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Password Safe Lite 3.2.4
Internet Free version for those of you who do not like puttingyourpasswords in an app that has internet access.Try this app for as long as you like by using Password SafePro.ITS THE SAME APP but with less permissions. Come back and buythisif you like it.Password safe with backup/restore to DropboxThis is a trial version that allows a maximum of 10 cards.ALWAYS backup your data before updating. Phonesmalfunctionsometimes.We cannot help users who post in comments as commentsareanonymous and we do not know how to get in touch with you.WE CANNOT HELP IF WE DO NOT KNOW YOU NEED HELPIf you are reading this on a site that is not the officialGooglePlay Store, please stop now and go to http://goo.gl/mpWd2 as the information hereisprobably out of date. This app is ONLY distributed in PlayStore.Any other sites that have this app could have attachedmalware toit.---------------------------------------------------------Keep all your web logins, credit card pin numbers, eveninsurancedocument numbers on your phone and take them everywhereyou go.Your data is securely encrypted and can only be accessedbyentering the password you choose.FULL LIST of permissions and WHY they are required is on thewebsite.If you need assistance, please use the support channel on ourwebsite.Features* Store your passwords etc securely using 128 or 256 BitAESencryption* Free field entry. Name your fields however you like withnorequirement to have fields you don't need* Save common entries as templates for reuse* Full database backup to SD card.* Over 100 built in icons as well as custom icons* Multiple Colour Themes* Direct link from URL, Phone and Email fields (Just presstheicon)* Remote data wipe via SMS (hence SMS read permission)* Shake to ShowAdd our page to your G+ circles to keep informed of news andnewdevelopments about Password Safe. http://goo.gl/zzGv0
Password Safe Pro 3.4.21
This app is now discontinued.After over 5 years it is surely showing its age.Instead, please check out our new "Material Design" passwordmanagement app that is now available.Our new app "Lockrz" was written from scratch and for currentPassword Safe users, can import your data directly.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.kuffs.lockr
Lockrz Password Safe 1.0.40
No longer supported. This app is still here for previous customersto install. Whilst the primary purpose of Lockrz is to keep yourpasswords safe, you can also keep insurance data, birthdays and pinnumbers. In fact any data that you want to keep encrypted away fromprying eyes. This is a 14 trial version of Lockrz and you canpurchase an unlock license within the app which as well as enablingtime unlimited access to the app, also removes the ads. Somethingyou don't like? Let us know before posting negative reviews. Wehave lost count of the reviews in our other apps asking forfeatures that already exist or criticising features because theydon't do what YOU want or expect. We are all different. Ask andwe'll explain the decisions and if necessary, amend our thinking.App development is driven by YOU. This is a new app and is thefirst public release. If you hit any issues, please let us know sowe can properly investigate. Thank you.---------------------------------------------------------Distributed exclusively through Google Play Store. We do notactively monitor the review section so please post questions etc toour forums.--------------------------------------------------------- HeadlineFeatures * Import your data directly from Kuffs Password Safe * Nomore backup\Restore. Now with sync so make a change on one device,it appears on your others. * Store your passwords etc securelyusing 256 Bit AES encryption * Send data to your android weardevice so it is ready when you are. * Free field entry. Name yourfields however you like with no requirement to have fields youdon't need * Save common entries as templates for reuse * Sharedatabases with family members * Sync your data to multiple cloudproviders or leave it only on your device. Your choice. * Your datais ONLY ever decrypted in your devices memory. All workingdatabases and backup files are ALWAYS encrypted. * Many built inicons as well as the ability to use custom icons of your choice. *Direct link from URL, Phone and Email fields (Just press the iconbeside the field) * Fingerprint authentication (device permitting)
Password Safe Pro License 3.1.2
This license app is now OBSOLETE. Do notbuy.It is here for existing customers only.From Version 3 onwards, Password Safe Pro uses in app billingtoupgrade from the trial version and so does not need aseparatelicense.This license will continue to be available forpreviouspurchasers to download but new users should upgrade withintheapp.
Lightwaver for LightwaveRF™ 3.7
This is a 7 day trial version. You can upgradewithin the app to unlock full functionality.See Google Plus page at http://goo.gl/QWfRN for more informationand for some handy hints and tips that have been posted on the G+Community page.I do not look at bug reports submitted by the Android system.They are useless. If you need help, please get in touchdirectly.Lightwaver allows you to control your LightwaveRF HomeAutomation products.http://www.lightwaverf.comThese are the same products as sold by B&Q but repackaged asSiemenshttp://www.diy.com/nav/fix/electrical/room-controlYou will need:At least one socket, switch or dimmer.The LightwaveRF WiFi link hardware.To use the Android TV functions, you will need an Android TV devicerunning at least Android 5 Lollipop.The hardware needs to be set up correctly. I cannot help youwith this but it is not difficult and full instructions come withthe hardware. Once set up, it works in the exact same way as thededicated remote controls. Simply treat the app as a remote controland pair your hardware devices with the software devices in theapp.Alternatively, if you exactly match the rooms & devices inthe same order as in the LightwaveRF manager on the web, then thereis no need to pair any device, it will work right away (assumingthe official app already works)This app does not use the LightwaveRF portal unless you are awayfrom home. It communicates directly with your WiFilink so is muchfaster.*Why would I use this instead of the official app*- Multiple locations.- SSID detection for routing commands.- Built in Tasker plugin.- Voice control.- Android Wear support- Android TV support- NFC Task Launcher compatibility- Homescreen and lock screen widgets- Designed to be pure Android- Fully customisable icons- To support a home developer.- Backup data to Google Drive- Good developer support.LightwaveRF have not released their heating API to 3rd partydevelopers so there is no way to incorporate heating function.Please complain about that one to them not me. It is out of myhands.
Alarmed 1.05
** Due to lack of interest, this app is no longer being developed**** Please do not buy it unless you are sure it works with yourpanel** Software controller for selected Texecom Elite Alarmpanels fromhttp://www.texe.com Features: ** Note that features maydepend onthe type of panel you have ** * Arming, Part Arming &Disarmingof selected areas. * View flags for each area showingwhat parts ofthe system are open or may need attention. * Softwarekeypad whichallows you to do anything you can do from the realkeypad. * Seestatus of in use zones and omit them if required. *View systemoutputs. * View and control X10 outputs * View andcontrol PCoutputs. * View the panel event log * View panel powerstats_____________________________________________ SupportedPanels withFirmware 2.11.18: Note that I do not have X10 devicesso this partis untested on all panels Texecom Premier Elite 24Texecom PremierElite 48 Texecom Premier Elite 88 Texecom PremierElite 168 Otherpanels\firmwares may work. I only have one panel totest with so amunable to confirm the app 100% compatible with anypanel not listed.As I do not have a panel to test with, Alarmed isnot compatiblewith Premier 412 Premier 816 Premier 832 Pleaseavoid 1 star reviewsof the sort "Not working on my xxxxxPanel\firmware". There isnothing that makes it less likely that Iwould want to help you.Similarly, if your panel is not listed andthe app does work, pleaselet me know and I will add it to the listof supported panels.
Kuffs UDP Tester 1.0
UDP Testing tool