Loban Intelekt برنامه ها

Are you extrasensory? 1.0.2
Loban Intelekt
If you are extrasensory or not? Intuition,senses and feelings, paranormal abilities or magical skills - itall come from mysterious side and unbelievable human power.Fortunately, each person possess the sixth sense. But not eachknows how to use it.Very often a person does not pay attention to his flair thatgives a cue, prompts the right way. Others, backwards, listen totheir intuition, follow it's recommendations. And some may developextrasensory and become magician. But mostly people think that itis a waste of time. Anyway, the sixth sense still lives inside ofus.Are you extrasensory? How well your sixth sense works and helpsyou to choose the right way? Pass the test online and find out yourlevel of extrasensory. Probably you will start to respect andlisten to your inner feeling and develop it.
Your intelligence (IQ) 1.2.1
Loban Intelekt
*******************The purpose of the test IQ******************The methods of the test are developed to estimate the level ofintelligence, classify if the testee possess lateral thinking. Thetest is designed for people 18-50 y.o. with education not lowerthan secondary.******************Rules*******************For completing the test you are given only 30 minutes. Don'twaste the time on one question of the test. Probably you are on thewrong way and it would be better to skip to another task. But don'ttreat it too simple as well and don't give up! Most of exercisescan be solved if you only be a little bit persistently. To continuechewing on one task or skip to the next one your common sense willtell. Remember, that questions are getting complicated more andmore from beginning to the end. Every person can solve many tasks,but no one can do all in 30 minutes.The answer of the question consists of 1 letter, word or number.Sometimes you have to make choice from several given options.Sometimes you have to create your own answer. The answer you musttype in a certain place. If you don't know, it is better not towrite at random. But if you have an idea, although you are notsure, better write a possible answer.The test does not contain tricky or captious tasks, but thereare always few ways to get correct result. Before solving, makesure you have understood the exercise correctly and you know whatis needed. It will waste your time.