Leonardo De Laurentiis برنامه ها

Ultimate Blink Led 1.0
With the app Ultimate Blink Led you canfinally better manage all notifications (LED,vibration,ringtone) ofdifferent app,as well as to handle the notifications about thecharging status of your phone (e.g. if you are charging the batteryvia USB cable,via the electrical mains or if your battery is fullycharged).For each app supported you can manage the LED color and the patternin which the same LED switches on and off when you receive anotification message. In addition you will also be able tocustomize the time of vibration and ringing tone associated witheach notification. This app will also install a new layout fornotifications, so as to make the user experience a trulycomprehensive and engaging experience. From the inside of the appyou can at any time check your current settings by accessing themenu tab " My settings", as well as to activate/deactivate the appat any time!!For proper operation of this app, you must provide a unique apppermission:the access to notifications. It states that as a matterof internal design of Android, every time you restart your phoneyou will need to provide permission to access the notifications,butdo not worry if you forget it, you will be given a warning fromthis app every time the phone is turned on.The app currently supported are:Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook, Telegram, Shazam, Outlook, Gmail, SMS,Messenger, Instagram and Slack.As previously mentioned, you can also customize the LED for the 3events:-Battery charging via USB cable-Battery charging via the electrical mains-Battery fully chargedIn the lite version the support is obviously reduced and is limitedto the sms and the three events described above , regarding thebattery charge.
DifferenziatARocca 1.1
Leonardo De Laurentiis
All'interno di questa App, dall'interfacciamolto semplice ed intuititiva, non solo potrai visionare latipologia di raccolta differenziata in programma per la giornata dioggi, ma avrai anche a disposizione la possibilità di selezionareun giorno qualsiasi dell'anno (tramite il bottone "Calendario")oppure un giorno tra "domani" e "dopodomani", per avere sempre adisposizione il quadro della raccolta differenziata a portata diSmartphone! Come funzionalità aggiuntiva, è possibile inserire unpiccolo widget dell'applicazione nella schermata home del tuodispositivo Android, in modo da poter avere informazione sullaraccolta odierna senza dover necessariamente accedere all'appstessa!!Within this App, theinterface very simple and intuititiva, not only can you view thetype of waste collection scheduled for the day today, but you willalso have available the option to select any day of the year(through button "Calendar") or a day of "tomorrow" and "tomorrow",to always have the framework of the collection at your Smartphone!As an additional feature, you can insert a small widget applicationon the home screen of your Android device, so you can getinformation on the collection today without having to access theapp itself !!