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Gdzie Jest Tanie Piwo 1.9
Aplikacja która pokazuje aktualne promocje napiwo w wybranych sieciach handlowych na terenie Polski. Zamiastprzeglądać wszystkie gazetki promocyjne i szukać gdzie najtaniejmożna kupić twoje ulubione piwko - zainstaluj tą aplikację :). Napoczątku wyświetli się lista piw które są w promocji. Po kliknięciuw nazwę piwa otrzymasz skrócone informacje dotyczące promocji takiejak:- nazwa piwa na które jest promocja- sklep w którym można kupić to piwo- data kiedy kończy się promocja- ile kosztuje 1 butelka/puszka tego piwa- ile kosztuje zestaw piwa jeżeli promocja dotyczy np. większejilości sztuk.Po kliknięciu w te informacje otrzymasz szczegółowe informacjetakie jak:- nazwa piwa na które jest promocja- ile kosztuje 1 butelka/puszka tego piwa- ile trzeba kupić sztuk żeby załapać się na promocję- ile kosztuje zestaw piwa jeżeli promocja dotyczy np. większejilości sztuk- jaka jest pojemność tego piwa- co to za promocja (np. drugie piwo za 50% ceny)- rodzaj opakowania (butelka/puszka)- nazwa sklepu w którym jest promocja- data zakończenia promocjiW panelu ze szczegółowymi informacjami znajduje się guzik onazwie "Znajdź Najbliższy Sklep" który przekieruje cię do googlemaps i pokaże gdzie znajduje się sklep w którym jest oglądana przezciebie promocja.W aplikacji nie ma informacji kiedy zaczyna się określonapromocja, ponieważ wyświetlają się tylko aktualne promocje którejuż obowiązują.Promocje są wyszukiwane w następujących sklepach:- Biedronka- Carrefour Hipermarket- E.Leclerc- Freshmarket- Kaufland- Lidl- PoloMarket- Simply- Tescooraz innych.Aby aplikacja działała niezbędne jest połączenie z Internetem -aplikacja za każdym razem po uruchomieniu łączy się z serwerem iściąga aktualne promocje.The application whichshows the current specials on beer at selected retail chains inPolish. Instead of viewing all the promotional newsletters and lookwhere the cheapest you can buy your favorite beer - Install thisapplication :). At the beginning of the displayed list of beersthat are on promotion. When you click on the name of the beer youwill receive summarized information on promotions such as:- The name of the beer which is to promote- Shop where you can buy a beer- The date when it ends a promotion- How much it costs 1 bottle / can of beer- How much beer kit if the promotion applies to eg. A larger numberof units.After clicking on the information you get detailed informationsuch as:- The name of the beer which is to promote- How much it costs 1 bottle / can of beer- How much you need to buy pieces to catch up on promotion- How much beer kit if the promotion applies to eg. A greaternumber of pieces- What is the capacity of this beer- What is for the promotion (eg. Second beer for 50% of theprice)- The type of packaging (bottle / can)- The name of the shop which is to promote- Date of completion promotionThe panel detailing is a button called "Find the nearest shop"which will take you to google maps and show where there is a shopwhich is viewed by you promotion.In the application, there is no information when it begins tospecific promotion, because it only displays the current promotionsalready in place.Promotions are searched for in the following stores:- Ladybug- Carrefour Hypermarket- E.Leclerc- Freshmarket- Kaufland- Lidl- POLOmarket- Simply- Tescoand others.To make the application work is necessary to connect to theInternet - the application every time you start connects to theserver and pulls current promotions.
Discoman Platformer 1.0
The hero wants to get into the disco club.Help him in this. Watch out for the guards. Open the door with thecard. Use the rope to jump through the holes. Shoot the guards tokill them. Use telephone booth as the spawn point.
Roll Meth Ball 3D 1.0
Use accelerometer of your device to rolltheball ! Collect diamonds to earn points !Watch out for obstacles. If meth ball collide with barrelofmethylamine, the barrel will explode!The game has nine fantastic levels.
Trollface - Falling Ball 1.0
Drop balls to make points!
DTP - Device Test Pro 1
This application allow you totestaccelerometer, vibration, touch screen and give youinformationabout your device.This is list of functions:Device Info - list of informations about your device:- Processor Type- Processor Count- Device Type-- Device Model- System Memory Size- Graphics Device Name- Graphics Device Vendor- Graphics Device Vendor ID- Graphics Memory Size- Graphics Pixel Fillrate- Graphics Shader Level- Graphics Device Version- Device Unique Identifier- Operating SystemSupports List - List of informations what yourdevicesuport:- Supports Shadows- Supports Sparse Textures- Supports Stencil- Supports Vibration- npot Support- Supported Render Target Count- Supports 3D Textures- Supports Accelerometer- Supports Compute Shaders- Supports Gyroscope- Supports Image Effects- Supports Instancing- Supports Location Service- Supports Render Textures- Supports Render To CubemapOriention Test - change angle of your device to to seethecurrent orientation. (Portrait/Unknow/PotraitUpsideDown/LandscapeRight/Landscape Left/Face Down/Face Up).Shake Test - shake your device to vibrate box on the scene.Accelerometer - roll your device to roll the ball onthescene.Vibration Test - push the button to run vibration for3second.Touch Test 1 - Touch the screen to count nunber ofyourfingers.Touch Test 2 - Touch and hold finger on your screen torotatefirst box, when you start to move this finger - the secondboxstart to rotate.Touch Test 3 - Touch screen and move your finger to movethebox.Swipe Test - swipe the screen in four directions torotatebox.
BurpPhone - BekoFon 1.2
Click on the buttons to play burp samples.Use"Choose Pitch" slider to change pitch of burp samlpes. Use "Playinloop" buton to play all burp samples in order.
Trollface Tower Defense Mini 1.2
Jump and shot from bazzoka to kill enemies!After your dead, send your score to the global highscoretable!
Flappy Walter 1.3
Jump to avoid barrels with Methylamine!Afterthat jump to the camper to finish level!
Bumpkin Racer Free 1.0
Mr. Bumpkin need your help! Use analogjoystickto control his bike. Grab candys and fruits to earnpoints. Watchout for bombs !.
Angry Trollfaces 1.1
Angry trollfaces need your help! Useslingshotto firing trollfaces! Kill all enemies to win!. Remember,bigtrollfaces have special opportunities - touch them during theflyto apply those opportunities.
This app lets you see how quickly your phone / tabletdisplaysanimations. This app has a fps counter which shows thespeed of thedisplayed frames under load. There are 24 animationoptions,including eight 3D animation and sixteen 2D animation.Duringdisplaying the animation you will get information like: -Systemname; - Processor name; - Api name and type; - Shader model,fillspeed, v-ram memory; - Total RAM memory; - Screen resolutionanddisplay speed; - Window size and dpi resolution. In addition,thereare eight scenes (green buttons) in which you can testtheaccelerometer, the gyroscope, the magnetic sensor, thelightsensor, and you can view the details (scene30: Statistics).
Boxface Platformer 2D 1.7
Platform game with Boxface. Walk, jump and collect 50 cents ! Haveafun!