lolo butalso twinbrothers Paku and Pelo as well![Free] An intellectual learning experience on your smartphone!This is an educational app whereby learning becomes fun withage-based puzzles. It will let your child develop his or herability to form and imagine from shape recognition while having funat the same time.It will help with your child's intellectual development by lettinghim or her tackle puzzles featuring the animals and vehicles thatchildren and infants love, with appropriate age-based difficultylevels.This app lets your child develop his or her ability to recognize,ability to form, and ability to imagine, using puzzles featuringobjects that are interesting to him or her, while being fun at thesame time.This is a free app and you will never be prompted to add pay stagesor be concerned about your child purchasing them by mistake. Youcan use it without worry.■Recommended ages■This is an educational app for children aged 2 to 4 that lets themlearn at appropriate age-based difficulty levels while having funat the same time.Age 2: Improves a child's ability to recognize shapes, using basicfigures such as ○, △, and □ and cute characters such as animals andvehicles.Age 3: Lets children learn the mechanisms and structures of objectsby dividing an object into two to four parts, for the purpose ofdeveloping a child's ability to form objects.Age 4: Develops a child's ability to imagine and promotes his orher growth into a sensitive person by letting them assemble acharacter while imagining the background and the structure of thecharacter.■How to play■Select parts that match the silhouette on the screen and fit theminto the silhouette to complete the puzzle.Tap the upper right icon to select a difficulty level and a stage.You can select a scene that matches your child's ability, as wellas one that he or she likes.Once the puzzle is complete, the app may automatically go to thenext stage. So even if your child doesn't know how to make aselection on the smartphone, you can safely let him or her playwith the app.■Description of puzzles■[Sort the shapes]Puzzles for children aged 2 that involve recognizing basic figuresand the shapes of objects.Basically, a single puzzle corresponds to a single silhouette.[Assembly puzzles]Puzzles for children aged 3 for developing a child's ability toform objects and learning mechanisms.Each puzzle involves putting together two to four pieces to match asingle silhouette.[Puzzles]Puzzles for children aged 4 that involve the assembly of an overallstructure while imagining individual situations and stories.The puzzles are intended to develop a child's ability to imagineand their ability to grasp structures.■About TINY TWIN BEARS■LULU & LOLO -- TINY TWIN BEARS is a popular and famous TVanimation program based on the best-selling picture book the bears'school. The main characters are called Lulu and Lolo. They are twingirl bears; the orange bear is Lulu and the yellow one isLolo.It is a heart-warming family story with Lulu and Lolo trying newtasks every day such as shopping and cleaning.(c) BANDAI / LuluLoloProject■About Kidzapplanet■Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of 0 and 6 to helpthem develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.■"TINY TWIN BEARS" official apps are available atKidzapplanet.■TINY TWIN BEARS' WonderrhythmTINY TWIN BEARS' Paint BookTINY TWIN BEARS' ScopeTINY TWIN BEARS' Rythm stamp
Akubigirl's Clean up 1.2
Akubi-girl's intellectual educational helpingkids learn how to clean up by moving Akubi-girl.Great for children who enjoy "messing objects up"! Kids can learnhow to "put objects away" and practice cleaning up rules with thisapp.This app is free. There is no charge for additional stages oritems.[Who can enjoy this app?]Children aged between three to six, great for making a goodlifstyle habit.If you are older and love Akubi, you can enjoy this app too![HOW TO PLAY / points]1. Select a stage. Tap the top-right toy icon, and then select afavorite scene from [Room], [Yard], and [Bathroom].[Intellectual education point] Using everyday scenes makes it easyfor children to associate the game with putting things away in thereal world, enabling you to further develop their "ability to putthings away" and to foster a “good lifestyle".2. Tap a scattered object and, while continuing to touch it,slide it to put it away on the book shelf or in the box.[Intellectual education point] Making children recognize that theyare "putting things away" and making them do so by sliding them onthe screen should improve the "finger skills" of children andinfants.This satisfies children's desire to "mess things up" and, at thesame time, develops their "ability to recognize objects".3. Put everything away, and you will clear the stage! By puttingaway all the objects that are scattered around, you will clear thestage.[Intellectual education point] This develops children's"challenging spirit" and teaches them the joy ofaccomplishment.[Recommended uses]This is an intellectual learning application that lets childrenenjoy "putting things away".The app is best for children who insist on scattering things aboutno matter how often you put them away, as well as boys and girlswho have begun to take interest in objects and become mischievous,as the app satisfies their demand of messing thigs up but lets themlearn putting things away in the game.We recommend parents play this app with children and praise themwhen they clear the tasks.[About Akubigirl]Akubigirl is a spin-off from the popular and famous TV animationprogram "The Genie Family". The main character is a daughter of thegreat genie, Akubi, who appears out of a bottle when someone yawnsin front of it. As she is still too young to be a proper genie orwitch, her father sends Akubi to a modern family for training.Akubi loves playing a trick and her adorable character attracts alot of funny trouble.(C)Tatsunoko / Kids・AGPIllustrated by Azumi Shion[About Kidzapplanet]Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of 0 and 6 to helpthem develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.
Let's arrange Flowers For kids 1.1
An Intellectual Education app for girls!Let's select and arrange your favorite flowers to make youroriginal bouquet flowers![Who can enjoy this app?]Children aged between 3 to 6.Children can enjoy this app more with parents.This app contains no letters, no description. Children can usethis app intuitively and learn how to use this app naturally bydiscovering the game rules with its sound and picture bythemselves.[HOW TO PLAY]1. Choose bouquet or basket2. Choose a wrapping paper / a basket you like.3. Choose a ribbon that suits the selected wrapping paper orbasket.4. Pick your favorite flowers, fruit and leaves.Tap the flower, fruit, or leaf icon to display list of plants atthe top of the screen.From the list, you can drag and drop a plant where you want toplace in the bouquet/basket.When you add more than a certain number of plants, an arrow willappear and lead you to the next stage.5. Decorate your bouquet or basket.You can add wall paper, stamp, or message.6. Save the flowers.You can save arranged flowers as a picture. You can send theflowers to your family and friends.[Tips and Rules]If you want to remove a plant from your bouquet or basket, you candrag and drop the flower to the area outside the bouquet orbasket.If you drag one flower over another flower, you can swap thepositions of the flowers.Double-tap the stamp and message to remove them.[Especially recommended for]- children who love flowers- kids who love paintings and drawings- those who want to give special presents- parents wanting to fill kids' attention in the queue or intransport.- family members wanting to have a great time together.How much you enjoy this app depends on you.[About Kidzapplanet]Kidzapplanet is an application brand providing educationalsmartphone applications for kids between the age of 0 and 6 to helpthem develop their sensibility and intellectual ability.
mimory: こどもを見守るサービス 1.4
Akubigirl's Sweets 1.4
The sweet girl Akubi, the daughter of TheGenie Family, appears out of a bottle when someone yawns in frontof the bottle.Feed Akubi with sweets, and she will transform herself.A must-see app for Akubi fans!Akubi changes her appearance depending on sweets she eats.From Normal Akubi to ?? Akubi, you can meet various Akubi youhaven't seenbefore.You can use rewards for the missions and items from the shop toadvance thegame.You can enjoy the game for free to the ending.So please grow Akubi by little and little everyday.Can you see all forms of Akubi?[How To Play]Tap ingredients appeared in the room to collect them in thebottle.Tap the bottle to go to the kitchen.Select 2 ingredients to make sweets.Tap the sweets you made to feed Akubi.When Akubi eats lots of sweets, she will grow and transformherself.Akubi's appearance depends on what kind of sweets she haseaten.You can also use coins which you can earn by selling sweets andtickets todecorate Akubi's room.Let's create a sweetly decorated room for Akubi![About Akubigirl]Akubigirl is a spin-off from the popular and famous TV animationprogram "The Genie Family". The main character is a daughter of thegreat genie, Akubi, who appears out of a bottle when someone yawnsin front of it. As she is still too young to be a proper genie orwitch, her father sends Akubi to a modern family for training.Akubi loves playing a trick and her adorable character attracts alot of funny trouble.(C)Tatsunoko / Kids・AGPIllustrated by Azumi Shion
Tap & Sound:WONDER RHYTHM2 0+
This is the second in the very popular rhythmeducation app series that children and infants can enjoy!This is a service that lets children enjoy learning and playingwhile getting into the rhythm of children's songs played onpercussion instruments and so on by the sea creatures and forestanimals that children and infants love.It lets children enjoy the sounds and motions of a variety ofobjects, backed up by music loved by children and infants,developing their ability to recognize the shapes and sounds ofanimals and objects.You can enjoy it in a variety of ways, such as touching and shakingaccording to the age (in months) and behavior of your child, ortouching in time to the rhythm of the music, all of which developyour child's sense of rhythm and sensitivity.★How to play★Touch a character on the screen to experience realistic sounds andmotions.Tap the upper right icon to select a song and a scene to enjoy themin your favorite situation.By touching a character in time to the rhythm of the music, yourchild can develop his or her sense of rhythm while having fun atthe same time.In some scenes, characters with a musical scale on them appear, sothat your child can enjoy playing by him or herself as if he or shewere playing the piano.Needless to say, the app enables you to learn pure sounds withoutmusic, so you can play it according to your child's age (in months)and his or her environment.Both the parent and child can play eurhythmics together in time tothe rhythm of music.★Recommended ages★This service is intended for children from infants to preschoolers,aged 0 to 6.Both parents and children can enjoy playing it together.★Feature 1★You can select one of three types of scene, namely, children'sfavorite "animals in the forest", "ducks march", and "creatures ofthe sea", and can enjoy realistic sounds and motions.[Animals in the forest] Bear (big drum), tanuki or Japanese raccoon(Japanese drum), deer (cymbal), squirrel (castanet), rabbit(triangle), fox (trumpet):By tapping the animals in time to the rhythm of the music, childrencan enjoy a feeling of playing percussion instruments and developtheir sense of rhythm at the same time.[Ducks march] A mother duck and her children are lined up on themusical scale of do re mi fa sol la si do:Children can develop their ability to distinguish the scale evenwith the same sound, and can also develop their curiosity andenthusiasm to try to play instruments by themselves.[Creatures of the sea] Gull, whale, dolphin, shrimp, octopus,crab:By recognizing actual cries and onomatopoeic words according to thecharacters, children will come to associate them with the motionsof creatures, so that they can develop their imagination andsensitivity.The app uses colors that are easy for infants to recognize, so itcan be used as learning material even by infants of only a fewmonths to develop their sense of rhythm and sensitivity.★Feature 2★Full of songs that both a parent and child can enjoy together andwhich everyone knows!The app can develop a child's sense of rhythm with music, andoffers a variety of eurhythmics and other elements that will enablethem to enjoy learning.Because the songs are familiar to everyone, and all fall under thetheme of children's songs from around the world, even the elderlycan enjoy them together with their grandchild when taking care ofhim or her.This is a free app and you will never be prompted to add pay songsor be concerned about your child purchasing them by mistake. Youcan use it without worry.[Songs used]- The Other Day I Met A Bear- Chorus of frogs- She'll be Coming Round- Father Abraham- Oklahoma Mixer- Korobushka- I've Been Working on the Railroad- Yankee Doodle- Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree- Pachelbel's Canon(10 songs in total)* Because of the popularity of the original app of this series, twosongs have been added!
Baby Sleep:Twinkle MUSIC BOX 1.3
[FOC] An intellectual learning experienceonyour smartphone! You can use the gentle music box game as anappfor enjoyably developing children's sensitivity and ear formusic,and also as a tool for lulling him or her to sleep.This app offers two modes – "lullaby mode" for lulling a babyorchild to sleep and "play mode" for developing a child'scolorrecognition and ear for music."Lullaby mode" is intended to relax a baby or child withgentlemusic box sounds and lovable animations, with 5-, 10-,and15-minute timer settings, to lull him or her to sleep, likealullaby."Play mode" is a game mode in which motifs of animals, stars,andprincesses appear in different colors in time to the music fromthemusic box, and the child taps those motifs that are ofspecifiedcolors, in order.The app uses songs and motifs that children and infants love,andsimultaneously develops their ear for music, sense of color,andsensitivity.This is a free app and you will never be prompted to addpaystages or be concerned about your child purchasing them bymistake.You can use it without worry.★Recommended ages and learning content★Children aged 0 to 2.■Sense of color: Letting children play by showing them twoormore colors can develop their sense of color.■Ear for music: Listening to the variety of songs offered bythisapplication can develop a child’s ear for music.★How to play★The colors to tap are specified in order in the upper part ofthescreen, in time to the music from the music box.Then, 3-color motifs appear on the main screen. Tap the motifsinthe previously specified colors in the correct order.If you tap them in the correct order, the motifs will burstwithtwinkling sound effects.★Description of stages★[Castle at night]A motif of a princess appears with a music box arrangement of"SomeDay My Prince Will Come" playing as the backgroundmusic.This stage lets a girl learn while enjoying the feeling ofbecominga princess – something most girls dream of.[Child's room at night]A motif of a toy soldier appears with a music box arrangementof"Grandfather's Clock" playing as the background music.This stage lets a boy learn while feeling the excitement of atoymoving in a somewhat mysterious child's room at night.[Night sky]A motif of a star appears with "Twinkle, twinkle, littlestar"playing as the background music.The fantastic star animation and the gentle music from the musicboxhelp children to relax.[Ranch at night]A motif of a cute sheep appears with a music box arrangementof"Mary Had a Little Lamb" playing as the background music.You can use this stage as a lullaby under the theme of "whenitcomes to sleeping, that's where sheep come in".[Festival in the forest]A motif of a butterfly appears with a music box arrangement of"TheMusic Man" playing as the background music.In the forest, animals hold a festival every night. With thisstage,you can be friends with such animals and have funtogether.[Castle at noon]A motif of a bear prince and princess couple appears with ahousearrangement of "Some Day My Prince Will Come" playing asthebackground music.With this busy, bright stage, you can teach a child whiledevelopinghis or her cheerfulness better.[Carnival]A motif of a rabbit dressed in Rio's Carnival costume appearswith"Hey-Ho" playing as the background music.Children can learn a sense of rhythm and a sense of colorwhileenjoying the fireworks and the cute rabbit.